
Criminal Behavior Quotes

There are 265 quotes

"Do you commit crimes because you are a criminal, or do you become a criminal because you commit a crime?"
"My choice to believe and behave this paranoia culminated into criminal activity for which I stand before you today, ready to take accountability."
"Prior criminal history is one of the best predictors of future criminal activity, but that doesn't mean everyone who commits a crime will continue doing so."
"By investigating smaller crimes, you might unveil someone that's doing an extremely large amount of smaller crimes."
"The serial killer appears composed and rather reserved on the surface, but beneath this misleading visage that smiles before the naked eye, lurks a sinister brand of rage and stomach-churning sadism."
"We learn about how criminal behavior tends to escalate over time, this means that we do often have warnings before somebody engages in this type of behavior."
"Criminals don't respond to controls; they're uncontrollable."
"A serial killer never stops. They may stop for a period of time, but they never stop completely, and they will always start up again."
"He liked taking things from people without their permission, even their lives."
"It's so disgusting when we see politicians using criminal behavior for political gain."
"It's such a good point... if you are a criminal doing crimey things, don't run for public office."
"One of the commonalities among mass murderers is that often they feel emasculated."
"There's no denying that Richard Chase's mental health had a big impact."
"The terrifying truth is that Christopher Wilder was not unique."
"He was a predator abducting girls and young women from their own front yards in broad daylight."
"Once he decided he was going to kill that particular victim, he would create those folders."
"Criminals don't obey law exactly, so you are limiting law-abiding people."
"You need to have that so that the people who are doing the bad thing say you know what maybe I shouldn't do this..."
"With each killing, Gacy refined his methods, learned from his mistakes, and improved on his successes."
"The guy's an [ __ ] and he's a scumbag criminal and he did it and he doesn't care about you. He doesn't. So, and he doesn't. He's not losing any sleep over it."
"She's pretending that nothing happened with the police."
"I think she attacked him, I literally think she set him on fire while he was sleeping."
"There is simply no indication that Duggar will ever take the steps necessary to change this pattern of behavior."
"Criminal sociopaths, though, rarely hang up their gloves in their prime."
"Suffering abuse and trauma in one's youth is typically another cause of a person's development into a serial killer via the exacerbation of their antisocial personality disorder."
"Cousins did not want to leave a witness... because he fully intended to kill her."
"First, breaking into a house while the occupant is not at home burglary then possibly watching her in their home learning her behavior their patterns stalking."
"Gary Newman deserves a life behind bars for his grossly permitted plan to deceive, seduce, and murder Carly."
"I said dope fiend larceny that's the [ __ ]."
"Kemper embodied something Douglas found in all serial predators he interviewed."
"Four out of five criminals use social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Google Maps to find their targets."
"The person who kills the individual intentionally is a more evil person, a more corrupt person, a less virtuous person."
"Josh had been doing this for years, even friends believe he never stopped."
"This person, this wasn't their first time doing something like this."
"The face of an abuser, liable of sexual abuse, who has caused a great deal of pain and suffering and torture."
"He left in the Atteros' car. The circumstances surrounding the crimes didn't immediately scream serial killer."
"History is littered with examples of normal people being persuaded to act in deviant criminal or irrational ways."
"If you're gonna be a serial killer, dude, you know what I'm saying, you gotta do it right. Yeah, it's the Dahmer one, just play it."
"Shane later tells police that his brother sent him a text, Timothy said 'Oops, wrong door.' That's all the text said, heartless, inhumane, 'Oops, wrong door.'"
"If she hadn't been caught on her first kill, there's almost a hundred percent chance that she would have killed again."
"Named Pazuzu, that's going around bragging about the fact that he had just recently killed someone."
"So what made him snap and suddenly decide to shoot people instead of Buffalo and donkeys and things?"
"He was capable of cold-blooded murders with no remorse, no feeling, no nothing."
"A man who had just allegedly shot his mother in the back of the head gave a reminiscent smile when she was brought up in the discussion."
"It is a sign of criminal behavior of antisocial behavior, it's a sign that you're a serial killer if you have a weird fascination with police equipment and police work."
"Once you become a rat, all your relevance is gone, man. Hey, you can't say nothing good about a rat."
"He admitted, that's it. Next revelation, he killed his brother solely for self-serving purposes."
"This guy, he kept it all. And that alone is something you hardly ever see in criminal cases."
"Just because you say something in broad daylight doesn't automatically make it not criminal."
"Serial killers are dangerous. There isn't one who comes out in that category as 'mildly annoying serial killer.'"
"An individual who was very bright, somebody that people admired in spite of the fact that he was a heinous murderer."
"He knew what he was doing was wrong from his very first victim."
"How was this killer so calculated and yet so careless at the same time?"
"He knew how to do it. He had read Mindhunter. He had read all these books and he knew what he was doing and he was getting away with it."
"If the house is the target, then that means you're dealing with a serial burglar who has gone psycho."
"He's barreling like a cannonball in the direction of being a serial killer."
"I think he was stalking their movements for three months before these murders took place that is really freaking scary."
"For being a criminology student and a PhD guy not very bright."
"He was stalking their movements for three months before these murders took place that is really freaking scary."
"Could that have been him and he also for the timing always to be in the middle of the night or the late night hours shows that he wasn't just in the area hanging out necessarily."
"Nicholas Cruz is a product of the environment that we created."
"He actually had a fairly good understanding of forensic techniques."
"It's not okay to steal people's identities and act like a bitch and be a criminal."
"Children can be capable of the most horrific, premeditated, and violent murders."
"When you go toe-to-toe with mother nature, sometimes it can end really, really badly."
"His attack on Lisa Benson was part of his chilling pattern."
"He did so with the assistance of all of these folks... They looked the other way while these young girls were taken advantage of."
"I am relieved that this dangerous will be off the streets and unable to violently assault women with the help of Scientology."
"He fled and took the church's money. So it wasn't like they let him go, it was very clear that he fled."
"I've never associated with the complete psychopathic monsters who would just torture and kill kids and women and stuff like that."
"He's a horrific human being who's gone out of his way to be a human predator and done it very effectively."
"Steven deliberately giving himself enough time to leave the house, kill Natalie, and then to return home before it ended."
"If they could turn the [ __ ] clock back and go back in time and start over again and not be a criminal they will."
"If you're a repeat violent offender resisting arrest, there's a much higher likelihood that this ends violently."
"Why do you think so many of these predators ended up in the priesthood?"
"An unhinged man with crazy eyes approached some hikers at twilight as it was getting dark. He behaved in a deranged and aggressive manner before stabbing a man till his end with a 17-inch weapon."
"He's abusing his power, can you believe that? They're doing it again, they said what he did to the Georgia Secretary of State on that phone call was criminal."
"The Scavenger is a criminal customer very much like a shoplifter."
"Kim was a victim before he was a perpetrator."
"Darknet sites... profit from the sexual exploitation of children... among the most vile and reprehensible forms of criminal behavior."
"Criminals are typically dumb and arrogant, they will eventually mess up and expose themselves."
"The suspect always, always just really thinking about themselves."
"If criminals have never smiled, just like you."
"It is a demonstrable fact that the pain and suffering caused by the action of raping a child is greater than the momentary pleasure that might be felt by the rapist."
"Perhaps the story of Aaron Hernandez is a story of the perfect storm - too much stress, too much damage to the brain, he was too young, too impulsive, and given too much power."
"CTE doesn't explain elements like criminal behavior, deceitfulness, reckless disregard for safety, consistent irresponsibility, and the lack of remorse."
"There is no identified political or ideological motivation for the shooting."
"Höss was somebody who could appear socially normal but who was almost totally lacking in any capacity for empathy towards others."
"There's not good data to support deterrence theory...most people...don't think they're going to get caught."
"A horrifying crime appeared unmotivated, senseless, and random."
"Daniel Bartleum and Daniel Bartland's character in this show was that he was a serial rapist and he murdered his own mother..."
"Desperate and having nowhere else to turn, Jason concocted his plan."
"His violence has a profound effect on his victims."
"He executes his crimes with military precision."
"He removed Mikaelson's boots and put them on his own feet."
"This is still a sick individual, and what they've done goes beyond far than just hacking databases or facilitating the sale of illegal information. That's honestly, in my opinion, like 10 steps below the CP charges."
"Horn had chosen a date when Tammiel would be out of the house, his only show of mercy in this heinous crime."
"When a suspect acts defensive... this can be a red flag for deception."
"In contrast Christopher allegedly stated that if given the chance nothing could prevent him from killing again."
"The killings are almost an OCD compulsion... how he wants to present himself, how does he want to use this moment to maximize his fame."
"With all the stories we tell, murder hobos may seem like a title that's only given out to the hardened psychopaths that come once in a blue moon, but in reality, they're actually pretty common."
"We talk about honor amongst thieves; we got to stop being thieves."
"The mountain man is a different type of killer, he doesn't just do it for fun."
"Stealing money from clients and a narcotic addiction doesn't explain maybe all, well, killing your wife and son."
"There is no honor among thieves; take it from me."
"The moment you set a building on fire, the moment you assault a woman with a 2x4, your feelings don't matter. You are a victimizer, not a victim."
"The victims of his crimes were nothing more than guinea pigs to him, just test subjects, just games to play until they eventually succumbed to his poisons and died."
"He is the first serial killer to transfer those skills onto the internet."
"If we are to go back to our question... this man would have kept killing women until he was caught."
"This was an act of violence. This wasn't an act of, 'Hey lady, give me your purse, I'm gonna steal your truck.' It wasn't anything like that. This was an act that was done clearly to kill Julie."
"Shishovsky claimed diminished responsibility, apparently hearing voices in his head on the day and revealing how the weeks prior were filled with rows with his wife, depression, and heavy drinking."
"Jeffrey Epstein's relationships were all utilitarian. If you couldn't help him make money or molest children, he wouldn't have anything to do with you."
"This was a straight body dump, an attempt to get rid of the most incriminating evidence against him."
"Those who have criminal minds and criminal intent, they gravitate to criminal content."
"A murderer walking away with a murder weapon...still has the potential to kill again."
"What's funny about fraudsters is how arrogant they typically are to believe no one will find out about their fraudulent scheme."
"Robert Baldwin knew what he was doing was wrong and went to great lengths to hide what he was doing from the authorities."
"Just the sheer amount of things that he did and people he killed and crimes he committed is absolutely insane."
"He did abuse his wife and had the last two years in jail..."
"The man's a pedophile... it's a legitimate vulnerability... what can be done to stop it."
"If a serial killer only murdered one person this month instead of two I'm not gonna give him a handshake and a slap on the back."
"The criminals who we have have no concern about anybody else around them...they are parasites."
"He was willing to give the information but it wasn't because he felt bad about what he did it wasn't because he wanted the families have closure or he needed to get it off his chest it was just to save his own ass essentially."
"All that matters when it comes to that part of it is: are you a danger to others? And if you are, you just cannot be a part of society. That's it."
"He's a new breed of murderer and with a new breed of murderer, you better bet your bottom dollar that there are many more evolving."
"Despite Wesley's troubling early behavior, few would have imagined he would grow into a man capable of murder."
"The judge summed up the case by describing Beverley Allit as a very evil lady."
"Innocent people look, point, stare. Bad guys are the ones not looking up."
"Dr. Ortiz cloaked himself in the white coat of a Healer but instead of curing pain he inflicted it."
"The fact that she was so blatantly lying and making up the craziest stories is insane."
"This was a crime of passion, of seething malice."
"Investigators believe she was in a frenzy of greed."
"I always want to try and take a psychological perspective into what transforms a person into a killer."
"Criminals don't give a [ __ ] pass the laws, they're still gonna own the guns."
"That's not an insult to law enforcement, that's just we as detectives look for the mistakes."
"What a piece of [ __ ] of a human being, man. Absolutely, I can't... I don't think there's words to describe someone who'd kidnap their own nephew, cut their finger off and kill him for some money."
"A killer is always going to be a killer whether here at night. I guess Alpo was."
"He deserves to be in prison for the rest of his life... He put them through torture all just because he was greedy and too proud to ask for money himself."
"Destroy him as a child... he'll grow up to be a gangster."
"He was a prolific sex offender and pedophile."
"Alexander began leaving his victims' bodies out in the open... indicating he wanted the police to find them."
"Evil people will commit evil no matter what. Going after firearms is the dumbest thing ever."
"If he ever got free, they knew he would come back."
"This man, Dellen Millard, doesn't realize how off these questions are. It's like he's a psychopath, so he doesn't understand that a normal person wouldn't do this."
"Scott Peterson isn't somebody who does things emotionally or on impulse. He's a planner."
"Criminals do not follow the law or a public health order."
"Kroll may have gone on to kill many more women, but..."
"What he's accused of doing goes way beyond murder."
"These are people who livestreamed their crimes, beat up police officers, some even defecated in the halls of Congress, and yet only a handful were put in the back of a police cruiser that day."
"After weeks of a methamphetamine-induced rampage, Charles Moses finally slowed down."
"I just initially thought it was just some psycho who ended up like becoming what he did but his upbringing, his childhood... it's just absolutely [__] crazy."
"This dude's twisted, and this is only the stuff we can catch."
"The greatest criminals are the ones who want to depress wages for immigrants and for American workers."
"They're disgusting, they're cruel, they're evil, and they don't deserve to be out in the public ever again."
"Atheists have existed so long and yet you don't see that being people's motivations for doing terrible crimes to others."
"A very stark reminder that even with all the technological improvements in the world, there are people who will continue to find ways to commit their dark and evil deeds."
"I don't think this is his first rodeo. You do not get to this level of violence instantaneously."
"Absolutely and the split it's it's perfectly possible for them not only to come across as but to be."
"This is a pedophile, straight up. Somebody said they were still young enough to be preyed upon."
"Raping and sexually assaulting underage girls is violent."
"It's undoubtedly strange behavior for a man destined to spend the rest of his life in prison."
"We do have evidence that he is threatening them with a gun or they're noticing a gun while he's accosting them."
"A troubled home life filled with death is something that you see in a lot of serial killers."
"He is a sociopathic predator. He thinks he's done nothing wrong." - Rose McGowan on Harvey Weinstein
"He's a classic batterer, minimizing injury and showing arrogance."
"He's desperate, he's gonna do anything he can to get away."
"Criminals do not care about laws. That's why they're criminals."
"Criminals always come back to the scene of the crime."
"He starts taunting the police, literally, saying, 'Well, of course you think you may know, but actually I know, and what's more, I can prove it. Here's some examples.'"
"That's not good because when bad folks have problems, they do bad things."
"Killers have their own warped reasons for murder. Some kill for love, some seek vengeance, and others hope to line their pockets with blood money."
"Whoever did this, this was absolutely not their first time, and I would argue that it wasn't their last."
"If there isn't trust among thieves, then we're probably pretty good thieves. So I'll consider that a good start."
"Without a leader, they're just criminals. They'll follow."
"Judge Joel T. Lazarus sentenced Lionel Tate to life in prison, saying that his acts were not that of a playful child."
"No remorse for those kids he killed and living on like nothing happened is a big red flag."
"I never met a bank robber who only robbed one bank."
"Officer Hopp's conduct is certainly criminal and reprehensible."
"This is a sub human this person is a monster how could you kill a beautiful defenseless six-year-old child on christmas day."
"We had to drive right up to the guy's driveway, park the car in the driveway. Bob would open up the garage, you know, clip a lock if you had to clip the lock and just help himself to the motorcycle and just pull it out."
"He was a violent serial offender. He was a vile individual and a blister on the side of Greater Manchester."
"There's a link between higher intake of sugar and fast food before age 10 and later life criminal behavior."
"Some killers choose to lay their victims to rest unceremoniously."
"This man is dangerous he's proven that not once not twice but three times now."
"My garbage person is Reuben Varus Tagui, a former senior ad designer for the Republican National Committee who called the sexual abuse of babies his quote absolute favorite."
"These guys are just stupid thugs because they carried this Mission out with strategy and adapted to the situation."
"Escaped criminals believe they have nothing to lose. They'll do anything to avoid capture."
"Offenders rack up more victims than we ever care to even think about."
"Sexual harassment isn't flirting, it's criminal."
"He just leaves us with someone who can only be described in two words: a sexual predator."
"Trump is the perfect criminal in any kind of minor to major violation of said law."
"Criminals are also humans and humans make mistakes."
"Criminals don't give a damn about politicians' laws."
"Who knows how long he would have gone on killing people."
"He had no regard for human life, he had no regard for the feelings of the families that are left behind. He didn't care."
"The actions of a serial killer may be horrible to behold but much of the public simply cannot look away."
"These predators, they keep on getting new victims, new younger victims, and more and more."
"That's insane, I think hammering someone to death..."
"Not every serial killer has a signature routine, but some of them are found to exhibit a pattern of behavior either before, during, or after committing a crime."