
Approach Quotes

There are 2191 quotes

"It suggests that there's something about getting up and approaching that person, your body going here I come, that makes a person energized, feel more romantic, feel more chemistry is happening, and more likely to ask on a date."
"I try really hard to be nuanced and to have an honest approach with things."
"I think the way we have to approach all of these things is with empathy."
"To me, productivity is am I having fun along the way because the more fun I have, the more productive I naturally am."
"Sometimes, the simplest approach is the most effective."
"We're going to approach this number one acknowledging our mistake."
"Run toward it not from it. That is unflinching fearlessness."
"If you really want to help somebody and if you really want to see them improve, there is a way to do that."
"If you want to persuade someone, the basic rule is talk to the elephant first."
"I've realized it's better to have fun with the game instead of being so technical with it."
"A better way of going about things is to do it from a little bit more of a fun, playful, lighthearted energy."
"Sometimes it's best, I think, just to change your approach and just completely forget about results and just go clean."
"They are realizing that they need to change their approach with you. So I feel like that's what they're intending right now, is a total change in direction, change of approach."
"Try to approach somebody from the front, give a greeting, make eye contact, and tell the patient what you're going to do and what you have."
"How you do what you do is more important than what you do."
"Approach people from a place of love and concern, not arrogance."
"Empathy is the centerpiece of any challenge we take on."
"The best way, as has been proven by recent history, is the liberal approach...tackle racism rigorously whenever it occurs."
"The whole idea of aiming for something to get away from something doesn't make sense. It's not a very integrated approach to life."
"It's not about going cold turkey. It's more about moderated, controlled, positive use of this technology."
"When you want to make a revolution, you don't go around; you go through."
"Human beings need a frame, in order to be effective. Like, 'Okay, this is the world and then this is going to be how I'm going to approach the world.'"
"They really want to come towards you and speak their truth."
"It's better to be conservative than to overreach."
"Stop overcomplicating it, take your time, and relax. It isn't a race."
"It's about education, not about being antagonistic and trying to get arrested on purpose."
"Approach an ally with kind, loving kindness and respect. And even when we approach an enemy, if you're a warrior, you have to approach an enemy with loving kindness and respect."
"Root cause medicine is the way we need to go forward."
"This person is definitely coming towards you."
"It's not what you do, it's the way that you do it."
"Your only goal is to approach something bad."
"Ultimately I think it should be handled with compassion."
"Being genuinely curious is a really good first step, I think."
"Approach it with a spirit of play and attitude of experimentation."
"This is the loving way to deal with negative energy."
"Conscious politics is unitive rather than divisive."
"I approached it like a business owner, from a sales perspective."
"How you do something is how you do everything."
"You're willing to move forward with this person, but I do like how you're approaching this situation."
"Everybody comes at it at a different way and just kind of goes for it."
"You've just conquered the hardest part. You approached. Well done."
"Approach this from a point of curiosity instead of judgment."
"Learning is a philosophy of how you go about approaching problems."
"You have someone coming towards you after an argument or after a disagreement, and they want to come towards you."
"It's just significantly more manageable approach."
"The best procedure for me has always been to make the best possible thing and then let the craft speak for itself."
"You gotta change the way you [ __ ] think, the way you approach it."
"I think this is the right way to go about it."
"Let's just start with a demonstration of the problem."
"To understand a religion, faith, or any way of life, the correct approach is to learn from the adherents."
"Talking a little bit about how to approach trading as a business."
"You don't have to be nasty, you don't have to be rude or disrespectful. It's all in your approach."
"I think these people are going in with a negative mindset, you have to go with a positive mindset."
"Recognize this is a long conversation you're going to have with yourself, but I think what happens in the beginning of this is we're taking off the wrong approach."
"It's like you got her, can I buy you a drink, can I talk to you for a second?"
"Take it easy, start nice and slow, and be patient, don't force anything."
"Ultimately, finding value and meaning in idolization is possible if approached the right way."
"You want to focus on what I did when I joined chatrooms... That's how you should treat chat rooms."
"Surely a much healthier approach to photography."
"Chris Rock is a great comedian. I hope that I think he's even said it the first time he approached it was more like almost like a roast."
"The solution would be to be aggressively reasonable."
"Let's talk about repairing the relationship instead of attacking."
"Deal with injustice, but don't hate injustice."
"Even just a fraction of that amount of ice melting over the next 50 years could have consequences for people living everywhere on the globe."
"I kind of feel the same way about high schoolers, like if I'm in front of an audience of high school kids and I'm like screaming at them, then I've probably [ __ ] up."
"Let's find out the root of them and work from there up."
"Fiji approached the game with freshness, looseness, and wonder."
"Truth cannot be approached directly. You have to do it through negation."
"Approach people who look down on you with a diplomatic, fascinated mindset."
"The Shootist treats bank robbery like a profession."
"This person loves you, they're coming towards you."
"Using that kind of incremental approach is the best way to go."
"A moderate approach sadly not all futurists take."
"The Witcher mentality is taking that same mentality."
"The way it looks to me is that you are very likely to be approached in the future by person one."
"There's no right or wrong way to do real estate."
"It's not about the problem, it's about how the problem is resolved."
"Start with the positive. Don't begin with condemnation."
"We cannot hold back and we need to also do this film in an understated way."
"Hopefully, along this little journey, I've managed to inspire a little wonder in you as well."
"We've moved away from God, from a Biblical approach."
"At the end of the day, we try to approach things in an optimistic point of view."
"There isn't one right way to do things. There are so many different methods to attack this misfire, and you would not be wrong in picking any one of them."
"It's better to look at it that way instead of being like ooh like I have to do so much because tomorrow's Monday it's literally just a tweak in your mindset."
"I'm trying to be strategic I'm not normally very strategic with things do the things you like least first."
"Everybody's coming at it from a different angle."
"It's so important to approach these things in a healthy and balanced way."
"Things don't have to be exact for me... just eyeball how much it would take."
"Motivation is far more important than the method."
"You don't enter the glory through noisy desperation; you enter through faith-filled confidence."
"The cleanest way to approach is to be bold, direct, honest, and sprinkle a little bit of vulnerability in there."
"There's always multiple ways to approach the problem."
"I do like personally the idea that whatever the goal or objective is, we always approach it from a zero point."
"Psychedelics... It's not just about psychedelics, it's about a new way of approaching our suffering."
"You get a lot more with honey than you do with sour."
"How we do one thing is how we do everything."
"You want to deal with it as lovingly as you can."
"Respect them, we're going to slay them with respect."
"Approach everything with the deepest love that you know."
"It's easier to solve a bigger problem than to solve a small problem."
"Approach the relationship from a clean slate."
"If you're having fun, you're doing it correctly."
"It was approaching the material as an actor."
"Slow down, relax, chill out. That is how to approach a woman, that is how to approach a man."
"There was a method behind the madness: simply get as much money as you can."
"We should be coming at this as a mental, emotional, psychological issue first."
"Get excited, someone's been eyeing you from afar and they're about to approach pretty soon."
"We don't write explicit code for whether the left blinker is on or the right blinker is on. We use a fleet learning approach."
"For me, I like to keep it as light-hearted as possible, that was my whole intention."
"I'm going for some kind of two-pronged approach here I guess."
"Approach this with a playful spirit, go in not thinking too seriously about it."
"You shall find that the unraveling of the struggle and pain now happens through tenderness, a gentler approach."
"Everything has got to be done with gentle loving care."
"Approach it with humility and respect."
"We're going to focus on the informal, but we will eventually get around to the formal."
"Our solution is actually kind of a two-pronged approach."
"You don't face your fears, you ride them."
"Someone's coming towards you with this loving energy, this congenial offer."
"The obstacle tends to be the way."
"Your approach is so positive here that it's very unlikely that you create any difficulties because of your approach."
"It's not so much about avoiding certain topics or scenarios but rather about the context and tone in which we approach these things."
"There is nothing wrong with you; there are just better ways to approach certain aspects of you."
"There's a simplicity to how you do things."
"It's not going to be through aggression; it's going to be through caring."
"We do a lot of rooms in stages... it can be a really helpful way to approach rooms."
"Most people attack life with an unprepared mind."
"You can do it in bite-sized chunks rather than trying to do it all at once."
"Everything was pretty light-handed which is really good."
"It's true that his approach also involves intense pressing, but he knows how to implement a control-based system."
"I think subtlety will be the key here."
"They're doing storytelling in such a smart way."
"A steady and incremental approach will normally get you to the best end result."
"It's going to require some balance, some sensibility in approach."
"Each approach has its own unique benefits and limitations, with each being more suitable to different people."
"When you live life like a hammer, everything's a nail."
"Agile project management... is a flexible approach to building a project."
"Your approach matters more than you think."
"He always approached them on his terms near the sea."
"Men are not approaching women because women have become mean."
"Once they see that you're very sweet and warm and nice, that's when they're gonna make the first move."
"For learning purposes, I highly suggest starting out with the classical approach."
"They feel intuitively like they should be coming to you."
"They intend to offer you something, they intend to come towards you."
"Always start off with the least aggressive method first."
"Maybe there is a way to do this without going completely insane."
"What most people are doing is they are going about this in a way that is not going to work."
"I don't think Liverpool know any other way, honestly."
"If you take the softer road in anything right now, you're going to have better results."
"I'm a time boxer. I'm very reward-based."
"When teaching, assume zero knowledge and infinite intelligence."
"It's how you eat an elephant, one bite at a time."
"Remember, doesn't matter how you get it done, so long as you're having fun."
"I like how we approached the series, regardless of who we were playing. An intentionality to it, had attention to detail, and had a consistent physicality."
"Use a one-step down approach when analyzing high time frames, such as weekly to daily to 4-hour to 1-hour."
"That's the [ __ ] way man that's what I do"
"It doesn't matter how fast you get to the pig; it matters how you got to the pig."
"Science should be accurate, and the approach to it too."
"Cleanliness is next to Godliness, when you come in clean, your spirit's going to be clean and the way you approach [ __ ] is going to be clean, trust me, I know, especially for a lady."
"For every Hunter who uses his sword, there is a hunter who uses a soldier," reflecting on different approaches to challenges.
"So what's the functional medicine approach to healing? Well, we talked about the 5r program."
"The total approach... it changed my whole approach too."
"It's never what you do, it's how it's done."
"You need to strategically take people out; you can't just go in and smash."
"It sounded great at the start. Running close to the visitor makes sense."
"Approaching Jimmy from a completely different angle."
"One- size-fits-all approach rarely ever works in gardening."
"It has very little to do with numbers and all to do with your approach psychologically."
"This is the rebuilds now we're going in for the new blunt approach."
"We know a lot about what happens with acne. The problem with most traditional dermatology is you're attacking it from the outside in. But it's actually an inside-out job to fix."
"They're thinking about coming towards you and opening up the door."
"If you try that approach and you finally end up pushing a little harder and you feel like you come off as an [ __ ], you'll feel better taking that approach than coming off as an [ __ ], then you will getting a phone call that they're dead."
"You need to be consistent with the approach you use."
"Your language learning doesn't necessarily have to stick to language learning material."
"I never thought of my life as failing or succeeding. I had dealing in front of me."
"Love doesn't make the difference. How you love does."
"Success comes from how we approach things."
"The easy way, the pleasant way, is the one that works."
"Functional medicine is about getting to the root cause, not just treating the symptoms."
"At least those guys have the balls to approach these girls."
"Learning a language is integrative, not additive."
"It is not so much about the act, it is the way."
"We just wanted to take all the craziness out of it. Let's just make it super simple. That's all we did."
"If she asks you for your name, just say 'Hey, I'd really love to get together and meet you out for a drink.'"
"The guidelines support combination therapy for symptomatic patients."
"We should use both biochemistry and clinical symptoms to titrate dosing."
"A smarter approach is based on more informed assumptions."
"There's nothing wrong with that approach either but I think you know this is a way of training that would I think be appealing to more people than I think the science-based community tends to lead on."
"Understanding their differences, it becomes kind of a targeted approach with your parenting."
"A grounded yet soulful approach to life."
"Come back next week where we look at an aspect of Mars Hill's approach to church planting that was truly signature for them."
"Krillin retrieves yajirobe's sword and approaches Vegeta."
"Approach all of life with humility."
"So the trick is to keep things simple."
"You can actually work the problem instead of the problem working you."
"He approaches anything he does from a world-class level, always striving for the highest standard."
"It's wrestling it's not wrestling hard or soft, it's wrestling smart."
"Geometric deep learning is not just a single method or architecture but a mindset, a way of looking at machine learning problems from the first principles of symmetry and invariance."
"The push, push if you will, being used by everybody in college football and pro alike."
"Better start going for things in a very different way."
"They're approaching this as a business."