
Self Quotes

There are 3952 quotes

"Psychology is the most interesting of all scientific fields because it's about us."
"A powerful woman negotiator... is almost unstoppable."
"The only person that you have to be 100% honest with at all times is yourself."
"It is not so much that you are in the cosmos, as that the whole cosmos is in you."
"You shining, everything else in your world shines by your light. Everything in your world is revealed by you, the light."
"The separate self is just an imaginary limit superimposed on the true and only self of infinite consciousness."
"The self is the source of all happiness, maximum happiness, and everlasting happiness."
"The Anand of the self is the foundation of all bliss."
"Everything is loved for the sake of the self."
"You have to be your authentic self. Authenticity radiates such a confidence level that's on a whole other level."
"The Upanishad says the self is the passenger and the body is the chariot."
"No matter where I am, I am home. The most sacred sanctuary is found within me."
"The hardest person in the entire world to be with is yourself."
"The greatest sense of liberation is realizing there's no 'me' to be concerned about dying."
"All fear is fear of the infinite self and the infinite self is just identical to truth and to love."
"Identity is a powerful force; it grounds you in your local community, gives you stability within the world, and makes you who you are."
"All there is is what apparently happens; there is no one it is happening to."
"Allow ourselves to express in the fullest way possible."
"We make the choices, and then the choices in turn make us."
"Your temptations come from you. Satan may want to try to use your temptations against you, but they come from you."
"Every relationship you have is a reflection of you."
"Everything is connected; the existence of a distinct entity, the isolated self, is an illusion."
"The greatest part of your experience is the self."
"Hermit crab teaches us a powerful lesson: home is always inside of us. We can carry it everywhere and still be at home."
"You are always you in every moment, something that has been there in every moment of your life."
"Life is a movie and you are the protagonist."
"We participate in the viewership experience it creates, and that experience is half made up of the film, but half made up of who we are."
"The very reality of 'I' comes into question. Follow this thread far enough, and you run smack into a paradox."
"Your friends in life are your horcruxes... you break yourselves into parts, and whenever we meet people, we give them a part of ourselves."
"Spiritual sovereignty doesn't mean that you are an island unto yourself... it means that you are your own authority."
"You're the answer to everything. You really are. Nothing makes sense without you."
"The present is a border between the inward self...and the forward self. What is coming in the future, what is not yet determined, what is the possibility for transcendence, to go beyond what has been and who you have been up to this moment."
"All that any human being is seeking for is pleasantness within himself, pleasantness around him."
"It is not of disharmony within the self; it is not of disharmony within peoples."
"The real self is unattached, unaffected by the happenings in the waking, dreaming, and deep sleep states."
"The issue is Jesus or self, which one is it? Which one do you want to choose?"
"Relationships are going to be problematic when you don't have a self."
"You'll never really truly be able to understand anyone but yourself."
"Atma to me relates to your shield against reality, which is your skin. Eczema is a breakdown of the skin as your shield of reality is breaking down."
"What we have is a process of self-replication: abusers who are split into an emotionally disregulated hidden self and a false performing self act in such a way as to split the people around them into emotionally disregulated hidden selves and false performing selves."
"Being loyal to yourself, loyal to your heart."
"The history of the entire universe is inside of you."
"If you can't be yourself around your wife, who can you be yourself around?"
"There's a difference between I and me. Atman is the ultimate I."
"Your Existence is like... your entire life completely."
"Communicating with my higher self and the Divine realm."
"It is Within These Halls that you will find your friends, your Pokemon, and your true self."
"It's almost like keeping things together even though things outside of yourself are kind of a little bit confusing."
"Everything begins with the self. If you feel positive, it's going to radiate outside of you."
"Everybody is fundamentally the ultimate reality, not God in a politically kingly sense, but God in the sense of being the self."
"The most valuable thing you own is yourself."
"You are part of all that is when you're not here."
"Pink represents the social aspect of the Self."
"You're tired of obligations, sacrificing who you truly are."
"Being on my plane, dude, sometimes being on my plane, nobody else is on it, just me."
"It's all about what's going on inside of you."
"You can't achieve great things without that integration of all parts of self."
"Embrace messiness, embrace the messy parts of yourself."
"Bringing your power and your attention back to you."
"The only way you can possibly be an impostor is if you're trying to pretend to be somebody else, but not if you're being yourself."
"The action of understanding others and myself requires all of me, maybe my heart especially."
"I just want to be better than last year."
"They are gonna see you as the person that you are authentically, not the mask that you wear around other people."
"This one is triggering for you the awareness of where you sit in the cosmos."
"You are the source of joy, for the enlightened person is Atman."
"Attention goes where the focus is, so put the focus on you."
"A man falling in love has less to do with what you do for him, and what you do to him, than it does with who you are yourself."
"We forget the grander I, the soul, the higher self that is always with us guiding us here."
"Listen to your higher self; it is definitely guiding you in a direction that is best fitting for you."
"Your obstacles are not rivers, mountains, or other people; your obstacle is yourself."
"You were only showing like half of yourself."
"Your authentic self is transient in nature because you're always evolving in beautiful ways."
"You have a deep inner nature that's shining forth as best it can every day of your life."
"She's made me a better version of myself."
"You don't need to be focused on what other people are doing or what they have or what you're not doing, you just need to be focused on you and your path."
"The more you connect with yourself, the more you can connect to others."
"God is loyal to you and you loyal to yourself and what you need to be loyal to."
"You look just like me. Of course, we're doubles."
"I think it's always must be so much more hard work to not be authentic."
"You shouldn't try to be someone you're not."
"It's all about being authentic, being your authentic self."
"You're really focused on what makes you truly happy right now."
"Every human being for themselves, they want the highest level of pleasantness."
"You don't owe your life to anyone not even me."
"The fairy within is our inner child."
"The universe is not outside of you; you are in it. You're a function of the universe in the same way that one of your skin cells is a function of your whole body."
"The longest relationship you will ever have in your entire life is with yourself."
"Everyone is unique in their own special way."
"The most real and authentic and true and non-encroaching way to impact others is to be your authentic self."
"You are the manifestation of God, of Consciousness."
"Your energy is the most powerful thing that you possess."
"We search for in others what we cannot find in ourselves."
"The death of the ego is about dying away from the illusion of self."
"In genetics, we are memory; in society, we are memory; in self, we are memory."
"The only proof of ourselves is really the world around us."
"You are not your mind and you are not your body; you are the soul."
"What good is it to have everything and just in the process you've completely lost yourself or foregone your values?"
"The committee represents all the voices in your head... and these voices know everything about us."
"The witness doesn't do anything; the witness is just the 'I' - the spiritual 'I'."
"You have to give yourself permission to change right now because you are not going to be the same."
"It's not the world that changes, it's us, our vision that changes."
"The self is a contradiction and our job isn't to resolve the contradiction."
"You aren't just this mixture of body and mind, but you are the stand you take."
"I feel like I'm a pendulum, swinging between these two dimensions of seen and unseen."
"Propel you into Union with your highest self, with your spirit."
"When Gohan fights, it's not his opponents he's fighting; it's himself, it's his trauma."
"Only that which is really ourselves has the power to heal."
"The only thing we can control is ourselves."
"Who you truly are is not an object in consciousness; that's ephemeral. Who you truly are is the space of Consciousness itself."
"I'm already operating as my future self."
"You start to see yourself as a part of a larger whole, interconnected with all beings and the universe itself."
"Humanity is the human being; you are humanity."
"You are the sky, that's the awareness, and the thought is what comes into the awareness."
"There's also something very independent about you."
"There is only one of you, only one of me."
"There's nothing worse than pretending to be something that you're not."
"The right people are not going to try and change you."
"You're never disconnected from your higher self."
"Darkness is not always about the evil stuff, darkness is just what you know, another mysterious part within ourselves."
"This is all about you and how someone views you."
"You are shadow and you are light."
"Your heart is waiting to step into a state of forgiveness for yourself or of others."
"I am so grateful for the awareness I have of that sacred part of me."
"The altar is you. We are walking altars, we are temples, we are shrines, we are the church."
"The higher self is basically you in a non-physical form."
"Life's too short; it's exhausting to be somebody else."
"The temple of God resides in you."
"We embraced it like, okay, this is it, this is what it is, this is who we are."
"Just be yourself, that is your life purpose."
"There is just nobody like you; there is nobody with your exact vision, with your exact strengths, talents, weaknesses, your story, your history."
"The infinite prism of your soul star shines with many facets and dimensions."
"The real you is the self of the universe because at that level of one's existence, one is not really separate from everything else that's going on."
"I'm a perfectionist with myself, but not necessarily with everybody else."
"It's the power of the Divine that is being expressed through you."
"When we were kids... we were already pure and connected with our true selves."
"The most important part of you is your soul."
"Your past can be this, but who you are in your present, your future, and all that stuff."
"The sun is of course the atma or the soul which is you, your consciousness, yourself."
"Don't be yourself, don't trust the self who you are."
"What's true to you, what connects with your soul."
"You have control over your own life."
"You see right through me; you see the real me."
"I'm never going to let anything define me in this whole world except for me."
"Hey, maybe the real power is just being yourself."
"The Sun is your ego, your core energy."
"There's nothing that can keep you from your manifestations except for like ourselves."
"You have much more power over your own life than anything else in the whole world."
"Feel the reinvention of you before you experience its form."
"Autonomous motivation means that whatever you do, you do for your own sake."
"I am extremely single, possibly more single than I've ever been, and you know what? I'm actually ok with it."
"Wouldn't it be wonderful if all this was happening to me because I was magic?"
"I stand above demons, I stand above gods, I stand above everybody."
"You are the happiness that you are enjoying!"
"The only expectations that matter are your own."
"That which is called Truth or the pure Self, has always been here, unchanged, undisturbed by the changeful waves of the mind."
"If you're happy with yourself, everything else just comes together."
"There is no secret ingredient. It's just you."
"You liberate yourself and activate yourself."
"Love thy neighbor as thy love thyself."
"It's all about this Inner Warrior that you are."
"I cannot say that martial arts is a part of myself. No, martial arts is myself; it's me."
"You have to rise above the little me, the little ego, into the bigger self, the higher self."
"Our greatest gift to the world is our authentic self."
"This is the time to really tap into your higher self, to connect with your spiritual team."
"You have what it takes to be centered, to be calm."
"They're trying to believe in themselves and not give up."
"My happiness is more important than that."
"The most spiritual thing you can do is be yourself."
"You have to cut parts of yourself to be able to send others into the mines or to war."
"You are only your thoughts; there is no thinker having them."
"If you deny the existence of the self, it removes a lot of that effort to try and satisfy something which doesn't really exist."
"Can you change the world? Only I can change it."
"I am someone who occupies my physical body, a consistent inner me that began with my birth and will end with my death."
"You're going to choose yourself over the next 30 days."
"I'm not just like half a person; I'm just me."
"What we're talking about is like identity what what is identity I think everybody's confused about what identity is."
"The ability to retain our own integrity is in and of itself a victory."
"The notion of self can be an artifact of the projection of a single conscious agent. And that the self, in some sense, has to die, but there's a deeper self which is the timeless being that precedes any particular conscious experiences."
"I'm going to be trying to explain fundamental aspects of ourselves including questions like how do we make decisions, why do we love our children, what happens when we fall in love, and so on."
"The universe and myself, we are one in the intellectual cosmos."
"He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe."
"Your happiness and your joy and your love for yourself has to come from within, no matter where you fill it."
"Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anyone else expects of you."
"Be your authentic self to go viral."
"Your ultimate responsibility is to yourself, not the neighbors, not your parents, not the expectations that were put upon you."
"Greatness has no moods. You can't just be in the mood to be great. It has to become who you are. It has to consume you. It has to be your identity."
"Normal selves, Alex is happy to be."
"The most powerful offerings are oneself."
"We're living in this moment. This is me right now."
"I think it's all about returning to the innocence within all of us."
"You've started investing in yourself and stopped investing in people that are actually not investing in you."
"As a man, I want to own myself before I want to own my cars, I want to own my art. I want to own myself."
"I'd rather have a [ __ ] dislike me for being me than they love me for being somebody that I'm not."
"Live authentically and align your actions and choices with your true self"
"Stay true to yourself because if you're authentic, you have nothing to apologize for being you."
"Plenty of fish in the sea and one of those fish is you."
"The only one who will protect Miles Morales is Miles Morales."
"Many believe that it's through the acquisition of a language that we become selves."
"You've got all of the power in your own hands, in your own mind, and your heart. You can change your life. You don't have to wait for anybody."
"Realizing that you've got all of the power in your own hands, in your own mind, and your heart. You can change your life."