
Ambiguity Quotes

There are 2075 quotes

"It's not that powerful. You're not going to be able to control the world. But what it says is when we are in ambiguous situations, little things can start us off on one path or it can start us off another path, surprisingly little things."
"The op-ed wasn't about my relationship with Johnny, but it alluded to him. It was unmistakable."
"My heart tells me that Gollum has some part to play yet, for good or ill."
"Drink it, you're drinking, you're a bit hmm."
"It's about yay big, that's how I describe you."
"You tear down the walls which distinguish inherently different things from each other, take fundamental human concepts and categories, and drain them of all meaning. Remove the definitions of words, replace those definitions with vague ambiguities, and you end up with unrestrained madness."
"The ability to appreciate paradox and ambiguity is a characteristic of spiritual maturity."
"Education, tolerance for complexity, and a comfort with ambiguity."
"The metaphorical always beats the literal. It offers seductive simplicity in place of the inherent ambiguity of what is, as a matter of fact, unknown."
"Imagine hearing that...a terrifying chorus of voices that both sound extremely close by and yet so far away at the same time."
"You can't definitively say what caused the injury to Mr. Depp's fingers, yes or no?"
"And yet, has there ever been anything so coveted that is so vaguely defined?"
"Life, and all that lives, is conceived in the mist and not in the crystal."
"My subject is the American Protestant small town middle class. I like middles; it is in middles where extremes clash, where ambiguity restlessly rules."
"Yes, answers aren't always yes or no. Life's decisions aren't black and white."
"Project Veritas has long occupied a gray area between investigative journalism and political spying."
"You have always been interested in unconventional and ambiguous things like books, art, or movies."
"No one knows what it means, but it's provocative."
"Hey, do you like to play games? Well, I guess it all depends on what you mean when we say playing games."
"The statement from Manchester United provides more questions than answers."
"This ambiguity works quite well; we are actually stuck in with this crisis of faith and how it's intensified by this potential demonic possession because we have the experience shifting levels of belief and doubt alongside him."
"The fine line you have to walk with being ambiguous is whether it was ambiguous because the person doesn't have the answer or because they want you to ask the question."
"Kubrick said, 'It has always seemed to me that really artistic, truthful ambiguity—if we can use such a paradoxical phrase—is the most perfect form of expression, for a number of reasons.'"
"There is dark and darker, and I don't know which one is which."
"Ambiguity without real intent feels incomplete; it's the difference between your movie being a confusing mess and a mesmerizing emotional powerhouse."
"I've been touched by the divine, and I do not know if it's a curse or a blessing."
"It's a trap or a chess move. Why can't it be both?"
"Blurry is not a burden; blurry is a blessing."
"He’s written in such a way that even if he is a complete ambiguous entity, little hints in his behavior and actions allow us to make educated inferences about the type of man that he is."
"I love anything where I'm like, 'I can't decide if I'm afraid of you or I want to hug you.'"
"Terms of Service for these platforms like YouTube are written in such a way that they can pretty much do whatever they want anyone at any time."
"Is that what he's going to say about a month after its release?"
"The charges may not even fit the crime. They may not even know what to do with you."
"If you were expecting something simple that everyone agrees on that's not what you're getting because it doesn't really exist."
"Anything that isn't explicitly addressed means it's up to everybody's personal opinions."
"I mean, I don't know what he was doing offscreen, right?"
"Is Sally a demon? Is Sally a little girl? Is the darker entity here that does attack people just a ghost?"
"People like, it's not done and we're like yeah."
"Maybe that's what he's trying to say I don't who knows nobody knows but it's provocative."
"Competition is great. If we don't, you will get this."
"I am. I feel like there is a bunch of stuff."
"I don't recall what he didn't or didn't do. I was answering questions."
"It's kept ambiguous as possible and only referenced, which is a great thing."
"There's not much information regarding the website itself."
"I'll always appreciate the attempts to make the Assassin-Templar conflict as gray as possible."
"This report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."
"The ambiguity surrounding Deckard's humanity is kind of the whole point."
"The president's been clear that there wasn't a campaign violation beyond that I can't get it he didn't know about these might be on that I can't work again I would refer you back to the president's comments."
"You'd be better off leasing that answer is a big question."
"I don't really know who I'm supposed to root for here."
"I believe so personally, because as I've grown up and come into the world as a human being as a queer person, you know, the boundaries for what sex means or the definitions of sex are kind of ambiguous."
"So here's my teaching sense, so you might have no idea what we're talking about."
"The American people know how they feel about it."
"There's typically no one right answer, maybe it's all of the above."
"It's an enigma, whatever it is, it is most certainly hilarious."
"Do not say it's black or white, it's shades of gray."
"But even more compelling than the gigantic sharkagator is the film's ambiguous ending."
"There's enough ambiguity in there with Myers motivations that it's tolerable for me."
"Maybe that's what it is, a little weakness. It sounded very nice though, it did, right?"
"What was going on with Finn's love life? Dude, was it Rose, was it Janna?"
"The world is messy. Wokism, what is it? A force for good, for bad, the woke ultras..."
"I love works that set up multiple possibilities and sort of throughout their run time lend credence to all of them as you go to the point where you can't really be sure of any of them but all of those interpretations are valid."
"It's a good strong heavy at the start there."
"The ways by which American men affirm their masculinity are uncertain and obscure."
"I think all of that is going to be a big part of the future, yeah, right."
"Mystery surrounds Minoan religion: specific deities and practices remain elusive."
"There's a very blurry and fine line where the internet becomes much more than just a safe place."
"Faith is meant to be a little ambiguous, and with ambiguity comes questions. Questions are good."
"Certainty can be troubling sometimes. Faith is meant to be a little ambiguous."
"There's a lot of a lot of good stuff lot of a lot of good stuff some not so good stuff and you know a lot of mix stuff a lot of things up in the air because of that."
"I want it to be hard to like Mark but I also want us to like him even if we're not certain if we should."
"Optimism and ambiguity... I've become much more comfortable with."
"This is far more of a mystery than people realize."
"The most intellectually honest thing to do is say that is unexplained."
"The only question is, is it Joe or is it Hunter?"
"What I care about is the citizens." - "Well, then on what side?" - "Yes, which city exactly?" - "Well, all of them."
"Who do you think's going to need the silver mask?"
"It was a barrage of conflicting feelings with no clear answer."
"True crime is all the sludge between what really happened and what maybe happened."
"He blurs the line. You only see his prowess as a fighter."
"So not like number one but way way higher than."
"We've had the run we've had... what's it like?"
"When the most successful and prolific YouTuber in the world is telling you that you should probably listen, you have no idea what phase is."
"There's an element of truth to both of those, and that's the problem, isn't it?"
"When you are clear, ambiguity is another tool of the devil."
"There are three of these out there that do not say LTT."
"The ending was the perfect mix of ambiguity and embodying the show's main themes."
"Can you say that's a natural position if it's out like that? I'm not sure."
"It wasn't even that they were planning to do something."
"Effortless, beautiful, sarcastic, and morally ambiguous."
"I love the ending though I love that you didn't answer it and you kind of left it open for interpretation."
"I think is gonna be the best this kind under sever bishops may be the craziest."
"Communication is key, when money's at play, lines seem to get blurred."
"The filling did stay inside of me well, how much Santilli do you get inside? I've no idea until, yeah, no idea."
"I also need to mention dry Hootie, dry Hoodie."
"Red Velvet could be in the dark with it. She has the great potential to be in the dark."
"I wonder how the [] [] still come up with..."
"I love oh it's focused I it's I think it's I I haven't look just love."
"In a game like that, I don't think players like ambiguity."
"Communication is something that needs to happen, a lot of people try to exist in the gray zones."
"A whole lot, a lot of going on, a whole lot, a lot of to come."
"Let the people decide: was I making faces to set you up, or was I truly scared?"
"People are trying to figure out... that indirectly implicates this."
"Normally characters are either redeemed or defeated. Shadow Weaver exists in an in-between."
"The next box, that's pretty good right next box?"
"Greg only grants the words he's spewing religious contexts, but outside of what we have, all these things are just vague enough to just be like his opinion, man."
"To say that we started it is kind of different."
"Not everything really has a yes and no answer."
"This ending doesn't fix anything. If anything, it only leads to more questions."
"Change wrestling hidden assets into certain visits."
"It's not black and white. The show is very morally gray."
"I'm not gonna lie it depends on your mentality."
"Become comfortable with ambiguity. The more ways in which you can look at something, the richer you are."
"It's interesting, it's hard to know... these terms are just sort of like a dialogue, a way to sort of explain the unexplainable which is art and art is not explainable."
"Ambiguity is not bad in and of itself, it's okay to end a story ambiguously if the ambiguity somehow settles the story."
"November of 2020 could also be potentially the greatest day of our lives. Let us whisper of a dream."
"There are no great answers here, there just aren't."
"Spike's fate is deliberately left ambiguous and Watanabe has not confirmed whether he lived or died."
"People come up to me now and they say, 'Is she a good guy or she a bad guy?'"
"It's nebulous magic, it's that magical realism that isn't always explained."
"The 9-1-1 call doesn't necessarily suggest that anybody in that house is guilty but it does suggest that there's more to the story than we know."
"There were no questions about that up until the point that we're going to cover shortly."
"So what about our side? The word sounds like it's gonna be penis."
"There's only one question, and it's just the Bruce Brown."
"Maybe it's time to bring this back, I don't know."
"I'm not going to explain to you exactly why it is possible."
"Expectations not high, expectations are quite high though."
"I don't necessarily know that's the case, except I do."
"It could mean much or it could mean a little."
"Ambiguity in a story can be frustrating, especially when details appear to contradict, but in many cases, ambiguity, even ones that create contradictions, can light the fires of inspiration for the re-imaginer and interpreter."
"We're inside but we've been in cyber war for a decade but what is that what does that mean what does that lead to."
"Technically in the CCTV, you don't see Elaine getting into the car by herself."
"I feel like that's almost more accurate than us trying to put a real date to it."
"Naruto's destiny subject is not black and white."
"I don't know what he's talking about the Border I don't know yeah the Border just yeah we got to do it we got to do it things were good."
"Things were not easily explained, endings where left ambiguous and the atmosphere had this distinct way of creating a lasting sense of dread."
"What does it really mean? The interim title is a ghost."
"There might be more than one correct answer."
"You have the freedom to only... that's exactly what I'm either way sound like that."
"It doesn't really matter if we're on top of the border or not."
"Open bar number 66. I don't know why that's significant but uh should we execute open bar 66 more?"
"I think it's a sequel, personally, but who knows? This is enough."
"Is divorce the right option? See you over the next step."
"Things are not a storyline. Things will always remain gray."
"We've defended Karelia, kind of ambushed a supply convoy."
"There's such a gray area to it, like were they wrong? No. Were they right? No. Did they do it procedurally like the nephew said that they do it correctly by the books? Yeah, they did."
"It's hard to disentangle all of this as neatly one thing or the other."
"I think douglas has a couple different ones though."
"Many prophecies that are sort of double references."
"Yup, that's totally vague enough. Well, what happened to the nice old guy that we also got zero backstory on?"
"Turnovers are the equalizer in playoffs: 'You can change anything with turnovers.'"
"Even if it's just... kind of the foundation for it."
"It's not like to me like they've got some specific talking points."
"It's kind of hard to tell what's even considered a remake anymore."
"It could be a very rough, very well, yeah, but it could be a great room."
"It's really hard to rule him out as a terrible person."
"The truth of the matter is we have no idea who first discovered America."
"Whether or not he was actually guilty we leave for you to decide."
"But at the end of the day, it's one of these, you know."
"It's supposed to be a nice gesture, but from an outsider's perspective, it does feel a bit eerie."
"The Blurred Lines between human trafficking and prostitution are very bad."
"The saga of V has come to an end... or did it?"
"The frustrating things are actually fairly common."
"Christiania was saved, the residents kinda sorta owned the land but not really..."
"I never said anything about who is right or wrong... Levi has never known."
"There is no black or white in this story... It's all gray."
"Is this just a man walking and a glitch in the camera or is this an actual apparition?"
"It's very shades of gray and complications in between. That's what makes for an interesting story."
"It tells me everything. It tells me nothing."
"Like apparently most militaries, I have no idea what I'd want one for."
"Truth has its own kinds of precisions, but every precision still has a certain vagueness on the edge."
"Remember, life is not crisp, it's not zero or one."
"People had choices, it really was one point something wrong."
"Was this the last stand for Salami or was this barely the beginning?"
"Not every film needs a concrete answer to every question it poses."
"It's like that's what I would go through and say that for sure."
"Remember, it's not just something is a game or isn't a game, but there are all these gray areas in between those two places."
"There's enough value in this place to end and/or the dust, whatever."
"It remains ambiguous throughout the whole thing."
"The timing definitely, so many times now I'm where like, so I do think it's a real, a real."
"I cannot and will not give you a black and white answer on this."
"Nobody could understand what he was talking about."
"Baba Yaga...enigmatic and frequently displays striking ambiguity."
"There is something intricate and complicated about Beyond the Sea."
"For the average person... Otis 865, 765... Yeah."
"Something big and beautiful, you know, something big and beautiful."
"It really seems like something weird happened."
"There is no identified political or ideological motivation for the shooting."
"We went there to go do our shows and visit like we wasn't trying to get on no [ __ ], they came to us and we just did our [ __ ]."
"We'd prefer to leave you with all the numbers for this one."
"He is not one of them, he very well might be."
"The power of the sororitas in their faith is not confirmed as being necessarily a direct psychic manifestation of War power."
"Sometimes things remaining ambiguous is sometimes better."
"Without any real conclusion to that but some interesting insights."
"Life is changing culture, what is the lesson to another interesting?"
"Oh, you wanna? Yeah, show them that you don't wanna change is passionately waffle."
"Is it a no? And I was like, wait, no, nobody know!"
"Who wins? Does the stinkiest person win or does the whoever can't?"
"It's not even about what she says it's about."
"Remember, things are never really just black and white in the medical world."