
Intimacy Quotes

There are 9770 quotes

"It's about the most important and intimate aspects of our lives."
"The best deeper conversations follow the three P's: personal, private, presence."
"I see a deep thirst for real intimacy in the way Reckful speaks that he never got from anyone."
"Creating a culture of talking about sex can significantly improve sexual satisfaction and connection between partners."
"'Frientimacy,' the closest relationship we have - 'friendship intimacy' - is where two people both feel seen in a safe and satisfying way."
"Modern-day loneliness is not because we need to interact more; it's because we need more intimacy."
"You can only be intimate to the degree you can be vulnerable."
"This has changed and transformed my relationship: 15 seconds in the morning where we'll hug, I will look her in the eyes, say something nice, she will say something nice to me."
"Intimacy is the relationship of vulnerability you have and how you react to people...the amount of vulnerability that you are willing to express in regards to the people that you are in relationship with."
"If there's no gap at all between what you'd say in public and what you'd say in private, then intimacy is just meaningless."
"We need to reserve some space for intimacy which is protected from the imaginary audience that we have on the internet."
"What makes thriving relationships is not only feelings; it's a mix of feelings, actions, beliefs, touches, physicality. It's a more all-encompassing thing."
"Creating habits is key to overcoming self-sabotage, like setting a simple daily ritual to foster connection and intimacy."
"The sexual part, which is extremely important in any relationship, will actually be intensified and heightened if you deepen your connection."
"This lack of intimacy, this disconnection that humans have from each other, is driving not just the addiction epidemic but our epidemic of declining mental health and depression and suicide and the like."
"Silence is one of the most intimate things that two people can share with each other."
"Sex is an energy exchange. If you're going to have sex with someone, you better be ready to get all the baggage and everything that comes with them."
"Lack of communication breeds complete shutdown. Expressive communication breeds intimacy."
"I love our telepathic bond. It feels like our own special and intimate place."
"You crave intimacy, someone who's going to show you that they're passionate about you, that they love you with like crazy fireworks and acts."
"It's someone tolerating my presence for a long enough time where it could be permanent. That's real intimacy."
"Do not settle for religion when you can have an intimate relationship with Jesus."
"Love is intimacy; it's authentic, kind, warm, encouraging."
"They want this intimacy; they want it as much as you do. They want the relationship, the alchemy, the oneness, the union."
"Life's too short to spend it at war with your own reflection."
"The interactive games really help improve communication and intimacy."
"Intimacy is the act of being present with another person in their undefended state."
"Your marriage counts on talking about being great friends, but also being attracted to them and wanting to be intimate with them. That's what makes it a marriage."
"Being able to sleep next to each other is a huge part of a relationship."
"In good relationships, friendship is extremely important. It's not just about conflict and how you deal with conflict; it's about intimacy and maintaining intimacy."
"Intimacy with the ten thousand things... to say oneness or the self... can seem quite abstract, but I think we all know what it means to have a profound experience of intimacy."
"I discovered a kind of intimacy with people that I didn't know existed but I've always wanted."
"I wanted to learn how to write music that was beautiful in that way that felt more intimate and more personal."
"When two people are involved in a very, let's call it an intimate conversation, but the word intimate should not be misconstrued to mean something about intimacy or sexual intimacy or physical intimacy. Just a conversation in which both people feel present to the conversation and focused on that conversation and its contents only."
"So, this is what intimacy is right? I'm looking really deeply trying to understand it in full blown observation and questioning mode."
"Sex is the greatest display of physical intimacy that you can have with somebody."
"Privacy, intimacy. That is also other words for what happens off the record."
"Intimacy is the enemy of corporations, intimacy is the enemy of social media platforms, intimacy is the enemy of the state."
"Intimacy is about not standing too close but not too far either, like two trains running parallel."
"And if we can, together, begin to create a world, or instead of isolating around these stuck places in ourselves and these intimacy blocks, instead of having shame, just let go of all that shame around the body, and the feelings, and the emotions, and just know that we're here to have this deeper love, deeper intimacy that comes from being able to feel pain and love beyond that pain."
"Intimacy is so much greater and so much more than just having intercourse with your spouse."
"She was in love with God, she had such intimacy with the Holy Spirit. I remember she used to say, 'Please don't grieve the Holy Spirit; He's all that I have.'"
"He knew God. There was such a deep intimacy with the Holy Spirit."
"The most shocking thing in this world is that everyone is walking around starving for more and real intimacy, and yet we're all ashamed of that natural desire."
"Oxytocin, a hormone released during intimacy and other intimate gestures like hugging or holding hands, has been proven to strengthen social bonds."
"I don't want a superficial relationship with Jesus. I don't want to just accrue information about Jesus. I want intimacy with Jesus."
"Our souls crave intimacy. He created us that way."
"Food is sacred to me and it's special to me. And that's like really intimate."
"Intimacy is not just seeing into somebody; it's also feeling into somebody, listening into them, and becoming an expert on them to the degree that you completely understand them."
"Intimacy as an interabled married couple... it's a gift from God."
"Building that intimacy with each other's bodies... it's a big thing in terms of intimacy."
"Spiritual intimacy expands spiritual capacity and spiritual capacity expands spiritual authority."
"It's not your knowledge that gives you authority; it's your intimacy."
"Intimacy determines capacity; capacity determines authority."
"The biggest thing you can do for [someone with a fear of intimacy] is to make them aware of it...most of the times, we don't know we're doing it."
"We need to have a standardized process to handle intimacy just like we do with stage combat, with stunts, with dance choreography."
"Good intimacy leads to great sex, but intimacy is me being vulnerable, allowing you to see me and to know me and accept me."
"Intimacy to me is laying on the couch watching TV and falling asleep together. Sometimes, intimacy is not even having to talk, just being amongst one another."
"I just became lovers, and at the very first night, we're sleeping together."
"Intimacy is not limited to the context of marriage; you can have an intimate conversation with a friend."
"Being able to be open with each other, being able to be honest, being able to talk about hard things, and know that both are coming from a place of love, all of these things fall under the umbrella of intimacy."
"Stable ambiguity is when you engage in the relationship because you're too afraid to be alone but you're not really willing to engage in the intimacy that is required."
"You're the last thing I think about before I fall asleep."
"When the nervous system relaxes, and you're with somebody who's solid and deep, the level of depth and intimacy that can be tapped into is a totally different order of magnitude."
"Being transparent is like being in a fishbowl... but being vulnerable is letting people get in your fishbowl."
"Your greatest gift to someone, your sexuality, is your greatest gift to someone because it's not just your body you're giving them. You're giving them your soul."
"If you will pursue intimacy with Jesus, a deep and loving friendship with Him, God will work through you."
"By getting to eye level... it creates a real sense of intimacy and really kind of put you into it, into the animal's world in a way that you can't do any other way."
"There needs to be a healthy balance of physical, emotional, and spiritual intimacy for this relationship to endure."
"The key to great, long-lasting sex is connection."
"What people crave and what's much rarer is intimacy."
"We're intentional with that, so I'm going to even say this...find somebody that causes you to have a mental orgasm."
"Love our telepathic bond; it feels like our own special and intimate place."
"Cassandra is trying to keep our marriage spicy."
"There's more to sex than mere skin on skin. Sex is as much spiritual mystery as physical fact."
"Sex is a form of intimacy. Don't be scared to communicate about it because maybe he even has some feedback for you."
"You see deeply into me, and it scares the hell out of me."
"What I suppose is perfect, what is very heaven, is when you find a sexual partner with whom you can lose yourself."
"The legal covenant actually makes marriage more intimate, more intimate, not less."
"I love how close we are in body, mind, heart, and soul."
"If it could boil down a healthy happy relationship to three things: communication, want them to win, and lots of sex."
"What's more popular on OnlyFans than not being dressed? Intimacy."
"You need things like anger to learn where to set your boundaries; you need things like grief and sadness to help you form intimate connections with other people."
"Sex can be a key element of the human condition; intimacy and pleasure are innately radical things that you can control at an individual level that defy hierarchies."
"If you're caring but you're not creative, you're eventually going to lose that spark, energy, intimacy, desire."
"Intimacy isn't always about physical closeness; it's about sharing and being open with each other."
"Real strong relationship is not about appearance nor is it only physical. Communication and interaction play a very important role here."
"I just want to be held. It's been nearly a year and a half since I hugged anyone, let alone had any sort of emotional intimacy."
"The gold standard for a lot of people's relationships is like a best friend that you also sleep with."
"When people are in relationships, they like to feel like they're getting a special part of you that not everybody else gets."
"I love you, Rarity," she let out weakly. "I know," came a confident and tender reply.
"Powerful love messages from your person: what would they say to you if they could?"
"So much obsession of modern love is built upon the novelty of passion and pleasure...but there's also this intimacy and honesty and connection that is lacked."
"I want to be with you, I want to enjoy you relationally, not just physically."
"Improving your relationship with your body and your body confidence will have a direct positive correlation with enhanced lovemaking skills."
"Truly intimate connections are connections where people see all parts of each other and choose to stay on the page with each other when it gets uncomfortable and unflattering."
"Novelty isn't about creating just new positions and new interactions in the bed itself; novelty is new parts of us that we bring, new parts of the partner that we are with."
"Tell me how you were loved, and I will tell you how you make love."
"At its ultimate, the sexual experience, our erotic intelligence allows us to feel at the same time inside ourselves and inside another."
"Creating an erotic space is a space where I come together with you just to be, not to produce anything."
"There's something about sharing your life with somebody where they see all of you...there's just too much intimacy for there to be any posturing whatsoever."
"Knowing the ability for it to know you more intimately than you are honestly willing to know yourself is there and that will build an extraordinary relationship."
"Is there someone in your life who knows you intimately and doesn't judge you? It's exactly right."
"You'll have less sex when you get married? People who are married have far, far more sex."
"There's something powerful and beautiful about a relationship that's just between two people."
"Great sex is a byproduct of great connection and intimacy; it's not a replacement for it."
"We have mass unhappiness, we have breakdown among male-female relationships, people actually are having less sex in many ways than before, pornography uses spiking, and it's all because we've forgotten what sex is designed for, which is intimacy and new life."
"Laughter is there in the beginning as a sign, and then intimacy is next, and then you move in together, live, marry, whatever. And then when things don't go well, it's the reverse. Laughter goes first."
"Most times, dissatisfying sex is not a problem but a symptom of the problem."
"Experiencing true intimacy rather than just superficial intimacy."
"Experiencing true intimacy...is a huge thing for the Venus soul planet person's karmic journey."
"He said, 'I love you,' with his eyes closed, the tip of his nose resting against mine, backlit by the sun with small particles floating in the air around his head."
"Her personality just starts to grow on you...you want passion and intimacy, and that's something you can't replace."
"Hand on my head, chest on my chest, be my lover, be my best friend."
"For me personally, I believe that sex connects me to my lover, I believe it's a way of reducing stress and getting some physical exertion."
"Love is the desire to share who you are with someone else and to know who they are on a real, personal level."
"Intimacy and proximity are not the same thing."
"Sometimes intimacy is cultivated with appropriate boundaries."
"Intimacy, security, respect, good communication, a sense of being valued. These are some of the things that most people would agree make for healthy relationships."
"The best thing about living in this beach cottage is just we're really getting to know each other. It's a small space, but you better know each other."
"I consider it one of the most romantic things you can do because you trust the other person, you love each other so much, you're so comfortable with the other person that you are comfortable enough to say, 'This is my body and this is what I like.'"
"Touch is essential. Humor, touch, playfulness, an ongoing curiosity, and interest in who this other person is... this is the lubricant of a relationship."
"If you don't have humor in the bedroom, then you're not having fun."
"Satisfaction, commitment, intimacy, trust, passion, love – this is what correlates with success in a relationship."
"Once you can enjoy intimacy with everything all the time, loneliness is no longer an issue."
"If you're a giving person in the bedroom, you're likely to have a very good sex life."
"Sex is not a casual thing to me. I actually have to like you to even be sexually aroused."
"Laughter can feel as connective as crying with someone, as being intimate with someone."
"Sex is not about performing. It's about enjoying someone and wanting them to enjoy you too."
"I walked into many relationships with trust issues, intimacy issues, and sex and intimacy are not the same thing."
"The real exciting thing about sex is not the sex bit; it's the intimate bit. It's the idea that someone is without their guard, meeting another human being in a vulnerable state."
"If you start putting sex back into marriage and getting to know each other before sleeping together, that would do so much to improve relationships."
"You found the most important thing in the world and brought it home to have sex with it."
"It's possible to have a relationship with God that is one of intimate friendship."
"The biblical understanding of friendship with God gives you the intimacy that modern people are looking for."
"If you want to find a real woman, keep your dick in your pants."
"Sex is the most intimate thing you could ever do."
"Great sex is losing yourself in the moment and being transported to a different place."
"I can understand people losing desires for intimacy when other parts of the relationship aren't being fulfilled. That's super common."
"Even when things get boring, even when the flame goes out, that connection, the ability to resonate with someone in a really meaningful, unique, and intimate way, you can't replace that."
"The cure for your exhaustion is intimacy with Jesus."
"Technology promises the comfort of connection without the demands of intimacy and it never keeps its promise."
"Guys will have sex with women but then we'll feel that praying with them is too intimate."
"Sex wasn't just about power, it's also about intimacy, vulnerability, and trust."
"You only realize how little importance there is to sex when you're actually having it."
"Think less of losing your virginity and think more of connecting with the person that you want to be with."
"The primary function of gossip is to generate a sense of intimacy and connection between gossipers through the creation of shared meaning about their shared world."
"Build rapport, intimacy... Share something about yourself, share life stories, share your passions."
"There is something so deeply satisfying about sharing your story intimately with another person."
"There's a lot of intimacy here, there's a lot of respect here."
"You are the only one who gets me and knows the real me."
"We're taught to defer to the feminine and to what we think is our best way to become intimate with a woman."
"Treat your marriage as a perfect week: one date night, sex at least once a week."
"It felt like I was invited into your headspace."
"Achieving deep understanding is indispensable to achieving true intimacy."
"Watching someone eat is a moment you don't normally see of someone unless you're close to them. It's intimate in a way."
"Kissing is more vulnerable than [__], it's your mouth, it's your tongue."
"If you're up for the challenge and you want to hear something that's kind of ambient, really wordy, super thought-provoking, incredibly personal, painfully intimate, then I recommend that you try this album out."
"Intimacy and authenticity is what I'm looking for."
"Porn skips the whole process of real intimacy."
"Consent isn't negotiable. Consent is required in any and all forms of intimacy, especially sex."
"There's a connection, there's intimacy, there's help or solace. It's fuel. It gives you more courage to do that again." - Rhett
"Foster intimate connection to create a less lonely world."
"I had this theory that the more important and intimate the emotion, the fewer words are required to express it."
"Your hands are magical, you always know exactly where and how to touch me."
"Have you forgotten all of the intimate moments that were shared between the two of us?"
"Learn how to look for someone who does have emotional availability, someone who actually wants to be in an intimate relationship."
"Intimacy demands risk-taking, doing new things outside of your comfort zone."
"To become intimate, to become awake, we need to be aware of how culture has lied to us."
"The very best sex you can have can only come when two people meet each other in complete wholeness."
"It's hard to hate somebody when you're that intimate with them."
"I can surely tell you that in a safe and holy way right so intimacy is not limited to a mere carnal connection."
"I really wanted this thing where two people could be totally authentic together."
"You still take my breath away and you're the only one who can turn me on like that."
"You have to connect at the intellectual level before you ever connect at the intimate level."
"The problem with most people is they put the intimacy over the intellect."
"How could I ever describe the fullness of what two people share in six months, never interrupted by sleep?"
"There is nothing more intimate than having access to another person's experience."
"Sex is where you [] each other, love is where you [] each other."
"Good open-world game design isn't about scale it's about intimacy and familiarity having smaller spaces filled with landmarks that you return to is infinitely more powerful than having endless square miles of space."
"I would love to hear what you guys think I also love that you guys did no phones ceremony oh yeah no phones at the ceremony because I wanted to be very intimate very personal."
"Honestly, do you ever instigate sex with him? All the time."
"Pretty much every other night, I would open my eyes to see his face."
"You make me feel like I'm losing my virginity the first time every time that you're touching me."
"Next thing you know, he's cuddling with you in your bed, holding you, caressing you with his whiskers."
"He wants to pursue an intimate relationship with him."
"Getting to know somebody's body and getting to learn that is like an experience in and of itself that can't really be replicated with like a one-night stand."
"You're the only person they could be themselves with."
"There's something beautiful about having someone who you're really close to."
"Now, wanting to initiate sex is such a beautiful gift to your partner because they feel wanted, they feel loved."
"Hexian starts telling her his story, confiding in her."
"A good lover will enjoy giving as much as receiving, will be super empathetic and connected in bed."
"AVPD desperately want relationships and specifically they want close intimate relationships with other people."
"It's not the size that matters it's what you do with it and everything doesn't have to involve the penis so don't worry about it if you want to be a great lover it's not your shape and size that matters it's what you do with it."
"Am I what you want? Am I who you want to be with?"
"As long as you're respectful of us in an intimate space, that's it."
"Marriage is a representation of intimate love between two people."
"Glenn finally woke up and found Sistine sleeping beside him."
"I really really like sex, I love having sex with my wife, I love doing it, I love getting after it."
"I think that scenes allow you that opportunity in the intimacy you get to experience whether people allow you that opportunity."