
Heart Health Quotes

There are 312 quotes

"Watermelon's lycopene benefits skin and heart health and acts as an anti-inflammatory."
"People who focus on gratitude and appreciation have lower levels of stress, fewer cases of depression, and better heart health."
"Whatever's good for your heart is good for your brain."
"We're highlighting that the papaya as well reduces heart disease."
"Omega-3s are heart healthy, they are anti-inflammatory, they are anti-Alzheimer's because they contribute to neural structure and function."
"The stronger your muscles, the less your heart has to work."
"Just 15 minutes a day of exercise a person can reduce their risk of heart attack by 45 percent."
"A high omega-3 index has been associated with a 90% reduction in sudden cardiac death."
"Exercising strengthens your heart and increases your blood oxygen levels."
"Beans are high protein, high fiber, no cholesterol, no saturated fat, and they're certainly one of the top heart-healthy foods that I recommend."
"Apple cider vinegar has gained popularity for its potential benefits on heart health."
"Heart rate variability is an indicator of a healthy heart."
"Turmeric is powerful to protect the body cells and the heart."
"Olives are probably the ultimate heart-healthy snack."
"We just don't see repeat heart attacks. I have guys...17, 18 years ago, no repeats."
"That acute stress that you put on your heart, it's not... When you work out you're supposed to warm up and cool down, that kind of thing. But you know, from a dead sleep to your max heart rate in less than five minutes is just not healthy for your heart."
"There's only one diet ever been proven to reverse heart disease in the majority of patients: a plant-based one."
"If the average cholesterol in America is between 200 to 210, you can get to 200, feel good about yourself, but are you still going to have a heart attack? Very likely, yeah."
"Supports heart health: Cod liver oil is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA, which have been linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease."
"Heart health and staying healthy, especially when you have family, friends, or loved ones, is so important."
"Your teeth health actually matters a lot, in fact, it connects pretty solidly, according to research, with your heart health."
"The consumption of nuts more than four times a week has a cardioprotective impact and may help to lower the risk of coronary heart disease."
"So, the bottom line: Are eggs bad for heart health? Absolutely not."
"Omega-3s yield various health benefits including regulating blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels, combating inflammation, improving blood vessel function, preventing heart disease and stroke, aiding in the creation of certain hormones, and improving brain health effectively reducing the risks of dementia, Alzheimer's, and depression."
"More people die of heart attacks with normal cholesterol."
"It's zero, my CAC is zero. Most cardiologists would say with an LDL of 533 you should accumulate visible atherosclerosis in six months."
"Fruit consumption is protective of cardiovascular disease."
"Coronary artery disease really need never exist and if it does exist it need never progress." - Dr. Esselstyn
"If you cannot rupture the cap of your plaque, you have made yourself heart-attack proof." - Dr. Esselstyn
"If you want large, fluffy, buoyant LDL particles, restricting carbs is definitely the most effective way to do that."
"Several meta-analyses demonstrated that reducing saturated fat and replacing it with pufas, with polyunsaturated fats, is more beneficial to preventing cardiovascular disease."
"Replacing saturated fat with linoleic acid lowers coronary heart disease death."
"Saturated fat was not bad for you, but actually protective against heart disease."
"The Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of cardiovascular death by 75%."
"Ace inhibitors have been shown to reduce cardiac remodeling especially in patients who have had myocardial infarctions."
"Nuts do lower the relative risk of fatal heart attack by between 31 and 37 percent."
"Heart attacks do not come from clogged arteries about 80 percent of the time."
"Giving your body a boost of compounds that actively support your heart."
"Extra virgin olive oil is one of the most helpful oils for lowering the risk of heart disease."
"One of the best ways to reduce heart disease risk."
"I would say there's loads of myths the probably biggest myth that frustrates me is that Dairy is high in saturated fat and therefore increases your risk of heart disease and it doesn't."
"Gratitude quite literally helps your heart on a physical level."
"When you have an inflammation of the heart that's a serious thing."
"Reciprocal changes, seen as ST depressions, can help determine if a person is experiencing a true STEMI."
"What else could be very significant to pick up as an abnormality is pathological q waves."
"You want to be thinking about signs of atrial enlargement."
"You're in heart failure. Your ejection fraction, which should be around 55-60, you're at 30."
"Welcome to today's eye-opening journey as we delve into the secrets behind breakfast choices that can either fortify or harm your heart health."
"Watermelon flesh with seeds is the way to go for any heart issues or blocked arteries."
"Science today says the heart is the best organ for various reasons."
"Oats offer a simple yet scientifically supported strategy for keeping arteries clean and preventing heart attacks."
"The choices we make in our diet can be powerful allies in preventing heart attacks and promoting overall well-being."
"Turmeric helps calm inflammation and keeps our hearts healthier."
"Ginger tea boasts a myriad of benefits for heart health."
"Lemon water acts as a powerful antioxidant shielding your heart from oxidative stress."
"Beetroot juice, a vibrant elixir extracted from the humble beetroot, boasts a myriad of benefits for heart health."
"Bitter gourd juice packs a punch of antioxidants combating free radicals for heart health."
"Chlorella emerges as a powerhouse for heart health."
"Pomegranate juice boasts high levels of antioxidants, particularly polyphenols, which support arterial health."
"Hibiscus tea consumption is associated with lower blood pressure levels, a key factor in maintaining healthy arteries."
"Higher avocado intake was associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease in two large prospective cohorts of U.S men and women."
"Forgiveness is like that special potion for our hearts."
"I feel really great but I feel my heart rate's the lowest it's ever been in my adult life."
"Heart is the most important muscle. Please don't neglect it."
"That love during heart health month is so important we talk about oxytocin that bonding we talk about the power of forgiveness the power of volunteering but you have to have the love."
"Do not stop eating fruit. It's very, I mean, it's heart-healthy."
"Tempeh, a heart-healthy protein alternative."
"Cardiology deals with conditions of the heart and cardiovascular problems."
"These peptides have been shown to heal heart tissue and to reverse heart failure."
"Your heart rate is going to start going; you could have a heart attack."
"Dental health is directly related to their entire overall health and well-being of their body, especially heart health."
"The evidence overall is that there's a significant reduction in heart attack with EPA and DHA."
"Vibrations initiated by valve closure are transmitted through tissues to be heard as the first heart sound."
"Know this basic cardiology concept: sounds in a healthy heart are usually produced by valve closure, not by opening."
"Now fruits and vegetables one serving a day lowers heart attack risk lowers disease risks."
"The heart, the most important muscle in the body."
"There are myriad life choices you can make that maximize heart health and minimize the chance of disease."
"Lemon balm can protect the heart in numerous ways."
"The three biggest risk factors to decrease a person's risk for heart disease it's high blood pressure high cholesterol smoking get those under control you will decrease your risk of of getting heart disease heart attack and maybe even the Congress."
"These are local hormones that regulate inflammation, swelling, fever, clotting, and the immune system."
"If you had less than four percent omega-3 in your cell membranes... that would lead to a 42% risk reduction in having a heart attack."
"Over half of future heart attacks can be predicted by the calcium scan result."
"Whole plant foods, specifically nitrate-rich plant foods like chard and beets, can dilate your arteries."
"Olive oil goes with everything—keto, paleo, low-fat—it's a blessing for heart health."
"Organic dairy products contain 62% more heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids than regular dairy products."
"Dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids, particularly polyphenol, which have been extensively studied for their positive effects on cardiovascular health."
"I don't care about your LDL, I don't care about your total cholesterol. They don't predict heart disease risk anyway."
"Allicin combined with sac and polyphenols makes Venison Defense a unique supplement for immune and heart health." - Venison Defense
"Even just the smallest perturbation of sleep can have a significant impact on your body, such as the 24% increase in heart attacks seen after losing one hour of sleep due to daylight savings time."
"The British Society for Heart Failure are kind of riffing on this with their 'Freedom from Failure' F word campaign."
"NAD can help improve arterial dysfunction associated with heart disease."
"The number of heart attack deaths among 25 to 44 year olds in the US over the first two years of the pandemic was 30 percent higher than predicted."
"The healthy range for serum cholesterol is 50 to 70 mg/dL, where atherosclerosis does not occur. So if you can keep your LDL below 70 mg/dL, you should be able to avoid atherosclerosis."
"Simple practices like regular tongue cleaning could be a low cost, non-invasive method to improve heart health and prevent hypertension."
"People feel better when they're in normal rhythm, and that's a huge benefit of catheter ablation, especially over medications." - Dr. Navin Sani
"I have avoided brain and heart damage, this disorder does have a tendency to permanently damage people's brains."
"High intake of flavonol is associated with fewer heart-related deaths."
"They eat lots of Omega-3 foods which is good for your heart and good for inflammation."
"Moderate exercise does seem to protect against a worse type of coronary artery disease."
"Magnesium is so important... it keeps that heart muscle at rest."
"There is no limit you can eat as many eggs as you want okay and you will not get a heart attack you will not clog your arteries you will not get heart disease"
"The stronger your heart is to start with, the more it's going to be able to tolerate the decreased blood flow."
"Your heart is the most important muscle in your body. Good job, guys."
"When you start going on ketones, your heart starts beating better. Maybe that increases the rate a bit. Your heart gets used to running on rocket fuel now."
"If you're having any issues with your body especially around the heart, definitely see a medical professional in your area to get that checked out."
"High output heart failure occurs when the heart is relatively healthy but is unable to meet exaggerated demands by the body, resulting in failure despite increased cardiac output."
"Epinephrine and dopamine can also increase your contractility which can push more blood out of the heart so that can be good in patients who have acute systolic heart failure or cardiogenic shock due to like an mi."
"...a normal QTC for man is actually considered to be less than 450 milliseconds."
"Consuming cloves by chewing can contribute to heart health through several mechanisms thanks to their rich array of bioactive compounds."
"Defibrillators are life-saving devices that provide an electric shock to the heart to correct potentially fatal abnormal heart rhythms."
"A pacemaker can be a useful treatment option to control heart rate in atrial fibrillation, but it's not a cure. It's often combined with an AV node ablation to control the heart rate."
"Taking care of our gut health is so important because it's so closely linked to so many things in our body including the health of our skin our heart health and even our mental and emotional health."
"Exercise is medicine and nutrition is medicine when it comes to heart health."
"Anti-inflammatory diets reduce something called c-reactive protein by 20 percent and overall heart disease risk by 30 percent."
"The reason we listen to Heart sounds is to assess the closure of heart valves that are located in the heart because it tells us a lot about what's going on with the patient's heart."
"What's in your heart right now? Is it health or is it death?"
"Consult your medical practitioner if you have any concerns about your heart."
"If you have a heart valve replacement, warfarin may also prevent a clot from developing around an artificial heart valve."
"Beta blockers are cardioprotective because they reduce the heart rate and hence reduce oxygen demand."
"If you really want to optimize heart health then work on your social connections and your sense of purpose."
"Eggs are heart healthy in moderation."
"Omega-3 fatty acids in fish are very good for heart health and brain development."
"Daily physical activity is the single best thing you can do to keep your heart healthy."
"The heart gets smaller when you move to the DASH diet or the low sodium diet, probably due to your diet."
"The top number is when the heart squeezes and pumps blood."
"Time-restricted feeding slows down aging of the heart."
"Single PVCs or complex forms, no more than couplets, that don't get worse with exercise and are asymptomatic, you're generally good to go."
"We can predict with high accuracy whether an individual will have a heart attack or stroke in the next three to five years by analyzing the health of their retina."
"It's called lymphedema. It's when your heart doesn't pump strong enough to get the blood back up."
"It's important that we all remember to do a heart care team approach, and to neglect that is really a disservice to your patients."
"You're not only saving your heart, but you're eliminating chronic illness."
"Fatty fish may help reduce the risk of heart disease and inflammation common in diabetes."
"Heart disease is a hundred percent preventable with a good diet."
"The association between coronary calcium score and risk of heart attack is clear."
"GG also plays a role in heart health."
"There's good evidence that acute stress triggers heart attacks."
"Walking, if you can walk, taking medicine to control blood pressure, taking medicine to control cholesterol, eating a healthy diet, not smoking, those simple things can dramatically reduce the chances of dying if you have heart disease."
"Test, don't guess. Find the information and know if you already have developed some verifiable heart disease, and if so, make appropriate decisions from there."
"Hopefully to help you to gain a basic understanding of the pathophysiology of heart attacks, also known in medical jargon as myocardial infarction."
"A heart attack or myocardial infarction specifically is when the blood supply to the heart is interrupted, causing ischemia or lack of oxygen and lack of blood flow to the heart."
"Heart failure is defined... as an inability of the heart to pump enough blood to meet the demands of the body."
"I feel really, really good about the heart health stuff I'm taking."
"Of 26 risk factors for heart disease, 22 of them get better avoiding carbs and eating a saturated fat-rich diet."
"We are building on-demand personalized replacement hearts."
"A heart healthy lifestyle is the foundation for the reduction of ASCVD risk."
"Maintain a healthy weight; eat a heart-healthy nutritious diet."
"Eating more blueberries can stop heart disease from happening when cholesterol is degraded."
"Monounsaturated fatty acids, found in olive oil, are good for your heart."
"Oatmeal is full of fiber, B vitamins, and iron, which help control your blood sugar and keep your heart healthy."
"Tomatoes have a lot of vitamins, especially lycopene, which makes them red and helps your heart stay healthy."
"Coronary angioplasty is used to open up clogged hearts."
"Oral bacteria can enter the bloodstream and contribute to clot formation, increasing the risk for heart attacks."
"Cardiovascular is the main focus of your longevity."
"Regular physical activity markedly reduces your risk for dying from heart disease over the long run."
"The benefit of eating a plant-based diet for heart health... is so important for your heart."
"The EKG is a pretty cool tool and it will allow us to actually see which part of the myocardium is ischemic at any given time."
"One hour of lost sleep... we see a subsequent 24% increase in heart attacks."
"Red wine is good for your heart, okay? Actually, this is the biggest myth of all time."
"Foods that are high in potassium and magnesium are good for heart rhythm patients."
"You want to make sure that you dedicate plenty of time and attention to the heart, the cardiovascular structure, so that you don't miss anything."
"This effectively rules out significant pulmonary hypertension."
"Basic categorization of LV function is firmly in the wheelhouse of POCUS providers."
"Avocado oil is one of the safest and consistently most heart promoting oils out there."
"High oleic sunflower oil is shown to be beneficial for cholesterol and heart health while combating inflammation."
"The Hawthorne has been used for many ailments throughout history, most commonly for strengthening and healing the heart."
"Three times a week for 12 minutes is all you need to condition that heart for good general health."
"Walking increases your heart rate, strengthens your heart muscle, and improves blood circulation through your body."
"Everybody donate for congenital heart awareness, and you donate. That's a good idea."
"Electrocardiogram: It's a recording of heart electrical activity."
"Chocolate makes your heart healthier, calms your mind, and lowers blood pressure. It's literally the perfect treat."
"I don't care how good you look if your heart's not healthy."
"The research suggests that a diet may not have to be extremely low in fat in order to protect the heart."
"Those following the Mediterranean diet were significantly less likely than those in the other group to have a second heart attack."
"Studies suggest that the kinds of oils in the fat included in the Mediterranean diet may protect the heart against potentially fatal disruptions of heart rhythms and other causes of heart attacks."
"Dates are exceptionally beneficial for maintaining a healthy heart rhythm."
"By including dates in a balanced diet, one can support overall heart health and prevent common cardiovascular conditions."
"Electrocardiogram can be helpful for risk stratification."
"Foods high in potassium are linked to reduced blood pressure, a major factor in heart diseases."
"Angina, that pain, that is the heart screaming out saying, 'Hey, I'm dying. I need some oxygen right.'"
"This could be a perfect way to keep tabs on your heart."
"Flossing reduces your risk of heart disease probably because of that."
"The Nurses Health Study... showed a reduced risk of heart disease."
"After spending the best part of my life practicing medicine, I've realized how limited our medicines are at preventing heart disease."
"The choices we make in our daily diet play a pivotal role in determining the well-being of our hearts."
"Specific harmful foods, particularly those high in trans fats and excessive sodium, contribute significantly to arterial congestion."
"Cardiovascular exercise has many benefits to it in relation to your heart health and other areas."
"People at higher rates of serum vitamin C have lower rates of death from heart disease."
"When we are busy... we are literally killing our hearts."
"Movement four benefits heart health on many levels and provides a secondary benefit to the lungs."
"They also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for your heart and brain health."
"Flax seed is an excellent source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a type of omega-3 fatty acid that's important for heart health."
"Whole grains are really good sources of fiber and nutrients, heart-healthy oils."
"A plant-based diet is the best prescription for a healthy heart."
"Olive oil, particularly extra virgin, is highly beneficial for heart health due to its rich content of monounsaturated fats."
"Olive oil is renowned not only for its heart health benefits but also for its role in stroke prevention."
"The heart's pumping action is regulated by an electrical conduction system that coordinates the contraction of the various chambers of the heart."
"A pacemaker is a device that is placed in the chest or abdomen to help control abnormal heart rhythms."
"A defibrillator can also shock your heart if it detects a dangerous rhythm."
"There's something called a coronary calcium score which uses a special CT machine to check the calcium buildup in your blood vessels in the heart."
"Eating a heart-healthy diet and exercising are the most important things you can do for your heart."