
Ownership Quotes

There are 9546 quotes

"You're going to own nothing and be happy; that goes completely against human nature."
"It's the first thing I've ever had that's just been totally mine. There's a fear of doing things on your own, but I've truly loved it."
"Detachment is not that you own nothing, detachment is that nothing owns you."
"The highest level is ownership. The highest level is power. The highest level is sovereignty."
"Your keys, your Bitcoin. Not your keys, not your Bitcoin."
"This nation does not belong to them. This nation belongs to you."
"I think it's gorgeous and it gives me, the owner, a lot of enjoyment."
"Ownership is a big hassle; shit breaks all the time."
"You're looking lovely with everything that God has given you because I know you own everything that you have."
"Ownership alone isn't exactly a great value add for the consumer. It's got to be an interesting game, something fun, something people actually want. Otherwise, why would anyone care about owning it?"
"The only thing you really own is your present."
"In the same way that I would rather own 3% of Amazon than 30% of Wish.com... a generation should be happier owning 3% of modern-day America rather than 30% of the USA in the 1970s."
"Ownership of your life... That's the power of having financial freedom."
"What that showed me is like ownership is everything moving forward."
"If you had a great business on Main Street and it's just bringing in tons of cash, the last thing you're going to want to do is sell it."
"If you want someone to act like an owner, you have to make them an owner."
"While readers may feel some sense of ownership over his work due to how they related to the material, at the end of the day, it's his story, and he can do what he wants with it."
"We will end it on ownership because a lot of people lie about ownership. The reality is, we own the film."
"Take ownership of everything that's going on in your world. That's extreme ownership."
"Good luck, newcomer. What are you talking about? I own this place."
"This is my piece of land, cute little fishing spot. Quite a pretty world, kind of reminds me of Granite Falls to be honest."
"Bitcoin allows you to own something in an extreme form of ownership that is not represented in any other domain of life."
"The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein."
"Detachment doesn't mean that you own nothing, it means that nothing owns you."
"It's just great to see it go to a good new owner."
"You will own nothing in the future and you'll be happy, on the face of it, is amongst the most anti-human, enslaving, controlling concepts I've ever had in my life."
"The whole concept of ownership is something that we used to hold dearly in society; you bought something, you paid for it, it is yours."
"The very concept of ownership and property gets called into question here."
"We're not just buying stocks; we're actually buying part ownership in a company."
"You only own two things in this life...that's my mind and my body. Make both as sharp as you can before you go."
"Allow your players to have a sense of ownership."
"It will still be his, were the Martians ten times as mighty as they are; for neither do men live nor die in vain."
"This isn't a car you want to own out of warranty."
"This is my house, it's my time, it's my moment."
"You as an investor, as a regular person, have the opportunity to be one of the owners of these big companies by investing in their stocks on the stock market."
"When you're chilling, is when you can own your time."
"When you invest in stock, you are buying ownership in a company."
"You never want to own a boat. What you really want to do is rent a boat."
"It's my true honor and privilege today to announce that Giannis and his family will be owners of the Milwaukee Brewers baseball club."
"The idea that the husband owns the wife in such a way that she's almost like a piece of property... is something that I disagree with."
"The only way to build wealth is through ownership."
"Black power is not being invited to the front of the bus. It's not even driving the bus. Black power is owning the damn bus, where you get to be the owner, the driver, and the passenger because it's your own goddamn bus."
"No country was built without the pounding of dead bodies. This country just happens to be ours."
"The value of an object is decided by its owner."
"It's the moment I've been waiting for. That's a new beginning for myself as an owner of a business."
"She actually owns a couple of animal sanctuaries."
"I believe every business should be worker-owned. That's the core of market socialism."
"We don't need to get the club out of the Glazer's hands because they're selling."
"People that take ownership of what's going on in their world are absolutely going to have a better mental health."
"The crossover between digital and physical possessions, digital and physical ownership, those things will continue to merge."
"What do you own in life?... Freedom was what we were all about. Communism suppressed freedom because people weren't allowed to own their own property."
"Right to repair is the idea that you should be able to fix what you own."
"If you can't fix it, do you own it? I would argue no, you don't; you are renting it."
"Over the past several years, companies across all industries have been eroding the definition of ownership."
"We have been conditioned to believe that it is okay to spend money on something that we don't own."
"There's a war on ownership in our culture. The powers that be don't want you to actually possess and own anything."
"So many Americans live now in rented homes or apartments, they drive financed cars filled with subscription-based features, they buy everything on credit, and they own nothing."
"I want my kids to live in a world where when they buy something, they actually own it."
"Blender really allowed me to own it, and I was more excited to share what I learned with others."
"That feeling of ownership is something that's being taken away more and more every single day."
"The value of an NFT equals verified ownership plus scarcity plus utility plus ownership history plus future value plus liquidity premium."
"Detachment is not that you do not own anything; it is that nothing owns you."
"People feel skin in the game, they feel ownership, and that causes them to go evangelize."
"The fundamental moral idea to which you will be led is the idea that we are the owners or the proprietors of our own person."
"When I get it, it's mine. I don't have to worry about ever making a payment on it again."
"In the next 5 to 10 years, you will not own anything and... you will be happy."
"The real problem is not which billionaire owns Twitter, the real problem is that the platforms on which our contemporary public sphere rests can be owned at all."
"The fathers are given this key that they're then going to give to the husband of their daughters, and that creeped me out because it really does symbolize the kind of ownership over your own daughter's virginity."
"The point of private ownership of firearms is to deter potential conflicts."
"The world's changing. There's gonna be two people on this planet: people who own and people who don't."
"Nothing is truly yours until you give it away."
"People should be able to do what they want with the stuff that they buy."
"There is no loyalty, there is no guarantee, there is no security if you don't own the company."
"The future hasn't been written. Why can't we own the future? Why can't we build that?"
"How perfect is the one in whose hands alone is the kingdom and ownership of everything and to him alone you will all be returned."
"Do you mean this is my laptop, my name is literally engraved on it."
"Democratizing ownership so, in the same way, web one democratized information, web 2 democratized publishing, web 3 is democratizing ownership."
"Own it; you've been playing with it, you've been visiting it, you've been hoping for it, you've been praying for it."
"I don't want anybody else to own anything I create."
"Sometimes it helps to just take ownership of the things you've done in the hopes that people might one day be able to understand why you did them."
"The moment that it goes on is the moment that the prophecy of me owning an NSX is finally real."
"I'm into legacy; I'm into owning something. I want to pass something down to my family."
"To own just a little piece of this is a dream come true."
"Workers will be more productive, they'll care more about fixing things that go wrong, anticipating problems, because they'll be part of the decision-making and ownership apparatus."
"Property is not simply a relationship between an owner and an object of ownership; property is primarily a complex relationship between people."
"Economic freedom, as in the government doesn't own what you've created. No one else does. That's the point."
"I got a beautiful cave all to myself, and it's mine."
"English doesn't just belong to the Queen; it belongs to anyone that speaks it."
"When you buy something in 2023, you don't really own it; you own the right to use it until the company decides that you don't anymore."
"Support right to repair: you'll own everything and they'll be pissed."
"It's our stuff. We're the owners, the shareholders of the richest, most advanced country in the history of the world."
"Property taxes... Once you own a piece of property, you shouldn't have to rent it from the government."
"It's not the car that makes you smile; it's the history behind it, the stories of the old owners and what they've done over the years."
"It feels good to have ownership of the label I was a part of at the beginning of my career."
"The whole idea of building wealth is not just to own a home; it is to build wealth by owning assets."
"I say we shouldn't be letting the alt-right take ownership of well, anything."
"The notion that we should just engage with a digital future where ownership doesn't exist is plain and simply absurd."
"Wealth comes from ownership. You have to own assets that have the ability to retain their value or to increase in value in order to gain wealth."
"Production company shall own all results and proceeds of contractor's services rendered hereunder in perpetuity."
"The two happiest days of a boat owner's life is the day he buys it and the day he sells it."
"Don't let any Tesla owner ever bully you or gatekeep you by saying that your electric car is not a real electric car."
"Creators don't really own their creations; we receive those creations and we integrate them into our own imaginations and our own life stories and cultures."
"Harry Potter is way bigger than J.K. Rowling; it belongs to you, the reader."
"Now part owner of a Major League Baseball team... it was something where I wanted to be a part of something that not only I love in baseball but also a part of the city that has kind of shown me the love."
"My idea would increase the ownership of shares across the whole country and make America more capitalist and less feudal."
"Artists should never have to part with their work; they should own it from day one."
"If you know anything about economics, you know that ownership is the only way to a successful community."
"I'm about Black Enterprise, black ownership, and black liberation, and it is important to me."
"It's hard to be free in America as a black person when you don't own anything."
"It's a lot of fun to ride and it's a great motorcycle to own and enjoy."
"Sure, it was fun to watch Jack and Zuck own Donald Trump. But maybe it’s time for the people to own Jack and Zuck."
"The United States reserves and retains complete ownership, possession, and control of presidential records."
"I own buildings and property, so I really don't have time to be on social media trying to argue back and forth with people who don't intellectually even think on my level."
"I certainly wish to see us endowed with a right to repair the things we own."
"Americans can own whatever they want and in whatever quantity that they're capable of owning or to their desire. That's the bottom line."
"One's device ought to be one's property, with all of the exceptions of ownership and privacy that entails."
"We object to owning people, we object to being owned, we object to slavery."
"They've taken the theme and they've taken ownership of that and gone all out with it, which I very much enjoy."
"It's about not taking it personally. It's like the difference between a house and my house is a world of difference and it's the 'my' that's the problem."
"The true value of these Apes are their scarcity, their rarity, and their history of ownership."
"Jesus planted a flag in the sand and said, 'This world is mine.'"
"The difference between Manchester United pre-Glazers and post-Glazers is that we weren't owned by people who didn't support the club."
"The Chiefs have had the fewest principal owners of all 32 franchises, which is remarkable..."
"None of the digital Assets in your account are the property of or shell or maybe loan two FTX trading."
"So we have a generation that's beginning to believe it's not about ownership. It's access."
"It's not civil rights and social integration that decide your opportunities, it's what you own and control that decides your future."
"Same thing with 50 Cent. 50 Cent will outright laugh at cancel culture and say [] cancel culture. I own my []."
"I think they will own us... It's unstoppable, that's what many people are saying."
"This has actually been a lot of fun I am very very proud to be a co-owner and hundred thieves."
"Extreme ownership: learn from your mistakes."
"You can own your in-game assets such as land NFTs, wearables, as well as many other things."
"When we start owning stuff, then you become a threat."
"BlackRock now owns stakes in every industry."
"The best way to win is to own everything and hang on to it."
"There's no place for that he should know better especially him being a part owner."
"Rights involve doing what you want with what is yours."
"This is my castle. I'm going to call it the castle."
"We will own nothing and it's working." - Klaus Schwab
"You will own nothing and you will be happy." - Klaus Schwab
"When we take ownership, we empower ourselves to make our situation better."
"Property rights mean you work, you produce, and then you get stuff."
"Take absolute ownership and responsibility of everything in your life."
"Disney owns or has a big stake in Star Wars Marvel Pixar ESPN and more."
"When you ask me what was the reason, yes we need to take ownership but there's nothing you can do when your country has 48 of the people believing in mainstream media which is a leftist propaganda machine."
"I see a future where we no longer need to own the expensive hardware ourselves."
"The only thing you own is your soul and your integrity."
"Own them, own your stuff, own your business, own yourself."
"The world is getting harder, but it doesn't have to be harder for all of us if you are an owner instead of owned."
"If you own crypto in an exchange and the exchange does not give you your private keys it's not clear that you own anything."
"The Blues means people being oppressed, white folks please stay away from our goddamn music."
"We gotta say, 'Hey, we're gonna put our resources behind this because this is ours.'"
"The house looks nicer, it looks shinier... It's ours."
"I've gone in and named some of our silent ships."
"It's the idea that when you buy something, you own it. The idea that when what you own breaks, you shouldn't simply have to replace everything on it to make it work again."
"When you buy a product, you own it and you should be allowed to repair." - Bruce Geiger
"Taking away the blessing and the ability to make money off of my music and offer the ownership of everything that I've created as a musician."
"You can own a hundred percent of a hundred dollars or you can own 10 or 10 million."
"Game preservation is super duper important and I think you should own what you buy."
"You deserve to own and keep your copy, no matter when you bought it."
"Do you ever look up at the night sky and wonder what if I owned this star or what if I was the owner of a planet?"
"Unless he's hiding his money somewhere else he doesn't own anything but this one company."
"Once I give it to you, it's yours. Once I give it to you as yours, then nothing after that really matters to me anymore."
"Web 3.0 is read, write, and own, and the 'own' bit is coming from this concept of decentralization."
"In the end you will own nothing and you will be happy."
"That's how I choose to move through my Artistry in this industry, so ownership is really important to me, and also creative freedom."
"Whoever says the idea first, it's their video."
"Melody Hobson is changing the game of football as the first black woman to be a part owner of an NFL team."
"This football club should not be in the hands of people like that."
"Empower yourself, empower your neighbors, go own everything."
"The glazers can't run this football club anymore which is why I was saying in the summer I think the sale of the club is coming very soon."
"You will own nothing and be happy like Ubi right like you'll have just enough to get by but if you don't do exactly what we say."
"Consistency and convenience with fractional ownership."
"We need to keep these people accountable and speak out against them, or we could very easily fall into a future where we own absolutely nothing and we must pay monthly for everything."
"BlackRock increased its stock ownership of Fox to over 15% in February."
"When you invest in amazon you own a piece of amazon so as amazon creates more value you benefit because when amazon is worth more as a company you are the one that owns the shares that are now worth more."
"In capitalism, owning things is way more profitable than doing things."
"This is the world you can own, you can own digital real estate and it's the future, what you can own."
"Owning physical games, in my opinion, is always better than buying these games digitally because you actually own that physical license."
"America first does not belong to Donald Trump."
"The value of the NFT is in verifying who's the owner."
"Does owning a car make you feel more free or does it do the opposite?"
"Players spend 100 billion dollars each year on items that you don't own. This is wrong."
"If I come to you and I say here's an idea and we work to make it happen, there's no one who can take it away that I did something."
"Stay off the moon. It's not yours. It's ours."
"The extent to which some of the support for the war in Ukraine is rooted in that sense of ownership sometimes gets forgotten."
"Your device is yours to do anything you want with, and I really believe in that."
"If you don't own nothing you don't control nothing."
"Sign the [__] deal... because in 10 years from now right you own your material."
"It's the concept of owning nothing but controlling everything."
"Augustus personally owned Egypt... he could have drunk his coffee inside a pyramid."
"You will never own anything and you will be happy."
"A future where people will own nothing, and I just I'm not sure if they're gonna like it."
"Ownership is not seen as shameful but rather seen as an opportunity."
"Having something that is totally yours is priceless."
"If you get a good one, it's the car that'll do everything for you that you never need."
"Monopoly in a nutshell: Own everything with strategy."
"Retaining the rights to your work online is huge; you own your art to some extent."
"Blockchain gaming is a chance to fundamentally own your in-game assets."
"You're just salty that Elon Musk's going to buy Twitter and make it a real free speech zone."
"Fans not agreeing is part of the story, but the Glazers are something very different. They actually own the club, they dictate the standards, they dictate what we spend, they dictate what our ambitions are."