
Communism Quotes

There are 389 quotes

"The reason why communism fails is because it's based on a failed understanding of human nature."
"The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."
"Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win."
"He's used as a way to control the masses these days by the Communist Party."
"Global trade may sound good but you have to look under the surface because really it's global trade on the communist parties' terms."
"Building communism and building a stateless, classless society is going to be a long struggle."
"In the 1980s, we had ten years a real communist country... my mom living in that time... said that was the best time that she had in her life."
"Communism: taking the joy and wonder out of, well, everything since 1848."
"The Soviet Union will be looked at in history not as the end of communism but as its first valiant experiment."
"What do you own in life?... Freedom was what we were all about. Communism suppressed freedom because people weren't allowed to own their own property."
"Communism, whatever its stated intentions, leads to evil."
"Capitalism was the last form of society to feature class conflict, and that communism will be the first society without class conflict, which will bring on a new era of history."
"The beauty of it is it does two things: it solves the mystery of what went wrong with the other socialism and communism."
"Communism has killed 80 million people in a 60-year period, more than every religion combined since the dawn of time."
"I was born in a communist regime and I'm very scared for what is happening to Canada's democracy."
"Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things."
"The specter of communism did not disappear with the disintegration of the Communist Party in Eastern Europe."
"The sad truth, however, is that a stealthily transformed communist ideology has instead taken hold and entrenched itself around the world."
"What communism declares war on is humanity itself, including human values and human dignity."
"Communism is a devil bent on the destruction of humanity."
"The goal of the specter is to ruin humanity."
"Communism is the ideology of the devil at the core of the evil specter."
"Communism...says well why don't we go that step further and just say let's distribute things equally."
"Communism...is about the liberation of human potential from the oppressive forces of state management."
"Karl Marx was a German philosopher in the 1800s, who, in his Communist Manifesto and other writings, created the philosophical underpinnings for communism."
"The theoretical communist state is a classless, and maybe even a little bit-- a classless society, and in Karl Marx's point of view-- and this is a little harder to imagine-- a stateless society."
"Sometimes Communists can be pretty cool actually."
"What communism is about is grassroots democratic management of society and production that prioritizes human need over profit."
"Communism failed, and the authoritarian dictatorships all fail."
"The only way to stop communism is nuclear warfare."
"We are not going to be nagged into communism. It's not happening."
"Communism pushes for a world governed by absolute egalitarianism."
"Communism realized only authoritarian societies."
"Failure to adapt: a reason for communist collapse."
"Old China was dead, and then new China was born with the Communist Party of China."
"Communism is a better system than capitalism."
"If participation in bourgeois electoralism will dull the edge of your communist revolutionaries, those communist revolutionaries will certainly not survive the temptations after a proletarian revolution."
"Communism was an attempt to reverse capitalism."
"He truly believed that communism will make for a better world."
"Anarchism and communism stand in direct opposition to the political opportunism of liberals and fascists."
"Centralization doesn't work... it was called communism... it clearly doesn't work."
"Nazism and fascism are substantially closer to communism than they are to any sort of right-wing ideology."
"I think there is a solution to this problem... 'Black holes have been communism's territories since ancient times.'"
"Lenin emerged in the course of this formative year as the head of the new communist state."
"Communism provides a seductive vision and narrative about humanity."
"We won the Cold War in effect, less because of anything we did and because communism turned out to be a moral disaster."
"Even if you're a full-blown communist... you should be able to agree with social democrats like Sam Cedar types on pretty much 99 of issues."
"Well if they ever lived under communism then we have some conversations to have with those people. Right? Because I survived that. For me, it's very easy. I see things clearly."
"Communism talks about equality in all spheres, be it financial, gender equality."
"Communism is a classless, stateless, and moneyless socio-economic system." - Caption
"I can't believe people can look at communism on paper and go, 'Yeah, this will work.'"
"Cuba: from freewheeling capitalism to nationalizing industries under the Communist Party."
"More than a third of Millennials approve of Communism."
"It turns people against each other by sowing hatred and division is the primary means by which communism corrupts society."
"So communism is ultimately to bring about the bloodshed and the violent ruling that we will see eventually in the future if we don't realize what is happening now."
"Every religious war in history and every religious dictatorship in all of history combined kills less people than just communism."
"If I had to summarize what the communists did worse it was killing the most productive classes."
"The Communist catastrophe was the manifestation of the implicit nature of the ideal."
"Communism is spreading throughout the world and we're just going on and we're kind of doing our thing along hey there you go right nothing going on here."
"Communism, the worst form of systematized evil in human history."
"It's been proven time and time again in history that communist approaches to economics command economic approaches just don't work."
"What does communism have to do with... you calling somebody by the name they want to be called?"
"The Chinese Communist Party is trying to bring back the days of Mao Zedong."
"Peaceful protests, civil protests, and articulate meaningful demands generate respect."
"Ho Chi Minh was very charismatic and was also very good at presenting the Communist cause not strictly as an ideological thing but rather as the sort of liberation movement."
"Communism has always been built on a lie, a lie of equality."
"But if I'm totally wrong and it is a huge mistake, I need to know you'll be there for me."
"Communism... all coins that everyone should have."
"China proved that the right way to run a country is communistic at the top and socialistic at the bottom."
"And now many generations of people who have been brought up under the regime not really knowing what traditional Chinese culture is about."
"So you're subverting 70 years of communist cultural destruction."
"Cultural destruction is a powerful tool that has always been used by communists and socialists to socially engineer a potentially dangerous populace."
"We have a real obligation to the millions of dead and forgotten people that suffered miserable slow painful deaths at the hands of communism."
"You cannot reach communism without breaking eggs."
"We won the cold war let's not hide our heads under a bushel here we won the cold war communism was rejected."
"Without US intervention, communism would have dominated the global stage."
"True communism is Trotskyism. That's the pure communism that will continue and will envelope the world."
"Communism has led to massive starvation because of the inability to distribute supplies."
"At the heart of communism and Marxism is the abolition of private property."
"I plan to continue my work exposing the subversive programs of the Chinese Communist Party."
"The history of communism is the history of mass violence."
"Do you think the people on the left have a consciousness of hey we're ushering in communism or do you think it's more of a they're subconsciously doing that."
"The aim of the Communist Utopia: total material abundance and freedom from responsibility."
"Communism and socialism just removed the reins and allowed the worst components of human nature to run free."
"You might be able to vote your way into communism, but eventually your grandchildren will have to shoot their way out."
"Communism is a stateless, godless, moneyless, and classless society."
"The four horsemen of the apocalypse: secularism, liberalism, communism, globalism."
"The Long March of the Chinese Communists achieved near mythological status, turning defeat into victory and sealing Mao Zedong's position in power."
"Communism is when the government completely controls culture and economy."
"If you get that polarity backwards you end up with communism where everybody has a job but they're not producing anything anybody wants."
"A specter is haunting Europe -- the specter of communism."
"President Arbenz wasn't a communist but some of his close allies were."
"Controlling people through controlling resources is the communist way..."
"The Communists had drafted dissidents from each of these parties, heralded them as the party's legitimate representatives, and then sidelined the genuine party leaders."
"Stalin was a true believer in communism; he wanted to build a better world by infusing communism into the country."
"Stalin's ability to communicate his dedication to communism and his abilities to enact them were part of his appeal."
"He justified his manipulation and violence by appeals to communism and Soviet glory."
"Having a communist be the vice president would actually be part of this history of expanding democracy."
"For that reason, they haven't focused nearly as much attention on the horrific actions of communists as they have on the horrific actions of the Nazis."
"Reason number five: communists murdered mostly their own people..."
"Given the unparalleled amount of human suffering communists have caused..."
"We were the first country to attempt and to succeed in rolling back the frontiers of socialism, which is the first cousin to communism."
"The left started embracing collectivist and communist ideas."
"Dear God, I have a seven month old. Doesn't he deserve a future?"
"Communism has failed but what about capitalism? That's a question for the ages."
"This Pope who I like to say I can't call him a Marxist or even pro-communist but he's soft on communism he's not good on communism he's bad on the subject."
"These are anti-communist protests now taking place in Cuba."
"The only thing communism usually rises up is that there's corruption or oppression and the communists who take office are frequently motivated by a theory."
"Communism may work in theory socialism may work in theory and that's why it's so popular in places where you don't have to prove yourself."
"Communism alone is capable of providing really complete democracy."
"Communism never arrives; it's just a marketing pitch to give leftists power."
"Communism has killed more people than any other ideology in history."
"Communist approaches to economics just don't work."
"Isn't it just the communist countries and the dictatorships that are doing this? This should be rejected by both the left or the right."
"Communism is a philosophical, political, social, and economic ideology."
"They dared to expose communist subversion in a media environment where many have bowed down."
"Communists scorned to hide their views and aims. They openly declare that their purpose can only be achieved by forcible overthrow of the whole existing social order."
"We will drive out the globalists, cast out the Communists, throw off the sick political class."
"In communism, there is only one race: the human race."
"A sensational criminal trial got underway, the accused included van der Lubbe and Ernest Torgler, leader of the Communist Party."
"Stop romanticizing mediocrity. This is Karl Marx's message. Don't embrace it, it's called communism."
"The correct way to view China and the Chinese Communist Party is as an enemy that is as evil and as powerful as the Soviet Union." - Charlie Kirk
"Democracy is non-negotiable and communism is a temporary setback on the road to freedom."
"Star Trek has heavy elements of a communist utopia."
"Number 86: In 1989, Poland, a big part of the Warsaw Pact, held partially free elections that were won by non-communist candidates."
"The church has rejected the totalitarian and atheistic ideologies associated in modern times with Communism or socialism."
"China is a socialism that has not moved forward towards communism."
"People don't think that China is communist anymore or something."
"Communism isn't good, let's say it like it is."
"Destroying society is the essence of the Communist movement."
"Communism is about flattening society downward, not upward."
"Communism is a theory and in practice, it has only ever led to authoritarian dictatorships."
"100 million people perished under communist dictators in the last century." - Lauren Southern
"It's like a unicorn, so when they say real communism has never been tried, you're like, 'Yeah, no one's ever ridden a unicorn, I get it.'"
"The communist movement starts to take off again."
"Communism is about all means of production controlled in the hand of the states."
"Abolition of private property, communism... may be summed up in the single sentence: abolition of private property."
"Communism is the positive transcendence of private property as human self-estrangement."
"We need to learn from Romania's mistakes of communism." - George Roscoe
"Devote your life to the truth, investigate communist subversion here in America."
"Libertarian communism is now possible given the AI programs that are being developed."
"The Communist revolution is the most radical break with traditional relations."
"Marxist communism is the real movement to abolish the present state of things."
"Klaus Fuchs was a German communist who fled to England in September of 1933 in order to avoid persecution."
"Conspiracies mostly revolved around fears of communist infiltration."
"I mean, come on, who cares about those people when communism also oppressed and impoverished everyone who survived it with their lives?"
"Thirty years ago the Berlin Wall fell, destroying Soviet Communism and vindicating the conservative Reagan Revolution."
"Most people on the left are Communists, just the useful idiots Lenin spoke of being used to promote a socialist agenda."
"Communism is a belief in the destruction of belief. It destroys religion wherever it goes."
"Communism in the USSR did not fall because of a popular revolt nor did it fall because of war. It was the communist leader himself who one day said guys we've realized that this doesn't work and that we have to become capitalists."
"But it's a great read, he said. Communism would come in two phases, so 1930, the Berlin School sent teachers to Columbia University to teach the Columbia University teachers program, and that's when communism entered America as socialism."
"Communism doesn't just exist through government, it can and has for a long time." - Explanation on communism
"This should be happening under communism and it's like brother you asked for it you know that this is what that means when you have no semblance of human rights."
"He became a member of the Comintern, the organization set up by the Soviets to take Communism to the world."
"While communism collapsed everywhere else, China continues to rule."
"Say what you want about Mao, but the guy really was a believer in communism."
"The Democratic Party is a Leninist-style tactic, a communist-style tactic."
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels wrote "The Communist Manifesto" in 1848, advocating for the overthrow of capitalist systems.
"Germany after World War II is the closest thing to a controlled experiment that you can have pitting capitalism against communism to see which one would triumph in real life."
"The Communist Manifesto... now arguably in its most relevant state."
"Communist ideology rejected religion."
"The First Congress of the Communist International was held in Moscow."
"The New Economic Policy represented something of a change of course for Lenin."
"...in man's attempt to actualize himself he might necessarily have to destroy this material concrete existence and remake it in the image of Communism itself..."
"The Communists aren't challenging this premise at all. At no point does KL Marx or Engels say, 'Well, you know, I think actually that was kind of nonsense, don't you?'"
"People get to the end of the rainbow of communism, socialism, Marxism, and they say there's no pot of gold here."
"This was North Korea at its best, glistening in the summer sun; the pinnacle of Communism."
"Workplaces are essentially communist dictatorships."
"The communists were in power. They drove a very good agenda of reform, education reform, healthcare reform, trying to increase food production, you know. The question of women's rights was front and center."
"The communist government actually stays in power till 1996."
"Communism results in totalitarian regime, equated with fascism."
"Some form communism is a specific thing and it's been very successful."
"The truth is most times nine times out of ten people want to escape communist countries to come to democracy and you know so I just think I don't know I'm not like well versed in it all but it just feels like it's better here."
"Communism, right. Goal of Communism is to achieve three things: a moneyless, classless, stateless society."
"China is a challenge for us, even in a post-communist light."
"No country has ever been communistic."
"There's nothing about communism that resulted in these famines."
"Communism is you don't get to pick your job and everyone takes credit for everything."
"Romania is kind of like the 'good communist.'"
"The last fetter to the development of the productive forces is removed, and the problem of scarcity is solved on a global basis."
"Communism represents the solution to the problem of history."
"Communism, Marx says on page 69, is the positive expression of private property as overcome."
"Communism, according to Marx, wouldn't just mean a different economic system. It would actually mean a different psychology."
"Communism? Ah, I didn't like that."
"Under communist development, those tractors come in and they allow people who still live on the land and live with each other communally to enjoy the fruits of that."
"Communism has worked precisely nowhere anytime."
"If young people don't start learning the horrors of communism and what's bad with this system and to the contrary if they continue to learn strictly positives about communism we're going to be in deep trouble."
"Dual power is the communist equivalent of passive income."
"The properly communist position usually is that you do not jettison the dream but it's something you work towards."
"People should be able to be communists if that's how they wish to express their social concerns."
"I favor representation by the people, I do not favor communism anywhere because I have not seen it to work."
"I was born in the 1960s behind the Iron Curtain in communist Poland. This is a time we all know how dangerous these communist systems were in Eastern Europe."
"In the last 100 years, atheistic communism has been responsible for over 150 million murders."
"The problem with fascism and communism was not that they were too critical of religion. The problem is they're too much like religion."
"Communism's like incest, no matter which way you try it, the end result's always gonna be [__]."
"'I detest communism because it is the negation of Liberty.' - Mikhail Bakunin"
"Communism is why we love our democracy here in America."
"It would be better for humanity if the Communist system prevailed."
"Communism is sort of slave morality fully realized as a system, and of course, that leads to catastrophe."
"Communism is any social relation which is based on 'from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs.'"