
Blood Pressure Quotes

There are 249 quotes

"Oranges' hesperidin lowers blood pressure and has anti-inflammatory effects."
"You can't generally feel your high blood pressure; that's why it's called the silent killer."
"Measuring your blood pressure at home is gold."
"A comprehensive meta-analysis involving 34 different randomized control trials...discovered that magnesium supplementation...notably lowers both systolic and diastolic blood pressures."
"Dietary nitrates help support our body's nitric oxide pathway, important for maintaining healthy blood pressure."
"For every point your systolic blood pressure is reduced with diet and lifestyle change, there's a 1 percent reduced risk of all-cause mortality."
"What do you take to lower the blood pressure? You don't, you just correct the stress."
"Losing weight can significantly lower your systolic blood pressure."
"Having a lower blood pressure is healthier than having a high blood pressure. That relationship starts at pretty low blood pressure levels."
"If you're overweight or obese... weight loss is uniformly effective at lowering high blood pressure."
"Large-scale scientific reviews have determined there's no reason for people with normal blood pressure to restrict sodium intake."
"Dutch researchers determined that a low potassium intake has the same impact on your blood pressure as high salt consumption does."
"The same plant-based foods that I mentioned for lowering blood sugar will also lower blood pressure."
"The ideal blood pressure, the no-benefit-from-reducing-it-further blood pressure is actually 110 over 70."
"We know that when it comes to blood pressure, if it weren't for the outside influences of diet and lifestyle, actually, we could maintain a pretty low and healthy blood pressure throughout our whole lives."
"Blood pressure is so important that if you're doing everything you can, you're optimizing everything, it might be worth talking to your doctor about getting on medication."
"Deep breathing lowers blood pressure all day long."
"Metabolic switching... from sugar burner to fat burner... helps regulate blood pressure."
"Learning how to go from your parasympathetic to your sympathetic nervous system... crucial for blood pressure balance."
"Salt is not your enemy when it comes to high blood pressure."
"Having high blood pressure is not your fault, but it is your problem."
"Lemon is excellent for lowering blood pressure, maintaining heart health."
"Losing weight can drop your blood pressure significantly."
"Blood pressure is really a very treatable condition."
"Lifestyle actually helps with blood pressure."
"Even before they may even lose weight or see any huge results, they'll notice their blood pressure drops because their insulin drops."
"Viagra was actually tested to see if it could lower the blood pressure in humans."
"The antioxidants in super beets are clinically shown to be nearly two times more effective at promoting normal blood pressure than a healthy lifestyle alone."
"Individualized care for example just to give one example my blood pressure strangely went up in 2020."
"Does it increase your blood pressure absolutely does it increase your risk of stroke I've seen no evidence to suggest that."
"Plant-based diet adds to that because it helps trim off excess weight which will help bring your blood pressure down."
"Optimal is often said to be where your systolic is less than 120... 120 over 80 plus minus 10 points or so."
"Every adult should know their blood pressure and their resting heart rate."
"Last time I got my blood pressure checked it was normal, it was 111 over 70 which I am very proud of and shocks me."
"Getting your blood pressure under control is one of the few things you can do, without question, to extend your life."
"Most people with normal blood pressure won't benefit from salt restriction, and some may even see an increase."
"The key thing to understand is that while sodium, which is in salt, is often thought to be the major cause of high blood pressure, it is in fact caused by insulin."
"When you reduce your salt intake you are actually reducing your blood pressure."
"A target blood pressure goal for most patients is generally going to be less than 130 over 80."
"Regular consumption of lemons is associated with improved regulation of blood pressure levels."
"It's heart healthy because it lowers cholesterol and it also lowers your blood pressure."
"Berberine might lower blood pressure. Taking berberine along with medications that lower blood pressure might cause blood pressure to go too low, monitor your blood pressure closely."
"If you lower inflammation in your blood vessels, the pressure against the walls of your blood vessels would be lower, and that's going to make your blood pressure go down."
"So, there's no doubt that there's a huge amount of variation from second to second, minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day and beyond in blood pressure."
"Potassium works with the sodium to help regulate blood pressure and fluid balance."
"Juxtaglomerular cells: regulate blood pressure."
"Your blood pressure is really good if you've been talking a couple minutes here when I was talking fast yeah it would have been higher you're all set all right gonna go yes you can."
"Exercise and weight loss can significantly improve blood pressure."
"Sauna and hot tubs can help with blood pressure."
"Green shakes with nitrates can help lower blood pressure."
"Caffeine doesn't increase blood pressure, but it can be an issue for people who consume large amounts of it through drinks such as soda, coffee, or energy drinks. Alcohol, on the other hand, definitely has an effect."
"The Nitric Oxide Dump Exercise can significantly improve systolic and diastolic numbers as it relates to hypertension."
"Blood pressure is an increased pressure on the vascular wall."
"We've got years, decades of lowering blood pressure with drugs. What has been the empirical outcome of those decades? It's more heart disease, more deaths from heart disease."
"High blood pressure is also a response of your body trying to make sure your brain gets adequate oxygen, and it's all caused by the choices that you make on a daily basis."
"Coconut water kefir helps reduce systolic pressure, which is so important to keep your pressure down and to keep yourself healthy."
"Magnesium, calcium, potassium, and other nutrients play a major role in regulating blood pressure."
"Chronic stress drives hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, causing elevation in blood pressure."
"Inflammation can reduce nitric oxide production, leading to heightened blood pressure."
"Thyroid hormones increase heart rate, stroke volume, and cardiac output, elevating systolic blood pressure."
"Low sugar levels and low blood pressure - worst combo."
"The overall effect here is, you can get a two-way increase in blood pressure, whether it be squeezing the heck out of the arteries or squeezing the heck out of the veins."
"Because you have a higher pulse pressure and just a slight decrease in the diastolic blood pressure, it kind of evens out to just be slightly increased."
"The more plants you eat, the lower your blood pressure."
"A person is considered to have normal or healthy blood pressure whenever the systolic is less than 120 and the diastolic is less than 80."
"If over the next five years of my life my blood pressure is staying high like that, that's going to greatly increase my chance of heart attack and stroke."
"The Mediterranean diet caused blood pressure to drop."
"People can start bringing their blood pressure down today."
"Lowering the salt but lowering fat will reduce velocity of the blood so that means your blood flows more easily pressure comes down."
"The Mediterranean diet outclassed the DASH diet by not huge but maybe about three extra points of blood pressure lowering."
"The fat unfortunately makes the blood more viscous more thick and that tends to elevate blood pressure."
"Lower is better when it comes to blood pressure."
"Salt is not a benign thing and it can raise your blood pressure, and if your blood pressure is too high, what are you looking at? You're looking at a higher risk of stroke in particular."
"The easiest thing to do when you have high blood pressure is to start some type of exercise program."
"Carvedilol is used for high blood pressure."
"...they always see Improvement in both systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure..."
"The American Heart Association considers normal blood pressure to be less than 120 and less than 80 for systolic and diastolic."
"Isometric exercise was superior to any other form of exercise for reducing blood pressure."
"Resistance exercise has been shown to be effective for reducing blood pressure."
"Those are five proven ways to drop blood pressure by 20 points or more."
"Systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure showed great reductions."
"It lowers blood pressure but on top of that, it also lowers the risk of atherosclerosis."
"Now I've given you some easy lifestyle and diet changes that can help you to lower your blood pressure."
"If you're monitoring your blood pressure at home, you have the ability to have a huge impact on it."
"We do have the power over our blood pressure and hypertension, not just the medications. I'm not saying not to take the medications, but be mindful when you make these major changes in your diet and exercise."
"The lower the blood pressure, the better off you are."
"So, what are some things that we can do to lower blood pressure naturally? One, quit smoking. Two, exercise on a regular basis has been shown."
"so guys I had a bit of a health scare recently and my last doctor's visit my blood pressure was so high that the nurse was all like uh I'm I'm going to go get the doctor and be right back don't move which is always what you want to hear in that scenario"
"Decreased amounts of exercise are going to increase blood pressure."
"When cardiac output is increased, systolic blood pressure will be increased."
"Most medications that are given for blood pressure tend to reduce the systolic and the diastolic as well but they may not actually reduce the pulse pressure."
"Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system maintains blood pressure."
"For all intents and purposes, blood pressure is perfusion."
"Hypertension, or high blood pressure, happens when the force of blood against your artery walls increases."
"Rosemary enhances circulation by dilating the blood vessels, which consequently lowers blood pressure."
"Increasing the arterial pressure lowered up to a limits does not decrease its cardiac output."
"Influence on the vasomotor Center from higher centers in the brain, for example, if someone's under stress or angry, this will tend to increase the activity of the vasomotor Center, therefore increasing blood pressure."
"Now angiotensin 2 is a very, very potent vaso constrictor. It is a very effective basal constrictor so it can raise blood pressure really quite a lot actually."
"Regular exercise training lowers both systolic and diastolic pressure approximately 6 to 8 mm of mercury at rest."
"If you don't have good kidney function, you'll find that a lot of patients, they end up having higher higher blood pressure. So, the kidneys secrete different hormones that affect our body's ability to control that blood pressure."
"Blood pressure is when blood is being pushed or exerted from that heart and all that pressure is going onto the vessel walls."
"Caffeine in some people can have a short but intense effect on your blood pressure. It can send your blood pressure up."
"Being kind reduces blood pressure."
"The top number is when the heart squeezes and pumps blood."
"I went to the doctor today, and she said, 'Your blood pressure, Miss, has never been better than ever.'"
"130 over 80 is the number to remember from the new guidelines."
"You sometimes see stars when you stand up from lying down or sitting because of a sudden drop in blood pressure."
"Lo and behold, they drop their cholesterol 30 points and lo and behold, their blood pressure is normal."
"High blood pressure is perhaps the single most important modifiable risk factor for stroke."
"Exercise followed by a sauna session resulted in a significant decrease in daytime and 24-hour blood pressure."
"My blood pressure is normal, oh yeah, I'm very happy."
"High blood pressure is no joke, and having natural tools like black seed oil to help manage it is invaluable."
"For every 10 millimeter reduction in the blood pressure, you reduce your risk of adverse events."
"The normal blood pressure is usually said to be about 120 over 75, 120 over 80."
"What nitric oxide does is phenomenal; it's a vasodilator which means it widens the arteries and when it does that it lowers the blood pressure."
"A diet that emphasizes vegetables, fruits, and whole grains can drop your pressure three to eleven points."
"Normal blood pressure readings are less than 120 systolically with a diastolic less than 80."
"Monitor your blood pressure patients every month until you get control."
"Exercise increases blood pressure right but reduces blood pressure long-term."
"I feel great now that I know my blood pressure is in check."
"Whatever it is we're doing, it's working. The rates of the final disease outcomes that we care about by treating high blood pressure is working. We're preventing more heart disease, preventing more strokes."
"Magnesium relaxes and dilates the blood vessels, now your blood pressure is in range."
"The left ventricle has a thicker muscular wall so it can contract with more force and pump blood at higher pressure."
"Blood pressure, defined as a mean arterial pressure above 90, is associated with a significantly increased risk of stroke."
"Diastolic pressure is much more relevant and much more important with respect to cardiac health."
"Blood pressure is cardiac output times total peripheral resistance."
"Improving bile flow can really lower high blood pressure."
"When the body's blood pressure changes... the body will try and moderate that change and return back to its normal blood pressure for homeostasis."
"Potassium is very important for the body including heart and muscle function and it can actually lower blood pressure."
"If you have hypokalemia, you can see low cardiac output and low blood pressure as a result."
"I'm drinking cinnamon water for health reasons."
"It's good for your blood pressure which mine is a little high and it's also very good for your digestive tract."
"Normal blood pressure is anything less than 120 over 80."
"We really out here protecting ourselves because you know that high blood pressure is a silent killer."
"Systolic blood pressure decreases, which is really encouraging."
"Lower is better. If you have a blood pressure of 110 over 60, I would love it. That's a great supportive blood pressure and that's what we should strive for."
"If you have a chronically high blood pressure, this is not something to just overlook and think 'I'm in my 20s and I can get away with it for another however many years'; eventually at some point, it's going to catch up to you."
"High blood pressure is the most important, it's the most powerful prevalent risk factor for a stroke."
"If you control the blood pressure, you're going to reduce your stroke risk by up to 40%."
"Blood pressure being too high can cause a stroke, but blood pressure being too low can cause a stroke as well."
"The mean pulmonary arterial pressure is really made up of the pulmonary vascular resistance to flow and the passive back pressure from the left atrium."
"We have to do a better job at managing blood pressure."
"Potassium helps balance the negative effects of sodium and stabilize blood pressure."
"If you want a healthier blood pressure and to be able to extract a more cardio-protective effect from your fruits and vegetables, ditch the antiseptic."
"Omega-3 fatty acids showed huge benefits, especially for people whose blood pressure was not treated well."
"Vasopressin is used to raise blood pressure in vasopressin deficient states."
"People should have blood pressure monitors in their homes."
"As the temperature drops, the blood pressure rises."
"The obesity begins to melt away, the arteries relax and open up, high blood pressures come down."
"Exercise is amazing because when you exercise, you're opening up that hose pipe, you're making it more relaxed and therefore your blood pressure naturally falls."
"My blood pressure the other day was 126 over 76."
"Blood pressure is equal to the cardiac output multiplied by the total peripheral resistance."
"If you decrease the blood volume, you decrease the EDV, decrease your stroke volume, which decreases cardiac output, and that eventually decreases the blood pressure."
"Eating berries improves people's blood pressure both systolic and diastolic as well as blood lipids and arterial stiffness."
"They may help lower your blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke."
"Blood pressure is the amount of force that the blood places upon the walls of your blood vessels."
"Leafy greens help reduce kidney stress, lower blood pressure, and balance blood sugar."
"I can predict your blood pressure by studying your sleep for two weeks."
"Apple cider vinegar has been shown to be potentially effective against high blood pressure."
"It helps lower blood pressure in people."
"A diet high in potassium and low in sodium is the best for your blood pressure."
"Long term blood pressure being elevated will damage your kidneys."
"Getting my blood pressure under control was a key part of improving my health."
"A ketogenic diet can lead to rapid improvements in blood pressure."
"The top number is the systolic blood pressure, the pressure when your ventricles are contracting."
"The bottom number is the diastolic blood pressure, the pressure when our ventricles are in diastole, relaxed."
"Being able to lower your blood pressure naturally or from some sort of exercise stimulus is huge."
"Uncontrolled high blood pressure could lead to stroke, heart attack, or death. Get yours to a healthy range before it's too late."
"Recent human studies have demonstrated that dietary nitrate improved the exercise performance and reduced blood pressure in COPD patients."
"Normal blood pressure is less than 120 over 80."
"The stimulus was dropping blood volume, dropping blood pressure; the outcome when you stimulate the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system: increasing blood volume, increasing blood pressure."
"Blood pressure monitoring is available; use it well."
"Just combining diet, weight loss, and exercise can easily bring your blood pressure down by 20 millimeters of mercury."
"Maintaining an adequate blood pressure is absolutely critical."
"Did you know if you need to lower your blood pressure like you have headaches, eat a banana."
"It helps to maintain lower levels of blood glucose, helps to regulate blood pressure, regulate heart rate, regulate hormones that are sorry for vital organ function, including your brain."
"The ankle brachial index is a ratio of the systolic blood pressure between the ankle and the brachial artery."
"Losing even a few percentage points of weight can be enormously beneficial both for high blood pressure and for other risk factors."
"Probiotics can lower blood pressure and reduce visceral fat levels."
"Nitric oxide stimulates vasodilatation and lowering of blood pressure during active UVA exposure."
"Nitric oxide... is to control the blood pressure, to lower the pressure, in other words, prevent hypertension."
"Pulsus paradoxus occurs when the systolic blood pressure falls more than ten millimeters of mercury with inspiration."
"Preeclampsia without severe features, which used to be called mild preeclampsia, has a blood pressure more than or equal to 140 by 90 millimeter of mercury."
"Severe preeclampsia may present with blood pressure definitely going to be above 160 by 110."
"Plant foods absolutely reduce your blood pressure."
"Exercise will lower your blood pressure."
"We are going to be talking about blood pressure medications: what are the safest, what are the best, whether you have kidney disease or you don't."
"Benefits like weight loss without hunger, like type 2 diabetes reversal, like lower blood pressure, etc."
"For blood pressure, systolic is the squeezing when the heart is pumping, and diastolic is when the heart is relaxed."
"Having a very high blood pressure can be bad because that can lead to a rupture of a blood vessel or a stroke."
"The force of blood exerted against the wall of the vessel is known as the blood pressure."
"A plant-based diet not only reduces blood pressure, it also improves diabetes control."
"If right now they follow the DASH diet or better still get the meat off their plate completely, really lower the fat... their blood pressure will drop quickly."
"If you chew a clove of garlic per day, fifty percent of the people who did that would get about a ten percent drop in their blood pressure."
"This will maintain your blood pressure but be careful because this will also cause hypotension."
"We have banana here that's high in potassium, and potassium will help to decrease blood pressure."
"When you eat a nutritarian diet, you lower blood pressure radically."
"The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is one of the main mechanisms for increasing blood pressure."
"We can try to optimize coronary perfusion by keeping that diastolic blood pressure up."
"You can totally change your blood pressure; it's possible many people have."