
Solution Quotes

There are 4083 quotes

"People are sad, anxious, and depressed, and most of that can be fixed by just giving them friends."
"If we can hold compassion for people, that really is the pathway out."
"Gratitude is the ultimate solution to the happiness equation." - Mo Gawdat
"Recognizing the degree to which this problem exists or has manifested in your life is keystone to solving it and liberating yourself from it."
"The enemy is also the victim; you're at war with yourself. The source of the problem is also the only solution."
"The answer to war is not more war; it's peace."
"The problem is ignorance...and the solution to ignorance is knowledge."
"The answer to bad speech has always been better speech."
"We need a system that recognizes the problem of homelessness in the most compassionate and pragmatic way."
"Imagine if 2.5% of that wealth that's in San Diego... we could build houses for all the homeless."
"Do you sometimes get headaches or eye strain from looking at monitors for a really long period of time? If you do, good news."
"Instead of always looking for unconditional love, why don't we just become it and start helping the problem."
"Community is not a solace but is the way out, the way to stop this."
"Technology solves this problem, not good intentions."
"I'm going to do the right thing, just shoot a little lube down the carburetor, and crank this over."
"Finally, all the Kinks worked out, exhaust leak plugged up, distributor in the only spot that works."
"The only solution to speech you don't like is more speech."
"It's complete antidote to the mess we've got ourselves into."
"If you want to pull people out of poverty, the best way to do that... always starts with education."
"Love is the polar opposite of fear. Love is the ultimate solution to fear."
"Being present to each other is the solution, not figuring out a solution."
"The best solution is to build a strong and reliable friend group."
"Forgiveness right at its very heart is the beginning of the solution for this whole world."
"Expanding nuclear power is a hundred percent worth doing if it helps us avoid climate collapse."
"We need to have a broader engagement with Britain's Muslim communities; they are actually part of the solution."
"Love is the answer, and potentially this is something that you are blocking in your life."
"We have to stop lying, each of us in our own lives. That's the solution."
"I am crystal clear about what the solution is: His name is Jesus Christ."
"The most important advice I've gotten is from women that I respect, who said if you're true to your word and sincere about how you want to be part of the solution, not part of the problem, that's truly the most helpful thing you can do."
"Behind this door lies the solution to everything wrong with Pet Simulator 99."
"Meditation is not a problem; it's a solution."
"There's always a way because Christ is the way."
"Problem solved, everybody. Just cat noises all around."
"Martin Luther King Jr. said, 'The best solution to poverty is to abolish it directly through a guaranteed minimum income.'"
"The solution is not more hate; the solution is more engagement."
"At the end of the day, it's housing that ends homelessness."
"Ultimately homelessness ends with someone being housed."
"There's only one way how to end hate, by its counterpart, by understanding."
"The solution is collective work and responsibility."
"The ultimate solution is spiritual realization."
"Everyone in Canada wants to see a solution that will ensure at the end of the day that we're all saving lives."
"The blessings of having a clear conscience and of avoiding moral evil and living the ethical life, I think, are just incalculable."
"We don't have to sit back and just be guinea pigs; we too can be part of the solution."
"This isn't an interim vehicle; this is a long-term solution."
"We're all suffering from information overload or data glut, and the good news is there might be an easy solution to that, and that's using our eyes more. So visualizing information so we can see the patterns and connections that matter."
"The only real solution that I know to help us overcome any of it is God."
"The answer to this problem in our culture is the gospel. It is the double cure."
"We made the hardest contract we could think of, and one week later, Johnny X solved it, bro. Incredible."
"Religion, when used properly, can be a solution to a lot of people's life problems and it can be an encouragement to do better because there is someone who expects something more of you."
"Problems realign our thinking when they're really well posed; sometimes finding the solution isn't the most important part."
"The Wii remote save solution seems to actually have been a pretty solid one, as limited as it was."
"There's a way to fix this stuff. We have a constitutional process."
"The problem was that people are poor and the solution is education, research, partnerships, opportunities, and tools."
"The best way of dealing with misinformation is with more information, with more speech."
"Your presence alone will solve every issue in my life because in Your presence there is strength, there is peace, there is love, and everlasting life."
"Human nature is the problem, but human nature, channeled by Enlightenment norms and institutions, is also the solution."
"Let's be honest, everybody down here knows what the real solution is, even if the city doesn't want to talk about it."
"Clear communication: the antidote to confusion."
"There is one prescription for a demon: you drive it out through the name of Jesus, that's it."
"If you could find a cure, it would change the world. It's easy. It's the easiest cure in the world. You just stop. Stop watching."
"I think it's easy in my opinion to fix a lot of the problems in America. It's just nobody wants to do it."
"And it isn't just gonna solve mass shootings, it's gonna solve all the shootings that are going on all over the country."
"This isn't a silver bullet, but it's a good move in the right direction."
"You will become the answer to the prayer for change."
"Energy is everything. You wanna deal with absolute poverty or even relative poverty for that matter, energy is everything."
"The solution is to improve it, not to wreck it."
"The Bible is the solution to racism in our culture."
"I've got a solution. And it might work. Maybe missing something, but I believe that we should put the border outside the docks in Northern Ireland."
"All I had to do to fix it was get over myself."
"The only thing we can do to fix that is shine some sunlight on it."
"Localism and decentralization is the antidote."
"Firmware fix to recalibrate heat pump expansion valve is rolling out now."
"The solution to all of this is connecting with people."
"The answer to bad speech isn't censorship more species it's better speech."
"What's next? We think crypto could be the solution."
"Nothing's impossible you're right... but there's nothing you can do about physical distance other than bring the compute closer to the user."
"More guns are going to solve the [__] problem."
"If you want a little spot something that is non-irritating that you can just kind of plop on, this is definitely it."
"That is a very efficient solution to the problem."
"You are the answer to someone else's problem."
"This is a really nice solution for security."
"The only way we fix this folks is the word of God. We cannot fix it any other way."
"All you have to do is just push the statue back a bit and close it and it latches. That's cool."
"Jesus Christ is the answer to the problems we've been trying to solve."
"The best most perfect solution for defeating the creatures from A Quiet Place is--- Mariah Carey."
"Embrace love, that is the key to all of our issues, is love."
"We must seek a united resolution, not a Democrat resolution or a Republican resolution, but an American solution."
"So, I realized that Bitcoin initially and then the crypto world was basically the answer to these two things."
"The system is broken, and brightwheel is the solution."
"That's the secret, true, get all the answers to blow through."
"Somebody along the line is going to find the Smoking Gun, the missing puzzle piece."
"Food is the problem, but it's also the solution."
"The Holy Spirit in the Holy Spirit is the solution for everything."
"It may be the key to stopping this. But there isn't much time."
"If you study narcissism, you will find what's wrong, you find what's wrong you'll find the cure."
"Brig is no longer a stun goblin... If you're sick of getting dived Brig might be the answer to all your prayers."
"The best solution for pollution is delusion."
"Some mysteries may never be explained but others may be solved with a single phone call from you."
"Ignorance can be cured. A cure for ignorance is education."
"We have the solution to the pandemic in our hands. We really could just reach out and grab it."
"Isn't it sad that people see the evil in the world, but they refuse to accept the solution for all of this evil? Jesus Christ reveals and proves the existence of God."
"I decree and declare you are going to be the solution the world has been looking for."
"I accidentally heard your conversation and I think I know how to help you."
"This setup can give you the benefits of both with none of the drawbacks."
"So I think the main takeaway there is we could have a solution but the smoothness or lack of smoothness with the transition is dependent upon politicians being intelligent and working together."
"The strongest weapon against hateful speech is not repression, it is more speech."
"The antidote to bad ideas is more speech and better ideas."
"It's so stupid, you could be solving traffic problems so easily by just saying e-bikes, heck yeah!"
"And if it's too thick you could always thin out with a little more milk."
"Life is suffering, but there is a way out of suffering."
"If somebody is saying mean things to you in the game, what do you think of? Here's how you fix it: you go to their name and you click block. Problem solved, easy peasy."
"Grace is the ease in emergence that are forced into the tiles, so replace it that gives us the answer."
"I'm pretty sure that this is gonna work perfectly well now."
"Bitcoin is the vector out of the central bank problem."
"Putting more financial liberty into the hands of the people will probably solve a lot of these incarceration issues."
"From all of this chaos, a solution eventually emerged."
"Fix the money to fix many problems in the world."
"Once you realize that you're the problem, you can start to become the solution."
"The only solution I see is diversity, in every possible way."
"I literally feel like I cracked a goddamn code."
"This now works, it's pulling from our named configuration."
"If you're frustrated with the state of the NES collectors market, the Everdrive N8 might be exactly what you need."
"I pinpointed that over like under-eye melasma redness you name it for some added brightness."
"No frustration, it's like it removed a pain point."
"It solves so many problems that we really don't think about because we're using React."
"Within 30 to 40 years, it's a solved problem and you have unlimited energy for everybody in the world, and we're all good to go."
"There is literally only one mathematical solution for the bandlimited waveform."
"ShipStation isn't magic, but it will make your shipping stress disappear completely."
"Bitcoin is a solution to the individual and the corporation."
"The only solution that humans have devised for the train wreck that is the world of global cross-border payments and settlement."
"From the moment that I conceived the idea of the body being upon the roof... all the rest was inevitable."
"Kobe Bryant oddly enough and really cool enough could be the solution to all their problems."
"Education is the key to unlocking the inequalities in society."
"The only answer is give this world back to God."
"The solution will be found, as long as you follow your passion and heart."
"If homelessness in America is that big of an issue, you can clean it up."
"It turns out that there is [a way to fix this problem]. We could have a balanced budget within five years if we followed this recipe."
"Dialogue is the way to peace and fraternity."
"The proven solution is right there, they beat the virus. Just do what those countries did."
"Let's move through the problem, right? We know the problem. If you're not already aware of your problem, that would be number one step before you find the solution."
"Prayer is the master key... a master key is prayer to all earthly problems."
"Hopefully these new regs have solved the problem."
"Go into your heart, go into love; it's always the answer."
"We can solve so many problems tomorrow today if we decide to actually use technology to solve our problems."
"The universe brings a way out for you in some situation."
"You must analyze these systems so that you can find remedy to these systems."
"I think that was a great ingenious solution... a lot more user friendly."
"Resolutions will not resolve the issue that you're going through, only hard work will."
"Their unique solution eliminates polysulfide creation completely."
"He is the only solution we have to move forward."
"The solution is much bigger than these talking points... America needs a spiritual fix as much as it does a political one."
"The investigators found the answer to the mystery of the helicopter crash."
"The only answer is to drastically reduce the size and scope of government. That's the solution."
"Crypto is the solution to all of the central points of failure, opacity, and blatant corruption in the current Global Financial system."
"If you give me three points in a 3D space, I can draw a plane through it - there is only one.. single.. answer."
"I think debate is a solution, to be honest with you."
"Every piece of the puzzle can now fall into place."
"Crypto solves this conversation ever happening again."
"The only solution then is where we go back to the wrong premise and the wrong solution."
"The answer is actually quite simple from your perspective."
"It's one of the easiest ways I've found to do this."
"The solution is to get you playing again immediately."
"How about we go back to Washington and solve real problems?"
"The solution is within reach and it's a human one."
"Agriculture done right is part of the solution for mitigating climate change."
"The solution was right in front of us all along."
"Contact tracing, if done right, it really is the answer."
"Karen gave some great advice: whatever the problem is, just throw your computer out the window."
"Ease and Grace is the solution here, like what would bring ease and Grace to your situation."
"This is how you cure a zombie villager: throw the splash potion of weakness at it then hit it with a golden apple."
"I'll tell you what, let's just put this guy in here for a bit there you go."
"Wow, what a change! The lines are now completely straight, no warping in sight. Trigonometry saves the day, that's beautiful."
"This is just the signing that I think would solve so many problems for us."
"Decoupling from the CCP is the solution to the problem."
"Every problem in life can be solved with a little tank."
"That's perfect, that's exactly what I needed."
"Freedom is the answer when you have worksters and anti-worksters. Freedom is actually the answer to all authoritarian movements."
"The word salvation is an old Hindu term meaning solution to your problem, the answer to your prayer."
"We locked it away because there was no other way to get the game done on time safely."
"The nail seems to be able to suppress and cleanse the mud."
"The church is God's answer to a world in bondage."
"Monty did it. Monty is the one who shattered Bonnie."
"How do we solve this? We need to change who's running the government."
"Where then is the road to peace? Well, it's a simple answer after all."
"You have a light within you, a solution to somebody's problem."
"My car's back in business, sometimes you just gotta turn it off and turn it back on again."
"We're really happy with that; it became a thing that solves huge amounts of other problems."
"The solution is running the dual battery set up in your four-wheel drive."
"Regardless of what you do, there's no way you can actually fill this edge without breaking another one."
"Men are as much a part of the problem as they are of the solution."
"Let's do something that would work and help people get back to work."
"The answer was in front of me the whole time."
"Oh, it's nift, it was the nift sponsored solution."
"Jesus is the only answer to a whole world in the midst of this."
"This is like the treasure in the middle, this is what's really gonna save us here."
"It's easier to solve a bigger problem than to solve a small problem."
"Decompression event imminent on the plus side it looks like we're in this Power Cell is dead there should be a recharger nearby."
"Free truthful speech is the only solution that will work in the era of mass media."
"Bitcoin is the answer to one of the largest fundamental financial problems that humanity has ever faced."