
Adjustment Quotes

There are 1898 quotes

"Most mental health problems could be better adjusted for by just making societal wide changes."
"There's going to be some sort of adjustments that you guys are going to have to make because you guys are moving from point A to point B."
"This person, you're going to have this relationship with, it's going to be scary and unknown to you initially."
"People should have relationship checkups to discuss what's missing, what needs to return, and what needs to be adjusted."
"This too wholesome for me. I'm not used to this. I have no way to handle these emotions. They're incredible."
"Grief is us recalibrating our brains for a world without one of its central pieces."
"This is a completely new normal that we're all being kind of forced or shoved into."
"It's no sign of good health to be well-adjusted to a sick society."
"A new romantic cycle begins for some of you, and it feels balanced, it feels harmonious. However, adjustments are required."
"Fixing things ever so slightly to make it perfect, it's satisfying."
"People will be in kind of chaos in the beginning."
"Life has now changed; it will be changed for the next six months to a year or even longer."
"I'm gonna pick the biggest one, and maybe click and drag just a little bit, and because I'm moving one of them, all of them are exactly the same size."
"Every adjustment brings us closer to the perfect render."
"We start with the foundation. You know, and we focus on that. And with that, we then give each other grace to learn and adjust as new different scenarios and details arise."
"Chloe seems to be well adjusted after all of that trauma."
"I feel really known by all of you guys... it's just so different... it takes like years to adjust to it."
"Everything in life is a dial. You are turning up or you're turning down."
"It's quite a shock coming home in a lot of ways, but it is a lot nicer right now."
"Forward planning... looking far enough ahead, anticipating what might happen, and adjusting our speed and position accordingly."
"I was able to dial it in to get well what I thought was a close feeling you get from a real collection on a car."
"But honestly, the set has kind of grown on me a little bit."
"There really is a massive amount of range of adjustment in this, right?"
"I'd give this movie a 7.5... from that perspective I'll probably give it an eight."
"He felt better with it in hand, then he shifted his bag to his back."
"It's a rude awakening, it's a different world."
"I think we've reached the same thing... you've walked back the auditory principles a little bit more."
"Okay, I fixed it. So now it's like... Wait, volume is too high, making my weight downtown [__]."
"Safety is good, alright, but it's just a little higher than I would like so I'm going to take that down."
"That nuance is something I've been juggling. I know I'm really lucky to be here but it doesn't change the fact that I often really just struggle."
"I'm going to give it the bump right. I'm going to give it the morge bump. That's fair."
"I really wish they were faster to buff new cards that are weak because if they come up with a new card that is too strong they almost always nerf it immediately the next month."
"Everything changed and their entire life was turned upside down."
"I'm gonna get rid of this tree it's that kind of blocks the path to walk through a little bit."
"Clearly, they can adjust Luxien's inventory anytime they want."
"Opportunity is only going to manifest as long as you do the certain adjustment."
"It's so weird seeing Lux with the fame shine on like I."
"You've got to do the same schedule and then just fill in the gaps."
"Change takes time, give yourself the time necessary to adjust."
"You want to balance that with the personalities of the people around you."
"People have to adjust and adjusting and change requires disruption."
"Give yourself a little peace and give yourself a little grace to get adjusted."
"We gotta let me make this a little bit bigger."
"Leon sees that whenever Camaro stays right in front of him in the middle of that power side, he makes really good adjustments."
"I don't see evidence that China is going to avoid a difficult adjustment."
"When Sarah has the filter turned off, it's a scary world, but she adapts to it."
"Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus."
"Kyron was said to be well adjusted and a happy little boy."
"Adjust as you go. Everybody struggles with something, and at least I know what I need to do to feel better and it's worth it."
"No matter how you're feeling about getting back out there, there's no denying it's an adjustment."
"Rebalancing of the game's perk systems redistributes all of your perks."
"I think our response protocol is gonna have to be tightened up, tweaked a little bit."
"Set it at a number that's a little bit difficult to achieve. Why? Because if all else fails, you can slow down and stop paying that number and go back to the original number or somewhere in between."
"Make the necessary change and let the dust settle - these are the two most important things."
"One of the most important things you're going to want to do is add some adjustments."
"Finding that fine line between too much and too little and constantly refining it."
"Just follow it through and if at any point along the way you hit a plateau just make small tweaks."
"Is my butt gonna be sore tomorrow? When I first tried Soul Cycle and then later when I first got the Peloton, there's definitely an adjustment period..."
"Your pace is perfect for you. You're still acclimating to what is destined to happen."
"Experiment with content being a little bit longer."
"Recognize what is real, restructure your reality."
"They also balance the Nightbird mounted minigun spread buildup and convergence."
"Beerus' assist recovery is adjusted, bringing it in line with other beam assists."
"There are small little tweaks here and there."
"Red yellow and blue had been the subject of a huge amount of criticism since it first arrived before it was slashed."
"It honestly felt like I made a mistake or like sliders were messed around or something."
"His life has changed forever now. Ain't nothing that you just gloss over."
"Make sure you're in the optimal range which I think is probably about 50 to 75 and then you adjust accordingly if you love that last video."
"Adjustments are required, don't confuse them with failure."
"Planning is meant for preparation, but you have to make real-time adjustments."
"Life will eventually go back to normal or the new normal that is this is certainly nothing to be toyed with."
"Most of the time I'm always recomposing my shot so I can go back to the main camera."
"Please understand the format that you're playing in and how you should be adjusting these rankings overall."
"There's definitely brightness because turning up the brightness control we see raster there."
"If you don't understand that fundamental reality, you need to unfuck yourself right the fuck now."
"I didn't sleep as mentioned, I'm still gonna get used to having a puppy again."
"It's a time for adjustment. The question is how fast will an adjustment come over what time frame and how dramatically at each point."
"When I got on the plane, I was fine. When I landed in New York, you know, I had my anxieties, my little panic fucking shit."
"It's great, especially now. It's surreal because we've been sitting in a cave for two years not knowing."
"Just like when a microphone is too close to a speaker and it's feeding back, what do you do? You use EQ, you slow it down, and the feedback stops, it reduces."
"Feel proud and powerful as you embrace important adjustments and navigate towards new paths."
"It's really important to clear away the old in order to make a way for the new an absolutely remarkable adjustment you are both going to have as a couple."
"For me, it's beginning to feel a little weird that like Amberlynn is trying to move on so quickly to a new situation type of deal."
"Test, evaluate, and adjust your strategy accordingly."
"Risk is learned through things not going completely well and adjusting."
"It felt very odd not having her in the house."
"This is the adjustment card, this is really being smart."
"These decks do so amazingly and it's as though those fully upgraded professional lists have been taken and lowered maybe just one notch at most."
"It's kind of easy to dial in, and tweak, and adjust."
"Just because we've been here for seven months does not mean that we are settled yet."
"Just get into a routine so when you're married it's like you kind of have it all figured out already. It's not all [ __ ] brand new."
"People really want to round that out and kind of find that fine medium there for them."
"We're halfway through the challenge, do we need to start making some changes to the core of the team?"
"What went wrong? The Establishment adjusted to the Vietnam protest in the Vietnam era."
"I just didn't aim it right though, that would have gone straight in watch out you would just power and after such a wait how did you adjust."
"The way to adjust anything is to just tell the truth."
"Maybe you’re starting to adjust to this whole Backrooms situation."
"After a little bit of adjustment... had it fitting really well."
"If social media doesn't make you feel good, you need to come off it or change who you're following."
"He realized he went a little too far right last year."
"Cook your sauce down more or pour off some of that tomato juice in there."
"More than 4 million Ukrainians have made their way to neighboring countries, adjusting to life in exile."
"Instead if you have the conversation about it, you can sort of readjust your playgroup."
"We saw what you guys said and we made adjustments."
"Shoot the gun, then make those small micro adjustments to hit dead center."
"I feel like it enhances stick elastic bands that you can adjust."
"This isn't what they're used to, this is too much."
"He’ll still stick around with us for a little while, so I hope you’re getting used to him by now."
"I think the Star Wars franchise kind of overcorrected from the prequels."
"The thing about playing with a Bron or MJ, everybody else gotta adjust."
"If any vehicle is over performing and creating an imbalance then it should be adjusted."
"That's such a great adjustment from Jonas right there."
"The change will come so swiftly to North Korean people, and they will adjust to freedom without any problem."
"Things don't always work out but we'll make adjustments on the way."
"Especially, like, at first, I was pissed, like, I was like, 'Man, why do we have to quarantine?'"
"Your energy is something that a lot of people need to adjust to."
"Just to brighten or darken your photo just to get a better shot."
"I think I'll probably go with boosting that up. Probably matters to your tolerance for right now."
"Pay attention to what needs adjustment... Something very clever, very intelligent is going to come to you."
"I just cranked the AC down a little bit more. I'm boiling in there, by the way."
"I forget this is my brother's car and he had the seat adjusted to how he drives. I can't even reach the pedal. I forget."
"I decided to scale back just so that we were in one Minecraft chunk."
"Things go in your favor, things are balancing out nicely, you're making the adjustments, and you will win."
"Bring balance into your situation and be discerning."
"That's why I've moved it to morning coffees on Saturday because you can have a proper conversation."
"Improvement comes from learning. Adjusting wings, engines, and fuel to achieve the perfect balance."
"Your internal clock, it's just a little off."
"Dustin made a huge, subtle adjustment of moving to Conor McGregor's right hand."
"This is where it kind of balances itself out a little bit."
"This card was so powerful when it was released they nerfed it to six mana eventually."
"Slow disclosure allows people to adjust and accept."
"We're moving more to normality, more to equilibrium."
"If you're in a relationship and it makes the person you're with uncomfortable, you're going to pull back."
"I'm gonna go ahead and just blot my skin and then I'm gonna add a little bit more powder."
"He's making very very subtle and supple adjustments constantly."
"How does it feel to have two kids now? It's honestly super bizarre. Like I'll just look in that team and be like, 'We have two children!'"
"Just keep tweaking, adding little bits of lightness or darkness, whatever works for you."
"The market is just rebalancing and repricing all that bullishness."
"Now's the Time to adjust my daily program to take me where I want to go."
"I think a lot of well-adjusted people could probably make it through."
"Less is more, you can always add more, it's really tough to take away."
"Everything is ideally placed for easy access and there's lots of adjustment for both the seat and the wheel."
"We're also trying to adopt the correct approach to this new chapter in life which is one of rest and ease."
"It's so nice to be able to do that and you can just keep adjusting it any way that you want to make sure that it fits."
"To fix the animation for this then what I want to do is maybe have him stop bouncing up and down a little bit."
"You're able to adjust and tweak as you go."
"I'm actually raising the car up which is counterintuitive, but the roads that we have here are just so harsh and bumpy."
"It feels like I'm sitting lower in this."
"I'm fine, dude. I'm perfectly adjusted."
"Don't be afraid to raise it and give it time for your ears to adjust."
"It's okay to want a bit of space. New romance is hard, and Armageddon makes it even harder."
"Underneath the steering wheel, I have a lever that I can pull down where I can telescope the steering wheel and raise it and lower it, and once I find that position that I like, I can lock it right back in."
"Feel free to just kind of keep tweaking this as much as you want."
"Assess the situation then adjust the situation."
"I'm learning how to coexist here."
"If yours leans more pink, make it lean more pink."
"Just a less than a meter per second tweak and it moves you enough that you miss. So it's pretty cool."
"It's just a matter of time, some rust, not playing for two weeks, playing at home, understanding the implications of where they are and what this journey is about to be about, just got to settle in."
"Just turn that diopter ring until all those lines and numbers are dead sharp."
"This is my new normal, and I just had to adjust to it."
"Retrogrades are always an opportunity."
"Every time you move to a new brand, it's like a whole new language."
"You just have to keep on reminding yourself that this isn't normal and I should not get used to this."
"Being honest with yourself and willing to make adjustments is crucial."
"You want to make constant non-stop small corrections. If you feel like you're making constant non-stop small corrections, you are very likely leading well."
"The Chariot as an outcome is making adjustments, moving forward in a more balanced energy."
"We're going to use this to make sure our headlights are level and we're not blinding everyone."
"Sometimes the Heartbreak is for recalibration."
"If this adjustment decreases loss, then we'll keep it and we'll continue to try adjustments from this new point."
"Now he has enough room to kneel down."
"just needs some time adjusting to her new situation"
"Men have to pursue, but we can't just say it's progress to adjust."
"It takes some play, especially with the honeycomb."
"I am so much more happier now than I was in the relationship. But I still find myself really grieving my old life."
"Repentance is not about making apologies, it's about making adjustments."
"It's the new daylight saving time!"
"After the accident, the procedure was changed."
"It's like, if I want to take this ride out, it cuts the energy a bit. But if I want to keep the energy, then I'll take that out and put this in."
"I'm just gonna have to make some changes."
"...to get our setup rod maybe a/ in to a 3/4 of an inch taller then we can take a measurement and send them off."
"That's enough for us to go and mess with the settings on the controller and do some more testing."
"Don't be afraid to come in and make little corrections."
"...actually adjusting the way that your camera interprets the scene..."
"Originally slated for a Christmas 2024 release, the film underwent scheduling adjustments and is now set to hit theaters on May 2nd, 2025."
"How do I get the full picture, the accurate information, so that I can then adjust accordingly?"
"But let's go ahead actually, I can set this right there and I think that's better."
"When you doing stand up, you could know when the joke ain't working like clear it out."
"When you come into this new, you might get stuck in this phase for too long, asking questions about the system."
"Humility and adjustments relative to giving what's actually needed."
"I've got that cut out now went a little bit too high with that side but the Pan's going to cover that."
"The prize I think we started out the original prize is 25,000 we raised it to a hundred thousand shows inflation pretty good on inflation adjusted basis."
"I'm not used to like waking up in the morning going to get breakfast and just seeing people that I don't know."
"Until these readjustments are done, until y'all are in the right frame of mind."
"Being able to adjust things is super important to me."
"Make sure you like it back here and then go in to fix the detail."
"Runs pretty good, timing played with that a little bit and it's a lot better."
"We've just been here in the whole transition period once again of moving from one place to another."
"I really do love the equalizer because you can adjust high, mids, and lows."
"I think keep working on the rules until you get the rules right."
"You know what, fair, I'll bump it to an A plus."