
Subconscious Quotes

There are 1789 quotes

"Most of the stuff in our brain is happening non-consciously."
"Psychologists have shown us that 95 percent of our life is subconscious; it's on autopilot."
"God is making deposits in your spirit that you are not cognitively aware of."
"You have the power to program your subconscious mind."
"Our self-talk is determining where we are orienting our subconscious mind and whatever we say is being programmed, or further emphasizing programming in our subconscious mind."
"After working with many coaching clients, consulting clients, and working with myself, I was able to create a system to help you if you're interested in changing the programming that's in your subconscious mind."
"You are showing the world how to treat you based on what you believe and feel about yourself at a core foundational subconscious level."
"The power of the law of repetition: each time we control our attention and express our word along a certain line, repeating over and over again a certain concept, it will become established in the subconscious."
"Dreams offer insight into our subconscious, help us process emotions, and organize our memories."
"Also, your emotions are your doorway to your subconscious mind to what's limiting you from getting to where you desire."
"We start to feel something, like whoa, we're feeling inspired. Are we mapping to some subconscious awareness of that in ourselves?"
"Reality is a projection of what's in our subconscious mind."
"You will manifest true love once you get rid of the subconscious stuff that you maybe picked up from your family or from past life stuff."
"If you consider yourself a rational thinker and you don't experience much emotion, there's a decent chance that your emotions are actually running the show from behind the scenes."
"Do you ever do that thing when you're drawing expressions and you're making the expression on your face subconsciously while you're drawing?"
"If you keep doing something so many times that your body now knows how to do it better than your conscious mind, then it's programmed subconsciously."
"Metaphors plant ideas deep in our subconscious and it really does work like magic."
"We do not have control over our subconscious, but we can reprogram it through consistent repetition of something new."
"There's something piled up in the human mind, something that we can't recall but haven't forgotten, or something buried even deeper, like the stones that make up a foundation."
"Goal visualization focuses your subconscious on the final picture, providing insights into the intermediary steps that will allow you to get there."
"The role of visualization is to impress upon the subconscious mind the vision of your desired state as a present reality."
"Visualization... if you impress that through conscious efforts into the subconscious mind, it then causes thoughts and emotions and behaviors."
"Emotions are all triggered at the subconscious level... the feeling is the endpoint of the human experience in the physical body."
"We are all creatures of habit because habits run themselves, their subconscious programs just run themselves."
"We can use this tool to work directly on our subconscious and to start shaping and working with our self-image."
"Positive affirmations are simply short statements that you say to yourself to get your subconscious mind reprogrammed and thinking along an empowering train of thought."
"Subliminals are powerful sound therapy tools that you can use to deeply reprogram your own subconscious mind."
"Read your desire or plan over as many times in the day as possible and always just before retiring, because on going to sleep immediately after contemplating the picture in your own mind, a full impression is left upon the human consciousness."
"Beliefs are one of the most powerful components to creating the life we want because they dictate our thoughts, feelings, and behavior from a subconscious level."
"95 percent of who we are is a set of memorized behaviors, automatic emotional responses, unconscious habits, hardwired attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions that are automatic like a computer program."
"The world of the subconscious and cognition was first devised into extensive detail by psychologist Carl Jung."
"It is only when we release our intentions into the fertile depths of the subconscious that they can begin to materialize."
"As dumb as it sounds, there is some evidence showing that you can help your language learning by listening to tapes while you sleep."
"You must trust the process that the subconscious mind knows the way to help you create your reality."
"Your subconscious understands complex grammar rules intuitively, organizing thoughts in real time without conscious effort."
"We're stuck because we're subconsciously stuck in our familiarized comfort zone, even though that's not the place or those aren't the behaviors that are going to get us the life we want."
"I think that overnight my subconscious works on some of the problems because I feel like I always wake up with really interesting solutions in the morning to some of the problems I went to bed with."
"The key to lasting, massive change is working on your subconscious and self-image."
"Once your subconscious accepts the statement as a fact, it proceeds to do everything possible to bring riches to you."
"It's about reprogramming our subconscious mind... it's about conditioning, about programming yourself to be open to overcome all of the barriers."
"My subconscious mind provides me with unique creative thoughts. I am an expression of universal infinite intelligence."
"My subconscious mind is able to easily search through the limitless information available in the infinite mind to find the best ways to create my life in a way that is filled with joy and happiness."
"The subconscious has a distinct distaste for compulsion and responds to persuasion rather than to command."
"The subconscious mind is the creative mind, and it responds to the nature of your thoughts."
"You have to become conscious in the dream world to control it, which is a powerful tool for personal growth and understanding."
"The idea subliminal users believe in is that the subliminal messaging in the videos will go directly to your subconscious mind, bypassing your conscious mind, so the information can be processed faster."
"The subconscious mind always wants to heal itself."
"The subconscious mind is programmed through repetition."
"Your subconscious is churning out those good ideas for you."
"If you are someone who's stuck in that conditioning, it's not actually a sign of something being wrong with you; it's a sign that your subconscious is functioning as all of ours do, to keep you safe, to keep you in that familiar place."
"Our physical organism is governed by our subconscious, so that we actually make or mar our own health and destinies according to the ideas at work in our subconscious."
"The power to move the world is in your subconscious mind." - William James
"Just as your dreams are composed by an aspect of yourself of which your consciousness is unaware, so your whole life has been composed by the will within you."
"You operate from your subconscious mind 95% of the time."
"Every emotion that you experience actually comes from your subconscious mind."
"If you can program your subconscious mind to believe that that's already you, then your subconscious mind is going to work in the background and bring opportunities your way."
"Within your subconscious depths lie infinite wisdom, infinite power, and an infinite supply of all that is necessary, which is waiting for development and expression."
"The infinite intelligence within your subconscious mind can reveal to you everything you need to know at every moment of time and point of space provided you are open-minded and receptive."
"I have seen the power of the subconscious lift people up out of crippled states, making them whole, vital, and strong once more."
"There is a miraculous healing power in your subconscious that can heal the troubled mind and the broken heart."
"The most powerful way to control your mind and ultimately your reality is through accessing one part of your mind known as the subconscious."
"So, let me end with the quote from Carl Jung... 'These subliminal aspects of everything that happens to us may seem to play a very little part in our daily lives, but they are the almost invisible roots of our conscious thoughts.'"
"They don't take any effort, they're beyond your awareness, so you don't know they are happening, and they are mostly beyond your control."
"Faith without works or action is dead. Active faith impresses the subconscious with expectancy."
"Tell yourself that you are going to lucid dream tonight. Also, tell yourself what you want to dream about."
"Pay attention to those dreams at night, they mean something."
"It is literally programmed into your brain, running in the background without your permission or your awareness."
"By changing our thoughts and the way we think, we impress in our subconscious mind that what is related to our thoughts."
"It carries on the tradition of exploring the subconscious, the surreal, and the effects of trauma in a way that is unique to horror."
"Listen to your body. The body is the subconscious mind."
"Just as we all breathe, we all dream. We just don't always remember our dreams. Your dreams are not random and they have profound meaning."
"Your subconscious mind is so much more powerful than your conscious mind."
"Your subconscious does not care what goes in; it will write a code and push you to execute that code no matter what."
"Meditation's whole purpose is to get into the operating system of subconscious and begin to make measurable changes."
"The Power of Ideology and Subconscious is ABSURDLY powerful. Your very inner desires are manipulated."
"Runes, I believe, work alongside your subconscious to produce really effective results and kind of help guide you in the way that you need to be guided in."
"It's not your fault if you're born into this matrix that is mostly subconscious."
"I realized that the only way to fix it was to really get inside my subconscious mind."
"Freud suggested that although we might like to think of ourselves as being ultimately rational beings, the masters of our own minds, we might not always have the upper hand in our own heads."
"Drawing like so many other skills is a matter of being able to think of several things at once. Since the conscious mind seems to be able to think about only one thing at a time, the subconscious mind must take care of a good deal when we draw."
"Your subconscious mind is built to help you to achieve your goals."
"For as long as I can remember, I have been having the same dream every night."
"I'm having some interesting dreams, which you know, I'm not gonna get into detail much about it, but something's shifting."
"Dreams are the subconscious mind's canvas, often mirroring our deepest fears, desires, and insights, serving as a rich reservoir of psychic information."
"Dreams are your mind's way of working out issues and problems you may not be able to unravel or face during the day."
"Could it be that Harry has actually subconsciously created this magical world?"
"If you don't like what you're creating, it's not you that's creating it, it's your subconscious programs."
"The easiest way that they can reach you is through your dreams."
"Unconscious circuitry is also guiding us when we're out shopping; it tells us what we should buy and what we're willing to pay for it."
"We pass judgments on faces so rapidly our conscious mind doesn't even have time to get involved."
"Writing down your goals and attaching emotion to it will push your subconscious mind into making you take the actions necessary to achieve those goals."
"Your life comes from your subconscious programs."
"Dreams reveal what needs focus, pay attention."
"What you repeatedly do gets ingrained in your subconscious mind."
"The dream is now revealing the root causes of the things happening in your life."
"There can be some powerful illuminating answers...about your subconscious..."
"Your life is not coming from your wishes and desires when you're thinking, it's coming from the existing programs."
"Attraction is an instantaneous and subconscious calculation."
"Your subconscious mind knows everything you genuinely want."
"A belief system is a set of beliefs that your subconscious mind has accepted as true."
"This book is a function of her guilty conscience."
"Fall asleep thinking from... imagine the sounds, the feelings that you would have... make it as realistic as possible but fall asleep in that place and you will wake up in that place."
"That message... it's going to become the part of your mind, part of your dreams."
"I have created this sleep hypnosis session to help you discover your powerful unconscious mind's abilities to quickly create your better healing relief."
"Dumping your own subconscious directly into a video game can make for a very interesting method of storytelling."
"Hypnosis is the language of your subconscious; it allows for deeper communication."
"Know that you are as connected as ever on a soul level, on an energy level, through the subconscious mind."
"Feel the feelings of the end result, impregnate your subconscious, and manifest your desires."
"The dream may not have these things, but in the context of the dream you see it. You keep seeing this particular person..."
"Change the code of somebody's subconscious mind, and they have no choice but to think, feel, act, and consequently get different results."
"When all men know how to make the subconscious mind work for them, there will be no more poor people."
"Your subconscious mind is like a garden and you must be very careful what you plant there."
"Every thought, every emotion, every suggestion is a seed planted in the subconscious soil and will bring you a harvest like itself."
"The subconscious mind is the channel by which we connect with infinite supply, with the great creative process of the universe."
"Establishing in your subconscious mind the things that you want to come true, that you are ambitious to attain, impressing upon it the idea of the man or woman you longed to be, is the first step toward achievement."
"There are powers in your subconscious mind which if aroused and utilized would help you do what others tell you is impossible."
"Give your subconscious mind the right thought, the right instruction, the right ideals to work on."
"Before success comes self-discovery. Explore your dreams, overcome self-sabotage, and reprogram your subconscious beliefs."
"Dream signs are being given to you through your dreams."
"We go under this impression that we think we're making decisions but we don't understand that subconsciously we are being forced."
"Was it a free choice or was it manipulated in a certain way subconsciously that you think you made the choice but you actually didn't?"
"Everybody dreams, but there are few who place any importance to the phenomena of sleep."
"Reality is just a reflection of your subconscious beliefs... that's the law of attraction."
"Maybe you guys have shared other lifetimes together, and that is deep within their subconscious."
"Film music acts as basically this invisible hand that is guiding you subconsciously."
"Celebrate great ideas regardless of who had them."
"Raw gameplay will always teach you something, often subconsciously."
"The 12th house is dreaming and bringing it to reality, that's why it's your dreams, it's how you rest, how you sleep at night."
"Blitz's entire sequence involves his subconscious putting him on blast, just being thrashed and pelted and flung around mercilessly by tortured visions of his past."
"Once you have identified this, you again go into the subconscious and do the subconscious work."
"It's not necessarily a conscious thing where you're saying oh I'm going to change my gender so that I'll fit in but it's like you have all of these kind of subconscious motivations that are saying you know and also things that are very overt."
"Empower your subconscious with uplifting information."
"Release the conscious mind, allow the subconscious to work."
"Seems like your subconscious is trying to tell me something," Lex quickly hangs up.
"Dreams speak to you deeply; pay attention, as they may hold valuable insights."
"The subconscious mind is the source of all desires, plans, inspirations, and 'aha' moments."
"Working with our subconscious mind allows us to alter it for desirable outcomes."
"With full comprehension of how to use this advantageous tool, we are able to manage it in a way so it subtly guides for benefit."
"We can gently teach it how we would like it to respond in accordance with what we were determined to design for the self."
"Unknowingly manifesting forgiveness, empathy, and understanding."
"The universe is trying to get you to pay attention to inner subconscious patterns, feelings, and triggers inside of you."
"Do you remember how everybody's repressed subconscious energy was underground and they were like literally all just in this tunnel this is a physical manifestation of your Shadow Self."
"Every interaction I have seeps down into my subconscious mind, so I better make sure that it's a good one."
"Fortunately however, the esoteric tradition survives in the racial subconscious."
"Dreams are like a window to the subconscious mind."
"In order to create the changes you want in your life, it's crucial that you learn to effectively communicate with your subconscious mind."
"Positive affirmation really programs the subconscious to deliver what we want."
"There's an element of the subconscious at play... really dig deep."
"It's emotion that imprints the subconscious mind the fastest."
"There's some kind of in-between dream world that Mel is reaching out to Dan through."
"It's time you could be connected to Serapis Bay, the moon. Your subconscious is gaining expression now, your subconscious is expressing itself through your feelings, the moon energy."
"Your life is really a reflection of your subconscious programming."
"We all dream every night, we just don't remember."
"A dream is an experience of the super conscious."
"Write down the first thing on your mind on the 3rd of March because you're gonna be connected to your subconscious mind."
"Dreams are just like random neurons in your brain going off but they tell you about your very real fears."
"Pay attention to your dreams because really they're warning us."
"Whether you attribute it to spirits or our own subconscious mind at work, it's pretty cool."
"Your connection is deeply healing on a subconscious level."
"I always thought I was experiencing the most complex level of dream impossible."
"This is the fundamental stuff that you need to program into your subconscious mind to create a radical change."
"The mind assumes that it's normal, you're bypassing the conscious mind and you're going directly to the subconscious mind and reprogramming that for more success."
"Men and women operate in subconscious markets."
"The individual should establish the truth of the following words in his subconscious mind: 'I am the expression of the perfect mind of God. This perfection is inherent within me.'"
"Dreams are so bizarre. Yeah, they're like a reflection of your waking whatevers. Thank you, doctor."
"I had a dream that I bought a pillow and then I ate the pillow and I woke up. My pillow was gone."
"I had a dream I ate a pillow and I woke up. My pillow was gone. It's a deep dive into your psychology."
"Put respect on the name, baby. Stop playing games."
"Your subconscious mind creates your reality."
"Your subconscious mind runs the show unconsciously."
"A big portion of the book is dedicated to understanding the subconscious mind and law of attraction type stuff."
"I always remembered having the dreams about fires and explosions."
"You're accidentally manifesting your next relationship right now."
"It's really just like whatever it is I'm listening to or subconsciously thinking about."
"Dreams are a very important part of my input."
"The power of your subconscious mind is going to take over you will know exactly which steps to make."
"Your subconscious mind is probably the greatest undiscovered gold mine in the world."
"Ideas are best suggested when the objective mind is partly subjective."
"Once it goes into the conscious mind it begins to try to get into the subconscious."
"Cut, cleanse, and clear; you need a full reboot of your subconscious mind."
"Our subconscious mind always wants us to live at our highest potential."
"You can control what enters your subconscious mind."
"You envision your dream where you want to be, and then your subconscious will take over if you really put in the effort."
"Your future self is no better than you, your present self is your future self."
"You could know something logically, but your emotions react on a subconscious level."
"I had to refill my subconscious because I just stacked so much negativity."
"Your subconscious mind has no boundaries; it is limitless and connected to all that is."
"You're saying hey, and subconsciously you're teaching them how to be."
"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will rule your life."
"Childhood memory dreams are a manifestation of the mind's ability."
"There's very important messages in your dreams."
"The moment you understand how you can train the subconscious is the moment you are free, because then you become the programmer of your own life."
"These dreams are gateways to your subconscious and the higher realms of existence."
"Reflecting on the subconscious reveals vulnerabilities and opportunities."
"There is something in your subconscious that wants to come out... lead you into a place where you become more aware of who you are."
"You're always connecting with the new person before they actually come in, you just aren't aware of it."
"Purple is the color of sleep, the gateway to dreams and the realm of dreams is a real place."
"Reprogram your subconscious mind or everything else on this list is gonna fall by the wayside."
"Dreams are literally just your brain trying to tell you things that you already know because it's your brain, but like you don't know because we're stupid little monkey people."
"Feeling is the one and only medium the rich ideas are conveyed to the subconscious."