
Cooperation Quotes

There are 13156 quotes

"We are all one. We're all in this world together, trying to win together."
"If I enhance you, we don't specialize at the expense of others; we specialize at the enhancement of others."
"Touch releases oxytocin, which is this little chemical that floats in your brain in your blood and it helps you be kind to other people and cooperate."
"We're trying to make everything work for everyone."
"I believe in the people of this country that they can work together as well, and they can see the importance of that."
"Let's start trusting ourselves and trusting each other again."
"The point is for all of us to work together to get to the truth, not be biased, not fight against each other."
"Much of what we take to be real is fictions... we control the planet... because we can cooperate much better than any other animal."
"A society that is not built on men trying to help each other will be built on men trying to destroy each other."
"Humanity is actually much more cooperative and empathic than they're given credit for."
"The power and the beauty of the universe relies on us working together."
"You have to rely on other people to help bring you up."
"It's not men versus women; it's men plus women versus the problem."
"We decided that we were going to get along and try to complete a mission, so no infighting, trying to kill each other."
"Rather than choosing violence and war, perhaps we need to consider cooperation and altruism, no matter how difficult it might be to do, or how strange our neighbours might be to us."
"If we take care of each other, that's when we can best care for our community."
"Life is not a zero-sum game. We're in this together, and the nicer we are to each other, the better off we all are."
"The big problems can be solved if we do it together."
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."
"The whole universe is this amazing dance of cooperation, it's this endless flow of giving and receiving in the oneness of reality."
"We are making the galaxy a peaceful, happy place of cooperation and love."
"When somebody perceives you as an authority in something, they are more likely to be agreeable, they are more likely to cooperate with you, and say yes to you."
"We have to have faith in each other if we're going to get through here."
"To me, it works because we help each other, we learn from each other, and we cooperate with each other."
"We've learned over time is if we work together and we cooperate and we combine assets and combine resources, we can do much more."
"Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor."
"Inclusive fitness involves copies of a gene in multiple different creatures helping each other rather than competing."
"Be the easiest person to deal with, and you'd be surprised how many problems it solves."
"Negotiations are not just about winning or losing; they're about finding the best possible outcome for all parties involved."
"When you put too many people on the boat, there's some trying to put holes in it because they don't like that you're sailing."
"Let's go, bro, the teamwork is actually insane."
"Everything from the neurochemistry of the runner's high, which makes us enjoy cooperating with other people more and gives us hope and optimism, all the way to how if you are regularly active, you have a different brain and nervous system than people who don't exercise."
"The goal is the reestablishment of the cooperative endeavor as fast as possible."
"Sometimes the most selfish thing you can do is to be cooperative, altruistic, helpful, nice, be a good friend, be a reliable respectful person with a good reputation."
"If it promotes cooperation, then it's a medium of exchange that helps us play socially sustainable games."
"The best game has the best rules, which enable a lot of activity and cooperation."
"The world is no longer bound by the same rules, so it's better to coexist and help each other."
"We need to band together to help each other out."
"If the mobile era was defined by walled gardens, we should all work together to make sure that doesn't happen again in the AI era."
"The pie is growing...there is some sense that we are we have something in common then things get much calmer."
"We all have the same goal, that's a safer Somalia for all Somalis. We must work together to achieve this."
"If we're supposed to be a collective and we're supposed to be a sisterhood, if we know for a fact that for the next couple years we gonna have to try to work together, I find nothing wrong with saying, 'Damn, I might have overstepped in this situation, and for that, I am sorry, and I won't do it again.'"
"Our goal is to develop a robot that can coexist, cooperate, and be cognitive. That's the future direction of interaction."
"Together we can do it, and if we do, we will see a new generation of people who are more empathic, more interconnected, and more at peace, leading to more creativity and what matters most of all, happiness."
"Paul's cooperation... shines confusion over how he could have done this, recognition that it was wrong."
"The negotiation should be that you both get something better than either of you would have had if you were separate."
"We always want to believe that if we just love each other enough, but actually, many people have experienced in their lives the cold hard truth that you need two people who also work together."
"Venus becomes visible as an evening star... relationships between humans will start becoming more agreeable, more cooperating."
"It's a global crisis that requires a global response."
"For everything we need, we're all better off with an ally."
"Competent, robust networks of people working together for their common good and defense cannot be manufactured during or after a crisis, only before."
"If you're relatively happy with the status quo and content with your neighbours, then you can live in peace, cooperating, trading, and prospering together."
"Success brings people together, maybe better than anything else."
"Only with close cooperation with like-minded democracies... can we actually hope to defend the rules-based order, critical by the way for small countries like Switzerland."
"If both of the people in the relationship are willing to do the work, then it's going to be so much easier."
"Veronica makes promises to Tabitha and the state of Utah; they'll help them repair their radio transmission equipment if they help us."
"We need to work as one, in order to implement the African agenda in reality."
"The key here is that it's a political space, not a social space. Disliking people in a social sense... doesn't prevent you from working with them on issues of critical importance."
"Nothing worthwhile was ever accomplished solo."
"Look, we're the United States of America. There's nothing, not a single thing we're unable to do if we do it together."
"The legacy fans have been treated like absolute dirt. It's appalling, but we must all work together because there's a huge fan base here."
"We can do more together than we could do apart, and so there's all sorts of sense to be made for the establishment of these honest, durable, and reciprocal relationships."
"If we treat each other as individuals and if that's the goal, we'll probably end up at least in the same direction."
"Effortlessly cooperate with creative and happy strangers...we're all on the same team on some basic level."
"The future is inclusive; we need to be integrating, we need to be futuristic in our working together."
"We have to be willing to work together for the benefit of the people."
"We must seek cooperation and oppose confrontation... our biggest strength will come from solidarity."
"You can get what you want by helping other people get what they want."
"To me, solutions that require large-scale distributed coordination of human beings need ideas that emphasize freedom and knowledge."
"I'm confident that we can do it. I have faith in us."
"We must fight, unite, and ignite. Fight to stop the virus with every resource at our disposal; unite to confront the pandemic together; we are one humanity with one common enemy; no country can fight alone; we can only fight together."
"We need to stay calm, stay united, and work together."
"A believe in society, working together, solidarity, cooperation, partnership. These are our words, this is my socialism."
"Lighting someone else's flame does not dim yours."
"The definition of competition is not the one we're using today, that's an inaccurate definition... the original definition of competition [is] to strive together."
"Well, I suggest we try to find other survivors, band together and find a cure, or fight to the death trying."
"When the United States and China work together, the world's going to win."
"We cannot let our guard down now or assure that victory is inevitable. We can't assume that. We must remain vigilant, act fast and aggressively, and look out for one another."
"We need a very different kind of approach, a multilateral rule-based world where we can gain the benefits of cooperation."
"There is absolutely no contradiction between national loyalty and global solidarity."
"We have to figure out how to get along, and we better figure it out fast."
"Humanity is now in a very interesting evolutionary phase in which we move from hostile aggressive competition into a more mature mode of cooperation and collaboration."
"We can't build a better world unless we work together, respect our differences, protect the vulnerable, and stand up for the things that matter most."
"We were all created to nurture our planet and each other, ultimately in mission of optimizing our earth and inhabitants for the best result on course to an extended survival."
"We should work together to try to pass legislation that becomes law, that will improve the quality of life of the people we represent."
"We don't have to kill one to elevate the other. It doesn't have to be a competition."
"It's always healthy to avoid an us-versus-them mentality. It's not about your team and helping your team win; it's not a sports game."
"Reciprocity... It's how our society moves forward."
"We're cooperating; we have to help each other."
"The essence of mankind is not competition; it is creativeness."
"Bernie... is someone who has certain policy priorities that he works for day and night, and he feels like if he can move the ball a little bit on them, he's willing to work with just about anyone."
"There's nothing our nations can't achieve if we do it together."
"When the United States and Canada, the UK, Western countries, when we can learn to work with China, it's going to benefit everybody in the entire world."
"In musical harmony, you have two different notes that vibrate in accord with each other, so they sound good together."
"Islam not only allows, it commands us to cooperate with anyone of any background when it comes to something positive and good into society."
"We are going to change our communities...it's about us taking care of each other and sharing what we know."
"We can only defeat this outbreak with global solidarity."
"Manifesting is commanding the universe, working with it, and that includes working with others."
"It turns out you don't have to agree with everybody in order to get along with everybody."
"We have to get through this, and I think we can get through it."
"Together, they could take on the system and together, they could put the odds in their favor a bit more."
"The police are the public and the public are the police."
"The world faces enormous and diverse cross-border challenges... This requires multilateral action, especially to address threats to international peace and security, environmental issues, sustainable development, asylum, and immigration."
"When culture finds that sweet spot of all of us getting along, all of us having a sense of humor, all of us working together, that's called unity."
"Oh man, I didn't... I'll do it, I'll help, let me help."
"Friendship between the two states has no limits; there are no forbidden areas of cooperation."
"Welcome back to Squid Island, the server in which me, Jelly, and Crina are stuck on an island with each other in Minecraft, and we've got to be friends in reality."
"Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean you can't work together."
"They were more likely to donate money to charity and they place more emphasis on cooperation."
"The only way that a lot of these problems are going to be solved is if we figure out how people can meet each other on more equal terms."
"People in a burning house shouldn't argue with each other... It serves nobody's interest to argue with somebody on a burning ship or a ship that's sinking. At least get to land first, then you can have your argument."
"On the way through...there will be core national interests in both Beijing and in Washington which will mandate us those two countries cooperating in key defined areas."
"This experience of conviviality among strangers actually caused people to think more altruistically, more cooperatively."
"We can join forces, stop the shouting, and lower the temperature."
"We're all here on this planet together; there's no reason why we can't see each other rise."
"Let's work together, let's follow the rules."
"We're confident that working together with Congress, industry, labor, and other stakeholders, we can chart a new path that emphasizes resilience, security, broad-based growth, and sustainability."
"Sprawlopolis is a game about building a lovely little city together."
"Thanks to Ichigo, Uryu was able to fulfill the dream of his grandfather that a reality can exist where Shinigami and Quincy can work alongside each other peacefully."
"Humans have gotten to where we are in large part because of our ability to create fictions, to tell stories, and to share those stories. We can cooperate because we alone, of all the animals on the planet, can create and believe fictional stories."
"If you really care about something...you need to join an organization and cooperate with other people because you can't change the world just by yourself."
"We invite them to work with us on the agenda moving forward because clearly the bill that the President just signed into law is something that the American people are excited about."
"Great things can be accomplished through cooperation and sacrifice."
"We don't have to compete; if we all get in my train, we'll have a way better chance of surviving."
"Only by working together as human beings can we mend those issues."
"The way forward... is that we actually work together to understand that we can live together with different principles."
"To adjust all your thoughts to a perfect and unswerving faith in the omnipotence and supremacy of good is to cooperate with that good."
"We are the United States of America. There is not a single thing we cannot deal with if we do it together."
"It is about the sharing or the cooperativeness of it, so you can remain selfish and keep things to yourself, or you can take with you that African principle of Ubuntu and say, 'I am because we are.'"
"If Trump and Biden could get together and just be like, you know what, we're Americans first, high five a little bit, that's all it takes."
"When we can find common ground, working across party lines, that is what I will seek to do."
"Successful conversation is all we have to solve our problems together."
"Perhaps then in the end, no FTL is a blessing in disguise, because it might compel us to work together for the future for something bigger than ourselves."
"We've got to get back on the same page and say rather than wasting our time on this, how do we all win together?"
"Let's hope this brings out our altruism, self-sacrifice, and cooperation."
"Progress begets progress, and when we work together, we can accomplish anything."
"We can defeat this virus, but we have to work together and we have to be really proactive."
"If you don't have secure attachment, it is very hard to cooperate to solve problems."
"We've got to start thinking properly globally and think of ourselves as one humanity, not selfishly keep it all to ourselves."
"The NATO and the EU were set up so that together we're stronger."
"It just goes to show that on a server with no rules, anything is possible with enough effort and cooperation."
"Archaeologists should reach out to and participate in cooperative efforts with others interested in the archaeological record with the aim of improving the preservation, protection, and interpretation of the record."
"Alien X can do anything, only if Ben can convince Alien X to cooperate."
"Female bonding is a formation of a close personal relationship and patterns of friendship, attachment, and cooperation in females."
"There are certain problems that we face today that can only be tackled by an international collaborative effort."
"Healing is not supposed to be us begging God to invade a situation; it's supposed to be us joining with the father, seeing his heart."
"Abeloth was so powerful that the Ones and the Killiks worked together to imprison her within the Maw."
"The art of politics is that you can grow the pie and then divide it. You don't just fight zero-sum."
"We will build a better world when we work together to do that, and you will have to do some of this legwork because Matt helps those who help themselves."
"Dictators work together; people who believe in democracy work together."
"If they're ready to help me make people happier, I'm in."
"We parents and teachers... can solve this if we act together."
"As we back off and embrace the new paradigm of cooperation and mutual aid, that is huge. It is a hugely different way of thinking."
"It's only through cooperation, through coming together in our democracy, that we can address the climate crisis."
"I'm happy to announce that we've released a joint communique by all seven countries."
"You cannot deal with climate change, you cannot deal with cross-border crime, you cannot deal with terrorism without acting together."
"In order for society to function, to be well lubricated to not have a lot of friction, you have to have some minimum level of buy-in in terms of how you treat the people around you."
"Inclusiveness, cooperation with the belief unless everyone is safe, no one can be safe."
"Conscientious, cooperative, appreciative, and loyal."
"The best way to spread holiday cheer is following directions the first time."
"When she kind of complains about how huge the festival is, Wasson immediately suggests that they visit their different locations in pairs, since everyone can't go together."
"We really need to hammer out our problems with each other and look towards the future."
"The way you heal relationships between nations is by working together, which requires you to listen maybe more than you talk."
"Diplomacy is the answer. The Chinese, the Russia, Americans need to work together to protect this planet."
"Together, we can uncover the truth and forge a new path for humanity, one that is built on knowledge, understanding, and cooperation with our cosmic neighbors."
"By conducting good-faith cooperation we can remove misgivings and make information security and cybersecurity a positive area of cooperation between China and the U.S."
"Business is overwhelmingly about cooperation."
"This isn't just a reflection on market strategy, but a lesson in respect, understanding, and cooperation."
"The two biggest nuclear powers must do everything in order to cooperate."
"If we don't make an effort to kind of bridge our opinions to some level, then nothing gets done; it'll just be status quo."
"Our intelligence can sometimes cloud our imperfections. We are so intelligent and we're capable of doing so much. What the world could look like if we just came together and empathized and thought deeply about these issues."
"Crypto is not a zero-sum game; one person doesn't have to succeed for the other to lose, and one doesn't have to lose for another to succeed."
"Building community resilience is critical to weathering crises. A group of people working together is much stronger than a bunch of isolated strangers."
"Everybody on earth benefits from us all getting along."
"The task of civilization is to figure out how to create a durable basis for cooperation."
"You have to believe in facts. Without facts, there's no basis for cooperation."
"I think it's criminal what we've done to you all. We've left you this disaster. I want to clean it up in the worst way, but I need your help to clean it up."
"I'm pro-engagement, pro-dialogue, pro-relationship, figuring out a way to work together."
"We need to be finding a way for peace, we need to be finding a way for cooperation."
"It takes a village to raise a child because it really does."
"The willingness to ask for help and, perhaps even more powerfully, the willingness to accept help."
"The most basic thing we need to do is have some major reforms of our political institutions to encourage more moderation, compromise, and cooperation."
"All our major achievements as a species are not a result of individual abilities but the result of large-scale cooperation."
"To get millions of people to cooperate, you need a good story."
"People in the Ethereum ecosystem are too busy building businesses to fight with each other or to fight with anybody else."
"Academia has a lot of room for improvement. Science and technology should lead the way, and the basic message of science is sharing of knowledge and cooperation."
"We are a very motivated group of people, and the only way that we're going to win races is by working together."
"Getting humans to cooperate is difficult as a whole, and so there needs to be shared assumptions that people can all understand are important."
"Sometimes two players that are brilliant for their team separately aren't naturally going to play together well."
"Would it not be better to live in communities and systems that are about enhancing those values, supporting those values, acknowledging that people are flawed and fallible but where possible creating the conditions for human beings to thrive and cooperate?"
"Everyone into the end, we got to go build a shrine. We need crying obsidian."
"As Naruto fought Madara, Son Goku aided him by lending its Lava Release chakra to empower his Rasenshuriken."
"What matters most is having friends and being nice to people and using teamwork in order to beat stuff because you're better together than you are by yourself."
"Participating in rhythmic synchrony, or keeping together in time, powerfully affects bonding, making people trust one another, cooperate, and feel more similar to one another."
"We need to stop shouting and start talking, and if we can have a grown-up conversation, make a plan that adds up, and get building, maybe this low-carbon revolution will actually be fun."
"Your social inclusion protects you from dying. You work with other people, you cooperate with them, you play with them, you eat with them, you're dependent on their labor."
"If you make a bigger pie, everyone gets a bigger slice."
"The only way we're going to bring this country together is bring everybody together. There's nothing we cannot do if we do it together."
"We are the only mammals that can cooperate in very large numbers and do so flexibly."
"The best way to guarantee the safety and prosperity of your compatriots is by cooperating with foreigners."