
Anger Quotes

There are 3065 quotes

"Anger is a powerful servant but a terrible master."
"Grateful people aren't angry and they don't see themselves as victims."
"The basis of anger is love... if there wasn't something I loved and cared about, I just wouldn't give a [ __ ]."
"Anger's core message is a concise and potent 'no', said as forcefully as the moment demands."
"Transforming anger into constructive action is a powerful way to deal with injustice."
"Moses anger waxed hot, and he cast the tables out of his hands."
"Anyone who has never gotten angry with God does not have a real relationship with God."
"Trauma, what I'm hearing you say, is people who are hurt and angry are there's a trauma underneath that. Otherwise, you wouldn't be angry if you didn't have a trauma that you haven't dealt with."
"Anger is a hopeful emotion; it's when you don't stand for how things are and you hope that they can be better."
"Anger has its place, and I think that righteous anger can be very stirring for transformation."
"Even the negative thoughts, and anger is short-term soothing at the expense of long-term change, right?"
"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."
"Anger shows us where we have been hurt. Anger is a good emotion because it directs us to the places where we feel like we're not being defended, where we feel like we were in some way being neglected."
"Anger is a thing that kicks us into action...there is no bigger motivation to make a change."
"You might be angry with something, and that can fuel you to create beauty, for some of you. Just write a story or make a video or anything that is your own creation."
"Fear the anger of the one who's always patient with you."
"Anger is not an emotion; it simply masks the real emotion."
"What we're doing is really hurtful to us. People become more angry. They attach to the anger. People feel more beleaguered."
"Reacting like that felt like I had failed, but now, looking back, I realize that anger was a reasonable reaction to the type of things I had been put through."
"The positive side of anger. Well, anger sometimes it's a mask for sadness."
"For a moment, The Matrix gives them a way to articulate that anger and feel catharsis within that."
"Try to be grateful and angry simultaneously; it'll never work."
"Seething with jealousy and anger, Cain unleashes his inner Hulk and clubs Abel to death."
"The role of healthy anger is to set a boundary between what's nourishing and to let in what's healthy and to keep out what's dangerous and unwelcome."
"Kratos sees in Atreus an anger and rage that he once held, which he believes could continue the cycle of death and betrayal."
"Carrying anger or resentments against another human being is like swallowing poison and hoping someone else will die."
"Having anger and resentment... is letting other people live in your head rent-free."
"I'm a Christian but I'm pissed. I love God but I'm hurting."
"I'm Furious. Everybody is furious. Nobody believes this story."
"This is a true depiction of the infinite rage of the Incredible Hulk. There's no calming him down."
"Anger motivates you to action, it discharges itself, and you can move on."
"Life has felt like it's passed over some of you. There's an anger in you that you channel into well, what can I do to change things?"
"You give a speech when you're angry; it's the best speech you'll ever regret."
"The definition of overkill... This is anger. This is fueled by anger, hate, some kind of strong emotion."
"That most anger is rooted in poverty. Poverty is the source of most of our trauma."
"It's remarkable how easy it is to spread anger and negativity and how hard it is to stop it or spread positivity."
"Is it really a feminine trait to be angry or to be emotional? I feel like everybody does these things."
"You all know, that's a given, that anger doesn't get you anywhere. It just creates more tension, more ill-will, more separation of people and we feel bad about ourselves afterwards."
"Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than on the person on which it is poured."
"Anger is a trap. As long as you're angry, you'll never expand."
"Being angry for the right reasons can make a difference."
"All anger isn't bad; there's righteous anger that something bad happened to this person or there was an offense towards God."
"If we don't learn how to express ourselves, we will resort to anger as a false sense of relief."
"Whilst I know that anger exists, whilst I know that rage is righteous in these situations, we also have to remember that these are children."
"Anger as a release and as a fuel for change can be a real flush, and it can be a real boundary and it can be a real change agent."
"Allow yourself to be angry at the injustices that you've faced."
"The sadness quickly turned into anger, the same kind of anger I felt towards those that were responsible for Rachel's death."
"We're gonna make everything controversial. There's a problem in our country, and the problem is that things are so good and we are so angry that we are now looking at stupid things to be angry about."
"Anger is a personality... possessed by the spirit of anger, it changes your perceptions."
"They project their anger onto us because they were almost Anglo white if it weren't for those African genes."
"A clear statement that anger politics should end right here and right now."
"Feminism is the collective manifestation of female anger."
"Rage burned away all that was good in you, my brother."
"On the other side of anger lies heart opening and rebirth."
"Projecting anger onto people to invalidate what they're saying also robs them of the space to show that sometimes you should be angry about things."
"It used to make me really angry, but then I realized that I was holding me back."
"Moderated anger, in my opinion, is the most colorful personality trait; it's the most cathartic to listen to because it's audio therapy."
"We don't have a lot of time on this planet. You're choosing to get enraged and bothered over this."
"I was angry... really upset because especially as more stories came out... those women were like either young parents or they had families."
"The true meaning of firebending was forgotten as anger, rage, and a desire to dominate began to replace the ideals of life and energy."
"There's a real frustration and anger at our whole political system."
"As someone who is a supporter of Me Too and as someone who is a real victim hearing about this kind of fraud makes me angry. Like very angry."
"This is one of those cases that actually made me very angry because of all the lies."
"The place where I have landed emotionally is pure, unadulterated rage."
"I think the main problem behind why people are so angry right now... is mental health."
"Anger is from Shaitaan as well because when a man is angry he says things he does things without thinking."
"Shame on her for doing this. I know I don't usually swear but Jesus Christ this deserves it."
"Being mad at people and angry is literally just hurting yourself."
"Anger and fear are some of the best ways to keep people engaged."
"If his anger exploded once more, he probably could have destroyed himself and if he did end up destroying the planet, he probably would have died regardless."
"The country is so polarized, we have so many people who are angry."
"Wrath, I assume means he's angry. His judgment, he's exercising his prerogative."
"She was outraged... then started knocking stuff off our countertop."
"You need to channel that anger and the hypocrisy."
"People are mad and angry about things that they're not educated about."
"Venting anger is cathartic and natural but let's have just a little perspective about what we decide to get angry about."
"If you're angry today, I'm here to tell you be angry. I'm furious."
"There's no virtue in being angry and hating people because of things in the past."
"Anger is one of the most important emotions... it's often your instinct screaming to you that something is wrong."
"Bruce Banner seemingly spent a long time trying to keep his temper in check but later on in the movie he uttered the now famous line that's my secret cap I'm always angry."
"He's a bit of he's a bit of a meme he's a bit of a meme this is loud short running around being angry."
"Wow, that little [__] almost cut me off, let me get the reveal all."
"When you took the effort to look beneath his anger, you saw a different person."
"The reason it makes you angry is because you know what it suggests: the rules are for you. Those are your rules. You do what you're told and if you don't, you'll be shamed, vilified, and punished."
"I had this fuck you energy, anger, determination, wanting to show the world I'm worth something."
"I hate whenever people always focus on...this little small minority of angry boys."
"The emotion of anger was something that I've always been really scared to tap into."
"You've been lied to. I've been lied to. And once you actually wake up from that lie you become kind of angry."
"People are more and more polarized and angry with each other."
"With a howl of rage and sorrow, Sargeras struck a grammar down."
"Just do while you're mad, you're going to feel better about it when you're happy."
"You're a child killer, a woman killer. I cannot wait until somebody inflicts that harm on you."
"He stabbed his tires, slashed two different Lambo tires."
"When Bring Me The Horizon formed in 2004, their dream was to simply play music and vent their anger onstage."
"Anger seems to be consistent during and before the crime, often directed towards the victim."
"When angry, it's easy to become aggressive towards others."
"Anger is a necessary tool used to be seen, to be heard, and to be felt."
"Anger expressed and translated into action is a liberating and strengthening act of clarification."
"Embracing the anger has allowed me to kind of let go of acting like I don't have to be upset about it. I can be upset about it and I can still keep working and doing my thing."
"But a lot of people are really, really angry and they're getting angrier."
"It's absolutely not what we need right now. But a lot of people are really, really angry."
"Every single time, dude, there is nothing better than somebody that's ticked off and they know their stuff."
"Populism: extreme anger at the government, wealthy, establishment, newcomers."
"Things are very volatile. There's a lot of anger. That anger is legitimate."
"No one will have a greater wrath or vengeance than a woman when she has been wronged. Most men find out the hard way that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."
"That's my secret, Captain: I'm always angry."
"True oppression is not knowing that you're oppressed."
"It's just totally true. It truly makes my blood boil. It makes me so angry to see this because they have ruined people's lives."
"Thank you, Obi-Wan. I needed that clarity. Of course you're angry with me, but you'd always put the mission first, always."
"Yeah, I wanted to have your mom killed and I was gonna have you killed too because I'm so angry."
"When you're angry at someone, it's kind of like going to the store and buying a bag of rat poison."
"You need to go on a journey to discover the root causes [of anger]."
"That scared me and made me angry and did all the emotions to me when I thought about that idea."
"You cursing brat! Look what you've done!"
"What matters is when people can't eat, people get mad. That's it."
"I can't wait for you to see them because they're really pissed off at that video you uploaded for multiple goddamn reasons."
"People are going to be very angry at Norway."
"There is real anger, there is a real sense hey there's an injustice here."
"My rage is uncapped, there's no cap. No cap, no capping."
"I'm so mad, that's a red flag right there. Are you kidding me?"
"Your heroes are about to be decimated; my anger, and trust me, there's a lot of it, will not be contained going forward."
"I'm not upset, I'm seething with so much rage I make the Hulk look like The Incredible Tall Toddler."
"You can't argue with people who are so angry and arrogant they don't know what they're talking about."
"Monica's arrival not only made Wanda surprised but also angry."
"Kale was getting angrier and angrier to the point where she exploded in her power and into her berserk state."
"Sophie and Rob were literally attacked just because of how they look, just because of how they chose to dress themselves, and it honestly infuriates me."
"It's one of those cases that make me so angry."
"I'm gonna meet Skype in an alleyway and beat the fuck out of him."
"Danny Ocean, no. That Andrew has rage that he can't do a [ __ ] crew."
"Innocent people get truly angry, and real anger or emotion doesn't flip back and forth like a switch."
"I'll be bloody furious for loads of reasons."
"It's like a ghetto ex-girlfriend smashing your car up with a baseball bat."
"I told my grandpa what had happened and I can promise you I've never seen him being so enraged before."
"Don't mistake my anger, I don't identify with that emotion. This is passion."
"She equated anger and violence with passion."
"Anger is a secondary emotion usually there's sadness or fear that's underlying the anger."
"How do we express that anger and how do we create bridge building healing dialogue?"
"Anger is so underrated as an emotion and undervalued."
"When you get mad, you show your true colors."
"The risk of cheating the plan, of disrespecting the design, could incite a fury that could terrorize even the grim reaper. And you don’t even want to **** with that mack-daddy!"
"Being angry as a black woman is in and of itself a political statement."
"The angriest people in our society are fixated on the absolute trivial and imaginary grievances."
"Anger is the principal motivator for sharing."
"There's no fear here, only anger. Remember, it's a standard of reasonable beliefs."
"I find who did this, I'll never forgive them."
"So if politics is now based on whatever group is angriest what's the next thing that's gonna happen?"
"That's what happens when you care about something, you get mad."
"Return elicits a feeling of sanguiness at other times a dire desire to punch someone nearby in the face."
"The future of the world is going to be pissed off."
"I am angry when I look at what these people have done to our country, the devastation they have wrought."
"You let Tony die, you son of a [__]! I can't even believe you!"
"David S Goyer, you crazy, homophobic, sexist, dumb piece of [__]."
"Nicole was pissed off, she said this man manipulated you."
"He's a [__] dude, I want to already punch him in his face."
"Hayden Christensen: 'They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I hate them!'"
"I don't hate you, Ivan Simpson. I hate with all my soul what you did to my daughter." - Hector Black
"Intense mood swings, rage... destructive rage."
"I screamed, 'Get the fuck out of here before I smash your face against the concrete!'"
"I'm angry for the millions of Americans who were silenced because of your decisions."
"I hope that angers you all enough to take action."
"Clearly anger at God can sometimes be a sign of spiritual growth."
"Allah will get very angry, okay? Allah will get very angry. So angry, and it is at that point that the surah moot will stand up and ask Allah to save them."
"These people are rejecting, they're so angry, they are on edge. These people want to do everything to bring down Trump."
"Life's too short to get mad about things, even if it's fun to get mad about things sometimes."
"Their greed is just this open festering wound that I can't wait to pour salt in."
"I'm fueled by rage and anger, I can't be stopped."
"For anyone who's crazy enough to have listened to all of this talk, I thank you for listening. I hope it was at least interesting if not entertaining, I hope you learned something because for me it just makes me angry."
"It's genuinely hard to be angry at a human being who makes you laugh."
"I won without pay win, you know what this game sucks, I'm out of here, adios."
"Please don't take offense. I swear I become my father when I get angry."
"That's how it starts, the fever, the rage that turns good men cruel."
"The anger I feel transcends everything, even the pain."
"It wasn't until I started getting angry that people started paying attention."
"Being angry is actually an experience that makes you physically and mentally and emotionally miserable usually you're shutting down in some way."
"Anger, division, and demonizing people is a really successful engagement strategy."
"But whatever its cause, excessive anger is a kind of insanity -- it reorients the entire world around oneself."
"Anger is oftentimes caused by frustration, abuse, unfairness, injustice, irritations, disappointments, failure, and setbacks."
"The purpose of howlers of course being red letters that deliver a message expressing significant displeasure or anger in a manner which standard writing could not adequately convey."
"When you're pissed, straight to the point, even done with and move on, you understand?"
"Anger in my opinion, there's a classic like Buddha quote that says it's like drinking poison and expecting your enemies to die."
"I feel like my mom's so angry because her world came crashing down."
"Anger is a very uncomfortable emotion to feel. It doesn't feel right, but a lot of us are feeling it and we need to get it out of our bodies."
"Anger can be a very destructive feeling or it can be a very wise friend to you."
"Just pay attention to the wisdom of your anger."
"I can't believe he can think like that, especially after what he did to Shiho. God, that bastard makes me so freakin' sick."
"The pleasures of being an angry [expletive] are overrated."
"I wanted her to cry, I wanted her to burn because of what she was doing."
"Rage is a powerful weapon when you're mentoring people."
"It's all about the anger. It's never about truth, it's not about reality. It's all about the anger."
"Holding on to anger is like holding on to broken glass."
"Even though he tried to cover things up after a couple of days and claimed it was all a joke, there was still a lot of truth to his anger."
"I was just imagining punching every one of them in the [ __ ] face."
"I was like, 'I'm gonna burn this [__] down.'"
"Noble anger is not about getting even with a person, but about protecting one's own good, the good of the community, and even the good of the person who hurt us."
"Anger saved Alice. The angrier I get, the more I save people."
"Nuance is a very valuable concept, but sometimes it's just more appropriate to simply be mad."
"Angry glances of a man's eye call into being an evil angel that speedily takes vengeance."
"If you had a friend that long and they did that to you, you would be [expletive] mad too."
"I'm raging because you've been lying to us all as the audience for months now, and I can't stand that [expletive]."