
Togetherness Quotes

There are 6810 quotes

"We are all one. We're all in this world together, trying to win together."
"The key to lasting happiness is togetherness."
"Everything I longed for and dreamed about is packed in the Usagiyama Shopping District. In this way, everyone can live together."
"You can't see my smile, but it's there. I'm here, and we're together."
"The power of togetherness is one of the most beautiful aspects of being a human being."
"Family to me means loved ones who can come together, who can sit at the table and talk to each other and tell them how their day was."
"I just want to be someone that brings people together."
"It's really important for families to try to get together, figure out what your goals are, what your common purpose is as a family, do something productive together but also have fun together."
"My desire is to grow together, and I'm so thankful I have each of you beside me."
"Ultimately, we're going to be moving to unity consciousness. We're all going to be coming together."
"This is a beautiful relationship. There's a lot of happiness here, a lot of fulfillment when you guys are together."
"Your mom's, your dad's, your brothers and sisters, we're all here together, and we're gonna have a good time."
"We should take comfort that while we may have more still to endure, better days will return; we will be with our friends again, we will be with our families again, we will meet again."
"Soul family: Calling your tribe. You don't have to do it alone."
"You're already in each other's energetic frequency; you're already destined to be together."
"We value togetherness and recognize the strength created by diversity. Over the past three years, our Women's History Month programming has been an inclusive celebration of women and their impact."
"The beauty of people just kind of getting together and enjoying each other... is something we've lost in our society."
"To me, Thanksgiving means family and togetherness."
"We are all created equally yet differently, and of course, we are all in this together."
"There's no 'them' and 'us'; we're in this together."
"Focus on the things that bring us together rather than the things that tear us apart."
"Christmas is all about spending time together."
"It's not about where we are, as long as we're together."
"Every person growing up has a dream that they want to fly. And for us, it's like we go into that dream that we are flying, and we're flying together."
"Let's all go together then we can introduce you to our mom."
"We will get through this together, and we will beat this virus."
"Yeah, like we get to wake up every day and be best friends and make content and go to each other's houses and see each other and be there for each other."
"For there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore."
"For the last couple of months, my family's been inviting me like, everyone's in their holy bag right now, and it's so beautiful to see."
"Well the purpose of a party is to have fun together!"
"Like I said, you don't need to do these things all alone. I'm here to always support you. We're here to do it together."
"Christmas is all about the experience of being around the people you love."
"Thank you so much for sharing your time and your energy and this practice with me and all the other people around the world who are participating. We definitely have an opportunity here to find what feels good, but also remember we're not alone and we're all in this together."
"Football, ironically, peculiarly, bizarrely, isn't about football. It's about heart, togetherness, unity."
"The most valuable thing that I have been brought up with...is togetherness and stability and closeness."
"It's like remembering, like we get to be here, we get to be together on this day."
"There's togetherness in our Madhu, but yet we know when to give each other space."
"I love watching the video; it is so much fun for the family."
"Typically in times like this, the skateboarding community comes together... to hug it out, to laughs, we meet up and... we do what we do as a community."
"One of my favorite parts of Ramadan is just being able to come together in this community and do good."
"My feelings aren't the ultimate thing in the world, and that we all got to come together as a community."
"Let us celebrate it together, and cherish it always."
"As long as you guys are here, we can hang out. Love you guys."
"There's a real sense of community, a real sense we're in this together."
"Community and not being alone is what helps us with all our experiences."
"We are going to get through this by being in community with one another."
"It just feels good to get the family together."
"If we can accept each other's differences and open our hearts, we can start to come together as one."
"We're all in this together and we need to take care of each other."
"We had dinner together every night, and it would get loud in a good way." - Julie Bowen
"Every time I get a chance, I say this: You were never ever truly alone."
"I couldn't be happier to have you all here with me."
"The more we get together, the happier we'll be."
"It's a big family, it's a big like clubhouse of kids all of us here together again. It's so surreal, it feels great coming back."
"Having our in-laws here has been great, it's been great for them, for us, for the kids."
"It's just unbelievable... You know and I think I've never seen a togetherness like that in an English team."
"Bees hang tight, we're all jammed in there, it's a close community."
"We'll laugh together, cry together, pull ourselves together, and cheer each other on."
"Let's just watch the whole movie together now."
"We're going to get through this together and I will be there every step of the way for you."
"I will be completely old-fashioned and put a plug in for family dinners."
"It's not about being there... it's about being here and that's really in this particular moment as we sit here we are together we're here."
"We come together like any siblings...we're one big happy family."
"I really want to have fun with you and move with you."
"Let's build an empire together, let's explore this world together, let's be in this together."
"Family dynamics hold together in tough times."
"Be sure to really reach out to anyone because we're all in this together."
"The most spontaneous the moment, the more fully we will be here together."
"This really is about having a good time together."
"We're here as a family, mom's here with us, everybody together, we did it."
"We got to come together especially in the time that we live in with all this divisive stuff."
"This community is full of love, support. We have all these people, all here, this family."
"It's a good time for both of you when you're together."
"Well, that's good because none of us are alone. We're all here."
"We've got such a great, dedicated, tight community."
"We're all family so we should come together as brothers and sisters."
"We all just come together as just one family."
"Bottoms up! Cheers to family being back together."
"Let us make this last night together one to remember."
"Despite the cold weather, what matters the most were not the presents but being together."
"Compassion and togetherness is, perhaps, better?"
"Being with the people you love is what the holidays are about."
"It's about celebrating with your community, being together, feeling that love."
"Depression just means be rest, slow motion this side. Let's do it together."
"We've never spent more quality time together."
"What a gift that we are alive, what a gift of God that we are alive, and that we are here together."
"Together forever... that's one of my favorites."
"I'm just so, so happy and grateful that our whole family is safe."
"We're all here. We're all safe. We're all together."
"Let us share this world together in the spirit of peace."
"It's about family, man. I can't just enjoy this, man. We all grind together, we have family, so we all gonna enjoy this, man."
"The fact that they can't all sit around a table together and enjoy a meal, it's pretty sad."
"Cheers to you and cheers to me, let's take a sip."
"We'll get through this and we'll get through this together."
"We're in this together, more than we've ever been."
"You're already spiritually connected and you're going to get together physically."
"Music brought the dynamic duo fame, fortune, and family togetherness."
"We're part of a family again. From now on, we stick together. When it all ends, I'll have old Buzz Lightyear to keep me company for infinity and beyond."
"That's good vibes together, you know what I mean?"
"It is a moment of pure belonging and togetherness, and God, does it just feel so good?"
"Ohana means family. Family means no one is left behind."
"I just think it's sad and I think it's really important for families to try to get together figure out what your goals are what your common purpose is as a family do something productive together but also have fun together."
"After all, the only family they need is each other."
"No matter what we do this will be just us together just you and me."
"It just helps us appreciate the times that we can have together."
"But the black side of the family, what I really love, especially after their uncle passed away, oh my God, it's too much, the togetherness and the camaraderie."
"You guys definitely have each other in your hearts."
"You don't have to do anything alone, we're here for you."
"It's about family coming together. It's about showing love to one another."
"We're here, we're together, we have our family, and we have our freedom."
"Christmas is all about seeing your family and just spending time together."
"The important point is unity and bringing people together especially in these desperate times."
"I love it it's changed our life it has really allowed us to you know be together more and you know well you know not have to be gone all day long."
"Let's keep something in mind: this time we have together is important."
"This quarantine has brought us closer together."
"We're all together, that's the important part, everybody. We're all together."
"This is not the trip that we had envisioned, but regardless, we're all together. That's the important part. Everybody, we're all together."
"Our hope is that we can create a few moments throughout the year where we can all come together and celebrate as a community."
"We're all in this together as a global family."
"The world is one family and we're in this together."
"Let's sew ourselves together, then we can hug forever."
"Just be here, you and me, like that'll happen."
"It's fine to be tight out there y'all, it's good to be tight."
"Now go outside with your friends, family... and look up into the sky together."
"What I've learned from Joe is that the activity doesn't matter. What's important is that you're together, able to play together and really enjoy one another's company."
"We're all about family, we love to have fun, we love to have like Sunday hangouts."
"We belong together. So you tell me. You know it."
"There's something about coming together with your brothers and sisters."
"It's genuine relationship and we love each other and we want to be together."
"This is simply amazing, all of these names on one night under one roof."
"The guys made pancakes this morning and honestly it's super nice that we can eat such a nice meal together on our last day."
"The toast is toasting, the butter is buttering, I'm here, you're here, the coffee's brewing."
"We're all craving community, unity, and oneness."
"I just want us to still be able to be a family, as we are."
"Thank you so much to all of you who have held space for each other in this small but growing community. Thank you for all of you for just being supportive with one another."
"Remember, it's our time to hang together, to sit together, to go through this process together."
"It's not about what we do or how much money you spend, it's the fact that we're doing something together."
"Family is everything, togetherness is everything, but even when you can't be together as a whole family unit, you find ways that you can."
"We're all in this together, it's really inspiring."
"Tonight is your night... It’s all of ours together." - Mrs. Loxlee
"Let's have a great Christmas party together."
"I am smiling, you are smiling, let us smile together."
"Every single moment that we were alive and we were together was miraculous."
"The most important part of the evening is the time we spend together with our friends."
"I feel like it's homegrown, you know, like everybody came up together."
"So, um, the question you posed was how do we get people back? We're talking about community and I think the community is the thing that gets people living life together which ultimately is far better than what we'd see in the four walls anyway."
"But we are all in this together. So my last thing to say is if you actually care about somebody and you actually care about the future, then spend time with other people."
"We created this community because we believe that everyone can heal together."
"Enjoy this beautiful time on earth together."
"Cheers to good friends, late friends always."
"Tonight, I wanted this moment to linger for as long as possible because it was us again."
"It makes me feel like we're doing it together."
"Family members sit at the table and spend time together; it's a great time together."
"Now, together. Heart together. Living in harmony."
"I truly truly love nothing more than spending time with my wife and kids... just being with my wife and my children."
"Cooking together is a great way to be together."
"Now that this is here, in this moment, this is us, this is the family, this is what we have to offer."
"We need Community, we can't do this alone. It's so hard to do this alone... Doing this together is magical."
"We are a family and we'll always be a family."
"We're finally all together again - together!"
"Can you feel the love and support? We're all in this together."
"Family is everything, but together we have it all - grateful, thankful, blessed."
"She hugged her son and went to her daughter."
"Happy to be together and most of all happy to be alive."
"Christmas Time Is Here let's all get together and cheer."
"We're forming a community, a community that's taking care of each other."
"It's okay, whatever happens, we will be together."
"It feels more like we're all together and cozy, like blanket time."
"I absolutely love hanging out with my family. I love them. I miss them."
"The message of the movie to me is not to turn on ourselves and in these uncertain times that we have to stick together."
"Your good days that we have together like today for instance you'll remember forever."
"I think we're all together and we're just like let's unify."
"Enjoy the Bliss of time together, it's magic in the air."
"As long as we're all together with the people we love, we'll always be home." - Skipper
"We had in our mind to just be together as a family even during our hard times."
"But we're all here together and it's going to be okay."
"Well, we could all use a little healing in this world."
"We all get to spend time together weekly, you know what we're so grateful for everything."
"There's so much to explore, but I really want to do it together."
"He doesn't deserve this, not too much, because he loves to be together."
"The feeling of togetherness, the feeling of community, the feeling of coming together for each other." - Jefferson Brown
"Nobody's alone in this anymore we have each other to support."
"My adorable Jesus, may our feet journey together, may our hands gather in unity, may our hearts beat in unison..."
"I hope that maybe we're cleaning together, maybe you're just dancing along to the music... we're in this together."
"You two are conjoined, you guys are together."
"It's a nice family, I mean they really care for each other."
"We are happy we're together, we're creating these safe spaces."
"They just want to see the world together." - Description of Chris and Peta's dream
"We are all not alone, it's so amazing to see."
"It's simple: we're here on this earth together. If able, we should help our fellow human beings in need."
"Enjoying life together, that's what exactly you two are going to be doing."
"I know what I want. Let's stay here and be together."
"It's such a lovely day today, I feel like we need to go and make the most of it together."
"You feel so fully connected to the people around you."
"Holidays is a great time for families to be together."
"Look at my birds, look at us! Oh, we're vibing!"
"Nuka World on tour had a pretty nice sense of community due to all the events being at roughly the same location."
"Enjoy your dinners with your families. Tell them you love them."
"We'll be together again, echoing through lifetimes."