
Restriction Quotes

There are 492 quotes

"Men aren't allowed to step into what were traditionally more feminine roles."
"There are going to be times that you're going to want to give up but you don't have the permission to do so."
"I advocate for a healthy and balanced lifestyle, so why was I being so restrictive?"
"In a world optimized for administration, everything that cannot be classified as permitted onscreen is a crime."
"I was never allowed to listen to music, although I always loved music more than pretty much anything."
"Your growth as a human being will be held back."
"Someone put a leash around your neck and it was like, 'Oh, I guess I gotta go that way.'"
"The CPU gets locked to that PC's firmware key by fuses that are set at the factory."
"You are not allowed to have boundaries or anything to some extent."
"If I wasn't under the restraints that I'm under right now, I feel so liberated and feel like myself."
"Can I just leave? I can't actually leave the location."
"The truth is, not since 1916 could you go up into the torch."
"Everything starts to look like you're looking through a peephole."
"I feel like there is a lot more that we don't know about or that we can know about, but as soon as we do know about them, we're kind of restricted from knowing more."
"It's sick, it's sick. Deciding in some states that you cannot bring water to people standing in line waiting to vote."
"The world is our oyster, but what if there are places we're just not allowed to go?"
"If we create more laws without results, we'll just pile on restrictions."
"The death of art comes when political correctness suggests that we have to set basic metrics as to what characters ought to and ought not to do."
"Places where it's expressly forbidden to enter are some of the most interesting."
"No one's allowed anywhere close to it today because by the time you realize the danger it's too late."
"If you're not allowed to see those things, you're a slave, you're not a free person."
"No street address on your ID? Then you can’t vote."
"Preventing activity seen as socially harmful could be a restriction on people's freedoms."
"You're not allowed to ask questions... not allowed to ask questions."
"Literally just two magnets attached to your teeth that prevents you from opening your mouth."
"Restriction can be a very good thing, it breeds creativity."
"I'm not allowed to have a martini unless I drink because I say [ __ ]!" - PK
"You know, you can't stop the technology but you can regulate it out of existence if you want to."
"When you tell someone they cannot do something, oftentimes they will be drawn to that restricted behavior even more, even if it concerns an issue of public health."
"Let's be honest, the moment they said not to eat, she might as well have taken her to an all-you-can-eat buffet right after."
"It's a cage, very pretty cage but the cage nonetheless."
"Scientologists are not allowed to find in Valerie's favor as a matter of Scientology policy."
"It's like I've had no freedom to just be myself I keep getting restricted it's like someone's watching me at home on the train even in the bathroom it's making me see red."
"Homegrown restrictions, Financial Fair Play restrictions, they're both bollocks."
"The word I don't want you to ever use again is 'No.'"
"The judge advised Robert that he was not allowed anywhere near Jan for the rest of his natural life."
"A cautionary tale... trapped in an invisible cage."
"You're stifling that imagination and punishing those who want to share it with others when they do it in the way that you have outlined for us creators."
"When's the last time that you did a debate? Well, with the guy at the Heritage, but the only debates they allow now are with other Republicans who believe climate's a problem."
"The fact that you have to use and I've used that expression many times that I had to give myself permission meant that I was previously restricted from reading a book looking at a website whatever that would be considered apostate."
"Just wait till you see just how strict and just how low this guy's calories have to be."
"You are not allowed to touch yourselves to us or anything that we have here."
"The board has decided for a period of 10 years from April 8th of 2022 Mr. Smith shall not be permitted to attend any academy events or programs." - Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences
"It will become increasingly difficult for people to leave China, but that won't stop those who yearn for freedom."
"They're not interested in the open exchange of ideas and information."
"Don't focus on food, I feel that it makes me very food conscious and restrictive and it's really unhealthy for my own brain."
"Magical Scientist is incredible. This card is banned for very good reason."
"Anything that limits your opponent's options is often the best strategy."
"He's working with his hands tied behind his back."
"I'm allowed three swears before I'm only allowed three swears."
"Hungry Jack's franchise bans teens from ordering at Perth store."
"It's a wolf in sheep's clothing and it's possibly the most Freedom restricting law that's ever been put forth."
"It's almost as if you're just stuck in this area... like there's something keeping you from leaving."
"It's incredibly sad that one of the greatest athletes in the world is unable to play the sport that he is arguably the best in the world."
"Lockdown equals bona fide house arrest, absolutely."
"You can never just go to a restaurant and sit down and have dinner with your family."
"They don't allow debate, it should have been simple, allow debate."
"But to nerf him, I would reduce the maximum flick angle when hitting in Demon Dash."
"They about to cut it, they about to keep him from playing that horn."
"It's okay to not have free speech in this area."
"The agreement prohibits businesses controlled by Trump, Pence, Congress members, and heads of executive departments from receiving loans."
"Whenever you curb freedom, you curb human progress."
"No man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark."
"No daydreaming? That's a horrible law."
"You've been handcuffed to something for quite some time and a change has needed to happen."
"The greatest level magician called the wise man cast a spell called Gift on the living world so that magicians could not fight using ancestral magic there."
"There is no freedom of speech for Palestinians."
"We were able to re-vote the old members out and they were banned from running again for at least 5 years."
"I understand you want to, but we can't."
"If you want a drone with the least amount of restrictions but the best in terms of quality, I think the Mini 4 Pro is untouchable."
"Don't let guests roam free in a building."
"You cannot use my voice outside of this date for anything."
"It's been banned in a lot of States, it's illegal in the state of Tennessee."
"We can't even open the windows, but I guess they don't really want us to jump; it's bad for business."
"When skating got really popular, then there was more security guards, more signs, more skate stoppers, more police."
"...I didn't play alone after that as a matter of fact I didn't go outside really unless my parents were with me..."
"To outlaw is to prescribe. You say that is not allowed, it's prescribed, you can't have it."
"He should never ever under any circumstances be let out."
"...what other discoveries he might have made had he been allowed to focus on what he was most passionate about."
"Why not? Why the hell not? Because you can't, that's all."
"They feel like their hands are tied, they feel like they can't quite move, you know, freely."
"Her ability to possess a gun was taken away from her."
"Hey kids, don't go away," Khalifa yearned to go out, she had never been allowed into town.
"If you start talking about tongues, gifts, miracles, and the blood of Jesus, people will spend a lot of money to restrict you."
"... eliminate the foods that are high in tyramine so this means fermented foods smoked Foods pickled foods aged cheeses sauerkraut."
"Yo, can't let you in wearing work boots."
"You weren't allowed visitors or guests."
"We're doing almost like a white list. We're only allowing access to things we don't allow access to."
"I know pretty much anything with aliens, witches witchcraft wizardry, magical powers, anything like that we weren't allowed to watch except for Disney movies."
"There is still a choice, and by now you repeating that, you are going to repeat that restriction in your life."
"This is what we've got, this is what I was allowed to bring."
"Even if you went there to plant a tree or a crop, you'll get arrested."
"Despite the rules, we can't suppress our habits and personalities."
"I was at home; they told me not to leave because I told them I was going out of town. They said I could not leave until they figured out what was going on."
"I have this medical condition that's really, really rare, not rare, but you're not allowed to be in the infantry if you have it. I'm color blind, really bad."
"You mean you want him to only have access to one room?"
"...the minute we try to go there our programs say that you're being bad you shouldn't do that."
"The contract said I can't hit this [__], not you."
"People are always thinking that something or somebody else is restricting their freedom."
"I believe the heart is restricted. I don't believe you're not following one imam. You're now telling me the truth is restricted in one madhab through its time. How am I gonna accept that?"
"Nobody is allowed to go up there."
"Matt Damon doesn't play what he is in real life, but he's great at it. Today, that would not be allowed."
"...you know why I can't go to Paris."
"So, ultimately, how much power you make with an engine is restricted by how much air you can shove into that engine."
"so there are walls that move there's walls that open up but again if it's taped you can't move it everything else it's free game."
"It's like a completely sugar-free, gluten-free, party-free, fun-free zone."
"So what are the worst diets for our health? The worst ones are the ones that are most restrictive and most animal-based."
"She's been literally locked out of coming to the States because of you know whatever I forget what happened in the first place."
"The biggest thing is to get out of the diet culture, this restriction... all it's doing is making your ghrelin levels rise."
"This way I can kind of keep people from wandering in there and messing with stuff."
"The individual is no longer allowed to pursue interests."
"I wasn't allowed to eat in those days, she would literally keep meals from me or like hide the candy and the junk food because I wasn't allowed to eat it."
"It's just DJI, if it has the letters DJI on it, it will effectively be bricked."
"It's weird because I was feeling like I had my liberty again, and then now, like, I've been put in my home and I'm restricted to do everything that I wanted to do, but I know it will come someday."
"...if it feels like every single day is a struggle... you might be trying to restrict yourself."
"I'm a vegetarian now so basically I can't have anything but vegetables anyway it's just real boring right?"
"You can't do this. That's the point."
"Always in the walls of a federal prison."
"We want to restrict them to an area but we also want to try and maintain their focus on what they're supposed to be doing."
"Each of us is gonna eat one color for the next 24 hours."
"Employees might be restricted to accessing the network between 7am and 6pm."
"Restriction makes you creative and it makes you tenacious."
"I'm choosing to incite restriction because restriction makes you creative and it makes you tenacious."
"...if you fully cut out something that's all you're gonna think about like if you're like I am not allowed to have pizza that's the only thing that you're gonna want so..."
"I cannot show you what's behind that door."
"I wish I could but my duties keep me here."
"I would love to listen to him, but Dr. Uma told me I'm not allowed to listen to Benny Banks."
"No coffee, no pastries." - Colonel Parker
"One of these restrictions is called the birth canal at around 70 feet deep after divers descend a gravel slope they have to push their way through an opening that can be as narrow as 15 inches."
"Studies very clearly demonstrate that when we restrict foods, it actually makes them kind of have more power over us."
"Stop being so restrictive and not having that food guilt."
"Otherwise, they're just in boxes."
"If there was an asbo to stop me doing anything, guarantee they'll find it."
"That's what I'm saying, you're not allowed to even talk about it."
"June is the month where we start to see the other side of sun, we start to see the point, we start to understand truly why these restrictions have occurred."
"Band from the Wellington Airport New Zealand for life."
"Jesus is advocating restriction just might bring liberty."
"I understand. I mean it's a stupid rule because everybody is constantly posting on like Snapchat and like filming other kids and stuff but I don't know it was just the rule I couldn't film at school so I didn't."
"...no vehicles or bikes are allowed on Rock Island."
"You cannot have moderation if you're also engaging in restriction."
"You don't have to deny yourself pleasure and things you enjoy you don't need to restrict Joy from your life"
"Working globally will help the area of restriction that you have."
"It doesn't work for IRA accounts, or QRP's, or if you have annuities or REITs. We don't borrow against those."
"We like to refer to that as a limit."
"But I am under NDA so I can't mention these people."
"You can't do what you're seeing right there. You just can't."
"She doesn't have freedom of movement, Association, or expression. That is certainly true."
"Warner Brothers said he can do anything he wants, gave him full freedom of this. The only thing he was not allowed to do: pan down on Catwoman."
"Well, the Ninth Amendment if properly understood, and fully protected would probably constrict government at a number of respects."
"Once I stopped doing that and once I started living my life without restriction, I was free."
"...creativity goes hand in hand with problem solving, and often when restrictions and rules are firm, it forces more Creative Solutions."
"Heck, it was only after 10 months that I was given access to the code to even look at."
"No more estate sales on the first day."
"Restriction of freedom in abiding by the law isn't restricting freedom, it's maximizing it."
"We're not going to ban basement but we will actually rein back the worst excesses of it."
"Even in this place where the monarchy and the church are so prevalent, the people within it are so restricted."
"The artificial devil fruits take away the user's ability to swim like every devil fruit."
"You can go anywhere I want, just not home."
"I just finished my Pilates class and this one was way more intense than the other one I went to because it was more like ab work. I hate. I couldn't record in there. They said I can't record."
"Everything was controlled on what we could see and what we could read."
"this is kind of headed towards out of bounds too."
"Movements are now being embargoed basically, and now you can't get our hands on them."
"What was achieved with the Magna Kata?... it restricted the king's power."
"There are restrictions. Things you cannot do because you are anointed."
"People don't know the real meaning of the word lockdown."
"You're not to have contact with the John Lewis po last name is h o u e."
"Access to the vault itself is extremely limited, with the church maintaining strict control over who can enter the facility."
"...according to the rules of that challenge, I'm not actually allowed to use like trade-in or any kind of like regular business inventory to pay for games for that collection..."
"It was just a very enjoyable thing that I wasn't really allowed to do for most of my life."
"They never want to be at capacity."
"So, again, that's back to this point about, if you're thinking about calorie restriction, you're doing something that's really tight, you're doing something that's very unnatural for us. Your body gets that basically goes into this sort of famine setting, right?"
"I think I have presented you with a sound case for why I cannot have you looking at it."
"Anybody can do something for a month or two months or three months, but the problem with most of these diets is they're super restrictive in one way or another. You develop massive cravings."
"Dreams of the Dead restricts you to white and black creatures, almost feels like a nod to this."
"...it becomes very gatekeeping for a lot of people."
"You can't change what it has at the top level of the site unfortunately."
"The biggest downfall of a lease purchase program is that you're not allowed to take that truck and go somewhere else."
"you understand I go to a lot of places and they just invent invisible restricted areas, you know, just to keep someone with a camera out."
"Time to take a look at some of the most secure and prohibited areas you will never get to visit."
"No more than a hundred and eight inches length and girth."
"It confirms that this specific jail, it would likely come up as unavailable or private."
"One thing we didn't even think about... this is a campsite that doesn't allow coolers outside because of bears."
"Someday, we'll be free from these restrictions. They never will. That's sad. That is punishment enough, I think."
"It's just a bummer to have to show all that and be like, 'Oh, you can't get it.'"
"The first one has to do with not being allowed to make mistakes."
"If I could make one law, I would make a law that thou shalt not build higher than three floors nowhere."
"Red light, green light. Oh, you can't move."
"They couldn't move. They couldn't walk down the hill. They couldn't go anywhere."
"We can't leave. We tried to find a way back out to the road, but we're closed in somehow. We can't get out of here."
"A lot of us feel like the restriction is a sense of control."
"Hey guys, alright, got my costume on. You may notice I shaved my face for this costume. I wanted to leave a mustache. Mayor wouldn't let me."
"The gatekeeping is actually insane."
"We allowed him to leave Canada. This means that he doesn't have any restriction to come back here."
"Unfortunately our venue does not allow children under the age of 12."
"Enabling API is Google's way of making sure that certain projects can only do certain things."
"This place is basically a mini City designed to keep them here forever and they won't be able to leave the school area without permission until they graduate."
"You put your phone in the bag, and if your phone gets picked, you have to go into the bathroom with another person."
"...he's really locked her in, denying her admin privileges and stopping any ending of the game from the inside."
"I wouldn't be allowed to buy another gun so let's see."
"No entry. No vehicles may enter this road at any time."