
Isolation Quotes

There are 3429 quotes

"One of the biggest illusions in depression is that in some way we are really alone and it's our fault, there's shame that comes with it and isolation."
"Addiction is born in isolation and but addiction also begets isolation."
"Quality Social connection, that people who are really isolated, they don't do well."
"Isolation is toxic to the human nervous system. We need each other."
"From the turn of the century onwards, community ties and religious institutions were buckling as the pressures of modernity led to vast migration into cities, leaving many people alienated and alone."
"When I was listening to my feelings when I was depressed, they were just telling me don't see other people, stay in your room, play video games all day."
"We thrive in connection. That's why COVID was so devastating. It isolated us all."
"I put a Band-Aid on that hurt that was within me because I didn't have anybody to talk to, to tell them how I was feeling inside."
"Technology has connected us and yet studies show that people feel more isolated than ever. Can new technology help make that better?"
"Every match is a story, and every wrestler is an author."
"This moment being so isolated, yet we have never experienced a more collective and relative experience globally."
"You can either ask and receive help, or you can isolate and suffer alone."
"When you do not build relationships, you build yourself an island."
"The Sentinel people residing on North Sentinel Island are among the last uncontacted tribes in the world."
"Don't read the comics. Really, as a creator, they put you in a bubble."
"Physical touch is a huge part of connection. If you're feeling a lot of isolation, go for a massage."
"Being a CEO is a very, very lonely job at times."
"Isolation is the gift. All the others are a test of your endurance, of how much you really want to do it. And you'll do it, despite rejection and the worst odds."
"The series hits us with some pretty unique versions of classic horror foundations: paranoia and the fear of being watched, isolation, and the biggest—shattering your sense of perceived safety."
"We have a lot of problems with our society today being like in some ways more interconnected than it ever has been and in other ways like more isolated than it ever has been."
"As Boruto battling with the isolation that he's now feeling, being an exile from his own village, becomes closer to Jiraiya."
"Men tend to struggle with isolation and loneliness far more than women do and are actually less likely to admit it."
"Isolation does not bring health; isolation brings destruction."
"Everybody's better when they're with somebody. We are not meant to go through this life isolated by ourselves."
"China is now in a period of actually just shutting down to the outside world."
"It feels as though the world is actually ending and nobody can see it but you."
"The internet is truly the ferocious cesspool of horror born of modern society, but even so, I have nowhere else to turn to because I have trouble getting out of bed in the morning."
"All dark, no light, just your voice. Please help."
"Solitary confinement... being isolated from literally everyone doesn't do anyone any good."
"Addiction is a disease that can only thrive in isolation."
"What happens if someone spends years or even decades without engaging meaningfully with another person? What sort of dark recesses and warped beliefs does their mind access if they feel nobody cares either way?"
"Social media needs atomized, lonely individuals."
"Fight Club is essentially a romance where this person transcends his own kind of isolation to bond with one person."
"A lot of these younger people aren't experiencing that. They're stuck inside with 15 screens between them and the outside world."
"It could be a very bright future for people... isolation is really difficult for everyone, and obviously even more so for elderly people."
"We are absolutely in the middle of nowhere. If you were just dropped off here or you had no car, they broke down, there is absolutely nothing you can do to get out of here. There's no phone signal."
"Stranded sailor allowed to leave abandoned ship after four years... he was there for four years, like his mom died while he was there."
"Isolating is dangerous... it's good to have people you can be real with."
"The journey of isolation is not just about being alone, but finding oneself."
"Better we had all died together outside than inside this permanent tomb."
"Isolation can bring us to the deepest, darkest places, but it can also illuminate the most intimate parts of our creativity and soul."
"I know you're hotty, but stay inside. Your isolation will keep us alive."
"Is time even a concept that we can trust in our bubble, as the days bleed into one another?"
"Solitude isn't always nice. What happens when isolation is not voluntary?"
"This is the sound of a new iron curtain, which has come down and closing off Russia from the civilized world."
"1408 portrays its isolating horror in both a distinctly terrifying and surprisingly timeless fashion."
"The things that feel most isolating are the things that tend to connect us."
"Everything I've ever done that's ever really made a contribution, I have felt alone in doing it and afraid."
"The darkness is just unnatural; there's not a lot in the sky, and the only thing you can see is the town twinkling off in the distance."
"Thank you for watching. Thank you, Mr. Lee, Mr. Joshi, for being really good helpers."
"A second possibility is actually kind of sad: the universe will continue to expand forever and it will just grow into an increasingly cold and lonely place."
"Don’t worry alone and don’t die alone. Depression and suicide get bad because they turn what should be a multiplayer game into a single-player game."
"Mirabel is the one person in her family born without magic powers and, as a result, feels isolated from her relatives and undervalued by loved ones like her grandmother."
"I hope you are all safe and sound at home, socially isolating and healthy and sound. I'm sure we will get through this in one way or another."
"We're not designed to live alone, to live in disconnected, disembodied life."
"This disembodied, disconnected existence is not good for us. No way."
"I felt like nobody gave a shit about me, nobody's trying to help me... I felt like I came from nothing."
"We are dying alone, each one in his cubicle; we are consuming ourselves in autolysis, then we die. The apocalypse is here."
"The Island of Madness has been abandoned for 50 years. In the 16th century, the victims of the plague were buried there, and in the later course, any person who was repelled by society was banished there to die a lonely and cruel death."
"Isolation is a factor and, yeah, connectedness is something that we all desire."
"Humans are very social animals; isolation is incredibly bad for our mental health."
"The nearest humans are on the International Space Station, 416 km up."
"It's a losing strategy to wish literally everyone except yourself outside into the cornfield and then you're surprised when you're alone in the house and everybody outside has a pitchfork."
"The thing could be described by some as prophetic with its portrayal of paranoid isolation."
"The primary reason for the film aging so well is that we are now more paranoid and isolated than ever before."
"Greater wealth leads to greater self-focus and isolation from community."
"There's no aliens. He's the Martian, you see, because he's stuck there."
"NASA and other space agencies are already conducting experiments around long term isolation of crews, but a solution to this problem is still a long way away."
"We're made for community... if you want to punish somebody, what do you do? You isolate them."
"Is humanity truly isolated in the vast expanse of the Universe?"
"It's scary for me, the idea of Coda cutting himself off entirely, just saying, you know, that's it, that's the end of the conversation."
"You cannot allow physical separation to become emotional isolation."
"Being a YouTube celebrity... it's such an insular job. I'm always here at home by myself."
"I live in the woods up on a mountain, I interact with like four people a week."
"The strange sound pierced my silent isolation, jarring me awake."
"Being alone in a room full of people, you can feel alone."
"I'm the only one left. The skittering is louder now."
"It turns every father into a cult leader and every family into an island."
"Recent studies have confirmed oral traditions and beliefs have possibly persisted for 7,000 years due to a high level of isolation and very little technological growth or change."
"Isolation and withdrawal... isolating from other people because you cannot tolerate their input... can be very lonely."
"The isolation of asymptomatics is essential to be able to control the spread of the virus and the severity of the disease."
"Social distancing doesn't have to be social isolation."
"No wonder then, that nobody has ever escaped from Pyatak."
"That's the problem with being a dictator surrounded by yes-men; nobody is going to tell you the truth."
"Wondering how long it's been since I partied, shared a drink, or just hugged somebody I don't live with."
"It almost creates this private vacuum that isolates you away from the rest of the world."
"It's amazing how lonely you can feel because of this, being famous can actually be really isolating."
"Don't underestimate the emotional trauma and don't underestimate the pain of isolation. It is real."
"Remember, in this place, no one can hear you scream."
"I have a habit of bottling things up and dealing with things on my own, such that in the past I was prone to easily isolate myself and dismiss any uncomfortable emotions."
"What Subnautica does so brilliantly with this idea is that just about everything in it is made to make you feel like you're alone, not just alone, but lost and completely out of your element."
"It was such a hard and lonely journey because you just don't know what's going on, and you feel so out of control."
"Michael Collins stayed in lunar orbit, earning the title 'the loneliest man in history.'"
"Little Billy Burr just wants to be alone so no one can hurt him."
"Putin must face the most punitive of sanctions. The world must isolate Russia like the rogue state it is."
"It's like when you're isolated and you're in this surreal experience, your emotions are so high, everything just feels more intense."
"It's like this just became a fortress of its own"
"The woods are still that major region of the world where anything could be hiding and no one is around to save you if something goes wrong."
"Loneliness is a state of isolation, a feeling of disconnection with other people and the world."
"I was losing my mind, descending into madness, but nevertheless, I successfully managed to build a cabin in the woods."
"Self-love is removing yourself from all outside noise."
"I don't feel like I'm alone in this, let me know down in the comments if you feel the same way."
"People aren't leaving their pods, they're experiencing the world through fiction."
"We need to get China out of the UN out of the World Trade Organization out of the World Health Organization and just start to isolate it."
"The standard of a queen conscious woman creates isolation."
"God separates us so we can come closer to Him. He will never leave you abandoned."
"In a generation of social pressure, God isolates to shield from worry and anxiety."
"In moments of isolation, the value of righteous connections becomes profoundly evident."
"It's 100% online. I need someone else to talk to."
"You're gonna leave me all alone here with Busta Rhymes? You're gonna leave me all alone here with Henry Winkler? You're gonna leave me all alone here with 'Hey you guys'?"
"There's nothing more terrifying than not being able to communicate."
"And these isolation decisions are not based on medicine or science, it's more a cultural and political decision."
"Once a man has entered the gates of Angola prison, he may never see the outside world again."
"Realize that the only isolation right now that exists is self-imposed so reach out, you've got a lot of love and support."
"Quarantine, quarantine, sometimes you just need to scream."
"There's nobody else in the story, Epstein wasn't part of anything bigger, Maxwell wasn't part of anything bigger."
"There's this exclusionary element... they try to isolate people... away from family."
"One who chooses to close his door will only cut himself off from the rest and lose his direction."
"North Sentinel Island: home to the hostile Sentinalese tribe, where outsiders are met with deadly force."
"It's heavy lies the crown, it's a lonely position. Aegon needed someone like Orys Baratheon, the Ned to his Robert."
"Profiting and contributing to the loneliness of an entire generation."
"Folks, today I tested positive for COVID again. This happens with a small minority of folks. I've got no symptoms. I'm going to isolate for the safety of everyone around me. I'm still at work and we'll be back on the road soon."
"Rick is alone in the hospital bed surrounded by nothing but eerie silence."
"The most important thing we can do is not isolate and not keep silent."
"We might very well be alone because we are on a very rare planet."
"We're out there because it's easier for us to live separate from the world."
"It feels like an earthquake has happened. Everyone else has felt it but no one here."
"Isolation breeds discomfort, fear, and erratic behavior."
"Two centuries of isolation had finally come to an end."
"There will come a point where you are totally alone. There will come a point where there's nobody coming for you."
"It's confusing, isolating, and often results in you questioning your own reality."
"We massively accelerated into crazy spaces where people had like a year's worth of time to stay at home and get politically crazy."
"Somehow in this age of ultra-connectivity, I also feel separated."
"Life is pretty tough and it can survive completely isolated from the energy of a host star like our Sun."
"Black Folk have never had any real allies in this country."
"Isolation is a common wall we build, withdrawing ourselves in fear."
"But the truth is, even when you appear totally fine and capable of having a nice conversation, there can be an underlying feeling of isolation for you."
"She lives in seclusion in the woods... This chick has been preparing like Sarah Connor in Terminator 2 for the return of the evil."
"The overall theme of the cult was to remove yourself from the world."
"When you're not returning home to your family, you got to go to the hotel, or wherever y'all at, and it ain't... it's us."
"Are you stuck in the house forced into social distancing from other human beings or maybe you're like me and you've been doing that for years because you're a recluse who is destroying all of his personal relationships?"
"Life imitates art, especially in times of isolation and connection."
"It's isolating because you're in your own little bubble."
"Now he shut down everything from the top window."
"Paranoia has become my new norm, and most of my days are spent locking myself indoors."
"That was when I first learned I think what the definition of what it truly is to be alone."
"Both the left and the right are now insulating themselves from feedback in a lot of ways."
"Without other people, well, you might as well be a zombie."
"They often feel alone in their workplace environment, which can be frustrating."
"You're not really off the grid... I have no phone no nothing... didn't know anything about the news."
"The underlying assumption was that we could somehow or another isolate Russia from the rest of the world. That's absurd. It was never possible."
"Don't allow your pain to completely ruin your life and isolate you from the world."
"Frank Grimes realizes he is utterly alone in his thinking, and that’s what breaks him."
"Well, maybe I'm not fit, me neither, you're on your own."
"Isolation and Solitude are some of the hardest things a person can face."
"It's just so important right now during this time that we keep creating that content because people are stuck at home."
"There's this feeling of isolation for many people."
"It's not fun being boycotted by these people; it's not fun not having them give you salams."
"I felt like I never felt so alone in a video game before."
"The family has been living here for the last 18 years, despite being 160 kilometers from the nearest town."
"There has to be isolation before there's elevation."
"SCP 38 87 B has refused to bring anyone else into its home."
"Upon those Islands existing in perfect isolation from the rest of the world could then be found a rich tapestry of life eons in the making."
"Here at the very edge of the earth then existed a prehistoric lost world of flightless Giants and winged predators left alone to grow to immense sizes in perfect equilibrium with each other for millions of years."
"They've ruined this guy's life. They have allowed him to construct a completely impenetrable fantasy and he's retreated within it."
"Next time on Turning Point: 'Disconnection - the fear of being alone.'"
"The most devastating part is feeling alone; nobody understands the invisible wounds."
"You are just a person who's here, and all the people who could help you, I've taken control of."
"I am completely and utterly alone here. When I was like snap, and because most of my family's back in America."
"For one hour a week every week for the last eight years when I got to listen to the Atheist Experience I didn't feel alone."
"The Havari Valley in the Brazilian state of Amazonas is home to more uncontacted tribes than any other region on the planet."
"Living in your cave for a year and not speaking to anybody produces a hungry strong human being."
"Can't trust no one, see? You can't shake no hands when your fist be clinched."
"Isolation or self quarantine... decrease exposure."
"I think people who refuse to accept vaccines... should have the decency to isolate themselves."
"I felt like I was drowning in a very public pool and nobody was noticing."
"Life in general is such an isolating kind of journey at the end of the day."
"This game is about Isaac's mom locking him away from the evils of the world."
"Living out in the wilderness, it starts to mess with your head. I'm telling you, I'm telling you, you don't understand, you don't understand."
"Success guys is a very, very lonely road, man."
"Lockdowns get people cut off from the essence of being human."
"Stay away from everybody. You see, I don't hang out with nobody and I still get lawsuits."
"This is the Beijing calculation: first, you isolate the country, and then it's easier to take it over."
"Anyone who's isolated, suffering because of this, communicate with them, come alongside them, talk to them through the window if that's all you can do."
"I did make new friends, and I had lovely, amazing friends in high school. But nothing... No number of friends can really bounce you back from that feeling of being completely abandoned for absolutely no reason."
"Because what makes a genius, they all have one trait in common: They were able to spend extended periods of time in isolation."
"He has proven that despite being all alone in the jungle, it's possible to survive and resist joining mainstream society."
"That kind of moment of just like, 'I'm such a waste of life but you know I can still rock like by myself in the living room.'"
"Sometimes when you're in kind of the worst moments of a mental health journey, you feel so alone."
"I don't know if guys want to play a hero. It's not easy to be in solitary confinement. I learned through that time, we weren't meant to be solo creatures. We were meant to be social creatures."
"The rise of Satanism in America is at an all-time high and it's particularly to the young people."
"Stay in fellowship with other believers; isolation plays into the enemy's hands."
"The isolated peninsula and its isolated people display just how much we can learn from those living on the edges."
"There's not a more isolated and creepy ghost town in the entire West."
"To the entirely stone-deaf audience who can't hear the music, the man dancing by himself must appear to be insane."
"I'm lonely. I've been stuck here so long, others are free to leave, you know. But old Hoodwink must never go."
"Good ways to isolate yourself from angles are to stay near walls."
"I fundamentally don't believe the left benefits from isolation, deplatforming, and a refusal to engage."
"One might be the toughest duster there is, who enjoys wearing their 2nd skin kind of isolated suit for weeks, but it still makes sense to do things like sports without it."
"Depression... is a hell for one." - David Foster Wallace