
Gender Roles Quotes

There are 4036 quotes

"When we talk about eliminating gender roles, the point wasn't to make it so that you were ashamed for doing traditional stuff, it was that you had an option not to."
"Men aren't allowed to step into what were traditionally more feminine roles."
"Anyone that has ever changed the world has been more in their feminine than in their masculine."
"The future is female. What does that mean for me as a boy?"
"Watching a man prepare dinner is like porn for women."
"Learning how to lead from a perspective that puts us into a king persona, a king mentality, is where women rise into a place of companionship."
"You can't just shut up and learn how to be a woman. It's about mutual respect and understanding."
"A female leader is clearly not forbidden, even though it's somewhat extraordinary."
"Plenty of men have a typical female personality structure and plenty of females that have a typical male personality structure."
"At my age and having previously been married, I understand ambition and drive will kill a marriage in a woman."
"I don't think my viewers want to hear a woman tell them anything. I don't want to tell them; I want to answer your questions."
"I want to show her that a dad can have hips, a dad doesn't have to have a perfectly flat chest or even be able to grow facial hair."
"Fathers have to teach their sons that women and men are equal, even though they may not have been raised with that belief."
"We have to provide some sort of positive framework for men."
"Men are spending more time in child care, more time with their kids."
"Men are tested with their loyalty when they're given power; women are tested with their loyalty when they're given freedom."
"I believe that when women and children first are on the lifeboats, but men, that's tradition."
"A modern woman is a woman that wants to have her cake and eat it."
"Men are judged by the caliber of woman they can get, while women are judged by the caliber of man they can keep."
"On average, women spend more time than men doing housework and caring for kids and older family members."
"The Real Housewives franchise has fundamentally changed the way that we think about a lot of aspects of wealth, and how we'll spend money and how we represent ourselves, particularly as women."
"Men are actually more likely to persist in helping with the household chores throughout the rest of the marriage if they get in the habit of doing it during paternity leave."
"Every real, red-blooded man needs feminine presence."
"When a man lacks the wisdom to discern the true value of the woman and his divine role or her divine role in his life, he will always disrespect her."
"We will not enter the workforce as imitators of men. We will not deny the fact that we have children, and yes, think about them during the day. We bring those values with us."
"Relationships are more important than our notions of what men and women are supposed to be."
"There's a limit to how many masks a man can wear or a woman can be called."
"Mulan is only able to come to terms with who she is when she embraces both her masculinity and femininity."
"The idea that a woman can only be empowered if she acts like a man is a slap in the face to characters like Mulan, whose entire story arc was about embracing her femininity."
"Men are supposed to be leaders, providers, protectors."
"Without our female commander, we wouldn't be wolf warriors."
"I'll stop being afraid of men when they stop thinking they need to be men. Be your own person."
"Men are expected, societally, to work hard, to not complain about their status."
"The reason the well-being of the woman is important to me as a man is because the woman nurtures society."
"The quality of the woman directly informs the development of the family and the children."
"My argument is that men and women can probably both be really good at video games... because social factors are probably pushing them in different ways."
"If she makes triple your income, then I'll say, listen baby, listen honey, listen sunflower, you make way more money than me, so what you can do is you can concentrate on making the money, and I'll stay at home and I'll cook and clean for our kids because it's logical that you make the money because you make more."
"Masculinity, femininity... it's not even real. We're just taking traits that all humans can have and applying a word to it."
"What 'makes a man' is culturally diverse and what it means to 'be a man' is not easily pinned down, as masculinity is comprised of a multitude of factors."
"If a man wants to take you out and wants to show you that he actually wants to be with you, you shouldn't be the one paying. You're the woman."
"You've got to do start a barbecue. Suddenly, every man's, 'I've got this darling, don't come closer, darling, you'll be pregnant.'"
"Seahorses defy traditional gender roles, with males taking on pregnancy, showcasing unique adaptations in the animal kingdom."
"Reproductive labor...has largely fallen on women's shoulders based on the myth that women are naturally more caring."
"Vaginal fantasy books are better when written by any gender."
"The market is dominated by women. They make eighty percent of the consumer decisions."
"Men need to take on a lot of the roles that traditionally were just for women, things like being communicative, being emotionally intelligent."
"A lot of Polynesian culture is very matriarchal, so we hold women in very high regard."
"Men do all the cooking and cleaning, women take care of children and elderly. That's typically how gender roles work in culture."
"Before, it was... you want to look for that safety net in men, you want to get the most. But now, women bring value with their competence and their careers."
"A cis man who wears women's lingerie underneath his clothing is not perceived by others to be anything other than normal, but that is still a quiet defiance of gender roles."
"Men and women are two halves of the same whole."
"When all those instincts are channeled toward protect, defend, provide, then those instincts can be sublimated to a higher goal."
"Performing masculinity in a specific way means they will attain a level of status and respect and possibly even desirability. This is the bar that men and boys are sold when we're very little."
"A young boy has to play out being a girl in fantasy and a young girl has to play out being a boy because unless you play it out, build a fictional representation, you can't understand the opposite sex."
"I'm a man, I'm not a dick, I don't hate women, I'm a feminist."
"I do think that there are social roles placed on each gender, but I also do believe that gender is innate."
"I think there's a value in gender roles when it's not forced on you."
"Boys will be boys. Boys can grow up and be whatever they want. The world is their oyster."
"Emma's dream was to be a boxer. All her life she was told that she couldn't be a boxer because she was a girl."
"God forbid I exude confidence and enjoy sex. Do you think I relish the fact that I have to act like Mary Sunshine 24/7 so I can be considered a lady? I'm the Marcia fucking Brady of the Upper East Side and sometimes I want to kill myself."
"Women have done a really good job over the past 50 years... stepping into these roles and they're doing things that we thought they would never want to do."
"The unwritten expectations on being a man are a big part of how our lives are shaped. For some, it works out fine. For others, it's a disaster."
"Not everything needs both gender roles filled in it. If anything, it's the guys who should be jealous."
"As a group of men, you're supposed to elevate your women above other women and you're supposed to give them power and privileges that are tied to your position."
"In politics, if you want anything said, ask a man; if you want anything done, ask a woman."
"We have a cultural responsibility, as a society, men and women together, to help men and boys to adjust to this new world."
"There's a just expectation on the part of the men that there should be some constraints on women's behavior."
"I think now, in modern-day society, we have boiled down the demand to his wallet, and we have boiled down the woman to her body and her looks."
"We're living in this new world, and the truth is, as a man now, the game has changed."
"Femininity concerns gender, which is socially constructed, meaning that feminine traits that we associate with women are not necessarily innate but are social and psychological distinctions created by our culture and upbringing."
"Femininity, especially the version these coaches promote, is heavily associated with taking care of the household, but this notion has less to do with the nature of women and more to do with the nature of capitalism."
"We are back, shout out to the confident, intelligent, and assertive men out there, the CRA one love to the feminine, beautiful, inspirational ladies, FBI."
"We shouldn't shame girls for wanting to be female-typical."
"A man's job from the very beginning was to be a steward of the environment that causes the woman to flourish."
"Let him be the one who pursues you and who asks you out on another date or who starts a conversation with you."
"There's a strong social obstacle because plumbing is seen as a masculine profession."
"A lot of what we do and want to do is heavily affected by what roles we're taught are acceptable for the groups of people we belong in."
"The rise of female breadwinners... the beginning of a social and sexual sea change."
"I think I'm helping them embrace their boyhood in a generation where it's really suppressed, where men are becoming more feminine."
"I didn't need a father figure for anything. A mom can do those things too."
"If men typically have to have looks, money, and status in order to attract lots of beautiful women, how is the man not considered the prize?"
"Masculinity is a fantastic thing and so is femininity. They are... it's yin yang. They are two pieces of this great puzzle of the world. They complement each other."
"I think feminism is good for female individuality. I don't think there's anything wrong with a woman finding out who they are or what they would like without men involved."
"I can also make them queen, so all those talented women floating around in our empire can finally actually do something."
"Why don't they just have the women doing like powerful [__] the whole movie?"
"Many anthropologists and significant research throughout the 20th century demonstrated that culturally shaped gender roles considered appropriate for males and females in a given society could not be reduced to or predicted by the biological sex of an individual."
"In order to make the argument that men are being feminized or that masculinity is under attack, you must therefore concede that what it means to be a man can change."
"I think women just want to be able to look to the side and see their partner as an equal."
"Have you ever noticed how to some people the worst thing you can be is like other girls?"
"The stereotype of the airheaded, dumb blonde 'mean other girl' is just that, a stereotype."
"I am happy when a man holds the door open for me, and I will happily hold the door open for a man as well. That's just respect to me."
"Hilariously, toothpaste advertisements shamed women by inventing fake medical terms like halitosis."
"Encouraging men to embrace their strength is good for men and women."
"Men and women are not the same... people should be whatever they want to be."
"The final girl... assumes a role on screen typically reserved for men."
"In one sense, Samus Aran definitely did subvert traditional gender tropes of the 1980s by taking on the role of intrepid hero."
"I think that men are at their happiest when we are creating."
"The depiction and characterization of women as witches is an attempt to neutralize women's power when it appears as a threat to the established order of the patriarchy."
"It's more acceptable for men to be angry and women to be sad."
"Your number one job as a man is to protect and provide."
"Men are not meant to fight with women; they want to love you, they want to serve you, they want to take care of you."
"Women filled the highest possible roles and only years later in church history were they slowly excluded from those types of roles because of the patriarchalism of the surrounding cultures."
"Victoria never believed that she, as a woman, was the best person to be Monarch. Yet, by the time of her Diamond Jubilee in 1897, she had proved that a woman was more than capable of being the Monarch."
"As a society, we are hopefully moving towards less strict regimens for what's expected of women and their appearances."
"Let men chase you. A man's role is to be the pursuer, the one to convince you that he's the right man for you."
"Men and women play the roles of being the buyer and the seller, and market forces influence the price just like they would in any market."
"Men may not be the better half, but they are a half."
"Gendered behavior in what likes to think of itself as polite society is not 'natural' but rather a series of adaptive roles."
"Women should not be confined to healing or teaching professions, nor men to ones requiring brute strength or raw ambition."
"Society puts different demands on men and women and different expectations, and different rewards."
"It's not all socialization, is the argument that I would make, and that's backed by the fact that in the primate kingdom, for example, there are heavily gendered areas of behavior."
"Women are still accepted by society for being lazy, whereas a lazy man... ain't gonna get nothing."
"Ideas of masculinity and femininity are social constructs."
"We're not equating success with happiness. A man can go and provide for you, you can be happy with that. You don't need to prove anything, you're happy with your role."
"I wouldn't say I need a man to provide and protect, but I do believe that we complement each other, man and woman."
"Convicting women to give up femininity was one of the biggest tricks they pulled on females."
"Women have been fighting for thousands of years to get out of the kitchen and fight the patriarchy."
"I've heard a lot of women say, 'I'm ready to just not go to work anymore and just be kept and not have to worry about paying bills.'"
"We get back to the book. We define manhood, womanhood, and marriage based upon what the Scriptures clearly teach."
"People can and should be able to choose their own lives for themselves and not be restricted or defined or limited by outdated arbitrary gender roles."
"Hypergamy doesn't exist because women are greedy... it exists because pregnancy, childbirth, and the needs of babies invariably make women vulnerable."
"It's not really my place as a guy to tell Lana whether or not she should be a feminist."
"Men are the ordained leaders of the family, but a woman is every man's first teacher."
"Real men don't just talk about protecting black women; they just do it."
"If she feels as though this man is someone that she respects and she desires, then for a lot of women...they get very feminine, very sweet."
"Men have civilized the world in general for you to be able to pursue things like arts."
"Men have always wanted one thing from women across the board: cooperation."
"We need a better conversation about re-scripting masculinity than we're currently getting."
"Women want traditional men but they themselves are not traditional."
"If all men walked off the proverbial job at work and at home for three days, we would be three years cleaning up the mess."
"We need an outlet for men to be able to be vulnerable. If they want to hold a toy and have a little cry, why can't they?"
"Our whole cognitive structure is set up to ask questions about women and women's choices and what they're doing, thinking, wearing. And I'm not going to shout down people who ask questions about women. It's a legitimate thing to ask. But's let's be clear: Asking questions about Mary is not going to get us anywhere in terms of preventing violence."
"The human impulse to help others in need is certainly not a negative thing, it only becomes a problem when acts of altruism are repeatedly presented in heavily gendered ways that are bound up in harmful myths about women as perpetual victims, and men as paternalistic saviors."
"Most women can't articulate why they deserve special treatment."
"The dating game has changed because ladies have changed."
"And I'm so sick of people saying that love is just all a woman is fit for."
"The hardest part of being a woman is figuring out what to wear."
"Women don't want to marry men who aren't going to contribute something. A woman doesn't want to have a family and think, 'I got to provide for everybody myself.'"
"Let's praise Him for the way He made men and women to be equally valuable but purposefully different."
"Women held positions of power and authority."
"Truthfully, if we remove all the garbage and the fairy tales, if men are true to their biology, no man is completely, utterly a one-woman man. That's my point."
"We coulda had boyfriends who became generals and led the resistance together, and instead we got two buddies who got kinda shoehorned into awkward romantic relationships with women, women who, by the way, coulda had their own plot lines instead."
"Stop judging women on what they say, judge them on what they do."
"You have to first feel like a woman before that man's interested in you."
"Women in general would rather waste time talking about a tangential point that has nothing to do with the bulk of what we're talking about."
"Don't be like so many women today and refuse to make distinctions."
"Enforcing traditional gender stereotypes is way less healthy than just saying what they are."
"I think women are more inclined to want to child rear, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that."
"He was able to flip the roles, but you can only do that as a man if you've built an enormous amount of rapport and attachment."
"Women have all the benefits without having any of the downsides."
"Maintaining gender distinction is important, but flexibility is key."
"I want to see more men be the head of the household and step up you know in all aspects, don't just step up when it's time to [ __ ]"
"It's just ridiculous whereas men were just required to be in the house and have a job."
"Men are important. The world wouldn't function without men."
"I love the lie in the movie: 'We're a generation of men raised by women.' I'm starting to wonder if another woman is exactly what we need."
"I feel like the world is evolving, and one of the things about the evolution with gender is that it's like there's it doesn't matter. Gender isn't the reason I'm gonna be in love with someone."
"The foundation of female attraction lies in respect. That respect needs to come from a fear of loss."
"I believe that a man who's in his masculine frame is best suited by a woman who's in her feminine frame."
"It's okay for men to be men and it's okay for women to be women."
"When men lose that traditional sense of masculinity... you're much easier to enslave."
"Like in the words of Marilyn Monroe and woman being pretty is like a man being rich."
"Men have to live in a fact-based reality we don't get the benefit of living the disney fairy tale and being accepted for how we are we have to perform."
"Women want a traditional man but they don't want to be traditional girls."
"Men have been doing stupid stuff in the name of women since the beginning of time."
"When push comes to shove, when chaos hits the fan, all of a sudden now we fall back to the 1950s. The men need to go to war, the men take the risks."
"There's gonna be men that started saying actually you do have value."
"We have to make really big changes still if we're going to get there because as work is currently structured, as we think about careers currently structured, far too many people do have to make a choice and far too many of those people are women."
"Happy King, happy Kingdom, because someone always cares more."
"Women initiate divorces more often than men, it's a fact."
"Boyfriends are supposed to spoil their girlfriends."
"Once reproduction became a biological choice for the mother, then fatherhood became a social choice for the man."
"Tesla's ideas about women's capabilities and their role in society were unusually Progressive for his era."
"I think men and women are complementary, and they should work together."
"What it means to be a man will be a forever changing concept depending on the time and place you live in on this world."
"Getting men to basically find Value in themselves and actually get in society to actually value men is the biggest concern of the western liberalist Society."
"If we can't say that the building block of our society is a man and a woman, what do we believe in?"
"I don't need a man like it's a horrible thing to say."
"If you want to be a modern woman who believes in equality then start asking guys out on dates."
"Statements that say a woman trained in sword fighting would 100% never win against a man are very incorrect."
"I think it's difficult if you've never been in that situation to allow completely to take off and just let the man provide 100%."
"Working out how men can be more collaborative is pretty important."
"Maybe women might be able to do a little bit of a better job, but the idea that they belong there...I mean, clearly, there are women that prefer to do other things."
"Why women are so offended when men ask, 'What do you bring to the table?' I'm just being honest. What is so wrong about a man wanting you to add value to his life instead of sucking him dry?"
"Submission is a female trait and it works really well in a strong partnership."
"Men got an incredible amount of purpose from starting and maintaining a family."
"The lady-like veneer is always there, but the veneer always masks an undercurrent of passion."
"I do care about being a gentleman because I think the gentlemen are people who understand that women and children are to be protected."
"Acting outside of your prescribed gender role is then seen as deceitful and dangerous, acting within it is normal."
"American culture is in chaos and collapse because men have surrendered their role as leaders."
"Why do they want us to go back to the kitchen barefoot and pregnant?"
"Women shouldn't be mere disposable objects, or symbolic pawns in stories about men and their own struggles with patriarchal expectations and inadequacies."
"Religion is relies at least you know Western and Abrahamic religions they rely on the subjugation of the woman in order to maintain the system."
"I do wonder sometimes if the reason why we get such insanely strong female characters is because people are scared to show that women can fail like men can fail."
"When motherhood became a biological choice for women, fatherhood became a social choice for men."
"Men don't need outside validation, women do."
"If men don't have to be aggressive in order to be accepted, women won't have to be submissive."
"Masculine and feminine energy has nothing to do with the genitals between your legs."
"Conservative women have bigger balls than liberal men."
"Women marrying a man hoping he never changes. A man marries a woman hoping she could change him."
"I just can't view American women as subordinate. I think it's a complicated mix of benefits and burdens. I don't think women are oppressed as women."