
Evidence Quotes

There are 9437 quotes

"Gatekeeping is good sometimes. There might be times where it's important where there's actually a real value in gatekeeping certain topics from certain individuals because it's important to keep the conversations responsible and grounded in terms of like the evidence of the data."
"Anecdotes, while entertaining and interesting, do not constitute scientific evidence."
"Sometimes us doctors can be regarded as unwilling to try new things, which I don't think is true; it's just that we require sufficient evidence that the potential benefits outweigh the potential risks."
"The evidence linking mental illness and childhood adversity is about as strong as the evidence linking smoking and lung cancer."
"Thinking critically for yourself is very important. If someone makes a strong case and shows a lot of evidence, I wouldn't just close my eyes and ears. I would actually go and think for myself."
"It doesn't always have to be backed up by science."
"If you're going to fight about a particular thing, you need to have your examples and then you need to have your story around those examples."
"If you have hard evidence, the public will support you 100%. I know, guaranteed."
"The proof is in the process, the proof is in the progress."
"If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, you know."
"We should follow the evidence where it leads."
"Just keep following the evidence, and that's what I'm going to keep doing."
"A time to believe something is when there's sufficient evidence for it."
"Becoming convinced is the result of being compelled by the weight of the evidence and the argument, not a conscious decision."
"I want people to be living up to what evidence they have access to."
"Don't build confidence, build evidence. Confidence comes as a result of evidence, not the other way around."
"I've heard enough testimony. There is clearly enough evidence to order a paternity test."
"I'm very relieved to find there's no evidence for it at all. If I thought it was true, I would consider myself condemned to live under a tyranny."
"If there's a God out there and the evidence is such that I haven't discovered it, maybe that God's trying a little too hard to hide."
"In science, we never prove anything, and yet we make progress because we have warranted belief, we have justifiable claims that we can back up with evidence."
"If it didn't get videoed, it didn't happen. That's the way it goes in Otter Creek."
"What can be asserted without evidence will be dismissed without evidence."
"What we want is an explanation for why we should believe it."
"When nature gives us some very strong hints, it's a mistake to refuse to follow that evidence where it leads."
"I want truth and I want evidence, and I think that once the evidence comes out we can all be on the same side because I think that at root we all have the same belief system here: the same belief system that racism is bad, policing incompetence is bad, murder is bad."
"The wise man proportions his belief to the evidence."
"Making it open to the public, that they actually have to think critically about it and see the evidence for themselves, is really important."
"How do we know? Because that's what she told the local deputies."
"If you start with an objective standpoint and only follow the evidence where it leads, you don't get to a God."
"Extraordinary claims require truly extraordinary evidence."
"Evidence is simply that effect which indicates a cause behind itself."
"Good evidence is able to be replicated; it's distinct; it leads to one explanation and not multiples with similar support."
"Science is about testable claims... faith, when used properly, doesn't shy away from evidence."
"Science doesn't tell you the truth; it makes tentative evaluations based on the best available evidence."
"Skepticism isn't about saying there are no ghosts. Skepticism is about saying there's insufficient evidence to conclude that there's ghosts."
"Skepticism is not about ooh what do you mean there's too much stuff. If there's sufficient evidence to warrant belief, then skepticism holds that you should accept it."
"You can have your opinions in all of this, but you can't argue with the data. You can't argue with the data."
"The Supreme Court in Brooklyn reversed her conviction in Eddie Junior's case ruling that there was no evidence of murder in the first place."
"Skepticism is about not going to accept something as true without good reason, and it's about being willing to be open to revision should there be evidence."
"I care about facts and evidence and things that are demonstrable because everything else is just navel-gazing."
"You've got to go in there with behaviors—on this date this happened, on this date this happened, on this date this happened—with as much documentation as possible."
"The evidence for climate change has kind of become incontrovertible."
"Great claims need absolutely fantastic evidence, completely transparent to argument."
"This sign shall follow them that believe; that means anything following you is proof of what you believe."
"Baseline matters, and baseline on the stand is better than baseline off the stand because you can see what's normal for the person under whatever level of duress."
"The time to believe it is when the evidence points towards it."
"Truth is an absolute defense, and I've got the proof that he's both."
"Your environment is an extension of your mind, and if you truly change your mind, there should be evidence in your life."
"I'm a humanist... and of those three atheist is the least important part because if there's ever evidence for God, that's the part that goes away."
"The time to believe something is after there's sufficient reason to believe it."
"Others, however, said it's irrefutable proof of a spirit haunting the property and, given the setting of a morgue, many agreed."
"We want our beliefs to be true in some basic sense, and therefore we want to be open to new evidence and better arguments perpetually."
"We're looking for compelling evidence that inflation is coming down, and we don't have that."
"Examine as much evidence from as many sources as possible before making a judgment."
"Science is the lowest level of skepticism that I will accept. If somebody brings me evidence and wants to claim it to be true, for me, science is not the highest; it's the lowest."
"If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it's a [__] duck."
"Well, Terry, you just admitted that you talked to her, and I had the whole chat here. You know, I know everything."
"The amount of evidence that disappeared or was covered up in this case was mind-boggling."
"You can't definitively say what caused the injury to Mr. Depp's fingers, yes or no?"
"You hear the first bang, which is Mr. Ziminski's shot."
"We tend to view personality as static... but there's actually overwhelming evidence that personality changes over time."
"The administration thinks there's enough evidence that this pandemic was potentially caused by a lab leak."
"I could have mountains of evidence that my spouse is faithful...and still, in fact, be wrong, but I am reasonably justified based on the information that I have."
"Every bit of evidence we have towards the value of immigration has pointed in favor of continuing it."
"Possible evidence doesn't prove anything, and you being convinced there's possible evidence doesn't even prove that there is possible evidence, let alone evidence."
"Faith isn't simply blind belief; it's trusting in something we have good evidence for."
"Hope is what most people would have, especially if there's a possibility that evidence comes up, people understand, and others get out."
"The truth has nothing to fear from skepticism. If there's sufficient evidence for something, every skeptic on the planet will accept it."
"We shouldn't believe anything until evidence is sufficient to convince us."
"Science and faith as concepts are completely incompatible with one another. Religion is essentially a system of belief that is founded on either not looking at the evidence or ignoring the evidence."
"Even without a single fossil, the evidence for evolution would be totally secure because it comes from other sources, comparing modern animals and plants, comparing their anatomy, their biochemistry."
"You need to value certain things in order to get any facts in hand in the first place. Any statement about facts relies on having first valued things like evidence and logical coherence."
"Before you ever do anything... you need to see outright evidence and facts because this could have easily been avoided."
"The validity of any faith or belief depends on the strength of the evidence on which it is based."
"There is no authority in science; you've got to show the goods."
"The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. It's evidence that has been denied to the American people."
"The WOW signal remains the most compelling piece of evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations because all natural explanations have fallen flat."
"I pride myself on my willingness to change my mind if presented with better evidence."
"Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence."
"It will take substantially more evidence to give comfort that inflation is actually declining. And by any standard, inflation remains far too high."
"It doesn't feel real, and then I pick up some evidence, and I'm like, 'Oh, my goodness, my memory was actually correct. That's insane.'"
"A claim that's presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
"It's really important that we believe the victim, but we also have to be willing to acknowledge the evidence."
"Atheism is not the bold declaration 'there is no God' and I will prove it to you; all it is, is the declaration 'I don't believe in God because I've not seen sufficient evidence for his existence'."
"You got to go where the arguments and evidence available to you lead you, not try to lead them to where you are."
"Atheists think there probably is no God because extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
"God showing up and talking to everyone right now would be stronger evidence than any manuscript."
"The Earthrealm's serendipitous arrival has given us ample evidence to convince the Empress of the truth."
"It's reasonable to infer then that dinosaurs probably did the same, and actually, we have supporting evidence for that as well."
"If you find new evidence to support or disprove some facets of current historical knowledge, excellent, revise history."
"When there is no evidence of racism, it's probably not racism. When there is actual evidence of racism, it's probably racism."
"I'm not going to give evidence to the unbeliever for the existence of God and make them the judge over God."
"Miracles demonstrate that the God we serve is really alive."
"Evidence like this should force a rethink of what we think we know about the people and civilizations who lived in those times."
"This is not an abstract idea. This is not me with a political or religious ideology. This is not new ageism. We have study after study after study that shows us very clear evidence on the role of social connectedness."
"Do not take my word for it; the evidence is there."
"Sometimes, evidence isn't enough or why evidence isn't necessary."
"Despite his clean record, the police had finally caught up to the killer and all evidence was pointing directly at William Earl Talbot II."
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof."
"Belief was never about evidence; it was about faith."
"So it's been really frustrating, I think for everyone in my field who studies this, that CDC would not acknowledge that airborne transmission was happening. The evidence is just airtight."
"We've got all the evidence here for a Roman settlement. We've got masses of big shards of Roman pottery."
"We have so much more evidence than most people realize for the existence of Jesus and for the authenticity of the Gospels as a whole."
"Evidence really is the loudest voice at this time in history."
"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."
"One of the things with trying to look for evidence of alien technology is we want to find something that's going to last a long time."
"The key to understanding the disaster is found thousands of kilometers away, an unusual piece of evidence that tells the troubling story of a crash that could have been prevented."
"The skeptic is saying, 'I will accept this proposition provided you can present evidence for it.'"
"Belief always has evidence. That's why belief is the response to evidence."
"Evolution is the only theory of biodiversity with either evidentiary support or measurable validity."
"If something is demonstrably true, then the evidence is available to all of us and applies to both of us."
"Belief with evidence stops being a belief; it's knowledge, it's a fact."
"Science everything is based on evidence, not on belief, and evidence is collected by instruments, not by people."
"I'm just trying to get as much evidence as possible; this is the scientific method."
"What matters is whether each side's arguments hold up in the face of the evidence. That is truly what science is about."
"Extraordinarily flexible models require extraordinary evidence."
"Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence," Richard Dawkins.
"If you woke up in a desert and you saw this device, you will never say this just came from nowhere."
"It's not a matter of dispute... it's not a matter of opinion. If you're interested in evidence, then understand this is reality."
"Science does not work that way; we should accept the strongest model which best explains the observed evidence."
"That's the crazy part: they still did it. That's why the proof is in the pudding."
"It's been supported by so much overwhelming preponderance of evidence for so long etc., that it becomes perverse to question it anymore because it's so well supported."
"He was completely naked and the key to the lock was found underneath his body."
"In human affairs, you don't have proofs... but I think this is evidence that somehow as our own history culture develops, we penetrate more deeply into our actual real cultural and normative values."
"I've seen these kinds of things over the years over and again and so many examples that for me to deny that would be to deny reality."
"I have never in my life offered anything called a 'proof' of God's existence. I've only offered evidence, which strikes me as overwhelming."
"A wise man proportions his beliefs to the evidence."
"If God has a message this important for the world, it's God's responsibility to make sure that the evidence is available to make it reasonable for people to accept it."
"Just because a conspiracy theory sounds convincing, you shouldn't believe in it unless you have been shown concrete, irrefutable evidence that it is true."
"If Jesus rose from the dead as the New Testament describes, then there is no absence of expected evidence that makes this particular resurrection belief unreasonable."
"The evidence for the resurrection is better than proclaimed miracles in any other religion. It's outstandingly different in quality and quantity."
"All claims require sufficient evidence... What counts as sufficient evidence to believe a claim is going to differ based on how consistent that claim is with reality."
"I need some real bona fide evidence that I have had a legitimate encounter with God."
"Be attentive, be intelligent, martial arguments, try to get some evidence, stop contradicting yourself, stop doing ad hominem arguments, be reasonable, draw conclusions."
"If all the evidence agrees with you, if believing what you believe is the best explanation currently available in the universe, then it's not close-minded."
"It's amazing how miracles decline as the ability to record them increases."
"Once you've bought into a conspiracy, your departure from reality and the way that your thinking can break with things based on evidence then can be a stepping stone to more radical and more dangerous conspiracies to come."
"Archaeological theories often try to fit evidence into preconceived narratives, rather than letting the evidence speak for itself."
"It's okay to believe something without proof, but it's bad to act on it without proof."
"The preponderance of evidence is such that it changes minds."
"Theory does not mean unproven... A hypothesis is... something that... is yet to be supported by sufficient evidence."
"It doesn't matter what we call the truth. It only matters what we can show that the truth really is."
"The state of Georgia has presented no evidence in support of the so-called public health emergency in this hearing."
"Every dictionary I have yet seen matches everything I've seen from the hymns and sermons of theologians past and present, and even the scriptures of Abrahamic and Hindu religions: faith is a secure confidence that is not based on evidence."
"Knowledge is demonstrable, measurable with testable accuracy. If you can't show it, you don't know it."
"The evidence collected so far suggests this conclusion is more likely than the alternatives."
"It is not currently possible to demonstrate that the supernatural exists or that the supernatural interacts with reality."
"There is not sufficient evidence to warrant the belief or acceptance of any supernatural proposition."
"We have to gather evidence and then see which of those possibilities has the most supporting evidence."
"A secure conviction should be reserved for when the evidence is both overwhelming and indisputable."
"You have the right to believe in whatever you like, but if you don't have any evidence to show that you're right, then you literally don't know what you're talking about."
"You can learn so much about probative facts, facts that prove something, that help you find the person."
"It’s one thing to have faith... but that’s substantiated by what I see around me. To say I have faith that evolution produced this when I can’t even see how it could have happened, that’s blind faith."
"Believe evidence. You don't have to call someone a liar if what they say doesn't turn out to be true because of the unreliability of memory and the unreliability of eyewitness testimony."
"Evidence of the supernatural would demonstrate the supernatural actually exists."
"All the claims that I have made to you are backed by data. Every single one of them."
"You really got to look at the evidence. It could be inspiring, it could be interesting, but go and look at the research."
"With access to the science, you realize that the best available balance of evidence suggests that your eating habits are not so good for you."
"Evidence and reason is the single most consistently reliable pathway we have to having an accurate understanding of reality."
"When trying to figure out what really happened in history, we need to look at evidence from all angles: archaeology, history, linguistics, and genetics."
"I'm going to tell my truth in the best way I can, supported by the most solid evidence I can present."
"As of now, there is zero hard evidence to support the revisionist transit camp theory and all evidence points to mass homicidal gassings and mass murder by shootings having occurred."
"This potent challenge is proof of how strong the accepted history is and how phenomenally weak and untenable the revisionist/denier transit camp theory is."
"No revisionist seems to have an answer to the central issue of where those Jews unable to work and undeniably transported to these locations even photographed transit did to these locations went rather than the gas chambers at these sites."
"I can produce a thousand white swans to support my theory, but you simply need to find one black swan to show that I was wrong."
"The time to claim that an explanation is the right one is when it has been supported by sufficient evidence and when it is reasonable and consistent."
"Not surprised they pled guilty after all this evidence; it would have been very tough to defend."
"If they had evidence, I wouldn't be here talking to you. I wouldn't have been released. No. Yet, well, I know I'm innocent. I have nothing to do with this killing. Did you kill her? No."
"That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
"Christianity gives me enormous hope, but that isn't enough. I want to know if that hope is based on evidence if it's true."
"Anything that can be asserted without evidence can be rejected without evidence."
"The police also told Mato the other driver claimed he was speeding and had run a red light. Too bad for her, Matteo had Tesla cam footage."
"Believing in something when there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary is delusion."
"Decisive evidence, a decisive witness, what else could possibly be required?"
"The evidence is clear. The man in this photograph is holding the pistol in his left hand. However, the prints on the murder weapon were from Edgeworth's right hand!"
"All these little circumstances, all these facts, you start putting them together, and it leads in one direction."
"The difference between a coherent argument and a crappy headcanon is evidence."
"That calmness and belief that you talked about from Manchester City is based on evidence."
"The evidence is overwhelming. There are documents that show the cover-up."
"Detectives found Susan Powell's blood on the tile adjacent to the carpeting couch and a small swipe mark of blood on the couch that had just been cleaned."
"When you have cases where multiple military witnesses, physical evidence, and then this UFO was briefly tracked on radar, you start to listen."
"If there is sufficient evidence, if there is enough examples of dead people voting or other illegal, illicit votes being counted, or other irregularities, then my view is that the remedy should be a re-vote."
"It's important to remember what the word 'theory' means in science. A theory is a functional explanation of observed natural phenomena that's backed by all of the best evidence we have."
"Atheism is...rejecting a belief because you don't have evidence. It's actually the opposite of faith."
"I will tell you unequivocally that there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone."
"There is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone, whatever that means."
"You have no evidence at all that her conservatorship should be extended and continued."
"We are slowly finding more and more information that proves or it's weighing towards the idea that aliens and UFOs are legit and real."
"Every scientific theory has observable, documented evidentiary support and fulfilled predictions."
"Evolution does have evidence, and that it's not a religion. It doesn't have anything to do with the origin of the universe."
"It's a lot of shenanigans that are just getting easily exposed because their evidence is so weak."
"Science can provide evidence for a premise in an argument leading to a conclusion of theological significance."
"We should be upbeat when the evidence warrants being upbeat."
"The evidence on Palestinian militants, Hamas fighters engaging in human shielding, is near zero."
"The size of these rings is predicted by Einstein's theory; the fact that we've seen two of them is extraordinary evidence now that Einstein's theory holds."
"He claims that scholars have missed the archaeological evidence that's hiding in plain sight."
"Evidence is the only reason to believe anything."
"Just value evidence. It's actually not that easy to persuade some people that evidence is even worth valuing, but try to persuade people that the truth is not only useful but wonderful, glorious."
"Black holes seemed like such a radical idea that we shouldn't accept it, but bit by bit, the evidence for black holes has gotten stronger and stronger."
"It would take extraordinary evidence to convince me."