
Shame Quotes

There are 1072 quotes

"One of the biggest illusions in depression is that in some way we are really alone and it's our fault, there's shame that comes with it and isolation."
"God is love and can carry your shame and take it away from you and deliver you and give you victory from this sin."
"Shame corrodes the very part of us that believes we are capable of change."
"Shame is only going to corrupt our ability to love ourselves."
"The more adept you get at sitting with the feelings of shame and guilt, the more immune you are to people who try to capitalize on all your resources through making you feel shame and guilt."
"The disease isn't necessarily depression; it's shame."
"Every time I was ashamed, every time I was embarrassed, every time I was guilty of something...all led me to this table today."
"Shame almost always evaporates when we finally look at it with the consciousness we are now."
"Once it's exposed to the light, it evaporates. There's so much of our shame that rules our life and that we carry because we're unwilling to look at it."
"It's hard for people to understand trauma, it's hard for them to understand it, it's hard for them to deal with the shame behind it."
"The solution [to shame] is one of two ways: you can actually live up to the expectations that you have, or what you can do is let go of your expectations and bring yourself down here because the shame exists in the gap."
"Self-worth and working on yourself doesn't have anything to do with shame spiraling."
"To a young girl still trapped in that world: You don't have to own any of the shame that anyone tries to ascribe to you."
"We know from psychology that shame is one of the least effective ways to actually get behavior change."
"The purpose of shame, in a macro sense, in making something a stigma, is very valuable."
"It is a part of your iman that you feel ashamed of your sin and you don't want to tell the people."
"Shame cannot survive being spoken. It cannot survive empathy."
"Shame corrodes the part of us that believes we can change."
"Don't try to control the things you can't control. The stuff you feel shame about, no one really cares."
"Feeling shame does not mean you are shameful."
"Understanding [social norms and folkways] is 100% the first step in just dealing with that corrosive shame and just healing from the inside out."
"It's completely unacceptable and I'm absolutely ashamed."
"We all have these shame blockages that are keeping us from being real and from being able to move, from being stuck in our heads and really awakening into our hearts and our bodies, and tapping into our natural desires."
"You should never ever ever ever feel ashamed or be made to feel ashamed by someone. It's such a horrible thing to do."
"Shame has no place in someone's personal decisions about sex."
"I agree with you, shame can radicalize. It is a poor way of getting people to change."
"For women, we have shame if we don't have enough money, but we also have shame if we have 'too much.'"
"We have the right to enjoy life as we are without guilt or shame."
"The path into deeper and deeper sin is always not accepting your shame, not correcting your mistakes."
"The utility for self-compassion is also enormous because it's when you just look at what it's like to regret something or to feel shame about something."
"Shame and guilt are so tied up in eating disorders not just in terms of causing them or worsening them, but in even being able to talk openly about having an eating disorder."
"It's never been your fault, no matter what, so let go of that toxic shame; it doesn't belong to you."
"The most shameful loss is the loss due to carelessness."
"Healing requires humility, but the sticking point for so many of us is that we're so filled with shame."
"Shame...is so useful. It's so horrible, so toxic, so destructive, but it's so informative. If you're resentful, you're either being oppressed and not standing up for yourself, or you're whiny and should grow up. Both of those things are really useful to realize."
"Shame destroys you. Physically, mentally, it destroys you."
"Because victims feel shame and perpetrators and predators use shame to keep people quiet."
"Shame motivates normal people to conduct themselves socially and realistically; shame pushes the disordered patient in the exact opposite direction."
"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source."
"All we're doing is weaving shame and humiliation into the fabric of society and that has never been proven effective, ever."
"Shame is debilitating, and that has to be healed."
"You cannot be happy and feel ashamed at the same time."
"Shame is the desire to hide, cover up, lie, or die because you feel defective."
"Shame good for the poor, bad for corporation."
"Shame is an emotion designed to make you a fantastic human being."
"Shame is a public emotion Society plays a big part in it."
"Shame then becomes a tool of societal control."
"Shame will see evidence that shame is healing, that the person's shame is getting less and less."
"Maybe I can look at the decision without having the shame or the guilt of what it cost in my life."
"Guilt is I made a mistake, shame is I am a mistake."
"Regardless of whether or not they are going the length to say you should be ashamed and feel guilty for not matching the standard you are putting out there."
"That was as good as we have seen her do in a long long time." - Tim Daggett
"When you begin to solve those life problems that make you ashamed."
"It is not shameful to relapse; the shame is not coming back."
"We all have things in our life we're ashamed of."
"This is an environment in which now shame and public humiliation is being used as a tool to compel certain behavior."
"People in the general area tend to be ashamed and cover up any Innsmouth heritage they have."
"Shame can't survive the light. It's like exposing germs to sunlight."
"You have got to become a victor and so get rid of your shame, don't blame yourself, get rid of all that."
"We have to listen, we have to have compassion, and we have to remove the shame associated with sin."
"To feel secondhand embarrassment or to feel ashamed about something someone else has done, to be embarrassed because someone else has embarrassed themselves."
"Our society functions on shame and when shame is dismembered I'm not sure what else we have left."
"Shame is a necessary ingredient for transformation."
"There's so much that sisters battle with, guilt, guilt and shame."
"The danger is living in silence... shame thrives in silence."
"If you feel shame to bring someone to God, then you must not understand Him."
"You cannot shame people into willful compliance and support of a cause."
"Vulnerability is the cure to shame because shame does not want to be seen."
"Stigma is what kills, the silence, the shaming."
"It's aggression through shaming and reputation ruination."
"Shame is sort of the mothership in narcissistic relationships because both the narcissistic person is feeling shame and the person in the relationship is feeling shame for very different reasons."
"There should be no shame because if you're experiencing something, someone else also experiencing it."
"Shame has an evolutionary element but also a social element."
"Women know that shame works but don't want to be shamed for certain things they do."
"Here's the thing: if you are being shamed, you need to be able to determine whether or not that's a test or if that is just somebody who just wants to feel better about themselves."
"I'm not ashamed of anything that happened, except for one thing."
"Do not let anybody shame you into feeling bad about anything because this is your hobby and you can enjoy it however you want."
"Beyond guilt and shame, there is forgiveness."
"So many people carry unnecessary Shame about losing their virginity too late or too early."
"Shame says you are wrong; guilt says you did something wrong."
"When the enemy says shame on you, God says shame off of us."
"Shame only leads to more problems in the grand scheme."
"When people try to make you feel ashamed, I want you to know that it's their shame, not yours."
"Feeling ashamed is a sign of moral superiority."
"Avoiding an emotion of shame is not a good strategy to live a fulfilling life."
"If you feel ashamed of what I'm saying, then good, because then maybe you would change."
"The worst part of all of this is he didn't even keep the yu-gi-oh cards bro he was like so ashamed of them that he ended up throwing them away"
"We can't have shame-based moral policing as the mechanism by which we become a more moral species."
"The problem is that the church has been put to shame."
"Shame is far more likely to cause destructive behaviors than it is to cure it."
"Shame is a master emotion, underlying many others."
"It's like a mark of Cain, a permanent badge of shame that you're bad and you can't ever come back."
"Shame is usually lifelong; shame defines you."
"Our findings indicate that shame is a prominent feature of NPD."
"Stop feeling the shame, chuckling guilty. You're going places."
"Once the enemy has stripped you of your dignity and put you in a place where you're constantly ashamed of yourself, you can do anything."
"Denying our feelings actually can create feelings of shame on top of whatever might have been going on in the first place."
"Shame is the gremlin who says uh-uh, you're not good enough."
"I think a big part of realizing that was just like you know that there shouldn't be shame surrounding those things and that if if you do feel any sense of shame you know who who is making you feel that sense of shame."
"I don't want to live with this shame anymore."
"That feeling I realized now was and is shame, a shame for the things that made me different, a shame for the culture for which I came from." - Kelly Marie Tran
"She has nothing more to say so she leaves the castle to go on her walk of shame home."
"We all have things to be proud of, we all have things to be ashamed of." - George R. R. Martin
"Why are you still living in shame? Why are you still living in pain?"
"You're not a child... you're an adult... there's so much shame around that... it just kind of shows where our culture has gone."
"There is no greater shame than disappearing into obscurity."
"Shame is a very difficult thing to carry, right? And by telling it, you'll realize that you have nothing to be ashamed about."
"I really am just embarrassed and ashamed of everything that's going on right now in the public eye."
"By this importation, every semblance of shame and reproach, let it be torn apart and taken out of your life."
"Shame is a fear of being perceived as lowly."
"Don't feel any shame about the envy unless you're acting it out on someone else."
"Confronting shame is uncomfortable but worth it."
"Shame can be used as a powerful tool for emotional manipulation and social control."
"Shame tells you that you cannot have your future because of your past."
"You're not interested in any sort of conversation but rather you merely want my audience for your monologue."
"It's shameful to have been affected by something impactful?"
"Shame will ruin this opportunity for you. Have no shame."
"Shame is a good thing, shame is a very helpful tool. It lets you know when you're going down the wrong path."
"When we lose our ability to shame a politician, we lose a lot of our power."
"That vibration of feeling alone makes you feel shameful."
"It puts even more pressure... we'll have to develop a new way of thinking about shame."
"Shame grows through secrecy, silence, and judgment."
"Shame is the first step in reform. It's what goads people into saying maybe I can do better."
"Shame dies in safe spaces once truth is told."
"Repentance and shame are not supposed to coexist."
"Victims to shame spirals, to feeling like this really deeply directed internalized anger and guilt and badness about the self."
"... shame isn’t even a feeling; it’s like, a set of lenses through which we see the world."
"I feel like such a fool, don't even look at me."
"I spent my whole life being ashamed."
"Shame wasn't having the trouble reading but not having the guts to admit it."
"There's no shame in asking for help when you need it."
"The barriers are kind of gone, the walls are gone, the shame, the guilt gone."
"Starting off your sexual proclivities and your sexual journey with shame could bring a lot of trauma down the line."
"You've nothing to be ashamed of, you can trust your healing process."
"I found out that wasn't true. So, I mean, you know, I kind of just shared my pain and my shame with my family, and bringing shame into the light makes it less."
"Shame can have some exceptional impact on our sense of self."
"Shame and guilt are then sort of like a social form of survival."
"When something is shameful and undiscussed, it doesn't get solved."
"It's very shameful if you can't get pregnant."
"You did nothing wrong. She shouldn't be ashamed of me."
"The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself, to be conquered by yourself is of all things most shameful and vile."
"The scapegoat child must protect themselves from threats of feeling unattached and intense shame."
"The one thing that keeps shame thriving is your resistance to change."
"Infamy is always more preferable to ignominy."
"Don't let anyone shame your weird study methods or your inefficient study methods."
"Once you remove shame from her, she'll do it shamelessly."
"I feel a little bit ashamed about that but we're about to remedy it right now because the Evergreen Aviation Museum is the home of Howard Hughes famous Spruce Goose, the largest wooden airplane on earth."
"If you are being shamed, your life is a living hell... suicide is an escape."
"Fear and shame are the two driving forces that take you further and further away from love. I think that those are the repellents of love. If you have shame and you have fear, then you can't love fully."
"There's no one here who has not experienced shame, there's no one who has not overcome struggle, and there's no one who does not have a powerful story to share."
"Nobody wants to shame the gangster Punk, especially if he can fight and kill."
"Hiding porn from your partner I think is also problematic and that will really seed even further where people are like porn is problematic why would you hide it otherwise and it's like Shame Shame is why people hide these things."
"Even the things you are shameful about are their favorite things about you."
"Shame is the belief that something is wrong with us that renders us unlovable, unworthy, too flawed to be accepted just as we are."
"Shame and the wish to be loved are like two sides of the same coin."
"When you can recognize, you know I wouldn't feel like this unless I wish to be loved, when you can see that, in that moment you will start to slip through the web of shame."
"Shame is the most difficult human emotion, but we can go there with mindfulness and with self-compassion."
"Unfortunately, we live in a world where some people don't feel ashamed or guilty for doing that to people."
"That I can be set free from shame, that I can be unashamed."
"When you use shame, you are using the lowest energy that's out there in the universe."
"I'm ashamed cuz I'm a Child of God."
"So often thinking back I wish that instead of shaming that it was more educating, because there are kids that are going to do these things anyways."
"You have crossed the line. The disrespect you have just done is absolutely ridiculous. You should be ashamed of yourself."
"Hit the like button if you haven't already. Have you no shame watching this video this far in and still not liking the damn video?"
"The antidote to shame is connection."
"Shame and guilt will really break your spirit."
"I'm ashamed, I hurt me, I hurt you, I hurt mom."
"...the feelings of shame and the feelings of wanting to escape go that shame onto other people in the community that they think are weirder or less acceptable or less able to fit into society."
"I've struggled for so many years of self-hatred and self-loathing and shame I never thought I would have a shame-free day because it's a shame-based society like I grew up in a shame-based family and a shame-based culture."
"Release all guilt, release all shame, and see how your physiology changes, how your interpersonal relationships also shift positively."
"Shame about procrastination is endemic."
"Shame is like mold, it grows in the dark."
"Shame is self-hatred at my expense. I really don't love myself as much as it might appear, I hate myself."
"The shack becomes the place where you hide your addictions and you store your secrets, and you never invite anybody in there because you don't want to see the look of disgust on their face that you see in the mirror."
"Shame is in the realm of the truth of your being, and it is 'I am something wrong.' There is no place for shame whatsoever in the life of a human being."
"I realized that I was holding onto shame and I didn't realize it."
"One of the biggest antidotes to shame is vulnerability, is having the courage to express the real you."
"The cure to shame is actually true humility and what's true humility it is seeing myself accurately."
"Until a person begins to know and believe, choose to believe that I have inherent value regardless of what I do or do not do, shame will continue to rule them."
"Guilt would say I have failed or I failed at this particular thing at this particular time. Shame would overgeneralize that and say I am a failure."
"Shame takes abandonment and makes it this pulsating nerve that if you touch it, it explodes."
"Shame teaches you to abandon yourself."
"Shame is not your name and you are not what you've done you are not who you know you have been."
"I'm almost there. Almost. I'm actually ashamed of the thoughts I'm having. Really ashamed, though."
"Shame thrives in secrecy, sin thrives in isolation."
"Words and what you say become super important in shame-based societies."
"One of the major issues coming out of complex trauma is it shapes our identity negatively, and we call that shame. And that affects every aspect of life."
"A shame culture has much about it that isn't healthy."
"Shame takes every beautiful virtue and it twists it and corrupts it."
"Guilt and shame are the strongest inducers of behavioral change."
"Your shame is yours alone and forced Upon Us by your arrogance and lies."
"Shame on those agents who respect you and know you and don't have the courage to reach out and support you."
"The devil loves when you feel that shame, that guilt, because if we're feeling shameful, we don't want to go to God."
"There's no greater shame than getting caught cheating."
"Be ashamed not to see this beauty."
"What I found from readers is who have no shared experience of going to jail or being an addict they know shame and they know keeping secrets and they know self-doubt and self-judgment."
"Shame leads to more pain. Nothing good comes out of shame."
"Guilt is about actions. Shame is about identity."
"The second type doesn't have that core of God belief, what they have is a core of, for lack of a better word, let's call it shame."
"Sharing your shame is okay because shame shields solutions."