
Astronomy Quotes

There are 10607 quotes

"Psychedelics are for the study of the mind what the telescope is for astronomy."
"Our ancestors, like the Dogon, knew how to chart the stars before there were telescopes."
"The James Webb Space Telescope...could get us closer to detecting alien life than ever before."
"The deepest image of the universe ever taken."
"This is the show where we chat about everything you should look out for in the night sky in the coming months and we chat about what's been happening in space news in the past month."
"It's a thing to celebrate for us astronomers, at least in the Northern Hemisphere anyway, because it means longer nights to come and that means more time to stargaze."
"An Einstein ring is caused by something called gravitational lensing."
"If you like it, then you should put an Einstein ring on it."
"The question of whether there's life beyond Earth is one of the most fundamental and essential questions we can ask."
"The release of the first ever image of the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way taken by the Event Horizon Telescope was the big news this month."
"Hello and welcome to this episode of Night Sky News for October 2021 with me, astrophysicist Dr. Becky Smethurst. This is the show where we chat about what you should look out for in the night sky in the coming months, and we chat about what's been happening in space news in the past month."
"The day this video goes live, Thursday the 21st of October, is the peak of the Orionids meteor shower."
"If you have binoculars, they'll reveal the little four Galilean moons around Jupiter that are nice and bright."
"Mars will be visible in the night sky tonight; it'll be right next to the moon. So have a look."
"The James Webb Space Telescope has been getting lots of accolades for its ability to peer into deep space."
"The first official science images from the JWST have landed, and scientists have yet to recover from the shock of how good they are."
"Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is home to more than 100 billion stars."
"This is a show where we chat about what you can look out for in the night sky in the coming months and we chat about what's been happening in space news in the past month."
"Just enjoy the beautiful view of Venus at the minute because it really is spectacular."
"The James Webb Space Telescope is the largest and most powerful space telescope ever built."
"By studying these distant galaxies, astronomers can gain insights into the formation of stars and galaxies, the evolution of cosmic structures, and the presence of potentially habitable exoplanets."
"These discoveries are as amazing as they come, to have scientists already challenged to rewrite their theories about the early Universe."
"The idea that massive galaxy formation began extremely early in the history of the universe upends what many of astronomers had thought was settled science."
"These discoveries have opened up new avenues of research and highlighted the need for more powerful and sophisticated telescopes to probe the depths of the cosmos."
"Astronomers all over the world have been sent scratching their heads as the James Webb Space Telescope detects six new galaxies that should not exist."
"With the telescope, astronomers and scientists can literally go back in time and see how galaxies were formed over billions of years."
"Recent studies have found that some exoplanets, rather than orbit a star, are orbiting supermassive black holes."
"The universe is expanding faster than we thought."
"Every star has planets and probably more than one... there's probably more planets in the galaxy than there are stars."
"The James Webb Space Telescope recently discovered and verified the discovery of the oldest known galaxy."
"Suddenly, astronomers' foundational knowledge of the cosmos seems to be under attack."
"For the first time, the James Webb Space Telescope has peered into the distant past of the universe."
"Light travels at 186,000 miles per second, and a Lightyear is a measure of distance. It's the distance light goes in a year at that speed."
"The universe continued to expand, more galaxies formed, and they began to evolve in fascinating ways."
"The sun will expand and then it will shrink, maybe leaving room for a new star to take its place."
"It's very starry, there's a lot of astrology, astronomy kind of stuff baked into it, which I think is really compelling."
"Cosmic queries, it's become one of my our most popular formats."
"There is knowledge that cannot disappear; human beings and their time are inevitably connected to the light of the stars."
"I'll be the smallest dwarf planet in our solar system."
"I take 1100 Earth years to orbit the sun. That's a mighty long year on my surface."
"Scientists were shocked to find signs of crystalline ice and ammonia hydrate on my surface."
"I am Ceres, I am a dwarf planet, I'm the largest object in the main asteroid belt."
"Phobos, the innermost and larger of the two natural satellites of Mars, meaning 'fear' in Ancient Greek, is irregularly shaped with a mean radius of seven miles and is seven times larger than the outer moon, Deimos."
"From the surface of Mars, it appears to rise in the west, move across the sky in 4 hours and 15 minutes or less, and set in the east twice each Martian day."
"You're shining this month; there is a new moon happening."
"This discovery that we made happened 1.3 billion years ago, somewhere, and then the signal came to us. 1.3 billion years ago, we were just converting on the earth from single-cell to multi-cell life."
"Black hole is a region of space where the curvature of space-time, meaning the gravitational field, is so strong that nothing can get out, including light."
"The constellations are still with us today, a reminder of our ancestors' enduring fascination with the stars."
"Our own sun is one such star, now four and a half billion years old."
"Solar eclipses happen because the sun and the moon appear to be almost exactly the same size in our sky."
"Stars are made of but in a very real sense we've also learned that we are made of stars."
"Our understanding of the Sun will change dramatically. I will say that we are living in a revolution moment in our field."
"My name is Vesta, the asteroid, one of the largest asteroids in the asteroid belt."
"I'm Stevenson 2-18, red super giant star, the biggest you've ever seen, the new biggest star in the universe am I."
"If Stevenson 2-18 replaced the sun in the solar system, its photosphere would extend beyond the orbit of Saturn."
"It's a story of particular significance to human beings since it's a story about the ultimate fate of our star, the Sun."
"The discovery of white dwarf stars is a story full of colorful characters, controversy, and mind-boggling calculations."
"Anyone who has ever peered at the night sky most likely has seen Sirius, the Dog Star, though they might not have realized it."
"Do the stars gaze back? Now, that's a question."
"This is a total lunar eclipse which is more energetically powerful."
"Astronomy is a natural science that studies celestial objects and phenomena. It uses mathematics, physics, and chemistry in order to explain their origin and evolution."
"These astronomers take things from the 'we have no idea' column, and after a lot of hard work and brilliance, they move them into the 'oh yeah, we know what that is' column."
"This amazing discovery comes from a collaborative effort of different communities and 70 observatories that...brought a new piece to the puzzle to understand neutron stars."
"The first ever image...of a black hole...that of course electrified the physics community, the astronomy community, and the world."
"In this fantastic event, gravitational waves and light at all wavelengths have given us an amazing multi-sensory learning experience in the study of the universe."
"Tonight, she will discuss some of the strangest stellar phenomena in our universe and how these weird stars serve as a common thread for exploring our universe's history, evolution, and extremes."
"Every object that you see on the screen right now represents some sort of bizarre or unexplained or particularly puzzling type of star, something that has surprised or confused at times astronomers."
"This was my very first research project as an astronomy student... I had my very first observing run... I'm unbelievably excited because they're letting me open the dome of the 2.1-meter telescope and I'm gazing up going 'Ha ha!'"
"As part of this project, we had, by surprise, discovered the very largest stars that anyone had ever seen."
"X-ray astronomy is a gift that keeps on giving."
"Telescopes are limited by two things: resolution and light-gathering."
"Doubling the diameter of the mirror means you gather four times the light with your telescope."
"Once a civilization is finished building a Dyson Sphere, the megastructure blocks nearly all of the visible light from its star."
"The existence of Thorne-Zytkow objects would have really profound implications for stellar astronomy."
"I love imagining what it would look like if we had a galactic supernova right here in our own Milky Way."
"The fact that you can have a stable star with a neutron star for a core is really surprising."
"The real thing I think is to remind people that astronomy is... a way of getting used to the way that God works."
"1.3 million Earths fit inside the sun... and the sun is one of 300 billion stars."
"As always, if you snap any pictures of the night sky then send them my way over on social media."
"I think astronomy has really led that vision of this open-access future of science."
"Early man had few clues to the mysteries of the universe, but every night they would be reminded there was much more to the cosmos than just the Earth, Sun, and Moon."
"Humanity has been interested in the skies above for at least as long as we’ve had any sort of civilization able to record anything and likely far longer."
"Even before we invented the telescope, we had a sophisticated and detailed knowledge of the motion of the stars."
"We have discovered countless mysteries and surprises in our relatively brief survey of the heavens and should expect many more."
"Galileo and Kepler rightly get a lot of credit as fathers of modern astronomy, but it is good to remember there were a lot of other folks working to advance our knowledge at the time."
"We invented this new kind of camera... and we discovered a totally new type of galaxy that we'd never seen before."
"Enormous galaxies colliding in the early universe are reasonably rare."
"These sub-millimeter galaxies are a lovely example of things that just sit on the border where mystery is just starting to coalesce into some kind of knowledge."
"The stars are yours just as much as they belong to anybody who's been on this planet."
"Seeing that eclipse that brought you to tears, I think those are those special moments that we all have that can really change our lives."
"Astronomers learned the night sky by learning the constellations, and there's no better way of learning the constellations than learning the original myths behind them."
"This is called actually the Sun gate, and on this day exactly, the Sun will come out and go directly through that door."
"For an annular eclipse, the Moon is further away from Earth, leaving us with this ring of fire that we see in the sky."
"Because the Moon is completely blocking the light from the Sun, we are able to see the Sun's corona during a total solar eclipse."
"Dogon knowledge of Sirius B is very impressive and a fantastic contribution to human knowledge because the dwarf star wasn't even found by Western civilization until the 20th century."
"The earth is a planet, one of many in the solar system."
"You know how stars are so far away, if you're at any one of those stars and you're looking at Earth, technically speaking, you're not going to see what's happening right now. You're really probably going to see like the dinosaurs."
"Without this mirror in its right position, we do not get light into the telescope."
"The original application was...astronomy, understanding Kepler's laws, predicting where the planets are going to be."
"We're out to study the big picture questions of the universe."
"Hot off the pin press from our friends at Crowdmade, we've got a new enamel pin of Ursa Major that glows in the dark. The constellation glows, my guys. God, that is so cool."
"Saturn was also dubbed the 'Lord of the Rings'."
"The gravitational lensing happens when the massive object, such as a galaxy, warps the space around it into rings of light."
"The search for extraterrestrial life will be equipped with several new, extremely powerful instruments like Spitzer and Webb within the coming years. This enhances the significance of understanding how planets are formed around different types of stars."
"These unusual planets might be some of the most numerous habitable worlds out there, which actually makes this really exciting."
"This signal is very reminiscent of the 1977 signal known as the Wow signal."
"The next generation of telescopes, both optical and radio, will, I think, show us a very crowded cosmos."
"Blue stars are very massive stars, massive stars don't live very long... so if you see blue stars, you know that they've been recently formed."
"There are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on Earth."
"The stars we're seeing have been dead for billions of years."
"Black holes are known for one characteristic above all: they irrevocably absorb everything that comes close enough to their event horizon."
"The James Webb Space Telescope's job was to help astronomers understand the early universe, just the first few hundred million years after the Big Bang."
"Most of the blotches of light in this image are not stars, but they're actually entire galaxies similar in size and shape to our own Milky Way."
"The electric universe theory offers more consistent explanations to various astronomical phenomena."
"The very fact that the study of astronomy has left us with more questions over the decades than answers should suggest that nothing is as simple as we'd like it to be."
"Cosmology is that subset of astronomy that deals with the structure and evolution of the universe as a whole."
"Astronomy sells, and in particular, cosmology sells...these are, as I say, the grandest questions."
"The Milky Way is a tremendous structure in space, containing billions of stars and trillions of planets."
"Its surface is as hot as 4600 Kelvin, which is approximately 4330 degrees Celsius."
"Remarkably, the surface temperature of Celcius 9 is rather high at approximately 10,170 Kelvin or a staggering 9900 degrees Celsius."
"It's January 31st, and it's time for another batch of deep space updates."
"Gliese 370b is located in a habitable zone of its star."
"Astronomers see a cosmic anti-gravity force at work, accelerating the expansion of space."
"When we look to the heavens, we are inspired."
"By using this model they were able to create something that has never existed before: a literal cosmic map of not just galaxies but also the cosmic web in between those galaxies."
"The countdown is on to a once-in-a-lifetime total eclipse."
"Traditionally, eclipses and comets have been viewed as indicators or harbingers of change."
"A total eclipse of the sun will plunge millions of viewers from daylight into darkness for more than four captivating minutes in parts of the country."
"The most convincing evidence for dark energy are these observations...of the accelerated expansion of space. Space is not only getting larger over time, that was a shock, but it's getting bigger at an accelerated clip."
"Our galaxy is over a hundred thousand light years across. A distance so vast that it defies ordinary understanding."
"We're entering a golden age of astronomy and cosmology."
"Our galaxy hosts hundreds of billions of stars, which make up less than a billionth of all stars in the visible universe."
"Every one of us...has our origins in the remains of dying stars."
"For some time, it was called the diamond planet because it was believed to be composed of diamonds and graphite."
"Stay tuned for new fascinating facts about mysteries of the universe, stars, and planets."
"Discoveries like this remind us of the vastness of the universe and the potential for habitable worlds beyond our own."
"Imagine noon on Kepler-186f; it will be as light on the exoplanet as before the sunset on Earth or the Martian desert."
"For the first time, mankind discovered a distant world that, based on a number of signs, could sustain life."
"Indeed, with such parameters, it could well be that long-sought-after Earth twin that all the ardent space romantics dream about."
"Venus is close proximity to the sun made it too hot to sustain liquid water. Instead, its water evaporated into the atmosphere, trapping the heat deposited by the Sun and creating a runaway greenhouse effect."
"The violent explosion was observed to have produced 200 Earth masses worth of gold and 500 Earth masses of platinum, revealing for the first time the origins of heavy metals in our galaxy."
"I'm Neil deGrasse Tyson, your personal astrophysicist. We are signing off Star Talk. As always, I bid you to keep looking up."
"Understanding the celestial maelstrom not only unravels the secrets of Jupiter but also sheds light on the broader principles governing atmospheres, including our own."
"You could see planets in the sky, you guys, day became night, you could see the stars and the planets."
"Among the pantheon of celestial bodies that have fascinated us, Jupiter stands out as the largest planet in our solar system."
"The wonder is not that the field of stars is so vast, but that we have measured it."
"Our sun is insanely massive, comprising 99.86% of all the mass in the solar system."
"The highest mountain in the solar system is Olympus Mons on Mars."
"Jupiter's magnetic field is the strongest of any planet in the solar system, created by electrical currents driven by its fast rotation."
"The discovery of the Galilean moons was a pivotal moment in astronomy, challenging existing beliefs and contributing to the heliocentric theory."
"Astronomers have found the largest hole we've ever seen in the universe, spreading a billion light-years across."
"Once they explode, stars aren't supposed to come back to life, but some zombie stars somehow survive the great supernova explosion."
"Space inspires creatives and scientists alike, but of the many strange and wondrous things that make up the universe, black holes are without a doubt among the most captivating."
"On a mission to reveal the grandeur of Saturn, its rings and moons."
"It's always the highlight of my astronomical calendar when I get to go on a show with you, John."
"If the Earth was actually in a binary system with the other planet being life-hosting as well."
"Jupiter helps to keep asteroids and comets from bombarding Earth, protecting the inner planets by acting as the vacuum cleaner of the solar system."
"Technically, Jupiter doesn't orbit the sun; it actually orbits a spot in empty space between it and the sun called the barycenter."
"The James Webb Telescope is one of the greatest and most powerful telescopes currently used by astronomers."
"Science is starting to show that its 11-year cycles might just be the metronome measuring out how life on our planet ticks."
"Dark Matter gives out no light or too little light for us to detect. We know it exists because we see the effect of its gravity on the visible stars and galaxies."
"The Sumerians were literally the first astronomers who mapped the Stars."
"We have data going back to the 1880s because humans have accurately kept an eye on the number of dark spots on the Sun for hundreds of years."
"Black holes are more like a place than they are a thing."
"The known universe contains 200 billion galaxies, each of which is unique, immense, and dynamic."
"We are therefore, in a sense, in the Goldilock zone of the galaxy, neither too close nor too far away, but just right."
"The Milky Way is a fortunate home for intelligent life."
"In our solar system, Earth shines like a sapphire jewel."
"It was a truly complicated astrological clock used to display the positions of the Sun, the moon, the five planets known to humans back then, and the phases of the moon itself."
"The tablet on display at the British Museum shows drawings of constellations and pictogram-based text known as cuneiform."
"All right, we are almost in August, which can mean only one thing for astronomy: the Perseids meteor shower, my personal favorite meteor shower of the year."
"The Perseids meteor shower is caused by tiny bits of debris left behind by Comet Swift-Tuttle that the Earth passes through each year in August."
"This month, the big news was the release of the first science images from the James Webb Space Telescope."
"Our son is a second or third generation star, formed by the remains of gas and dust from other stars that have already died. Everything that surrounds us — animals, the air we breathe, the water we drink — is composed of atoms that were created inside the stars. We are made of star stuff."
"Every time a star dies, it floods space with energy particles traveling for millions of years, arousing the spark of life anywhere in the universe."
"But anyway, we’re celebrating him, Charles Hayden, who first put out the money to bring the universe to New York City and create what famously became the Hayden Planetarium, where I now serve as director."
"While you may be stationary on Earth's surface right now, Earth itself is moving, hurtling through space at speeds of around 30 kilometers per second."
"Galaxies are so incredibly massive that they can attract one another from millions of light years across space, sometimes getting close enough to collide, producing new, larger galaxies."
"The cosmic web is composed of enormous walls of interacting galaxies, known as galaxy filaments, and these can contain hundreds of thousands of galaxies and span over billions of light years."
"Either there is an unusually high concentration of mass there, like an ultramassive or dense galaxy cluster, or perhaps something stranger, like a monstrous intergalactic black hole."
"There's just something about galaxies flowing like great lakes across space that seems tantalizing and beautiful."
"This blind zone doesn't seem so big, but it actually hides up to 20 percent of the observable universe from us."
"Astronomers began to use other types of invisible light to penetrate the Milky Way's gas and dust curtain, and it finally revealed a whole lost world of galaxies to us."
"Over 30 years, humankind literally began to see clearly and discovered over 5,000 exoplanets in the sky."
"Astronomers now believe that in addition to the 100 billion regular exoplanets, there must be at least another 50 billion rogue planets in our galaxy."
"Some object with a mass of thousands of galaxies is now playing with the Milky Way like it's a feather."
"The great attractor must weigh 10,000 times more than our galaxy, much heavier than even the most ultra-massive black holes."
"We now know that all of these stars will have planetary systems and then we look at our own solar system and we see that the range diversity of planets and many of them are habitable or have been habitable."
"Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us."
"It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience."
"Most chemical elements are formed by stars; those elements spread around when the stars explode and can become new things. You're actually made from stardust."
"Our body is made of stardust, really; the more complex elements in our body can only come about through supernovas."
"Life itself just being a human being on a planet spinning a thousand miles an hour hurling through infinity, that in itself is fairly preposterous."
"Black holes are FASCINATING regions of spacetime where curvature is really pushed to the extreme."
"A hundred years ago, it was black holes that were purely theoretical—and now, we think there are literally billions of them out there."
"This means to us here on Earth, they look almost exactly the same size in the sky."
"Black holes are structures in the fabric of space and time itself and are amongst the most extraordinary objects that we know exist in the universe."
"On a clear dark night, we can all marvel at a crystal sky brimming with stars."
"We're talking about billions of potential Earth-size planets, and to believe that we're the only one is, I think, rather ridiculous given the odds."
"This is so cool to think about, this galaxy that we've seen light from, it was receding faster than four times the speed of light."