
Mental Clarity Quotes

There are 786 quotes

"It's really a three-in-one formula that can help boost energy, hit your weight loss goals, and provide clear thinking like nothing else can."
"I do time-restricted eating. I still eat salads and stuff like that, so I'm not eating a ketogenic diet, but because I'm only eating for about eight hours a day, by the next morning I have some kind of fat adaptation coming along, and my brain is much clearer thinking."
"The more grounded you are, the more mental clarity you have, the more capacity to be more attuned to yourself."
"Productivity is not an end goal but a byproduct of direction, mental clarity, and living a balanced life."
"Mental clarity...is the biggest benefit [of fasting]."
"Mental clarity is probably the biggest benefit [of fasting]."
"Clear your mind. Writing things down making lists could help clear your mind too."
"I promise you, mentally once you get there and once you make that promise to yourself and you keep it and you commit and you reap the benefits, it becomes so so so much more clear that you're in this for the lifestyle."
"Your mind has to always be clear. That's why I meditate 2 hours every single night because I refresh, I reorganize the garage which is my mind every night."
"The fastest way to clear your head is to get your thoughts out onto paper."
"I feel like my head's a lot clearer and my soul's a bit more wholesome."
"There's a fog or a cloud that just lifts off of your brain... and you'll start thinking in a completely different way."
"Keep it simple and work yourself up, simplicity is important, we need to maintain mental clarity."
"Grief is a vehicle that provides clarity and is a cleansing mechanism of your mind."
"Oxygen is incredibly important for our mental clarity and not to mention our overall health."
"Integrating cognitive work with physical exercise, like long runs or walks, can clear out the clutter."
"Exercise...stimulates brain cell production...helps adults think more clearly and effectively."
"Suffering is created by thoughts. So if you want to lose your suffering, you have to look at your thoughts and understand them more clearly."
"Keeping a tidy space really helps clear your mind."
"Yoga just makes my mind think a lot more logically."
"The tradition is based on the 17th-century philosophy that says a clear mind comes from keeping things clean and tidy around you."
"Sometimes cleaning your house is just such a good adrenaline dump and it just calms my nerves and clears my head."
"You're very efficient mentally, very, very, very clear, which has been awesome."
"Your mind is for having ideas, not for holding them."
"I discovered the value of having clarity and nothing in my mind. I loved that freedom, that peacefulness, that sense of no distraction of being fully present with what I'm doing."
"Meditation is important because of this important truth: you cannot perceive your thoughts and be your thoughts at the same time."
"Years ago, I had a very bad day... I closed my eyes, bam, I went into this beautifully relaxed place. And everything slowed down, and my burdens lifted, and my worries disappeared, and suddenly I could think clearly."
"Years ago, I had a very bad day... I went into this beautifully relaxed place and everything slowed down, my burdens lifted, and my worries disappeared. Suddenly, I could think clearly and I felt alive."
"My brain feels so organized and fresh, just on top of everything. It's a nice mindset to be in."
"Your body is a smart machine that's developed over millions of years and knows that it's best to rely on itself than on external substances."
"Enlightenment is understanding that you are not your thoughts, but the awareness of the thoughts themselves."
"Nothing more will I teach you today. Clear your mind of questions."
"The more spaciousness you create, the more effective your thinking will be."
"Meditation gives one both a calmness and a clarity."
"Kali comes and destroys the chattering brain, telling you all."
"Putting things where they belong in your home or at work not only keeps your life organized but it also keeps your brain organized."
"You have to get out of your own head and actually focus."
"I noticed that when I first went carnivore, mental clarity was better, my mood was better, everything was better."
"The source of your emotions is your heart, so clearing your heart of all emotions is the key to achieving self-balance."
"Your loved ones can only reach you when your thoughts are clear."
"I had this really unbelievable moment of clarity that I was finally able to silence all of those racing thoughts."
"You kind of go through this dopamine fast, and what it actually helps you do is pick out better signal."
"I don't need to take things out of my sight, you know, to clear my mind or anything."
"A breath of fresh air mentally clears your mind."
"Your goal... is to keep your mind clear... preventing you from connecting with your higher self."
"All of men's real power comes from steady nerves and a keen clear brain."
"Ibuki is an example of the positive benefits of truly being able to live in the present."
"Walking is amazing. It's good for your thinking. I'm just trying to get into the groove of walking every day and I've been doing it. It's a lot more peaceful."
"I like a clean working space. It really does help the mind focus."
"A carnivore diet will not only help you feel better physically, it will force you to think better."
"Welcome to Bible Crypto, home of the Bit Squad, the largest crypto community in all the interwebs."
"I'm still playing at a high level, and I'll continue to score goals if my mind is clear and happy."
"Clarity and transparency in your life reduce anxiety greatly because you know everything has been looked at."
"They used to wear these crowns of gold so that they can purify their crown, purify their mind."
"Explore your options and take some space and some time to clear your head."
"The fog has lifted from my brain. I can feel normal and think normally."
"Your primary responsibility is to create a clear and accurate mental equivalent of what you wish to experience."
"Imagine a day like this: you wake up well-rested after a great night's sleep, bursting with energy, your mind clear and sharp..."
"Eyes be open and revelation come to you, all confusion go in Jesus' name!"
"I need to empty my mind... I will become a vessel."
"Meditation gives us that clarity of mind... it helps us change our habits because we are now becoming more sensitive to our own impulses."
"It's called fluorite, and the energy it comes with is mental clarity, decision-making, clear energy fields, and concentration."
"Lemon water will energize the body, giving you alertness and clarity of mind."
"With a sane and coherent mind, Conor Murphy made the decision to move to LA in pursuit of becoming an actor."
"Meditation simply means taking a moment to step back from the chaos... breathe... detach."
"It's very crisp and clear, like clean fresh air. You must have been feeling very foggy, very numb."
"It's almost like a meditative state... It really clears my mind for the rest of the day."
"This whole process clears your mind, it's very therapeutic."
"Organizing and tidying up will create more clarity, growth, and well-being."
"Walking frees you from the flow of thoughts, allowing ideas to bubble up."
"Statements such as Keep Calm, think clearly, keep an open mind, keep going."
"I can hand on heart say it's the freest and clearest my brain has ever been."
"When your body's burning fat as its primary fuel, you have better mental clarity."
"Understanding is the opposite of doubt and worry."
"Acetyl-L-carnitine gives you sharper, clearer thinking."
"Meditate: clear your mind and connect with spirit."
"Embrace pain as our closest friend... Pain clears the mind of evil thoughts."
"Lighten your load, decluttering could also be helpful."
"It helps when I'm overwhelmed, when I feel like I can't calm down... it helps improve clarity and focus."
"Mercury Saturn, when they work well together, it's about clarity of thinking."
"Decluttering just really declutters your mind and your head."
"You're stronger than whatever this is so just take a deep breath and think clear-minded."
"Getting present is like taking your car off of autopilot."
"What happens when you let go of the vacillating and the indecision?"
"No doubting, no comparing, no noise, just peace."
"So it's like there's this flash and then suddenly everything works the way it's supposed to. You're talking to people, the ideas are going, you're productive, you're focused, you're witty, you're having a good time, you're feeling good."
"Emotion to our desire for freedom, for clarity, for an understanding on a level of mind."
"When your house is organized, your brain feels organized."
"Fitness is a great thing that clears your mind."
"My body is healthy, my mind is true, my soul is tranquil."
"Unfortunately, the fog is going to roll in. It's just part of nature, it's part of the cycle of life. And when that fog rolls in, don't allow that to make you think what you know is really in there isn't there because it is there."
"You'll feel better and more focused if you'll take the time to clear away clutter from your living and workspace."
"The quieter the mind becomes, the more that you can hear."
"A space that is tidy helps you think clearer and grasp new concepts faster."
"You're going to be experiencing a breakthrough in growth, whether it's mental clarity or creative inspiration."
"Decluttering your mind through journaling brings clarity."
"Eliminate distractions to cultivate deep attention and focus."
"I feel amazing... so much more energy, no more brain fog."
"All you have to bring to the table is a clear state of mind."
"I just feel really good at 11 o'clock, let's say 12 o'clock, and I just feel really, really good. I'm not hungry. I feel very mentally alert."
"The Dragonfly reminds us to calm the mind so the light of wisdom can shine through."
"I feel like it kind of organizes my thoughts in a way that I can't do any other way."
"Applied faith is the mental attitude wherein you may clear your mind of all fears and doubts."
"It's just the astonishing mental clarity of starvation."
"Connect with nature, find clarity and peace."
"If you want to unfuck your brain, think clearly and have a good life."
"Sometimes you just need to clear your mind of everything that's been stressing you out."
"When you eat clean and with life, watch how bright your ideas get."
"Run like Forrest Gump. Not only will you lose weight, but you'll gain clarity. That's a win-win for you."
"Cold shower is good for clarity of mind and lowers inflammation."
"A lingering sense of cognitive Rejuvenation well-being and mental Clarity can sometimes last for hours days or even weeks after a dimethyltryptamine experience."
"Practice seeing without judging, it's about clarity."
"I am happy without it, why I will drink and I will spoil my mind?"
"There's no room in your head for bullshit, that's what's crazy." - Joe Rogan
"Apophyllite brings mental clarity and helps gain wishes."
"Create this quiet time for yourself and you'll have more clarity about what to do next."
"Performing good deeds is like adding detergent to dirty water, purifying our minds."
"You got to have that confidence, that preparation, that clear mind."
"It's all about clearing out the clutter, preparing room for this person to come into your life."
"Learn to write. Writing is the foundation of all media, it brings immense mental clarity."
"I finally felt like someone turned the slow-mo button off, and it was natural."
"It's good to clear the head and just like be alone with your thoughts and things like that."
"I just realized that I didn't need to be high all the time, I just wanted to have like a clear mental space."
"Heal, try to find time to clear your mind, forgive the past."
"If I'm eating a large meal during the middle of the day... that big dump of food often causes my thoughts to be muddy, and I don't like that."
"Pursue a healthy lifestyle to attain mental clarity and physical wellness."
"When I've encouraged to do that on social media I've had people say like because of their anxieties or stresses they go to social media and to watch YouTube and all that stuff."
"It's so bizarre when you spend time away from social media how clear your mind can be. Anxiety comes down stress of a comparison or whatever those things go down."
"Cast off limiting thoughts and return to true emptiness."
"Writing is the best form of therapy. It extracts clutter from your head."
"Meditation should just remove the obstacles of the mind and the body."
"I feel really good at the moment, work-wise is going really well... I'm just in a really good place, feel very clear-minded if that makes sense."
"The clarity that you need is the clarity of concepts as opposed to just clarity in your mind."
"His mind was as clear as ever, even though his voice became quieter and weaker."
"Remove the noise. Have a clear mind, make better decisions, and more money in your pocket."
"The house has to reflect the mindset. If the house is cluttered, the mind is cluttered."
"Declutter content is satisfying because it Taps on our shared longing for clarity and simplicity."
"Move out of the chaos of your mind into the beauty of your soul."
"It's actually very powerful and has great benefits in terms of emotional clarity and being able to process."
"It's not about getting so good at meditating that you become a monk, it's about having access to the clear blue sky of your mind whenever you need it."
"Journaling can clarify your thinking and process your emotions."
"It's impossible to awaken without a clean brain."
"It's peaceful, it's nice to kind of have the clarity when you're out by yourself and out in nature."
"Nothing like getting out in nature that really clears the air."
"In Sanskrit, the setting mind is called the 'Ekagrata,' a singular point of attention that allows you to be focused, calm, steady, and compassionate."
"Do not let confusion get the best of you right now."
"Fasting definitely does that, doesn't it? It makes you think within."
"Nothing clears your mind more than an organized space."
"Rock steady in a rocking chair, the world seems clearer and your thoughts slow down and the gentle movement soothes the soul."
"Having a morning routine gives you so much clarity."
"My thoughts are kind of always a mess but, like, once I talk something out, you know, with someone or whatever, it's like, then it can be set."
"It's amazing how much brain space that kind of frees up."
"Sobriety is power because you can actually see. Your body will resonate at a higher vibration because you can see."
"Stop thinking and you'll find that all of those things are right there."
"Concentration and mental clarity are essential for success."
"If you can be calm and focused, you're in a position to do most everything really well."
"Change your environment, even if it's temporary. Clear your head."
"The ace of swords is wonderful energy Aries, this is new communication coming on in here for you, this is mental clarity, a new idea, an epiphany that leads to triumphant success."
"I'm grounded, you know, I'm still functioning in a clear capacity."
"I'm trying to create a better Collective Consciousness that can think more clearly and reach more accurate conclusions."
"Feels is a better way to feel better. Their premium CBD will keep your head clear and help you feel your best."
"Once you start checking things off your to-do list, it frees up more of your mind."
"Clarity washes over you when you know what to do."
"Your space is super disorganized in array that's only a manifestation of what's going on in your brain."
"Everything becomes noise... you're just in a very good place."
"Clarity is power. Confused mind doesn't do anything."
"Get yourself into a position where you're a clearer thinker."
"You can't be confused if you refuse to try to figure it out."
"Once we raise that energy to mind, the energy starts to lighten, and we start to decide more clearly."
"Morning pages... are acting these pages as spiritual windshield wipers."
"When you feel more relaxed, comfortable, your head is clear, you're gonna be better at what you do anyway."
"But damn, I don't wanna know. I wanna clear this fog from my mind."
"My ADHD has gone away, the ADD I had reoccurring is totally gone, and my hitting's gotten better with baseball."
"Selenite invokes mental clarity and divine inspiration. Spirituality is vital for you."
"Meditate, breathe, focus on your inhale and your exhale."
"Look at what you want to focus on. Create its own original thoughts because thinking is performed better when we have what we want to think about in front of us."
"I feel like everything flows easier. I definitely feel less stressed and more mentally aware and clearer."
"It was the first time I had enough space in my heart, in my head, that wasn't so consumed."
"Can you have sex and still have a clear mind?"
"The mountains are places where the external vision helps with the interior."
"The biggest function of a bullet journal is to remove that stuff from your head and externalize it so that your brain can stop rehearsing it over and over."
"You can only feel good about what you're not doing when you know what you're not doing." - David Allen
"The ability to stand up, fill your lungs with a clear mind is 99% of everything that matters. It really is."
"Once you get yourself together, it's easier to navigate and discern through the crazy circus that is politics."
"Notice what your body is telling you. Let your mind be open to receiving messages. Turn off social media. You're free to just be."
"Your mind is clear, you're moving forward, you know you're finally taking steps."
"A clean space quite literally calms the mind."
"Our external world is a reflection of our internal world... when you even something simple like you make your bed or you clean your desk or put everything in the right file on your computer you also have Clarity of thought."
"What am I creating right now? When you slow down enough to get out of your mind, you can get in touch with how you feel."
"I feel like you know cleaning up my space is like a good way to have a clean brain. That's how it works for me anyway."
"This is literally injected passion into my veins. I've had a moment of clarity, the brain fog is cleared, and now I can see again."
"The moment I decided to become celibate it freed up my mind to actually be with people."
"The ace of swords is striking clarity, a breakthrough, complete truth."
"When you don't have a clean house, you don't have a clean mind."
"His Holiness can dispel ignorance from your mind like taking a blindfold off."
"Our brains really like order, and constant visual reminders of disorganization drain our cognitive resources, reducing our ability to focus."
"I feel better physically in my body, and I feel like I get less of that kind of mental fog."
"Meditation for me, my experience of it, is I'm washing my brain each moment and starting each moment fresh."
"Determination and obsession are separated by the level of clarity of the mind; one could say that they are polar opposites."
"There's something coming for you... it's something that's helped there's clarity for you that you're developing on who and what makes you lose your connection with yourself and what helps you to regain a sense of connection with yourself."