
Language Learning Quotes

There are 2887 quotes

"I've learned several languages... It's literally life-changing."
"These short 10-minute interactive lessons worked perfectly to keep my Spanish up. Within three weeks of doing these daily, I already noticed that my speaking ability and comprehension improved significantly."
"It's about learning a language, in this case, English, lots of lessons to be learned, and I don't just mean lessons involving words, grammar, and pronunciation, but I'm talking about lessons and insights about how we approach learning a language, the motivation that we need to have in order to help us deal with the challenges, and the attitude that you have to have if you want to get success."
"The best way to learn a language: immersion. Living where the language is spoken and using it every day."
"The good methods now are based on interesting stories, or you fall in love with the story. You get so interested in the story that you forget it's in another language."
"The best methods use stories... where the story is so interesting or strange or funny that you forget... that you are learning a language."
"Put the kid in front of cartoons in foreign languages so that way they're learning those foreign languages just automatically."
"It's very easy for a native speaker who's never learned another language to say 'just do it' or 'just be confident.'"
"Remember, setting a goal to 'be fluent' isn't as helpful as setting smaller, more specific goals that lead you toward fluency."
"Confidence is just the biggest thing in any language."
"One of the best things I've done as a parent is I've placed my kids in an immersion program at the age of three...in a language immersion program."
"Learning what words mean and practicing how to use them in a sentence are both invaluable skills to develop, but people often forget that in addition to speaking, writing, and reading, we have to develop our listening skills in a foreign language as well."
"Remember that it's a sign of respect to learn another person's language."
"Try to get feedback from someone who speaks that language. You can make mistakes day and night, but if they're never corrected, they do you no good."
"Speaking a foreign language is a little bit like juggling. There are a lot of moving pieces you have to keep in place, whether it's pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary."
"Never take the easy way out. If there are two ways to say what you want to say in your target language, one you know and are comfortable with and the other you're not sure of, use the one you're least comfortable with."
"The English speaker that you are right now doesn't define who you are or who you're going to be."
"You have to put the work in if you expect to be fluent in English."
"Do shadowing exercises by quickly repeating back what you hear from a native speaker to match their pronunciation as closely as possible."
"Chat with native speakers to understand different pronunciations and be more consistent in your own."
"Do pronunciation drills for sounds you have trouble making to improve specific difficulties."
"Find words that are particularly interesting to you, and focus on pronouncing them correctly to possibly improve pronunciation in other parts of the language."
"The first tip for improving your pronunciation is to sing along to a favorite song."
"Practice speaking in phrases, not just single vocabulary words, to improve the rhythm of a new language."
"Befriending or dating someone who speaks English can significantly boost your language learning."
"Identify objects around you in English to stop translating in your head."
"Study phrases in addition to single vocabulary words."
"Three times a week we help you understand fast English without getting lost, without missing the jokes, and without subtitles."
"Focus on speaking clearly, directly, using simple words, and let your passive vocabulary grow and grow and grow from lots of listening and lots of reading."
"These language learning models become severely outdated in the course of months, even."
"Fluent does not mean perfect. You can be fluent and also make mistakes."
"Start with pronunciation because if you have good pronunciation but poor grammar, people will still understand you."
"You have to become passionate, obsessive, in love with the language."
"The best way to learn a language is to speak it from day one."
"Learning a new language should feel like an adventure."
"Dearest creature in creation, studying English pronunciation, I will teach you in my verse sounds like corpse, core, horse, and worse."
"Practice makes perfect is a well-known expression that is certainly true for language learning."
"Listening involves actively engaging with spoken English to understand and interpret meaning."
"Regular listening exposes learners like you, English learners, to new words and phrases in context, enhancing their vocabulary."
"Listening to native speakers helps English learners imitate correct pronunciation and intonation patterns, leading to clearer communication."
"Speaking practice involves actively participating in conversations and expressing thoughts and ideas in English."
"Regular speaking practice boosts learners' confidence in expressing themselves in English."
"Vocabulary acquisition focuses on learning and expanding one's repertoire of words and expressions."
"Using new words in speaking and writing activities reinforces vocabulary acquisition."
"Contextual learning involves learning language within real-life situations and meaningful contexts."
"Language learning is a lot more complicated than you use the right sentence there nice or you didn't use the right sentence there what are you doing."
"As dumb as it sounds, there is some evidence showing that you can help your language learning by listening to tapes while you sleep."
"We've found that the best way to learn a language is to speak it from day one."
"Talking to someone face-to-face in a foreign language is one of the main reasons we start learning in the first place."
"Maintain a consistent sensitivity to your own unique insights and intuitions about your language learning journey."
"The process of language learning is complex, as complex as the individual quirks of people who embark upon the journey of learning a new language."
"Language exchanges provide opportunities to engage in authentic conversations with native speakers."
"The original home of language learning is in face-to-face conversation."
"The most effective language learning method will be the one that most resonates with you and, as a consequence, will be the one that you stick with for the long haul."
"Learning another language isn't just about the acquisition of a new skill; it's also about an expansion of perspective."
"Reading exposes you to a wide range of words and phrases and expands your vocabulary."
"Consistent practice over a period of time is what is essential for language learning."
"Learning a language is a marathon, not a sprint."
"Find a language partner. This is the best way to improve your conversation skills."
"One of the most important parts of learning the English language is practicing speaking."
"Whenever people ask me, Marina, what is the best way to learn English? I tell them, practice every day."
"It's very important to have a specific goal when you learn a language."
"Learning English is all about making it part of your life, maybe 20 minutes a day, 30 minutes a day, as long as it's consistent."
"Filling in these gaps is what will build your skills and increase your ability in the language."
"It's better to focus on one small part of the language at a time."
"I will learn Greek to fluency and I will get a C1 certificate in Greek one day."
"I cannot wait to start studying other languages."
"Learning Russian was like a challenge... The idea of learning Russian was insane."
"Middlebury has been offering these language immersion courses for more than a hundred years."
"Learning a language is all about making mistakes and learning from those mistakes."
"By the end of day 30, you would be amazed how English has become your habit and how diverse the world of English is."
"Surround yourself with your target language. This way, you'll be completely immersed in the language without realizing it."
"Learn through observation. This is how we all learned our native languages as kids."
"You can create an immersive language learning space for yourself in a specific language as long as you dedicate enough time to lots of listening, reading, writing, and speaking."
"The more languages you learn, the easier and faster it gets."
"Getting feedback from a native is the best language practice you can get."
"What's a good and reliable method of learning languages? Studying them."
"The most important thing when it comes to learning a language is getting input or, in other words, listening to and reading in that language."
"If you really want to get sophisticated and sound natural, you have to throw your English model out the window and build a whole new conceptual web from scratch."
"Every word appears in context...which means you'll learn the words more easily and you'll also know how to use them."
"In just a few months, it's possible to learn a new language with stories completely from home and to be able to get it to a point where you can speak the language, live the language, and have the language as a part of your life."
"You have to know how Japanese people express an idea first, not translate your English thoughts into Japanese."
"When you're learning to comprehend the language through input, you're building a little machine in your brain that takes the language as an input and turns it into pure understanding."
"Your sense of what you want to say is initially shaped by your native language, and it takes a while for you to naturally have thoughts in the new language."
"You can learn a new language with Babel. One study found that using Babel for 15 hours is equivalent to a full semester at college."
"Take a moment to close your eyes, and think about why you started learning a language on Duolingo."
"If you put that first foot forward, you have the ability to learn a language."
"Language learning is hard, so we make it fun."
"Children do not learn languages more easily than adults. The only reason it seems like they do is because they have a lot more free time."
"Embrace your inner toddler and resist switching back to your native tongue."
"Practice speaking English every single day, even if it's for a few minutes."
"Read aloud to practice pronunciation, intonation, and fluency."
"The best way to learn a language is to practice it every single day."
"Take a handful or maybe just a couple of these ideas, put them into practice, and watch your language skills transform in front of your eyes."
"If you're a gamer, choose a foreign server where people are from the country of the language that you're learning."
"Start a private blog or diary in the language that you're learning."
"The constant process of finding these language holes and filling them is what keeps you moving along the path to fluency."
"If all your language practice is wrapped up in one person and your relationship with that person doesn't work out, then your language learning could take a big hit."
"One of the most common struggles within the language learning community is experiencing the phenomenon of understanding all the words within a target language sentence yet still not being able to tell what that sentence means as a whole."
"Language learning is seemed to be a process of habit formation. The more often the students repeat something, the stronger the habit and the greater the learning."
"The key to improving your listening skill is to actually improve your understanding of spoken English or how the language is spoken."
"If you want to improve your listening, you need to improve your understanding of how native English speakers speak in real time, in real life."
"Definitely, you will learn useful vocabulary, phrases, and improve your English speaking and listening skills."
"I think I'm becoming more confident when I'm speaking in English."
"While your accent may persist, focus on clear pronunciation and effective communication rather than eliminating your accent entirely."
"Instead of saying, 'I can't speak fluently,' say, 'I'm working on improving my fluency.'"
"Stop saying you can't understand native speakers. With practice and exposure, your understanding will improve over time."
"You learn words by people speaking words and by you associating those with things in your environment. That's how you learn language."
"What I recommend is this: do something in English early in the morning."
"Studying a foreign language opens avenues for employment."
"It's not just about learning the language; it's about understanding the culture and connecting on a deeper level."
"You should worry more about your pronunciation than your accent."
"English can truly change your life and I hope it changes your life as well."
"Accent reduction sounds like stain removal, but my Swedish colleague has come up with a much better name for what we do: accent addition."
"We may learn the tokens of language formally, but we learn the system by using it through reading, writing, or conversing."
"We do have the capacity to learn a language by using it, and I do think we shouldn't give up on that just because it's difficult to manage."
"I think when people tell me they're learning a language, that's probably one of the most impressive things anybody could ever say to me."
"English is probably one of the hardest, if not the hardest, languages to learn."
"The best way to know something about their culture is to learn the foreign language."
"You could become functionally fluent in a language like Spanish in 8 to 12 weeks without that much difficulty."
"This is going to be so much fun. Be sure to tell your friends and spread the word that all summer long, every Tuesday, we're studying English with movies, here at Rachel's English."
"Understanding spoken language is a lot like solving a Sudoku puzzle; you're presented with a portion of the answer and from that, you have to deduce everything else."
"Real English every single day, man, you're gonna improve."
"You can do all these things, you know, a couple of hours a day, your speaking is going to improve a lot."
"Learning another language definitely has benefits that no one can argue with, like, for example, you will know another language."
"Learning a language is like swimming; you can't learn it just by listening. You have to dive in, make mistakes, and figure it out as you go."
"Every language has a core of one to two hundred words which account for fifty percent of everything you ever read."
"The main thing is to be hyper-selective, only focus or try to learn or memorize vocabulary or phrases that you consider life or death, and then get back to reading."
"Certain words just become a lot more memorable when you can hear them."
"If you're using stories to learn a new language, then you have accidentally stumbled upon the best way to expand your vocabulary into the stratosphere."
"How can one learn a language in a very limited amount of time, comprehend it, be able to act with it, be able to work with it, to meet people with it, and most of all, progress in it?"
"It is important to push yourselves, to go out there and actually experience the language firsthand. No school, no institution, no book can ever give you that."
"Change your English today, make your weaknesses your strength, and let me help you accomplish and reach all of your goals."
"As a Korean-American, I can't preface enough how important it is to know the language to actually understand and fully appreciate the full context of the culture."
"I truly believe that to learn a language you really have to immerse yourself and have an interactive experience."
"The more relevant the vocabulary, the more likely you are to retain it."
"This will be a good opportunity to learn new words and some specific vocabulary that is not so common to hear but that will definitely help you gain English fluency."
"The in context approach plays to the strengths of the learning mechanism of the brain and is better adapted to the true nature of kanji use in Japanese."
"By only learning kanji as you actually come across words that use them in real-life situations, you always have a strong contextual anchor to connect the information to."
"If you're planning on becoming able to fluently read Japanese, you're gonna need to know all the kanji, so doesn't it make most sense to learn them in the order that makes them easiest to learn?"
"Language learning isn't just about getting the words right; it's about connecting, expressing, and engaging."
"If you can read Chinese, it's really not as difficult as you think."
"One of my lifelong passions is language learning."
"He made an effort to learn the language and he didn't necessarily have to do that."
"Sometimes I read out loud to practice pronunciation."
"Chatting with native speakers is an important part of learning a language."
"Many ideas can be correctly expressed in English using both the first and the second conditional sentence structure."
"I hope that you're feeling a bit more confident about using the zero and first conditional now because it's time to practise."
"The best way to learn a language is through immersion."
"With Babbel you only need 10 minutes to complete a lesson so you can start having real life conversations in a new language in as little as three weeks."
"Babbel's 15-minute lesson is the perfect way to learn a new language on the go."
"Listen to English every day. It's way more powerful than panicking a week before your test."
"I want you to learn so many languages while you're being trained that the next language you learn will be completely no big deal."
"Once you know this in there upper and lower case and a few combinations you will be ready to read one of the most ancient languages in the world."
"The best way to master the Alpha veto, the Greek alphabet, is by writing as much as you can."
"Verbs are really important because they're in every sentence, so you need to get them right."
"Native speakers excel at pointing out when something is off or wrong about your speech or writing."
"Don't believe everything native speakers say wholesale; verify with your own research."
"Native speakers can provide valuable feedback on speech and writing, but they may not know why something is incorrect."
"We acquire language in only one way, when we understand it."
"Language acquisition happens subconsciously."
"Language is one of the only things that is worth knowing poorly." - Kato
"Learning a foreign language as an adult is a skill—it's something you have to develop."
"Learning a new language isn't always easy, but it's the discomfort that comes with pushing your ability in the language that produces results in your studies."
"It's 100% possible to achieve a high native level vocabulary in a language."
"The best way to practice listening is to just start listening expose yourself to native speakers as much as possible."
"So the easier way to pronounce 'fifth' is 'fifth', just skipping that second 'f'."
"Passive listening is one form of language immersion. As you listen to the background music over and over and get more comfortable with it, you'll start to notice key words, intonation, grammar patterns, and so on."
"Most learners have had the experience of using a phrasebook or a dictionary to find a word they want to use, trying the word in conversation, and getting a look of confusion from the native speaker."
"With enough practice and with enough different music to listen to, you might even start to recognize certain sounds and words when you hear them somewhere else."
"Media is a great resource for your learning. Ultimately, knowing the appropriate vocabulary to use for each situation will really help you sound more knowledgeable."
"Take advantage of your Premium Plus teacher. They'll hold you accountable, send you assignments, and give you feedback to help you perfect your language skills."
"The easiest way to start speaking on your own is to shadow what you hear."
"You want to learn a language and succeed, right?"
"Boost your vocabulary and range of expression."
"Take grammar with a grain of salt, don't worry too much if your grammar's a little off, just go with it and try to repeat what you hear."
"If you enjoyed these tips hit the like button, share the video with anyone who's trying to learn a language, and subscribe to our Channel."
"In the first scene you'll get to learn a lot of colloquial American slang and expressions, while in the second scene you'll learn some more complex scientific vocabulary."
"English can open up the world for you. That's part of dreaming big and thinking of those big goals."
"Learning a language is an extremely useful and interesting skill."
"Learning a new language is fun again, it's not boring or complex."
"Envision yourself as a fluent confident English speaker."
"It really doesn't matter too much which language you learn first because once you know one language, you'll be able to pick up any other language super easily."
"Vocab is still so important at A-level. It's not only important in your speaking; you need vocab in reading and listening comprehension. It's so vital and such a key aspect of language learning that you can't avoid doing it."
"The most rewarding thing about languages at A-level is immersing yourself in the language. Music, movies, TV, books—engage with them and enjoy the experience."
"Their music is the very first contact with the German language which sometimes even Sparks further interest in learning it."
"What do you do in your free time? I like to study English."
"It's a pretty good like I feel like if you try to learn a language with them in the next 18 months if you don't know another language already you would learn it much easily that make sense."
"Learning a new language is a great way to start off a new year."
"Understanding what other people are saying is the key to having great friendships and communications in English."
"Analyzing small clips from real conversations helps you see how native speakers talk."
"Thousands of English learners around the world have joined the 30-Day English Listening Challenge."
"There is no time to improve your English skills, and any attempt to do so will be a waste of time."
"The best way to understand native speakers is to study and analyze native speaker conversations."
"Improving your vocabulary will really help you improve your overall listening score."
"You want to do this on a daily basis; it'll take you 10 minutes and that's going to help to build out your vocab."
"Providing gestures will help English language learners make a connection between the word and its meaning."
"The best way to really learn new vocabulary is one in context... in a story."
"People will tell you you need to learn grammar, and this and that. You don't."
"Pronunciation should be your focus, not grammar."