
Hardship Quotes

There are 3176 quotes

"Hardship can be taken as an amazing opportunity."
"We learn and get better through trial and error and hardship."
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, or cripples you for life."
"It is the hardship that ultimately makes the experience of studying abroad more advantageous than disadvantageous."
"In the face of really hard stuff, illness, loss, the only thing we're begging for is a normal moment."
"The combination of economic hardship and violence creates a perfect storm, pushing individuals and families to embark on the perilous journey to the United States."
"With hardship comes relief. The tougher it gets, the closer it is to relief."
"What you guys need to know right now is that any hard times that you're currently facing are soon to be over; they're not going to last very much longer."
"My heart goes out to them, they're just kids and life's been rough to them."
"Just because we have to face more hardships, doesn't mean we have to give up."
"Allah does not minimize the hardship; He simply maximizes the reward."
"We were tested with hardship and we were patient, but we were tested with ease and we were not able to be patient."
"Your generosity and caring for those may be facing hard times are remarkable in today's world."
"Life is hard... life is also very hard and challenging and it's filled with loss sometimes."
"Surviving hardship can give you experiences you couldn't otherwise get."
"Even if we have hardship within love or within trying to attain a goal, all of that hardship does end up teaching us really valuable lessons along the way."
"Anybody can protest against hardship, and if people are facing hardship, workers are on the front line of fire."
"Hidden greatness is usually revealed during hardships."
"We understand that high inflation imposes significant hardship, especially on those least able to meet the higher costs of essentials like food, housing, and transportation."
"High inflation imposes significant hardship as it reduces purchasing power, especially for those living paycheck to paycheck."
"If life is all about being hard, we have to choose our hard."
"Going through these hard times... ultimately builds up our resilience."
"Life wasn't easy, and we went through hardships, but I had smart parents who understood what hard work was."
"I remember syrup sandwiches and crime allowances."
"It's not fun all the time, but what we're learning together and what we're doing is more important than these hard days."
"My mother raised six of us by herself. We were on welfare. It was tough."
"You have to experience hardships and go through things to be able to grow."
"To know Jesus means to follow Him, not just in the good times, but through hardship and through suffering."
"I appreciate the [ __ ] I have because I know what it's like to have nothing."
"I had to go through hardship as a kid to understand what hardship really is."
"I think the process of going through things that are difficult is very much important."
"It's a hard lesson to learn, but it was a lesson that needed learning."
"Bravery takes you through the most unimaginable hardships to finally reward you with victory."
"When your problem and difficulty and hardship bring you closer to Allah, it was a gift of Allah."
"Thank you for watching. Thank you, Mr. Lee, Mr. Joshi, for being really good helpers."
"Being poor and growing up in hardship is a blessing."
"Knowledge is a gift that can better equip us to deal with life's hardships, it can also lead us down a path of greater suffering."
"Whatever hardship that you have went through was a blessing in disguise and was actually divine intervention sent to cut whatever that was out of your life."
"Life is difficult for everybody; nobody escapes this life unscarred."
"My colleagues and I are acutely aware that high inflation imposes significant hardship, as it erodes purchasing power, especially for those least able to meet the higher costs of essentials like food, housing, and transportation."
"With the hardship comes ease, but the hardship will come first."
"You are far more equipped to deal with hardship and difficulties than you were in the past."
"Despite all the hardship and the ephemeral nature of time, life can still be beautiful."
"Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny."
"Life is short and hard, and to live without love or partnership can make it shorter and harder."
"My hardest times in life were the ones that I learned the most, were the biggest lessons by far."
"You don't complain about the hardships that you face; you find ways to deal with it."
"Life is hard. That's why no one survives it."
"They don't go the distance because things weren't hard. They go the distance because things were awful, and they found each other through that."
"Bravery takes you through suitable hardships to finally reward you with victory."
"Try fighting in the military and then get back to me on what's hard or not. You should show some respect to people."
"People are suffering, millions of people are out of work, people don't know how to put food on the table. These challenges are real."
"You have no idea what I went through, the awful choices I had to make."
"To avoid hardship as much as possible, to become resilient... we should thrive, not just survive."
"The path to eternal life is narrow, rocky, full of thorns, full of suffering; few follow it. The path to destruction is wide and many are on it."
"Whenever you go through these hard chapters, there's something out of the brokenness."
"The American people need to understand there's no pain, no gain."
"The story of the Donner Party is one of intrigue, hardship, adventure, and most importantly, cannibalism."
"What I know, because life piled all that on for me, and that I didn't check out, is that I could survive it all."
"Those sound like two equally as horrendous and painful ways to go."
"God is working for you right now, but it might not feel good to you, but it doesn't have to feel good to you to be good for you."
"At the end of your life, oh my god that was so hard it was worth it."
"When I die, I'll know I'll go to heaven 'cause I served my time in hell."
"Every American has to make these changes, and I know they're really hard."
"The fact that people are sacrificing thousands of hours of their lives and traveling thousands of extra miles every year just to be able to afford to live is probably sufficient."
"This young deer was trapped, it's stuck in the mud near a construction site or some quarry."
"Hard times create hard people, hard people create good times, good times create soft people, soft people create hard times."
"My heart breaks for you. You've got your whole life ahead of you."
"If we get some recession or something bad, we're going to eat so much poo, it's going to be like a golden corral of poo."
"A life without energy is cold, hard, and miserable."
"I grew up in the projects, around messed up stuff every day."
"I wouldn't wish none of that on my worst enemy."
"We need to face hardships and pain to develop resilience and grit. That's what leads to success in life."
"Hard hard is living in your car for three years that's hard hard is losing everything you ever owned twice that's hard hard is not knowing being on a school lunch program that's hard hard is not having a father that's hard."
"It's not about war unbattled, it's about living in Finland art Winters, lots of suffering in The Finnish history, and the whole nation has held it together and maybe sisu is the explanation for that."
"Trust God, and when difficult times come, God will bring you through it."
"It describes everything that we're going through right now - tower and misery."
"It's like this saying in real life: you gotta suffer to do good."
"I can't even begin to understand what you're going through. I'm praying for you."
"The night is always darkest before the dawn, things may get pretty bad."
"Always remember, there's somebody who's got it worse than you do."
"The greatest blessings come in the hardest breakings of your life."
"Dignified, strong, powerful, you've been hard done by, but still incredibly dignified."
"Life is hard and no set of legal or social institutions will ever change that."
"There's something about suffering, but still loving, sacrificing for people."
"Embrace hardship physically, mentally, emotionally."
"Because when you do hard things you then are fortified and reinforced for the inevitable hardship that life is."
"There's too little productive suffering in the US right now."
"Life is hard and it's going to get harder before Jesus returns and then he's going to make everything better."
"Most people can't conceptualize a reality where that is worse than being uncomfortable or inconveniencing yourself or even death."
"Hardship is what gives meaning to the experience. It is our identity." - Miyazaki
"We need to make sure that we are looking after everybody in this very, very difficult winter that we're facing."
"Jerome Powell himself said you are about to experience pain."
"Life has been extraordinarily brutal for men throughout history."
"He was a skinny man with worn clothes that seemed far too big for him."
"Here's the simple truth: No one can deny it. People are hurting in an unprecedented way."
"I spent years working minimum wage, very difficult jobs. Retail jobs, the hardest job I ever worked was unpacking boxes at Ross. At one point I had three minimum wage jobs at a time."
"Struggling with life's hardships can bring immense pain but can also bring a profound peace."
"I think Sasuke hasn't been gullible... because his life's been so [expletive] up."
"They're found sometimes without shoes without boots."
"Hardship isn't the same thing as victimhood."
"The voice of the working class is always going to be coarse, and it's worth bearing in mind that these people are suffering."
"There's a lot of hardship and a lot of heartbreak, but there's also a few glimmers of hope."
"You know, the kids joke with the teachers about being a hustler, but to be a teacher in Oklahoma you almost have to."
"God knows, He knows where you are, He knows how deep the pit is, He knows how tired your legs are from traveling this road"
"Holiness is beautiful. It may be hard, but it's beautiful."
"Your trauma and hardships can make you stronger if you work through them."
"I'm doing this because I love this state... we do not deserve to go through what we have gone through."
"I needed to go through the dark in order to see the light."
"For instance one point broke people shouldn't be having kids because you bring kids into a life of struggle and hardship."
"Life ain't supposed to be all great and everything like, there's loss, there's pain and stuff like that."
"Life is going to be difficult... Sometimes difficult beyond both imagining and tolerance."
"We hear the emotional pain and trauma of what it cost us to be us and when you came around we was grinning and acting like it was easy and we taught you a lie you taught we taught you that greatness is on sale you got to dig for it."
"Faith in God enables many of you to put up with a great deal of hardship and exercise much self-denial and yet to persevere in your ministry."
"I feel like the hard road is actually so much better for improvement."
"Your tough times will end soon, and any disgrace you face will turn into achievement, joy, and victory."
"Even when my life was in a bad place, there was always a part of me filled with intense love and passion for other people."
"Healthy soil is the foundation of a healthy economy."
"Get ready for what could be the biggest meteor shower of the poorest year of your life."
"People are really hurting, gas prices are through the roof."
"When things are bad, people don't look beyond the bad times."
"Sometimes what hurts and seems unfair... leading us to greater love and wisdom."
"He doesn't want to go back working three, four jobs, not be able to put food on the table at the end of the day. It's about being able to take care of your family, pay your bills."
"How do you make sense of a world where each time the world gets a little bit harder?"
"Consumer prices over 8 percent higher than a year ago... immense pressure on the finances of millions."
"I'm being dead serious right now because I have been through hell. All beautiful, strong queen, you didn't change me, you didn't join me, a lot thought we came a long way."
"Western sanctions induced price surges are rubbing salt into a wound."
"Why is he getting hit harder than anyone, harder than anyone?"
"Life is not all joy and happiness. You're going to have work, you're going to have pain, you're going to have struggle."
"Starvation is no joke, one of the worst pains that you can kind of feel, especially when you transition between starvation and actually craving."
"Bravery takes you through the most hardships finally reward you with victory."
"We have to get started, there's a big difference though because people have really been through a lot."
"Would you be willing to let it go, especially when they have admitted that they were the one that caused you and your family to damn near be destitute?"
"They've had all the hell. Why should they not have some pleasure?"
"You ever spent 100 days in a cave? I don't recommend it. It's hard, it's like really hard."
"This is a broken man who's had a horrible childhood and a horrible life."
"No one should have to worry about money, no one should have to struggle this hard in a world that promises prosperity."
"Always gets worse before it gets better, it's supposed to be that way."
"I hope that people just learn that it's very hard to go through, and I hope no one else will."
"My kids been through a lot... they still have been through enough."
"Winter. I don't think people understand how difficult it would be for the average person to survive a harsh, relentless winter."
"There is always room for joy, no matter how difficult life is."
"Two elderly Russian women freeze to death in unheated homes."
"That's hope that that sun comes to shine on everybody who is suffering."
"Being a street prostitute is far, far, far worse."
"Alexander himself, as well as close friends and Companions, suffered all the same hardships as the army."
"With hardship, there is always ease, and Allah's mercy prevails."
"There's a certain strength and resilience that can only be created by going through some sort of hardship."
"Everyone goes through a tough time a rough patch moments of loneliness."
"All this hardship is leading you to somewhere good."
"Finally somebody talk about how hard the white man's got it."
"Times are hard right now you know that okay parents kicked me out I'm only 25 years old."
"Sometimes our biggest inspiration comes from our pains."
"I know what people are going through and I know it's hard."
"Even these dire surroundings didn't destroy the spirit of this little boy."
"Do not expect life to be easy... Do you have faith in Him? Do you show your faith through times of struggle?"
"Life has gotten much harder for virtually every American across the country."
"Even through the hardships, you are worth so much more than you realize."
"To feel like because of her was taken away it's been hard."
"The friends you do make in the hard times are the actually good ones that you can rely on."
"It's okay to be emotional, it's okay to cry... my life right now ain't [expletive], I need somebody."
"This is craziness, what's happening to me, this is just today, I've been, you know, I've been slapped around, I've been kicked, I've been punched."
"Respect is expensive, not with money, but with pain."
"Continue to strengthen me through the tough times I remain amazed by your love and care for me."
"God loved me enough to allow me to be stripped, to allow me to be reduced to Christ."
"It was a rough year... for literally every human being on this planet."
"Sometimes you got to go through a little bit of pain to get things better and this is painful what's going on but sometimes you got to go through the painful stuff to make things better I mean this is the way I see it."
"Those emotions will pass, those hard times will pass, they will pass."
"I did six and a half months eating out of bins."
"When you're in the darkest hour God turns trial into Triumph."
"When life is hard, do the hard thing. Keep moving because it builds up your capacity."
"Life is hard, and today has been the worst day ever."
"You need the most love when things are the most difficult."
"You must eat bitter, meaning you need to go through the pain to reap the benefits in life."
"Life is so hard and I just you know I feel like we need more positivity."
"God is extending mercy in the midst of this today."
"Struggle breeds strength and struggle breeds who we are."
"It actually makes me happy I went through the toughest time in my life."
"Difficult roads can often lead to beautiful destinations."
"Ease will come after hardship; don't lose hope."
"Life is hard, life is tough, but you can't give up."
"If you own a home and you're facing a financial hardship, this is an opportunity for you to potentially sell your home pocket the cash tax-free, downsize, and use this cash to help take care of your financial situation."
"Extraordinary hardship is necessary for the weak to grow strong."
"Life has been so cruel to you that you've learned to laugh so that you don't cry."
"We don't worship when we get through hard things; we worship while we're in them."
"Hardship is part of building your character."
"Earth has been a hell slog since the first day."
"The life of a Neanderthal was not an easy one."
"Being rich is hard but being broke is hard too no matter what you do and what you go through you're gonna have it hard."
"Allah filled my heart with peace and satisfaction during the hardest days of my life."
"Pain and sacrifice are necessary for achieving greatness."
"It broke me and it's going to break a lot of different individuals."
"Life is rough now it's going to get worse by a million trillion times."
"We fled from London and crossed the sea to reach the frozen north."
"People that have gone through pain and hardship can often see the world in a different way than other people do."
"There's a light at the end of the tunnel, turning dark times into divine timing."
"If you want more freedom in your life, you have to have more discipline. If you do what is hard, your life will be easy."
"There's always a bigger reason for why you might be going through a hardship ask what is the gift in this what is the gift in this challenge."
"Life's greatest accomplishments were built on the back of hardship."