
Personal Change Quotes

There are 4935 quotes

"I've changed my brain, and that's actually what I wanted."
"You can't change because someone else told you to change. You need to change because you actually want to."
"Nobody changes until they change their energy. And when you change your energy, you change your life."
"When you start to meditate regularly, you change; the way that you view the world changes."
"It's possible to change; it's just a rewiring of patterning."
"You're not the same person you were last week; that's very powerful for somebody who's trying to change themselves in fundamental ways."
"Fame doesn't change you; it just changes everybody around you."
"Corona has brought so many horrible things, but it brought a lot of good change to your life."
"If you want to change the other, change yourself. You can wait for other people to change for a long time, but you get at any moment decide that you're gonna do something different and when you change, their story changes as well."
"Everything that we do, testimonies of people that have got saved and their lives were transformed automatically, it's like overnight there was a transformation."
"I love being me now... I don't want to be hanging off the chandeliers anymore."
"The revolution will not be televised. The first change that takes place is in your mind."
"If you want to see and create change in your life, you have to be the change."
"You are the epicenter of your environment, and when you change, your environment changes."
"What changes people's lives are values which is inside out."
"If you want to change something in your life that you don't like, you don't start with your actions... you start with your thoughts."
"If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make the change."
"What happens when one human being realizes that her life doesn't have to look like this anymore, that everything, including herself, can be changed."
"Once you know what that is and say, 'I'm going to start acting and living according to my own principles,' your life starts to change."
"Something good is about to happen to you. It's not only gonna happen to you, it's gonna happen in you; it's not only gonna happen in you, it's gonna happen with you."
"You are not only rewriting the game for yourself but you're rewriting the game for others as well."
"You're not changing for them; you're changing for you."
"I took the piercings out almost immediately 'cause I'm a scared little baby. And at the end of the summer, the world didn't change. I changed."
"My life changed when my actual opinion of myself changed."
"Getting married has changed me as a person, and I have never been happier than now in my life."
"Weightlifting has changed so much for me... it's really changed my mindset overall."
"Self-hatred is a really effective way of inspiring individual change... Oh yeah, maybe for a few of you, maybe like one or two, maybe some of you hated yourself into a better place. I don't really think so, though."
"If you forgive yourself, if you realize and you look in the mirror and you say, 'You know what, I have done some stuff in the past and I'm not happy about it, and I am going to work to change that,' these people would have no effect on you."
"Change the way that you speak about yourself and it's going to change."
"It's your life, like no one else is going to change it, so you've got to make that decision and do it."
"The biggest obstacle to people's changing anything in their life is that this feels like who they are."
"If you want to change your life, you need to start by being in control of your thoughts."
"Shame corrodes the part of us that believes we can change."
"Change the quality of your life, change the quality of your thinking."
"The process of change requires unlearning and relearning, breaking the habit of the old self and reinventing a new self."
"If your personality creates your personal reality, and you want to change your personal reality, then you have to change your personality."
"It is really time for an old paradigm of your life to fall away."
"Your personality creates your personal reality. So if you want to create a new life, a new personal reality, you've got to change your personality."
"Breaking the habit of being yourself: how to lose your mind and create a new one."
"Nothing changes in our life until we change. The only way we're going to change this world is we've got to change us. People have to change, and when enough people change, I think that's the moment that who we are as a species of human beings begins to awaken."
"If you do not like what is happening to us, it is a sure sign that we are in need of a change of mental diet."
"Toxic people can change. The key to change is recognizing your toxic behaviors, identifying what they're communicating, and then dealing with that issue."
"I recently started going to the secret place, and it's been life-changing."
"Parents are terrible, but destroying things isn't going to change them. All you can change is you."
"Nothing I do changes anything. No, it changed me."
"I dated someone who played World of Warcraft. - No. See, I'm gay now."
"When you create a shift within, you are not creating a shift just within; you are creating a shift in the collective consciousness of the planet."
"I was an SJW for about 20 years, and I was one of the true believers. I really believed this was the way to make a better world."
"Is it possible to heal ourselves with our thoughts and with meditation alone? I think my belief... has changed dramatically in the last two years. I'm not the same person because of the things that I've witnessed."
"If you are unhappy in any aspect of your life, make changes. You are in control of your own life."
"I've never really told anybody this... I was super materialistic, but then I got humbled."
"If so, your brain and body are physically changed ahead of the actual experience, you move from living in your past to living in your future."
"Your environment is an extension of your mind, and if you truly change your mind, there should be evidence in your life."
"Who I am and whether I'm good or bad or achieving or not, all that's learned along the way. Just ride. We can change it anytime we want. It's only a choice, no effort, no work, no job, no savings of money."
"The practice of gratitude...was life-changing for me, and it's life-changing for my clients."
"That change can happen for anyone who wants it."
"Now you can say, 'That's who I was, or that's who I've been up until now, and this is who I want to become.'"
"Change is to be greater than the habituations, drives, and emotions that have been conditioned in the body."
"If your personality creates your personal reality, then to change your personal reality, you've got to change your personality."
"There's a biology to personal change and transformation."
"Running for class president would make me more popular, changed my life. But the more I campaigned, the more I just wanted to beat Caruso by any means necessary."
"To change your personal reality, you would have to change something about your personality."
"You have the ability to change your life by changing your thoughts."
"I fooled myself for 25 years, but I don't want to keep living a life of hypocrisy."
"Systemic change begins with personal change."
"I've really changed my mind on the importance of religion... organized religion has a lot to offer us."
"You are always one decision away from a different evolution."
"The practice of Stoicism has resulted in me being substantially more tranquil than I formerly was."
"Are we born good or bad, a product of nature or nurture, and ultimately, can people change?"
"Every day of my life, when I changed to what I'm trying to do today, has felt longer than the 45 years before it. It felt rich. It felt fully lived. It felt right."
"Remember, life is not happening to you; it is happening through you. When you become the change you seek to experience, you're gonna experience that change everywhere you go."
"If you don't like where you are, change something."
"Nothing is going to change unless you change."
"People with good self-control break their bad habits and they form good habits."
"I started to change my view on things a lot when my son started to grow, and I saw how affected his life was by my finances."
"At the end of the day, it was time for me to make a change. 3 years later than I promised, but finally, I'm doing it."
"Endings and beginnings... The tide is shifting for you."
"If you want to change what you do, you got to change who you are. But the way to change who you are is to grow who you become."
"Life doesn't change unless you change. It'll stay the same."
"Changing your life and doing it at the micro level is kind of revolutionary because that's what matters to people."
"I repented from castigating people and criticizing people."
"God is more concerned about changing you than your circumstances."
"People can change their behavior, their attitudes, their skills, their values through the presentation of new and better ideas."
"Who you were yesterday isn't going to always have to be who you are today, and you can always change."
"People change over time. Doesn't mean they were never [that thing]."
"He has changed. He wants to make a difference. People like that, in my opinion, are just few and far between."
"People can change in life, you know that, right?"
"Nobody changes until they change their energy, and when they change their energy, they change their life."
"We can't change people; we can only change ourselves."
"Minimalism has enabled me with the mindset and the strength to give up alcohol."
"If you don't like the message, all you have to do is use the law of attraction and change your frequency."
"To change the shape of your life, then change the shape of your day."
"It's not that I changed something; it was more of discovering the fact that I'm trans."
"Personal change, on a scalable basis, is the real building block of lasting social change."
"Change your life: a sudden revelation that offers freedom."
"I ain't had no mom or dad at all. I'm a system baby. I grew up in foster homes... I always told myself I would change my life when I had somebody else to care about."
"Repentance means a changing of the mind, where you understand and recognize that the direction you were heading towards was not pleasing the Lord."
"I think something that has been different for me ever since I tried psychedelics was... ego death."
"The longer you fight for it, the truer that identity becomes, and the harder it is to go back to who you were before."
"Change your thoughts and you change your world."
"If you want to change, first of all, you need to change inside."
"You can't make a change in your life unless you fundamentally believe that you have the agency to make change."
"It gets to the point in your life where you have to sit there and decide whether you want to make that positive change in your life or not."
"If people are willing to do dedicated introspective work, I believe they can change."
"You lose a part of yourself when somebody that close to you passes. You're never the same."
"It's so crazy to go from 'I'm [__] forever and nothing will help me' to 'I'm healthy in maybe what, six weeks.'"
"I want to change my life, I want to better my life."
"The second I decided to let go of my hate and my disgust of my flaws is when everything changed for me."
"When you make them changes, you're going to really start seeing your life just in a whole different way that you probably couldn't even imagine like two years ago."
"You only really make changes when you're ready to make changes, and I was ready to make changes."
"The challenge is that people have to wake up, and the question is how uncomfortable do you have to become before you make up your mind to change something."
"Can you change your life in five minutes? Absolutely."
"I think it's good to like embrace those things that maybe you're not proud of or you're not... You're allowed to not be the same person that you were five minutes ago."
"You're going to need time to grieve the old you that you are stepping away from and you're going to need time to get to know the new you that you are stepping into."
"So then we gain information from our environment, and the stronger the emotion we feel from experiences in our lives, the more altered we feel inside of us."
"Everybody can change. We all change. And I want everybody to know that if you're messing up out there in life, don't worry, you can change."
"Be the change you want to see in other people. It's an old cliché, but it's repeated a lot because it's true."
"People change... I'm not the same person I was even two years ago."
"I obviously didn't take rehab very seriously, but it was long enough for me to get sober and at least recognize that I did not want to go back to using."
"There's a lot of newness coming into your life."
"If you want to change your life, change your focus."
"As I change, they change, but even after days, months, or years, I can still find a version of myself...sitting there in the text and waiting to speak to me."
"That change will qualify us to enjoy the gifts that come through the Holy Ghost."
"All you have to do is make change or make the decision in your life, and you get the ultimate unioning at the love."
"If I want to bring about change in my world, I don't have to force a change out there; I become that change."
"You have a chance to change your course and hopefully affect your destiny."
"I've been making some changes... I feel my life energy is no longer suppressed."
"Nothing ever changes unless you deal with what's in here (pointing to the heart) and here (pointing to the head)."
"For me, one of the biggest things that really changed in my life is this idea of winning and what does winning mean."
"You want to raise somebody who actually has the freedom inherent in their being to say, 'you know what? If I don't like something, I'm going to be the one to change it.'"
"I think real righteous anger compels us to be different, not compels us to attack."
"The only person to change is yourself. As you change, all the conditions around you will change."
"Your beliefs are creating your reality and when you change your beliefs, you change your reality."
"When you learn to shift your identity, only then are you able to make a permanent shift in your life."
"Everything we do unaccompanied by a change of consciousness is but a futile readjustment of outer surfaces."
"The first time I wore a continuous glucose monitor...it completely changed my life."
"I prefer to wear a suit and tie now because it hides the mistakes that I made in my past in getting tattooed."
"You can't change another person. You can create conditions to hopefully motivate them to change, but you can't change them."
"Certain things that seem bizarre to change about ourselves, given a painless and relatively risk-free way of changing them, will not only seem benign but some of them will seem moral not to make those changes."
"Let us awaken the light within us and acknowledge that within ourselves we can make changes that will contribute to global and systemic change, if only we'll commit to it."
"Every now and then, okay fine, all the time, you see some people tell me I've changed, and frankly, I don't know what they're talking about."
"When you give, something changes in you. There is a joy, there is a peace."
"Don't change from a place of self-hate; change from a place of self-love."
"One of Satan's greatest lies is that men and women cannot change."
"When you want to change, you just need to believe in yourself."
"If you want to change the world, you should change yourself."
"By changing our thoughts and the way we think, we impress in our subconscious mind that what is related to our thoughts."
"No longer numbing myself with smoking, drinking and too much work, I was becoming more and more aware of things that I’d chosen not to look at."
"If you change yourself, you can change the world."
"Grab that steering wheel of life and change it around."
"Our brains are always changing, and we can change our brain."
"When Jesus Christ enters your heart, you will begin to recognize a few things: old appetites are gone, you begin to question your old habits, you analyze and become aware of your sinful thought patterns."
"I insisted we would never have pets inside the house. Then we got our cat, and I insisted she'd never be allowed in the bedroom, but now both our cats sleep in the bed and I would kill a man if either of them requested it."
"I knew what I was doing to myself when I was doing it. I found what I wanted to do. But now, I'm getting healthier."
"By the end of next year, you'll be just fine with whatever you had to shed. You'll be like, 'Oh, thank goodness that happened because I am so much better for it.'"
"Let go of old patterns, let shift and change what needs to change in your life, situations, beliefs, circumstances, relationships, whatever needs to shift and change."
"There's a very distinct correlation between me changing my life and my success."
"If you want to change your life, change your story."
"You can't change someone. You can't ask them to be anything but what they are, and in that moment, they can choose to change."
"The courage to actually go for it is awakening within you."
"The steps Jesse took to lose 350 pounds are an almost textbook example of how anyone can change anything in their lives."
"The rewards of changing are what give us the strength and drive to keep pushing toward our dreams."
"My silence was a problem, and I decided I would no longer be silent."
"Negative influence: when you dance with the devil, the devil doesn't change. The devil changes you."
"I personally don't like to kill them anymore."
"People do not have the right to say I'm an evil person or I'm a hypocrite for changing my mind."
"You can change who you are; it's possible and it takes time."
"You cannot make anybody change, you can only give them the resources that create opportunities for them to change themselves."
"I've become less violent as I've gotten older, and I still play very violent video games."
"Don't judge someone on what they were doing 10 years ago; judge them on what they're doing today."
"When you get older, you're not gonna be the way you are in there. That's what happens when you age or mature."
"You're going to have to cut some people, places, and things out of your life that do not fit in your future."
"I think my views will change 100% [when I have a kid], because at that point I have to care for myself in a different way because I've got to preserve myself to take care of that person."
"I'm starting to retire from the channels, and I'm finally prioritizing my health first."
"Television is undoubtedly the greatest invention of all because other inventions can change the world, television can change you."
"I tried lucid dreaming for 30 days and my life has changed forever."
"You can only change your life if you change from the inside out."
"I think your personality did change. - Yeah? How so? - You became a less angry person."
"Having this experience... changed me to a very spiritual person, and I get so much strength knowing that we all have a soul family."
"It begins with you; it begins with me. We have to become the change we wish to see."
"Your family needs to know that while you may have changed your views on things, including about whether or not there's a god, that's separate from your views about them."
"You can't change anyone; you can only change yourself."
"You've got to change yourself guys... there's no getting around it."
"There was a time where someone asked me if I liked country music, I would have probably ought to believe retched. And now I find myself listening to Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash."
"Everyone who has done therapy, the hardest thing in life is to be able to change yourself, let alone change anybody else."
"By the time I finished the book, I wasn't such a partisan anymore. I really wanted to help people understand each other across the divide."
"Maybe our fashion sense should be growing, too."
"These tiny acts of rebellion are almost like digging a tunnel that allows you, over time, to escape."
"You have the capacity to make swift movements and changes in your life."
"If you start in revival, the revival starts now and God is going to bless your life."
"It was a life-changing moment, and he's never been the same."
"The more I did these exercises and methods this week, the more I thought to myself, 'God, I hope this doesn't actually change my face, 'cause then my face wouldn't be mine, right? It wouldn't be my fucking face.'"
"I was not going to be able to lie to people anymore. Being honest with yourself is the first step to real change."
"If you're not real and raw with who you are, nothing's gonna change."
"No matter where you're at in your life, you can absolutely make a change."
"What the tapping does in incredible ways is it shifts to do that work so quickly."
"If my wife didn't require elevation, I would have stayed in the streets."
"How do you break it? I've been trying my best to be more conscious about my impact on the environment."
"It's time for me to change; the clock is ticking."
"But it all changed for me one day. I got serious about the Bible and the things of the Lord."