
Unpredictability Quotes

There are 14726 quotes

"Life takes over, things happen, and attraction wins out a lot of the time."
"Having it all figured out is overrated because not only is it impossible to know how you feel or who you are going into things, but the more certain you are about who you are and what your brand is and what your plan is... the less opportunity there is for happy accidents."
"Roller coasters are fun because they're unpredictable. Enjoy all the ups and downs."
"Tiny, seemingly insignificant chance events can have massive consequences... that's the nature of the world we live in."
"The cool thing about the CrossFit Games is that you never know exactly what the test is going to be."
"Don't ever take anything for granted because you never know when something like this could happen to you."
"Embraces the unpredictability of filmmaking, that unknowingness, that discovery that only exists in the moment in the throws of a shot."
"Space always has a way of throwing us curveballs and surprising us."
"The most important thing that happens in these missions are the things we did not plan."
"I just want to be surprised. I don't want to be able to predict what's coming next."
"On the night, all that textbook stuff goes out the window, and you just got to be relentless, give it your best."
"This season is a proof that anything can happen in the Champions League."
"I think this season is a proof that anything can happen in the Champions League."
"We have this idea that you board this train and the train goes straight, but the truth is, life is the scenic route."
"Those weekends where it feels like something's off, those are always the ones where you end up having the most fun, having breakthroughs on stage."
"Look at him, when you least expect it, when you least expected."
"Don't count anything out. That's a lesson for observers and for people in grassroots."
"Literally anything can happen at literally any moment to literally any person."
"Just when you think that things can get crazier, they indeed get crazier."
"The final is the one, isn't it, where actually that one game, you can struggle, things can change, all the planning can go out the window with a mistake or a key moment of brilliance from somebody."
"Knockout football is random and unpredictable, and the best team doesn't always necessarily win."
"It's the World Cup, and anything could happen."
"Fortune favors those who prepare for extreme black swan events."
"They thought it was going to be political business as usual, and it is now abundantly clear all bets are off."
"Challenges are going to come up that are unexpected and it is never easy."
"In life, as in boxing, the most impactful victories often come from the most unexpected sources."
"The things that the citizen journalist has to report on in Levy County, you can't make this stuff up."
"Mike Tyson could knock anyone out at any moment."
"Love is not a science with a recipe you can follow."
"Sometimes the difference between success and futility comes down to one of those single moments where something happens that you least expect."
"I'm predicting love coming in but it may come in very unexpected ways from unexpected types of people."
"This Premier League weekend has to go down as one of the most unpredictable weekends we've had."
"Buckle up, 'cause there's going to be a lot of surprises and twists."
"Confidence doesn't come from mapping everything out ahead of time and knowing exactly what's going to happen. That's closer to cheating. Confidence comes from playing the map blind."
"You can plan a pretty picnic but you can't predict the weather."
"As good as you are, somebody might have a cheat code, and that's life."
"You start feeling better every day without anything outside of you, and you start showing up unpredictable in your life."
"There is no textbook that prepares one for life."
"Get ready to buckle up because it's going to get absolutely wild once again."
"We're here to have fun; what could possibly go wrong?"
"Wrestling can be unpredictable. You don't know who you're going to meet, what kind of character they'll be, or where they've been. It's a world where anything can happen."
"Your big opportunity and big success usually slide in when you least expect it."
"Life is going to do what it's going to do and it doesn't ask anyone's permission."
"It's all improvised... and there's this thrill of not knowing what's going to happen next."
"Comets are like cats; they have tails and they're very unpredictable."
"I could not have predicted this outcome, but it is intriguing."
"I enjoyed the book for what it was, and I appreciate Sally Rooney for showing how unpredictable, chaotic, and tough life is."
"We live necessarily in a society of continual and unending change, change that can never be precisely charted in advance."
"We're at this kind of weird moment in history where a simple event could change our collective future, and the course of humanity is altered."
"The first four rounds were kind of crazy, but it slowed down big time."
"Eating oysters, it's like going on a Tinder date; you just never know what you're going to get."
"We need mathematics, we need mathematicians, but we can never tell which bit of mathematics will be important next."
"If there is one thing that defines sport, and the reason why we all love it, it is surely its unpredictability."
"The championships and League 1 tables right now are veritable festivals of unpredictability."
"You know, I think being unpredictable, I think that is important."
"The Money in the Bank cash-in has become one of the biggest, most unpredictable WWE moments each year."
"It was definitely a really tough time because this is something that happened so unexpectedly and I'm incredibly active and healthy, and just kind of makes you really stop and realize that anything can happen any time."
"In the traditional motion picture story, the villains are usually defeated. The ending is a happy one. I can make no such promise for the picture you're about to watch."
"Competition comes from nowhere... none of us were talking about TikTok three years ago."
"I have no clue why it's working. I know that it's probably due to some sort of alchemical, inarticulable thing that's totally out of my control, that has something to do with my chemistry with my co-host."
"Since you can't predict what fortune will hand you, you must develop yourself internally to handle the external circumstances."
"Football is very much governed by chance, with random factors such as weather and injuries providing substantial variance."
"The very essence of sport and the reason why it captivates people so much is because of its unpredictability."
"People have come up to me and said, 'You made me feel safe because I had no damn idea what was gonna happen.'"
"Life can be more fun. Life is more fun when unexpected events keep happening."
"Black Swan is actually a metaphor that describes an event that comes as a surprise, has a major effect, and is often inappropriately rationalized after the fact with the benefit of hindsight."
"It just goes to show how important unpredictability is in storytelling."
"The world can change pretty quickly in ways you didn't think it could."
"This is why you gotta watch IndyCar; you never know what's gonna happen. It's up and down, all over the place."
"Tomorrow's not promised, the next moment isn't promised."
"It's a thief in the night that grabs you and it can be scary. It comes out of nowhere."
"Life is a funny thing, we lay down these plans, we compile the lists, but try as we may, we can never truly map out all the Divine has in store for us."
"Suddenly an Echo flies around to another side...then things get a little bit crazy."
"Success is a big part preparation, but there's an X-Factor. You're waiting for lightning to strike."
"Even when a single event is chaotic and random, with an effectively unknowable outcome, it's still possible to make precise statements about a large number of events."
"Show up because you never know what's gonna come from it."
"Risk means more things can happen than will happen."
"You never know what you're going to get on this show, that's all I'm going to tell you."
"If you travel far enough, often enough, eventually you're gonna find yourself in a pickle... something eventually will happen."
"It is impossible to predict the future, we all know, yet many of us still try to do it in one way or another."
"So far, I'm very intrigued. I have no idea what's about to happen."
"Designer Gary Napper noted that 'we needed something that would look very different every time you played it. You're gonna die a lot, which means restarting a lot. If the alien was scripted, you'd see the same behavior that makes the alien become predictable and a lot less scary.'"
"Few who witnessed the rise of social media could have predicted the billion-dollar industry it would eventually become."
"You never quite know exactly what's going to happen, and that's given this game a huge amount of replayability."
"That's the joy of watching football. Some things happen that just don't...it doesn't matter how you set up or what you expect can happen."
"If you spend a lot of times outdoors, you're going to find out pretty quickly that Mother Nature doesn't always play nice."
"Murphy's Law is that if it can go wrong, it will go wrong, and no amount of planning will prevent something from going wrong."
"The unpredictability of being in the right location at the right moment is what causes these spectacular and sometimes terrifying experiences."
"This is a very unpredictable dangerous pursuit."
"Life, like psychedelics, is unpredictable. You never know."
"Living by the crystal ball is bound to eat glass."
"One never knows; the world can throw up unexpected things."
"The nature of this game is that it is incredibly brutal; you can have an insane amount of time and then lose it in an instant."
"War is a brutal reality that often defies the expectations and predictions of experts."
"God is not always predictable, but I want to tell you God is always love."
"Never try to be a hero here; you just don't know what you're dealing with."
"People do things with good intentions, but then something bad can happen that you didn't plan on."
"I love those moments when the network TV newscaster gets caught in something weird."
"Everything is out the window; all our predictions, I got no idea what's going on. It is a wild election year."
"One of the best parts about the series is you really never know what you're going to get."
"Democracy gives you that chance and the more democracy you have, the more unpredictability you have, and the better possibility for renewal that you have."
"We have no assurance that they're going to go tween or anything."
"That's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes."
"Although it's very cute, it does scare the hell out of me sometimes."
"My mama always said, 'Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.'"
"Quantum theory came along and said that if you know everything that you can know about the universe right now, the best you can do is predict the probability, the likelihood, that you get one or another outcome."
"You never know how far impact can go or who you're reaching."
"If you don't know where you're going, you might wind up someplace else."
"The long term is very, in my view, very easy to predict in a general way but an important way. I don't think there's any way to predict what the stock market will do ten minutes from now, ten days from now, or ten months from now."
"God will always use the most unlikely means; never forget this."
"Aquarius...the way to keep the love alive is always keep them guessing...never be predictable."
"Expect the unexpected, expect things to just kind of change, go a bit differently than you had ever planned."
"You can't promise winning football; if you could, owning a football club would be an easy thing to do."
"Appreciate every single day that you have because you just never know."
"We keep seeing these Black Swan events. Black swans are supposed to be a rare little bird, but we seem to be getting hit by a flock of them."
"Anything could happen at any moment. My heart is so happy right now."
"A civilization has the same fragility as a life, and no one can say what will be dead or alive tomorrow."
"This is where things took a turn for the worst."
"I don't tend to see history as like this predetermined evolving story where there's an end game of where we're going, rather it's a succession of events that are unfolding in almost unpredictable ways based on the circumstance at the moment."
"Markets can go higher than you think and they can fall further than you can possibly imagine."
"Sometimes the wildest things at the zoo aren't the animals."
"I do not know if you can ever say you really know what to expect out of a Kendrick Lamar album because every single one has been so different sonically, stylistically, content-wise."
"Life's crazy, and you never know what will pop up."
"You'll pull through; stay strong. You never know what's around the corner."
"Sadly, there may be times when we are cool and collected, yet find ourselves at the mercy of unforeseen challenges."
"It's very hard to see where things are going to lead, so I just like to have fun."
"It's so unpredictable, that's what makes it entertainment for me."
"We're generating the content as you play; you never know what's going to be happening."
"Any serious economic downturn happens suddenly and without much warning; usually, we only recognize the warning signs after the calamity has struck."
"Things happened gradually, and then suddenly."
"Dreamweaver rarely appears in dreams, but its appearances are really sporadic and can't even be traced."
"The truth in markets is that it's always tough. There's this idea that there's certain times when everyone knew exactly what was coming, but of course, when you think that, something else surprises you."
"Adventure really happens only when things go wrong."
"Every day is different; you don't know what you'll get."
"What a crazy day we have going on in the market right now."
"This group is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get."
"There is a lack of safety in television that's so exciting to me, and that's why I watch TV because I sort of feel like anything can happen."
"Sometimes these markets move in directions you can't even make conscience sense of, but what you can do is you can value it."
"The lesson I'm trying to teach here is that fortune can multiply your diamonds, but the lesson the game wants you to learn is that fortune is not a guarantee."
"You know, John Lennon said it: life's what happens when you're busy making other plans."
"The unexpected. I don't know who this is for, I don't know what this is about, but God said He's going to do the unexpected."
"Past results do not guarantee future success."
"The making of art is a reflection of that uniqueness which has no predictive content."
"Our capacity to create something that is not useful, that is only understood by mortals, that is only within the human experience and that is beyond the provable and everyday, that is unpredictable, that is the highest praise we can give for being human."
"It's going to happen when you least expect it in the most unlikely of circumstances."
"Good morning everybody, this is Morning Telly Light, and hope you're good and safe on a day in which everything and everyone is twisting and turning in ways that we never would have expected."
"The day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night."
"Everybody knows that pestilences have a way of recurring in the world; yet somehow we still find it hard to believe in ones that crash down on our heads from a blue sky."
"You know life is throwing people a lot of unexpected curveballs."
"God is sovereign; he's in control even when it looks like everything's out of control."
"The unplan of it though is like making it the most beautiful thing ever."
"The butterfly effect is the idea that tiny changes can have huge impacts in surprising and unpredictable ways."
"You never know; there's never a set path. You can't just go to university and get your degree and come out and go right, now I can work as a musician."
"Recent events have made the entire economic environment more complex, especially factors such as war and the Fed rate hikes making it difficult to predict money."
"Some plans, however well thought out, can have hilariously unexpected outcomes."
"No one has any clue what the world is going to be like in 20 years, in 30 years, and 40 years."
"We are most certainly in for one hell of a wild ride."
"Dealing with the White House is like dealing with a bowl of Jell-O."
"Fiction follows a script, real life doesn't."
"Oh, this is gonna be fun... and bad... in so many ways."
"No one can predict internet fame, and it's certainly not something everyone can handle with grace and integrity when it comes knocking on your door."
"Find beauty in the unexpected. It's going to be unexpected, right, when you find this connection."
"The beauty of MMA is two people you don't even know can fight each other and it can be the most exciting fight in the world."
"The Black Swan event is defined as an impossibly difficult event to predict with extremely wide consequences that challenges basic assumptions."
"You will have a very adventurous connection with this person where there's a different turn at every step."
"Never say never, because when we get into extreme outcome territory, which is where we are now, things will get extreme."
"Silent Hill 2 wants its monsters to be unpredictable and move in uncomfortable ways."
"Enemies have to be horrified playing against a guy like this; you never know where he's gonna pop up, what he's gonna do, or how he's gonna clutch in any given situation."
"Things can change very quickly in Formula One."
"Take every relationship seriously just in case, because you don't know how things are going to go."
"I don't think I've ever had two days that were the same. Everything changes, you know, by the minute."
"We really are living in a pretty unpredictable and unstable time."
"Because the sanctions against the Russian Federation are already unprecedented, and it's difficult to predict where they will go next."
"A Black Swan Event has to match three criteria. First, it has to be unexpected. Second, it has to have a major impact when it occurs. Third, it has to be clear in hindsight."
"The future is fundamentally unpredictable, but there's a whole bunch of good stuff happening."
"Mother Nature has a mind of its own and often leaves us stunned, questioning how on earth something could happen."
"No one knows when revival is coming. It comes on suddenly, and suddenly there's this moment where everything has shifted and everything has changed."
"Viewer discretion is advised on that one. That's how it plays out sometimes too."
"It's a truth universally acknowledged that every now and again a situation arises that defies explanation."
"I feel like when this much nerves are in play, anything could happen."
"This New Moon is New Beginnings but very unpredictable, shocking, sudden downloads."
"Sometimes, even if you set everything up perfectly, things just don't go as planned."
"The future isn't a path; it's like an endless sea."
"No one knows what they're doing, but the happy accidents can make all the difference."
"It's a really incredible surprise I don't think anyone could have predicted."
"There's a lot of crazy things that happened in that."
"Mother Nature always has her own set of rules, and sometimes, natural law doesn’t quite carry out as expected."
"We're learning. We're a project. Where sometimes we're incredible, sometimes we're awful. You never know what Jets team you're going to get."
"Sometimes life gets a bit out of hand. This video was supposed to be something different. It wasn’t supposed to be like this."
"Life has to go on, but you never know how things can change."
"Life is not scripted. And so no matter who you are in this world, you're doing things that are unplanned."
"By altering his arrangements and changing his plans, he keeps the enemy without definite knowledge."
"The more unpredictable a distribution is, the higher the information entropy is for the distribution."
"Wars are very dynamic things, and what starts off blazingly well can end in disaster or quagmire."
"The Bible says therefore you also be ready for the son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect."
"Everything this woman does is iconic. She wakes up and chooses chaos regularly, and I love that for her."
"There is a very real chance that the world will change forever tonight."
"I've given a lot of second chances, and sometimes they've worked out, and sometimes they don't. It's just flip a coin."
"Mother nature gives us two kidneys... the reason we have two kidneys is you can't predict the future and you might need a backup."
"Every night you're going to go to sleep thinking it can't get crazier than this, and every morning you're going to wake up and go, 'I wish it was only as crazy as last night.'"