
Zodiac Quotes

There are 521 quotes

"As a Virgo, you guys are some of the most creative people; you're the musicians, the painters, you are the people who have bomb creative expression."
"Now is a powerful time for you, Libra. Time to step into your power, take control back, and go after the things you want."
"It is time to take action and have faith in your dreams. Don't give up on your dreams, Leo, very important."
"Focus on what's coming ahead and what's coming ahead for you, Taurus, it's going to be beautiful."
"We're going to be working through smooth transits from Leo into Virgo season."
"In terms of the fixed signs, we're looking at Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius."
"Water can flow, yeah, it can crash, yeah, and I'm a Pisces so I'll leave strongly about you."
"Gemini, boldly go where you haven't been before."
"Capricorn is the key from climbing from the gut of the animalistic towards the highest attainment of spiritual achievement."
"If she's a Taurus or Libra, this is their year or born on the 6th, 15th, or 24th."
"The taurus energy right now is about grounding you in your own experience."
"They really love you, Libra. They really love you."
"They love you, Libra. They just ain't saying [expletive]."
"Many Tauruses are finding faith and belief in something very unexpected."
"Capricorns appreciate honesty and transparency."
"Leo, you are attracting love in. People are coming up to you."
"Each zodiac sign kinda is associated with a different part of your body, so Aries, you rule the head."
"Honestly, Cancer, you make this person very happy, and they want to express that to you."
"You're remembering who you are, Leo, and you're taking back your power."
"This person wants something serious with you, Scorpio."
"You will have good karma that is coming in towards you here, okay, Cancer, because of the good energy that you put out towards others."
"It's time to create, Aries. Spirit guides and the universe want you to know that you're going to experience a lot of growth and abundance through this."
"You're doubting yourself, Aries. It's like you feel like you're not good enough for someone."
"You deserve this, Aries. It's your birthday month. Beautiful things."
"It started to be funny entertaining and I could just imagine all the zodiac signs together like they actually have to make a horror movie called the Zodiac killer."
"You're gonna get much farther doing you, Pisces. Just double down on you."
"Stay in that energy, Capricorn, stay in that energy as much as you can."
"Congratulations Pisces, because of this hard work, you are moving forward."
"Wow, yeah, that seems like a very Earth sign answer."
"The ascendant is the sign of the zodiac that was rising over the eastern horizon at the moment of birth."
"The zodiac isn't just a random bunch of stars; it's a group of constellations that form a circular pattern in the night sky."
"You are getting paid and you are making a lot of money, my lovely Sagittarians. This full moon is stupendous, brilliant, fabulous!"
"They want to return you to happiness, Sagittarius. They want to help you reclaim your personal empowerment."
"When it comes to the Taurus, we are talking about all five of the senses."
"You Aquarius are the one that makes their heart go boom Diddy boom Diddy boom boom boom."
"Generally overall, the energy is just cancer is about to do something inspiring and interesting and it will benefit all of us."
"Trust your intuition, Capricorn. You are a high priest or high priestess."
"Step into that Aries energy with new energy that is not held back by your past. That's what I'm getting."
"People are interested in you, Sagittarius. We like this."
"This is all about the balance. Libra, you are wonderful, you are beautiful, you are spiritually very powerful."
"Libra also has to do with harvesting the results of our past efforts."
"They want a new beginning with their empress, that would be you cancer."
"All you need is to believe in yourself, Virgo."
"You're focusing on yourself and you're healing, cancer is what I'm getting."
"You feel like you can't really trust them, Sagittarius."
"I hope you have an absolutely amazing rest of July all the signs of the zodiac out there."
"Someone does have secret feelings for you, Cancer."
"This is a very empowering cycle for Aries..."
"This is just Pisces, all this right here, this is a stubborn Pisces."
"Prosperity is flowing for you, this is a very strong, prosperous month for the Leos."
"I'm not a fully versed medium... I can't give you specifics... I just know they're coming in Gemini."
"Sagittarius also loves to travel, they may really enjoy traveling."
"Pisces tends to be very imaginative, very happy-go-lucky."
"Remember that you're a warrior, Taurus, don't ever forget that."
"Aspects may not be a function of the zodiac. They may actually be a function of what we ‘moderners’ might call ‘mathematical harmonics’."
"Be brave and trust yourself, Pisces."
"The simple pleasures of sensory things... that stands out about Taurus in the full embodiment and enjoyment of things that have to do with the senses."
"Taurus is basically you can't rush art. And you know what, it's true."
"Trust your journey Virgo, trust the way your life unfolds and trust that you are where you need to be at the present moment."
"This is the cross of the Zodiac, one of the oldest conceptual images in human history."
"Chitra connects Virgo and Libra, earth and air signs, like a junction between the earth and space."
"Cancer, you are the crustacean of the zodiac, the crab that covers all in life that is homey, familiar, sacred."
"The 13th zodiac is ofes, when Orion actually gets control of his snake and is able to transcend beyond this notion of conquering because he chooses love."
"The fifth zodiac sign, Leo, is about self-expression, passion, creativity, romance."
"Capricorns can be difficult to read, but they can read you in a second."
"Capricorns have a way of keeping you stuck based on the past."
"Freedom is very important for an Aquarian man."
"Leo loves to stand out and they don't mind being different."
"I hate it when people use their zodiac to justify bad behavior. Like, 'Sorry, I can't help it, I'm a Leo.' No, Cindy, you're a bad person."
"Success, strength, and abundance are yours, Scorpio. Own that power."
"That grass ain't greener on the other side, Aquarius."
"You could be dealing with a Scorpio, you could be dealing with a Cancer."
"Virgo will not love you unconditionally."
"Aquarius, the 11th sign of the zodiac, begins approximately January 20th or 21st."
"You be your weird ass self, okay Gemini, and I'll be mine."
"There's a Leo out here being real sneaky, a little sneaky snake."
"You're all the signs, you're all the houses."
"Trust your intuition, okay? Promise me that, Scorpio."
"Hold on to that energy and I say it all the time, y'all are just one of the most intuitive signs anyway."
"Taurus is the builder of the zodiac."
"In a world full of opinions, an Aquarius rising individual is not afraid to say, 'Hey, you know what? That's not my style.'"
"Trust yourself, Sagittarius, all through 2024."
"Scorpio, reaching enlightenment, a higher perspective, the solution, solving the puzzle, having the answer."
"Aquarius likes freedom and revolution and innovation and new ideas."
"I'm a Libra, Your Honor. I'm a very seductive and sensual type of person."
"You're Leo with a very analytical mind, you're like a problem solver."
"Balance of Taurus and Scorpio: complexity and simplicity, life and death, blooming after death, inner strength."
"Detachment is your superpower, Aquarius."
"You got the golden ticket, Aquarius."
"I've never met a Taurus who was scared of hard work. In fact, it feels to me something that you Revel in."
"You are not just a bull Taurus, you're a king. You are a doer, you are disciplined, you can lean into delays, gratification, and you can work your socks off. But you have a value that exists beyond that."
"The Virgo is being protected from toxic people."
"A Capricorn is just not going to deal with your they're just not alright."
"Capricorn's don't want people in their business all up in their grill asking you know boggle."
"Capricorn is actually prefer to be alone so you coming into their territory bringing your own baggage your own it's not going to work."
"A Capricorn who loves you is going to critique you."
"Capricorns have major trust issues sometimes."
"The Sagittarius man is the king of humor because they have an extremely good sense of humor."
"Of all the 12 signs, they make one of the best mothers."
"I'm a light-hearted Aquarius and I like to have fun for the most part."
"Sex with a Capricorn can pretty much be some of the best sex of your life."
"Capricorns have big beautiful hands as well."
"Capricorns don't suffer fools and they do tend to hide and suppress their emotions."
"Capricorn, you are my favorite sign in the zodiac."
"You deserve love, you are lovable, Capricorns you know that."
"Tauruses can be very critical of one's personal life choices and circumstances."
"Embrace the energy of 2024, ignite your passions, and let the world witness the Unstoppable force that is the Aries zodiac sign."
"Gemini, Libra, Aquarius... What's behind this King of Swords energy?"
"Earth sign really in love with you, it's not just sex."
"Aquarius sign is like the highest of everything."
"Dendritic agate is associated with the zodiac sign of Gemini."
"Aquarius is going to be really unique and very open-minded."
"In order for the ages to exist, there must be some validity to the tropical zodiac, there must be some validity to the sidereal zodiac, and their relationship between them is creating these ages."
"The beginning of the tropical zodiac is in sidereal Pisces, then the whole world has a Pisces flavor."
"Bet on yourself, be yourself, and let your light shine unapologetically, Scorpio."
"Libra cares a lot about how it's represented publicly. It cares so much, but it also cares about wanting people to like them."
"Libra moons, you guys are notorious for having beautiful voices, speaking eloquently, being very elegant, and also being light."
"Libra emotionally expresses how it's truly feeling on its own. It has to assess the room, read the room, understand different perspectives to really grasp its own emotions."
"Libra moons do end up in very difficult relationships, and a lot of that links to the whole narcissism I was talking about earlier."
"Libra moons are not impulsive in making their decisions at all."
"For Gemini, mental acumen is sharp, and they have a natural resilience. This resilience, however, can lead them to hold on to things, especially in the mind, creating the overthinking, trapped-in-the-mind energy that we see in the Eight of Swords."
"I'm against the Zodiac. I'm not saying go take your Zodiac and start reading it. No, I'm telling you that was the first thing God did to make the stars talk about what he was doing, all his creation hidden in the stars. They speak."
"You're definitely a Sagittarius then. I'm gonna stick with my gut and go with Libra."
"Libra balance twice. This is very significant. A lot of you are Libra."
"Aquarius... Innovative, admired, eccentric."
"Virgo... successful and creative."
"Gemini... should be someone really funny and cute and smart and attractive and humble and really nice and that's a really good smile too."
"Each sign is different, each house is different."
"You're doing a really good job, Virgo."
"Trust yourself and your decisions, Scorpio. Don't be swayed by other people's strong opinions."
"Pisces, that sign is known for being a dreamer."
"The sun moving into Taurus is comfort and stability."
"I'm not backing down. You're not backing down from this person, Aquarius. Period."
"The typical Libra is incredibly romantic."
"Next time when you see a Libra lady flashing a million-dollar smile, you have to know that she is the goddess of beauty, sensuality, love, harmony, and justice."
"Scorpio is here to experience life at its fullest, at the most passionate, intense, dangerous level that you can get without actually dying."
"Scorpio doesn't mind the neediness. Scorpio's like, 'Let me have it. Come on, I love you. How much do you love me? How much do you need me? Yes, tell me more.'"
"To love a Pisces woman is to love all signs of the zodiac because she is a little bit of each of them."
"Leo's are very adventurous people, they like doing new things, they like going out and socializing and being the talk of the town."
"Leo's are very kind of nurturing people, as well, very attentive people, as well, which is another plus for Capricorn."
"I hope it gave you some clarity and insight. Capricorn and Leo can be a wonderful pairing."
"Capricorn is not trying to win you over. We want someone who's cool, laidback, and has their own thing going."
"Pisces are really the witches of the zodiac."
"Do not ever underestimate a Cancer, okay?"
"Arthur Leigh Allen referred to himself as the Zodiac way before the killings ever even started."
"Taureans work toward a connection with abundant and beautiful powers of heaven while navigating the complexities of sacrifice, lust, power, and control."
"Aquarians are like cool observers."
"Leo loves someone who doesn't grovel."
"Leo has a love-hate relationship with being told no."
"Capricorns have a tough armadillo shell, so get out your jackhammer because it's going to be required to penetrate them to see their vulnerability."
"Scorpio is not as forgiving sign as Libra. Scorpio is one of the most devastating signs, it can be one of the most destructive signs."
"Capricorns are married to their work."
"Capricorns are very patient and they are builders, stone by stone, brick by brick."
"The Aries Moon is like the pure child of the zodiac, curious, and eager to learn about the beauty of life."
"Capricorn, aka the goat, the G-O-A-T. Show-offs, right? Capricorns are represented by the sea goat, but its dark side is represented by the Leviathan. Great."
"You mess with the bull, you get the Taurus hornesses. A Taurus is represented by the bull, which is one of the most accurate zodiac pairings that there is."
"On my Libra scales, I'm weighing sins and forgiveness. Lil Wayne, 2011. Great line. The scales, baby, let's see what's going on here. What's swaying over in this way?"
"Virgos are known to be perfectionist which is great when it comes to daily life until it consumes you but it's even better when you're a murderer."
"The name of which sign of the zodiac is the Latin word for twins? Gemini."
"Sagittarius seeks to understand the why."
"Libras stay through thick and thin, okay, they forgive the unforgivable."
"I feel like Cancer women are [ __ ] fire, bro. Like, we're dope as [ __ ] bro. Like, don't [ __ ]. Like, come on. How is a Cancer woman gonna say, 'We can't'? We can, we can!"
"I'm done, so August 1st, baby, I'm back inside the rest of y'all Leos do y'all thing."
"Don't live in the past, Virgo. Rejoice in the journey ahead."
"If you lose a cancerian's trust, you will never get it back, fact."
"I'm a Virgo we never let anybody think that they've got the upper handle."
"Gemini offers us choices: contraction or expansion, fear or love."
"It's okay to not judge someone based on their zodiac."
"You're going to need to take a leap of faith, Leo."
"Your whole entire every sign has a function, something they're living to achieve."
"There are Geminis out there that do not want a cycle to repeat. They don't want that."
"Listen to your intuition because it's strong, Leo."
"Stay true to your knowing and keep your dreams a secret, Libra."
"Taurus believes if I work hard and commit, I'll reap wonderful tangible results."
"Aquarius maps out all the different possibilities and consequences, like a flight plan."
"I will beat your ass. I'm one of them type of people right and I feel like Aquarius swimming. I feel like y'all understand me the most Aquarius women."
"Your intuition is on point like a mother freaker, Pisces."
"I see you overcoming depression, illness, anxiety, Capricorn."
"You're very welcome. Somebody is about to F around and find out, Aquarius."
"You're somebody who's naturally creative as a Gemini native and your creativity is basically just the essence of you crystallized into something like a project."
"Happy birthday to all y'all end of March Aries and the beginning of April."
"Aries is the child of the zodiac and people with strong Aries placements have this energy and childlike excitement."
"Aries women are incredibly sexy, they're strong, they're independent, they're powerful."
"Aries can be sentimental, they enjoy the romance."
"Capricorn doesn't really care what people think about us."
"As this was the first time the Zodiac had targeted a particular individual in his correspondence, investigators couldn't help but wonder, would Paul Avery be targeted next?"
"You could be a Capricorn or an Aquarius."
"Double Aquarius here with the star card coming through."
"Leo's appreciate the finer things in life, they appreciate fine wine, they appreciate the best restaurants, they appreciate the best company."
"The practical and focused energies of Shani are not well placed generally in water signs."
"Stop being so hard on your children, Taurus woman."
"Every zodiac sign is a demon, yoking to a demon's identity determines yours, and astrology is a portal, like a celestial Ouija board, letting all the demons into your life."
"Leo's were born to rule their worlds, kingdom, whatever that kingdom is, they were born to rise up to the top and reign supreme."
"Libra: always smiling, always compassionate."
"Libra rules the fall equinox, the beauty of nature's transition."
"Virgos are one of the most awe-inspiring minds. They're the big brains of the zodiac."
"There is nothing sexier to a Virgo than to be with somebody who embraces self-mastery, self-acceptance, and unwavering self-love."
"Virgos have a sense of virtue and they will absolutely not allow themselves to fall in love with somebody who is not their word."
"If Pisces can learn to toughen up a little bit, it can be really good."
"Aquarius wants freedom, friendship, and to be understood. They're very unique, can be very eclectic, and are not about following the rules. If anything, they're about doing the opposite."