
Ideals Quotes

There are 749 quotes

"If we do set out a series of ideals on what it is to live a good life, it's about social capacity to create a form of governance that allows humans to live better."
"Truth and freedom... these are really two life ideals that drive who I am."
"Every ideal is a judge. So you posit an ideal and instantly you're in an inferior position in relation to that ideal, and that can be crushing."
"This is the type of free speech that we hope for."
"The universe's purpose is to manifest the highest ideals."
"The idea that we're having a conversation down the generations about the nature of humanity and its ideal."
"Cherish your visions, cherish your ideals, cherish the music that stirs in your heart."
"The West was the society that developed the abstract ideals of a humanity that transcended tribal identities."
"The rights of the Constitution and the dreams of the Declaration of Independence are good and true and eternal."
"The best fights in storytelling are not just physical clashes but battles of ideals, revealing the true nature of the characters involved."
"Ideals lead you into a better life; that's the whole point of an ideal."
"True repetition occurs when we continually strive to live out our ideals in real life."
"To love our country is to fight for the ideals of our country."
"You need to lay out a vision of yourself as an ideal like who do you want to be five years from now."
"While no democracy is perfect, including the United States, we'll continue to struggle to live up to the highest ideals."
"I think American exceptionalism is about demonstrating through our example how America flourishes and is strong when we live by our own ideals."
"Being an American involves the embrace of high ideals and civic responsibility."
"I still got a shine on it, and so do theirs. He's appealing to a vision of higher ideals with the idea of policing, which is why generally the police in the Western world are far less corrupt than police in other countries."
"America struggles to live up to its founding ideals and is gradually moving toward the fulfillment of those founding ideals."
"The story of America is the gradual fulfillment of those founding ideals."
"Be a man of God, financially stable, purpose-driven."
"The American dream or some other positive vision of what it means to be an American embodied by a band or the symbol of a flag, or is it a set of ideals that mean more than that?"
"Ideals matter to me a lot more than where you were born. Ideals matter to me, race doesn't matter to me, ethnicity doesn't matter to me, ideals matter to me."
"He never cared about being the Magic Emperor, he's glad that his ideals have lived on in Asta and Yuno."
"A commitment to Enlightenment ideals certainly does not mean basing it on dogma from the 18th century; we have to continually develop it."
"It trips you up, and so it tells you when you're not living up to your own ideal. And that means that you have an ideal, and you don't even know what the hell it is, but you certainly know when you transgress against it."
"You never call Iran or China a hypocrite because to be a hypocrite, you had to have ideals in the first place."
"Freedom is eternal! It can never die because ideas are bulletproof."
"Let this be the precedent, yes, let this be the precedent where we live up to the high ideals and the promises when we say liberty and justice for all."
"He represents such an incredible threat to Emma’s ideals."
"Tolkien's Heroes represent an ideal we can all attain."
"Should revolutions be judged by their ideals or outcomes?"
"Captain America... He always is himself and he stays true to his ideals."
"We managed to defeat fascism and contain and ultimately defeat communism because we believed in something bigger than ourselves."
"Even at its lowest, there were still people that would stand up for the ideals of what it meant to be a Starfleet officer."
"The greatest want of the world is a lot of men or women who cannot be bought or sold."
"Ideals lead you into a better life... it's the best version of yourself."
"Dave is a great representative of what America's best ideals are."
"N sees that past the battle of ideals, their sentiment had been one and the same - one full of hope for a beautiful world for Pokemon to thrive."
"Our true strength is the set of ideals that unite us."
"If we are to live up to our ideals, we need changes. This cannot be happening so frequently here."
"I strive for perfection, flawlessness, and truth-keeping."
"Lady Lou is just everything that royalty should be about, she's got what it takes."
"I don’t want to conquer, I want to collaborate."
"It's not about where people think the cultural culture actually is, it's what they think the culture should be."
"Dooku is a perfect example of what can happen to someone when their noble ideals and genuine concern lead them astray."
"A patriot is not someone who condones the conduct of our country whatever it does. It is someone who fights every day for the ideals of the country whatever it takes."
"I never wanted to be famous I don't care about being famous I don't care about being rich I don't want your money there are ideas that I care about and if I care about them enough I will talk about them."
"We cannot sacrifice our values, our ideals as a nation for border security."
"It is still possible to stand for something and accomplish something good."
"We want to honor what marriage is and what it can be because it's really a beautiful thing."
"Hypocrisy is only made possible by the existence of ideals."
"Touch Me idolized the concept of a hero character and valued virtues like righteousness, kindness, and honesty above all."
"He believed everyone should be equal and refused to give anyone special treatment."
"It's imperfect. I'm imperfect. You're imperfect. But if we fight for those ideals and act a little bit more bravely, I really think we can fix this thing."
"But most of all, just because we don't always get the ideal outcome, that doesn't mean we should abandon that ideal."
"America, America, built of decency and dignity, of love and healing, of greatness and goodness, of possibilities."
"Each time we pull ourselves closer to our founding ideals, somebody somewhere has pushed back."
"America is not the same as it was a hundred years ago or 50 years ago or even a decade ago because we fight for our ideals and we are willing to criticize ourselves when we fall short."
"I hope people go along with the idea of what we're doing and stand for."
"This war is for a way of life built on the ideal of freedom."
"Commitment is the marriage of when you are adhering to an ideal or a goal in your emotions and your actions, and you don't waver regardless of how you feel."
"We meet them where they are at and we win them over through the strength, through the force, through the ideas that we have. That's how we do it."
"The Avengers aren't a group of heroes, it's an idea, a promise to the people of Earth."
"The lessons learned from traveling here in Israel can inspire us all to strive for that ideal."
"We need to eradicate this whole concept from the world."
"I happen to believe that there are universal ideals..."
"Not by compromising on our principles but by being uncompromising about the 1776 ideals that set this nation into motion."
"I have a dream too... by the content in your character."
"Superman is a direct reflection of our society, everything that we as humans strive to be."
"He gave voice to a movement and to the ideals."
"The blessing that God is preparing for you is bound to be extraordinary."
"Equal justice and equal opportunity are ideals we should seek."
"America's story is an incredible story. It's the story of a shining ideal pursued over the centuries extended to the full range and scope of humanity."
"Give your subconscious mind the right thought, the right instruction, the right ideals to work on."
"We're not working for any party. We're not working for any political idealism."
"Accepting the body you have rather than trying to conform to the ideal body types."
"Your good must be built upon the rock. A Fearless faith ideals will be made real if held without wavering."
"Maintain your focus on what you actually want, the best highest ideal."
"What makes the Marshall into one of the greatest Knights you ever lived is that he repeatedly chose to serve higher ideals over material gain."
"Characters in this series consistently vilified themselves by trying to live out lofty ideals rather than simply existing as human beings."
"I'm fighting for something bigger than myself."
"Liberty and justice and confidence and Union and Independence and Independence and peace and peace."
"He represents more than just America, he represents like the moral ideals, the moral higher ground."
"The honour and ideals that shape the way of the samurai is fascinating."
"They put their entire lives on the line, not for the red, white, and blue, but for something deeper than that."
"Just a belief in making things the best they can be for all people."
"Fashion is about aspiring towards a certain ideal."
"If you do not have an ideal that you're ready to die for, you have nothing very meaningful to live for."
"We need truth, freedom, and health to combat the elite's control."
"Together we will create that which extends the good, the holy, and the beautiful."
"I'm a big believer in the words of Martin Luther King Jr.: 'You judge someone by the content of their character.'"
"To keep the philosophies and ideals of this space alive."
"Men really do need a Mythic conception of themselves as protector, provider, and procreator."
"A true American is someone who subscribes to a set of ideals found in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution."
"Those are the ideals of a true member of the rescue squad."
"He was never interested in fame and fortune; he was only driven by a desire to weed out injustice through more virtuous means."
"People fight for ideas, and that's the crazy thing."
"Truth, justice, decency, equality, freedom, democracy—these aren't just words."
"It destroys the core ideas of the Federation."
"We don't just stand with Bernie because he's best with the ideas."
"The spirit of A Song of Ice and Fire, to me, one that critiques authoritarian politics and respects the value of ideals in a fallen world."
"We want to believe in American greatness, and that's what's on the ballot."
"These characters are the best versions of us."
"He's the perfect example of what athletes should do."
"I like it when the best is fighting the best."
"Her ideal is the closest to the Heavenly principles."
"Strength, purpose, truth prevails, victory to the underdog, the romantic ideal."
"Stand for something different, stand for something better."
"Moving back toward values, ideals, and knowledge as the first tenant."
"Encouraged to drop hate and embrace humanitarian ideals."
"Sending healing intentions for the world, embracing higher ideals."
"Governments don’t always follow through on their words with deeds and noble ideas like buen vivir are not immune to being compromised."
"Always keep in mind that whether you're protecting your friends and your family or your ideals, you have somewhere to go."
"He loved the idea of America, the personal freedoms and liberties."
"That facts don't matter, that, um... You know, the whole point of the Enlightenment was this idea that you could persuade people."
"And so, when people say we fall short of ideals, I say, well, of course. That's why they call them ideals."
"Peace, love, and harmony... all that good guy stuff that I'm all about now."
"Superman is still around, everything he stands for still exists."
"All the lofty ideals go out of the window, all of it."
"The GameCube fellas, I think I found it. I think this is my favorite video game packaging of all time."
"Those silly ideals of love and honor...make life worth living."
"What does perfect even mean? Is there even such a thing?"
"Real men are going to attract the type of women they desire."
"Believing in purity, innocence, childhood, magic, and dreams."
"Liberty, democracy, human dignity, these are the forces far more powerful than fear and oppression."
"MZ had more of an impact... because of his ideals."
"Man must learn to have only the most exalted ideal and enthroned peace and happiness as his predominant mood."
"It's been really saddening to see that we are not holding up our ideals of welcoming immigrants with open arms."
"Our culture is being lost. We have a responsibility to keep hold of our ideals that make us who we are."
"I can never ignore what we are really fighting, and I can never promote that we're fighting any type of man. We're fighting something much greater than that."
"Clean spark definitely has a lot of potential and they've got the right ideals and the right motivation."
"Superman is an ideal. Superman's an extraordinary thing that lives within our hearts."
"It's important to live those ideals and carry them into the future."
"Spider-Man should always represent one thing."
"There's something intensely satisfying when Nanette manages to put into practice the actual ideals of compassion and respect."
"Truth, freedom, and health are not just words, they are scientific principles."
"To live a life without regret is chivalry, masculinity."
"Forgiveness and understanding: a human ideal."
"Our goal I believe is truth freedom and health."
"Honesty is the way that you get into the church of perfection."
"We must unite under these banners, these flags, these ideas."
"The ideals of the Jedi in their purest form that win out."
"Surely pitting the two of them against each other in a titanic clash of ideals is the perfect foundation for a show-stopping lightsaber duel."
"Not making marriage an idol, not making a relationship an idol, these are ideas, these are principles."
"So many people come to me after divorce, after failed relationships, and realize that they were chasing somebody else's ideal."
"There's more than just victory; there's also an ideal or a beautiful victory."
"Naruto took on Jiraiya's ideals that a shinobi was to endure."
"Superman represents the best of what humanity can be."
"The imagination is the workshop wherein we fashion the purposes of our brain and the ideals of our soul."
"A warrior who personified high ideals and upheld moral principles, his was a soul steadfast."
"So many Americans in history have fought for the ideals of justice and freedom that that flag represents."
"You used to have a moral psychology; you used to have ideals, wanted to help people. Now look at you."
"This country is an idea come to being."
"...every religion has an ideal human being, and that is how you measure the religion."
"There are more beautiful visions of family than what we have in our minds."
"Character and integrity, if you nail both, that's the Holy Grail. Obviously, we all strive."
"It's an inspiring message that could be read as a rejection of the great man ideal or Ultra itself all in favor of the collective fighting together to achieve the unachievable."
"Anger results from the mismatch between reality and ideals."
"The most desperate, homicidal, and tyrannical regimes in the history of the world started out with people having an idea how to make humanity better and forcing them to be better."
"You can have high ideals that motivate you to selfless devotion and altruistic behavior."
"He's the one who told me to keep spouting my ideals."
"It's overcoming the atomization of the society, creating spontaneously communities of people who actually are reviving traditional ideals."
"In any age, good or bad, there are men of high ideals, men of courage, men who do more than that for which they are called upon."
"This country was founded on the ideals of self-determination and freedom."
"There's no such thing as perfection."
"Wouldn't it be amazing to have Dao-centered leaders?"
"Arthur was kind of that ideal that could be held up."
"And perhaps we do not even bother to look anymore. Another ideal runs ahead of us, a strange, tempting, dangerous ideal to which we should not wish to persuade anybody because we do not readily concede the right to it to anyone."
"The primary thing that all versions of the character besides like the main calied one have in common is that in some way their primary conflict stems from how they interact with the world contrasted against their ideals and ambitions."
"The Earth Federation was founded on the ideals of individual rights."
"You're never dumb or less than for finding yourself looking up at an ideal."
"Marley's music continues to inspire new generations to uphold the ideals he stood for: peace, love, and equality."
"Ideals don't instantly make man stronger, but Power being a fathom is deemed to be cowardly and can never culminate in greatness."
"What are the highest qualities and standards?"
"His words and his ideals transcend his weakness as a person"
"Democracy is not easy. It's hard. Living up to our ideals can be difficult even in the best of times."
"There can be no compromise with perfection."
"You can't push beyond it. If you want to destroy something, you want to destroy an ideal."
"I'm starting to see a new American Dream come around."
"The ultimate ideal is also the ultimate judge because the ultimate ideal is something against which you fall far short."
"...many of the ideals held most sacred in the American imagination originated, or at least were first committed to writing, 800 years ago in the Articles of the Barons at Runnymede."
"Perhaps both Bruce and Mr. Dent believe that Batman stands for something more important, even if everyone hates him for it."
"No, I think so. I think so for sure... it's worth fighting for that sort of... ideas and stuff like that, right?"
"Free speech is an ideal of all intelligent beings."
"We have to cling to the ideal... to say that this is the goal and to not back down from that."
"What does it mean, a sorority? To love and to serve and high ideals preserve."
"Rima was the best embodiment of what an Aes Sedai should be: regal, caring, helpful, a true servant of all."
"I have a tremendous sense of gratitude for people that have died for this country and died for its ideals."
"He's exactly what this country needs. I mean, he's exactly what this country stands for, the American dream."
"Justice as a form of human progress: getting closer to the ideals we largely agree about."
"Ideals are peaceful. History is violent. That is a quote."
"Cooperation, freedom, and equality being viewed as dangerous fantasies."
"Sometimes these ideals have acted like a drug, burdening the struggle for social change with extensive expectations."
"I wish there were more people with your philosophy."
"Actual patriotism says that we have to fight to make our country actually live up to those ideals."
"His dream is to create a new generation of magic Knights that follows his ideals of changing Society for the better by removing Prejudice."
"This fight has a much deeper level that ties to their conflicting dreams and ideals."
"Ideals are worth preserving in this new world where law is no longer upheld by the state."