
Governance Quotes

There are 8473 quotes

"If we do set out a series of ideals on what it is to live a good life, it's about social capacity to create a form of governance that allows humans to live better."
"The dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it."
"Public access to public records should be encouraged to foster confidence in government."
"The happiness of my citizens is more important than having money."
"The founders realized that needed to be severed. They didn't want it anywhere near the levers of power."
"Who gets to decide what's bad for people? A representative democracy that's elected by the people that they represent."
"If you super empower people to come into office to be immune forever, you may find that you're living in a dictatorship someday."
"Politicians are the only people we pay to do nothing."
"The mountain is high and the emperor is far away."
"The delicate balance between maintaining secrecy and promoting transparency in matters concerning UFOs remains a multifaceted and intricate issue with profound societal and governance implications."
"I am very sympathetic to Executive Authority, I've been a governor of the state that has the strongest constitutional governorship in America, but you've got to follow the law."
"What do you mean government does not work the way you think it does? It's not about people voting for a president, no. It's all big business and money, period."
"It's not just the Democrats... This corruption crosses party lines."
"To the extent that it's in my control, no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know."
"For democracy to thrive, it is not that you just have to oppose any intervention from the military; that Democratic setup also has to work for the people."
"They have to do the immunity thing because if you don't, a president will not be able to be a president."
"Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people. When you stop representing the many to represent the few, you are jeopardizing our democracy."
"Governing isn't easy, being a leader isn't easy."
"The downside of dictatorship is it generally means a poorly run country that has no feedback loops for improvement."
"I'm pessimistic on this, but I do think you can have political systems that work better or worse inside conditions of polarization."
"Paul Kagame's governance and security approach his policies have played a pivotal role in reconstructing the country and preventing a resurgence of violence."
"The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind."
"Human nature has failed. You can't come up with a system of government that we human beings can't [mess] up."
"It's not that you don't run them democratically, it's that you run it like an autocracy."
"Public trust is essential, not incidental to our function."
"A society that votes and has the people agree on who should represent us and lead us is something that's a better system."
"I don't want private interests fueling how I go about governing a city. I want it to be about the people completely."
"Unless the politicians become smarter than the people to whom the governance is applied, then there's no way you will progress faster."
"We need to be getting good at winning elections so we can actually do the thing we're good at, which is governing."
"We're almost done with them. Collaboration government in the United Kingdom, please."
"My loyalty is to the Constitution and the rule of law."
"When you're designing a democratic system of government at some point you simply have to make trade-offs based on how much you value one principle over another."
"Enduring positive change for Somalis will require institution building, improvements in governance, investment in health and education, and greater participation by women, youth, and marginalized groups."
"It is therefore important to overcome this current political impasse as soon as possible."
"Our government belongs to the people... We gather today, Madam Speaker, to ensure the survival of our grand American experiment, the greatest democracy this world has ever known."
"Accountability is always right to insist upon from the governor, and it's our duty as elected officials to do so."
"We need transparency in government, we need people to fight for us, not for themselves."
"The Americans really deserve competent leadership up top, one way or another."
"My sense is if you put good people in power and give them the opportunity not to have to pander to corrupting influences, these problems aren't so difficult to solve."
"The first duty of government is to uphold the law. If it tries to bob and weave and duck around that duty when it's inconvenient, then so will the governed."
"The country has not failed; it has been failed by those in governance."
"To win and to govern, we need to bring new voices to our capital. We need to get Washington starting to work more like our best-run cities and towns rather than the other way around."
"I believe drivers, fans, everyone alike believe NASCAR lost control of the end of this race."
"Until ChatGPT's distant descendants eventually take over, states are run by humans, they are populated by humans, and as a result, are often as logical as, well, humans."
"You have to build the government like a coat to suit the individual. It has to be specific to the people."
"China is a country that wishes to see a centralized Chinese dominated government sphere."
"Institute policies to make things marginally better instead of instituting policies to make them marginally worse."
"As judges, we decide according to the Constitution, we are governed by the rule of law."
"The dynamic tension between right and left is the magic ingredient that makes our system work."
"Even the greatest ruler is marked by the support of their ever-growing vassals and council."
"The American people have a right to the truth. The watchword is transparency."
"The public's faith that we are working in their benefit is absolutely critical."
"Power should be as close to the people affected by it as possible."
"Long ago, there were two alicorn siblings who ruled the kingdom of Equestria. The older ruled the sun and the day; the younger ruled the night and the moon."
"It's not representative government in Congress if you don't know what you're voting on."
"For the first time in centuries, Chemos began to produce a surplus. Fulgrim now universally acknowledged as the planet's ruler."
"The only legitimate way for such governments to exist is for the people to consent to their existence."
"We will use merit to assemble competent Nigerians from all sections of Nigeria to form an effective government of national unity."
"Governance is the hardest of all of it, and I think that's going to take decades of my career to get there, but we have a process to gradually move in the right direction."
"Governance is about the delivery of public goods: education, health, safety, security."
"The smarter the people you have, the more qualified the people you have, the stronger checks and balances you need."
"The idea of democracy, not the way we've implemented it, but the idea of it, is can we have order that is emergent rather than imposed."
"The goal is to accomplish to create a system that does long-term planning without the negative effects of a monarch or dictator."
"The issue of democratic legitimacy, the issue of who governs you, how can you get rid of them... is fundamental."
"I am for more transparency, more accountability, more openness."
"Governing the public sector wrongly is reactive, too little too late, because you're fixing failures versus proactively shaping an economy."
"Cryptocurrency is not controlled by the government, it's not controlled by the Fed, it's controlled by nodes all over the world."
"The president is a president for all Americans, it's not about the governor of Texas, it's about the people of Texas."
"In a democracy, if the government makes a wrong decision, a mistake, it's much easier to notice the mistake, admit it, and try something else."
"I love my country, but that doesn't always mean I agree with what's going on by those in charge."
"Principled power that's responsive to the population that it serves is the best you can do."
"A nationalist government is a government that cares first and foremost and advocates for the people that are citizens of its country."
"The U.S Constitution...proven time tested to be the best operating manual for a nation in preserving Liberty in human history."
"Power itself corrupts absolutely; we have to use a system to contain it."
"In a democracy, the people in a country get to make decisions about how that country is run."
"Our democracy is Paramount, is the most important thing that we have."
"We're learning from many of these Republican governors; their economies are doing pretty well."
"Thus I consent, sir, to this Constitution because I expect no better, and because I am not sure that it is not the best."
"The only way to break it is to restrict the power of the state."
"Democracy: having a say in who governs you... the big question in political philosophy: who governs the governor? Well, in our case, it's the people."
"Power is an accentuator, an intensifier... it can corrupt, yes. That's why we have to have checks and balances."
"The conflict of One Piece is built around the idea that there cannot be an ideal government for the nations of the land until the celestial dragons are defeated and the world government is reformed."
"Bitcoin's governance is... how deliberate it is. Everybody collectively wants the change, but we haven't fully agreed on how we're going to put it into Bitcoin."
"Governments that protect these rights are ultimately more stable, successful and secure."
"We've had a real drop in recidivism since I've been Governor."
"The Maryland governor has declared a state of emergency."
"President Ford once said truth is the glue that holds government together. Abandoning truth in favor of political gamesmanship creates nothing but chaos."
"Those marginal differences in governance even between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have drastic consequences on the lives of millions of people."
"The nuclear family is still the greatest form of governance known to mankind."
"The American Revolution was fought over the idea that, for better or worse, we the people still decide who governs."
"Governments fall when the people do not have confidence in those governments."
"The purpose of democracy is that you control what happens."
"He was not elected to run your life; he was elected to protect your individual rights."
"When exposing crimes is treated as a crime, you're being governed by criminals."
"Having some certainty and having some real governance are the things that I believe that Americans are looking for."
"What monarchies do, and really is critical, is that they provide continuity."
"I think it's generally good to have some kind of separation of powers where you're architecting the governance."
"We're not the ministry of truth for the world that's deciding whether everything is true or not."
"A majority of Chinese people, when they're actually surveyed, say they consider their government to be democratic."
"At the end of the day, we're really public servants, and we're here to serve the will of the public."
"Giving a monopoly on violence to the state is just about the best thing we have ever done as a species."
"We need less chaos in Washington D.C., more common sense."
"Power corrupts; no one should have power for too long."
"A government by the people, for the people, of the people."
"The very word economics...the law of the house, how we govern our own house."
"Control of information is necessary in the resetting of a society."
"The Constitution didn't fail us; the way we've treated the Constitution has failed us."
"We need to have the capacity in this government to act rapidly."
"Our policy has been adapting to the evolving economic environment, and it will continue to do so."
"Our founding fathers were incredibly brilliant men and they gave us the best form of government that the world has ever seen."
"This is not how our system is supposed to work; this is government thuggery."
"The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men."
"The reason the advances are not being made is because we have a Congress that's spending too much time asking you for money and not doing their job."
"The truth is that Ukrainian people, Russian people, American people, Saudi people, Icelandic people, Senegalese people, all have more in common with one another than they have in common with the people that govern them."
"A system that is self-correcting where the American people have a say in how they're governed."
"The great myth in American governance is that bipartisanship is something the minority wants and the majority has to be incentivized to offer."
"Your vote, not your weaponry, makes sure that the government works for the people and not the other way around."
"We're a country that was built on laws and the Constitution, and it's up to us, really, as elected leaders, to be the ones that exemplify that."
"Promoting a substantive vision of the good is always in everywhere the proper function of rulers."
"There's nothing in the Constitution that says the president stops being the president in his last year."
"Legitimate government is government founded on consent."
"America was very naive when it comes to dealing with other nations and setting up governments."
"The American people are sick and tired of these political stunts."
"What it means to be an American is that your president, your governor, your mayor is constantly worried that the people are gonna rise up and toss their ass out of office if they don't respond to the will of their constituents."
"The one thing that unites all the problems that we've mentioned so far is governance. I don't think our governance system can even manage the current situation, let alone the whack-a-mole of all this stuff coming down."
"You are an anarchist, you are no statesman; you are a fool. We are being ruined by bad management."
"Civilian control of the military... is sort of what defines a democracy."
"This whole system of three branches of government and checks and balances exists for a purpose. These branches aren't supposed to be working together; they are supposed to be butting heads."
"Law enforcement serves us and not the other way around."
"Ultimately, it's the responsibility and the right of the people to choose their elected representatives, and that this national interest, the interest of the people, has to come first."
"Moderation isn't bad, but bad moderation is."
"The president has a unique constitutional role, but he is not above the law."
"I think it's okay to slightly overrepresent smaller states because I think it's okay to keep States invested in the ongoings of the Union."
"The ideals of 1776 revive the truth, meritocracy, excellence, freedom of speech, rule of law—a radical idea that the people we elect to run the government ought to at least be the ones who actually run the government."
"Maybe we start rethinking some fundamental tenets about the way our government and society works."
"The continuity of the British state in these circumstances, and the core of the British state has a thousand years of experience in dealing with these things."
"No one is above the law, no president is above the law, you are not above the law."
"Any leader, any government, as we do here in the United Kingdom, when we look at any issue, we ensure that we're putting UK's interests and the interests of British people first."
"Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power that knowledge gives."
"The presence of journalists to hold governments to account makes governments better."
"It's also timely that we're having this debate the day after America's election. In the minds of many of us are questions about whether it's necessarily the case that the skills it takes to win an election are not the skills it takes to govern a country well."
"China will become the largest economy in the world... All the more important that what happens within China, how its people are treated, how those in power govern."
"Having that council is so uber important because it is the basis for you to have legal authority."
"The level of disconnect between the governors and the governed has never been wider in my lifetime."
"If a party seriously wants to govern in the future, then it really needs to listen to those people."
"There is not a crisis in the people; I think there's a crisis in the House of Commons with the politicians."
"We need a written constitution; we've muddled along for hundreds of years with a sort of unwritten one."
"If people are so alienated from these systems of power, they don't know how the sausage is made and sometimes it's worth lifting the hood and being like, the sausage making is terribly dysfunctional and messy."
"I think one of the lessons is that all that stuff that we studied in high school civics, that leaders matter, actually turns out to probably be true."
"We need to tell the folks at the Pentagon they work for us; damn it, we don't work for them."
"We support requiring audio or video recording of closed sessions and allowing taxpayers to seek limited civil penalties."
"A prerequisite for democracy is information. If you don't have access to information, you don't have democracy."
"I believe that our Constitution was probably the best ever written as an agreement between the people and the government."
"The good thing about democracy is that it is much better than dictatorships at learning from its own mistakes...over time, democracies are much better at learning from mistakes and changing course of action, which is why over time they perform better."
"We've got to find a more sustainable way of ensuring that we have a sustainable form of democracy."
"We should be ruled by Army mechanics. There is a genuine skill and common sense out there which is why democracy is great."
"Two very strong parties that have opposing ideologies actually represent the ideal system for any country."
"These conversations are about power, about companies, institutions, and political systems that deploy, check and balance this power."
"Restore faith in government, make people believe that it can do good for them."
"Can human beings describe and define their own system of government? Can we really be free to govern ourselves?"
"Systems make good governments, not the other way around."
"Governors should have more compassion for those seeking asylum in the country."
"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government."
"The only thing I'm concerned with is good government and making sure that our kids love America the way that I love and have hope for their future."
"Proper authority derives from the will of the person over whom it's exercised...that's the consent of the governed."
"Her best interest is the governing principle here."
"We need a governor who's gonna put some pants on and solve the damn problems in our state."
"Everything the Biden administration touches turns to ash."
"It's bad when the White House is trying to manage expectations like this."
"It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility though for a hive city or even a planetary system to be run by something more like a council of representatives or even something like a parliament."
"Capitalism isn't just a free market; it's a free market plus the governing framework to run it."
"The peaceful transfer of power is requisites to make democracy work."
"An army conquers, but an administration rules."
"The governance and integrity policy... if you can insulate institutions from rent-seeking and ensure that frameworks of efficiency and accountability are there, then you can layer them up with any programmatic aspiration."
"This charade is a telling reflection of the widespread culture of deceit and fabrication that seems to thrive under the governance of the CCP in China."
"We need a government that will make sure Americans are taken care of and organize the economy to serve the people, not the profits."
"The government that is closest to the people governs best."
"The right role for the government is like to be a referee."
"It's time to stop governing for the sake of the wealthy and the powerful and the corporate interest and start governing for what Richard Nixon called 'the silent majority,' for what Trump called during the 2016 campaign 'the forgotten man.'"
"The form of government of the Harappan civilization even made the UNESCO Courier journal publish an article titled, 'The Indus Valley Civilization - Cradle of Democracy'."
"This entire constitutional republic is based upon 'We the People'."
"The beauty of Putin's ever-deepening kinship with the mob was that it gave him a whole other set of levers with which to settle problems and to make problematic people go away."
"Oil and gas prop up terrible governments around the world and weaken democratic, accountable governance everywhere they operate."
"The American people expect more; they expect us to pass bills that actually matter to our families."
"Perhaps it's now time to talk about governmental responsibility, organizational and corporate responsibility."
"Governing is an incredibly complex undertaking that inevitably involves a great deal of trade-offs, pragmatism, and compromise to do competently."
"Democracy is the best system of government for enshrining individual liberty, so long as the people in a democracy have those views as preeminent views in that sort of society."
"Each branch must stay in its lane and avoid overstepping the line and invading the space of the other branches."
"Great governance happening across the country."
"It's the people serving us in Washington are stuck; they are kind of trapped."
"I believe the American people deserve to see the full report and to be trusted to make our own determinations on the merits based on what the Special Counsel has presented."
"Speeches are for campaigning, now is the time for action."
"A democratically elected government does not have, am I wrong, they don't have a mandate just to do anything because they were democratically elected."
"Whatever happens in this exercise must be based on fairness, equity, and respect."
"When you elect a president, you are not electing a king, you are not electing a dictator or a demigod."
"This Ninth Senate, with all due respect, is probably the worst Senate that we have ever had."
"Governments, militaries, armies, nations, all of these are complex systems."
"She is famous across the country for her inner steel, her unquenchable desire for good governance, her stubborn fight for justice, and her great strength of never giving up."
"The primary responsibility of government is the protection of lives and properties."
"When a supranational common good is clearly identified, it necessitates a special legal authority capable of facilitating solutions."