
Sharing Quotes

There are 20659 quotes

"I've got a dream too, but it's about singing and dancing and making people happy. That's the kind of dream that gets better the more people you share it with."
"Take something small and make it something big. Whatever that idea is, whatever that dream is, share it with the world."
"Vulnerability is where we share, where we reveal, where we let people in and let more of us be seen."
"Clarity is given; this new idea is shared with you."
"If you cannot love yourself, you cannot share happiness or love because if you don't have it, you cannot share it."
"Knowledge is the one thing you can share. And you’re not giving up anything. Actually, you’re gaining."
"The truth of the matter is, many of us have not learned what we should have learned when we were children: share."
"All I want to do is just pass along what's been good for me. Take it or leave it."
"Sharing about it has given me, you know, has created community for me and healing for others and that's why I share."
"Share the link...you never know whose life you might touch."
"Reciprocity is the process through which you share something deep about yourself and the person feels compelled to share something deep about himself."
"Nerds are very welcoming people; they will share, in fact, overshare everything with you that they love."
"You owe it to your audience to share your journey and insights."
"If I share this video and I can help even one person out, to inspire one person, to motivate one person, that all of that is worth it to me."
"Everybody has a little piece of wisdom that they can share with you at any given time."
"Really, really grateful to you as always, and can't wait to share it with you."
"Everything I have is yours, and I will give to you everything that I have."
"If you're in the 'okay to great,' then a very big component of that is like, okay, if my life's great, what's the point if I'm not sharing that with people?"
"My brother is bringing me the game I bought after work. He's gonna stay the night so we can both play it for a while. That's a nice ending to the story."
"I guess it's fun sharing something you like with someone else."
"We share things because we want to express ourselves. Sharing experiences allows us to share emotions."
"I need to kind of let this go in a way and I feel by sharing it with people that I know love me and support me it'll be kind of a cathartic experience."
"It looks to be a really great restoration and repair candidate to share with you guys right here."
"I wanted to share my perspective and if I even helped or said something relevant for one person out there, that's worth it to me."
"What people share with us freely in sharing our near-death experiences, we share back to the world freely."
"This is probably a great time to connect with people or to just share your heart."
"Spread your light. You have the light inside of you; it's meant to be shared."
"Generosity is not about giving what we can spare, but about sharing what we have with those who need it most."
"Harvey told me about his failed dream of becoming a pilot, and I told him of my failed dream to become disciplined enough to exercise more than once a year."
"The greatest treasure one can find is that which does not diminish but enriches the more it is shared."
"It's my duty to share my story of success. It's not about me."
"I love sharing opportunities for other people to better themselves."
"Make sure you share this video with your friends so that they know the different kinds of fasting and what they can have in their arsenal."
"Ideas are meant to be shared, not to be hoarded."
"When we share good news, we inject the healing pulse of hope into our families, our friends, our neighbors, our schools, our workplaces."
"This is exactly what I ended up learning, and I would like to bring to you, in case you don't already know this trick."
"What you have to share is going to benefit other people, and you're going to get a lot of positive feedback from what it is that you have to share, which is authentic and comes from the heart."
"God loves you with an everlasting love; be committed to that love and be committed to sharing it with others."
"I share the challenges, the struggles I have, and I share how I overcome them, and I think people find value in that."
"Instead of getting everything for themselves, they now think, 'Let me help other people, let me share the wealth, let me share my knowledge.'"
"I would share my snack with everybody. Maybe that's what we should have been doing all along, guys. When we go to parties, just bring fruit snacks and just pass them around to people."
"Let's say that the two of us are sitting at a park bench and I have two sandwiches and you have none and both of us are hungry. I believe that I should give you a sandwich just because I have two and you have none."
"The reason I was doing photography was because I wanted to take pictures of things that I saw out there and share it with other people."
"I enjoyed my life and want to share that with somebody else."
"Joy, happiness that you get in sharing, that's a mature happiness."
"If I eat, we all eat, and we all help each other out."
"When it comes to relationships, there's hardly anyone around who is more excited than campaigners to share with their partners the bounty of ideas and eye-opening experiences that life has to offer."
"Share your inspiration, share your knowledge, share your wisdom with everybody around you."
"Let's love myself this time; let's share. And what will happen is, the results will be magnified."
"My belief is that when we are sharing something, our energy can be transmitted even through a screen."
"It's not a pie. It's like a candle. When you light your candle with somebody else's candle...you've still got yours."
"For me, learning and often learning and sharing what I learn with the world, whether or not they want to hear it or not, is part of my pleasure loop."
"Now's a great time to introduce your partner, or your kids to movies that were special to you."
"Being creative and being able to share your thing with whomever, it's magic."
"This single screen system also provides opportunities for players to create and share their loadouts with the community more easily."
"When you love something so much, you have to share it... not because you need to, but because you're so full of the thing that it spills over."
"We can share knowledge and wisdom. That's what you're doing, and that's what I do."
"Sharing art is like sharing a piece of yourself."
"Blender really allowed me to own it, and I was more excited to share what I learned with others."
"Your friends in life are your horcruxes... you break yourselves into parts, and whenever we meet people, we give them a part of ourselves."
"Make great records. If you make records that move people, they're going to share them with other people."
"This is insane, guys. This run is so stupid, but it's definitely going on YouTube regardless. I don't care; it's the most hilarious thing we've ever done."
"Make sure you share the good energy you are radiating with those around you."
"I try to earn my share and that may involve adapting the recipe somewhat to make it more feasible for someone in my part of the world to do."
"We love each other, so we share everything we have."
"Anyone is wondering the shakshuka I made was delicious, and I'd love to share the recipe if anyone's interested."
"It's not about showing anything to you; it's about sharing things with you."
"That was like a made me realize the power of sharing and telling your story."
"Art should be done for one's own personal satisfaction, but a part of that draw, I think, is wanting to share that with other people and have a genuine connection with another person."
"I want to share stuff with someone that I love."
"Food is actually the one thing that is always better when shared with other people."
"A dream is just a dream. To make it a reality, you need to share it with the world."
"This has been such an incredible pleasure in my life to have you guys to share this with."
"If you have a positive experience lately in a hospital, please share it because my soul needs it."
"You are full of love, now share it with another."
"You have to teach a kid to share their toys. You have to teach a kid to play nice. They're not like that by nature."
"Fall in love with yourself and share that love with everyone you meet."
"The power of being able to share those experiences with other people sort of has become something that we think is core to the experience that we try to make."
"Love is the desire to share who you are with someone else and to know who they are on a real, personal level."
"We're not perfect either. We make mistakes, but we share our L's and our W's with you guys."
"I fall in love with myself and I find someone to share it with me."
"Hey, Melon, can you at least share one of those diamonds with me?"
"It was really special to share that with him and he really paid attention during the entire fireworks show."
"It's good if secrets are good for me. And if I can share a little bit of my pain, hopefully, somebody else gets a little something from it."
"When we see how freely God forgives us, it gives us the experience of God's mercy to share that mercy and be more forgiving of others."
"It's so fulfilling to make things, but it's that much more fulfilling when you get to share things with people and they are just as excited about it as you are."
"Sharing isn't immoral; it's a moral imperative. Only those blinded by greed would refuse to let a friend make a copy."
"It's been months in preparation, months of planning, and we're very excited to put it out there and share it with you guys."
"You are supposed to share your experience, share your pain, share your healing process with the world."
"What good is a photo that never gets shown off?"
"Don't hold on to it; don't sit and think you're the only one that's depressed or feeling alone."
"I'm just trying to spread the wealth, that's 100% what it is."
"I love camp meetings. I love the opportunity to share with you at home and with our family. You are our family."
"Once you share a moment, it's no longer just yours."
"When you walk through something that's difficult in your life, it is your responsibility to share with others how to make that journey for them easier."
"If you don't give it away, you ain't going to be able to keep it yourself."
"I absolutely love this and I hope you guys like it too."
"Sharing is caring. That's actually how I found out about the value pillows to begin with."
"You don't need to be a genius...to share your process, document your work, and show how you're learning stuff."
"It's nice to go around and to see all these different changes and of course share them with you guys as well."
"Caregivers in general don't share their story, and what happens is it just keeps bottling up. They have something to say, they have an experience to be shared."
"When we also hear people really vulnerably share their story, I believe it gives us permission to do the same."
"There are infinite things that we do not understand. There is beauty and freedom all around us. You owe it to yourself and everyone to see these things and then share them with the people of this country."
"Tell your friends, tell your mum, tell your dog, tell a stranger on the streets, and hopefully, they can all avoid making the same mistakes that I did on my first fat loss journey."
"A friend is someone you can share good news with."
"And let me tell you, I need to share a story of embarrassment. And humiliation."
"Most people don't get a chance to live a life of travel and adventure... and you do, and you shared this experience so profound, so honest."
"We're not trying to find happiness through the things that we can get, but we actually understand the true happiness is sharing what we have within ourselves."
"When you're trying to show someone a meme but they aren't looking yet, so you're just awkwardly waiting for them to look at your phone."
"Share the love, tell your friends that I exist."
"Meals always taste better when you share them with the ones you love."
"Start a business, and then yes, get to some point where it's enough and then you can share it with other people."
"I'm really grateful, I'm really happy, and I'm taking all these vibes and I'm transmitting them to you."
"Your opinion matters. If you think that this is an important thing, then share this talk with people."
"These have consistently been some of your favorites, and now that the busyness of fall is here, I figured it would be the perfect time to share another one."
"I believe sharing isn't just about giving but also receiving. The moment we share what we have, we'll be filled with so much joy."
"It really just takes one click to share your ideas with the world, and even if you think no one will see it, there's really no downside in uploading something."
"More than ever, we just have to keep sharing cool things that we like online."
"I love humans. I love life, and I want to share that love with others."
"Being self-sufficient doesn't mean detaching yourself from receiving... it means embracing all the joy of sharing love and receiving love."
"What makes my heart sing is like sharing stuff and making videos about it."
"Facebook's mission is to give people the power to share."
"There couldn't be a more perfect example this is a great example when a leftist says well you know what the right thing is just to take it and just share that candy what do you think when they're taking something that's earned for free."
"If it's a good show, makes you think, makes you laugh, gives you a new perspective, gives you some skills or some information that are helpful to you, do us a solid and don't be a hoe, share the show!"
"Thank you both for everything you give to us and everything you share with us."
"This is so awesome and I'm playing on Foxy's account."
"Go build something, then share how you did it."
"Sharing is caring, but man I am not in a great situation."
"May Allah bless you guys, I shall share this with your friends and family too, next time."
"When you have a really deep spiritual experience, one of the first things that will cross your mind is that you'll want to share this with the whole world."
"I'm really grateful that you've shared this journey."
"The future is bright, and sharing is caring."
"This is a secret door actually and it's no longer a secret to anyone because now you know what it is."
"True beauty lies in sharing experiences with others."
"Also, it's a huge help to share these videos with anyone who you think would find them useful."
"Quick Share, kind of like airdrop for Android."
"If sharing your truth can help bring empathy to the world I think that's a really beautiful thing."
"I hope you guys enjoyed it if you did please share this video some love."
"Improved sharing makes it super easy to just share a link."
"Hopefully I shared something that could help somebody."
"If someone has a unique perspective, share it."
"Nothing makes me happier than getting to share, whether it's cleaning, decorating, or whatever I can do just to help other people."
"You should share that enlightenment with people."
"I'm glad sharing my writing feels like this."
"As an elder, as a person who's journeyed, I've seen a few things and I feel like some of these things are worth sharing."
"I think mainly it's like the best thing about what I realized that I do is I like to share."
"Sharing secrets isn't about holding back, it's about empowering others to succeed."
"When you win celebrate share it with people brag a little bit right"
"He shares the meal with GB kitchi, who eats happily with tears in his eyes."
"Friendship is more necessary to the happy than to the unhappy, for happiness is multiplied by being shared."
"Recognize, develop, and share your values, abilities, talents, gifts, and passions."
"At least I'm thankful I got to enjoy it a little bit at melee Island and got to share it with a lot of people that got to see it there."
"It felt like there was another person in the relationship which was in most situations it was like oh it's us - and the people that were sharing it with."
"And the biggest help of all, is sharing the word."
"I also just like hearing other people geek out about stories."
"Tell them the one big thing you're excited for."
"This is the kind of person who will have a lot to share with you."
"It's always a good time to share... even if it's just hashtag reparations or funneling people over to your channel."
"This looks cool, have I not given you guys a POV yet?"
"Quality speaks volumes now. The high-quality stuff gets caught, especially when you encourage people to share it."
"I'm super happy to be able to do this. This is really for me but you guys are going to enjoy the benefit of it too."
"You will regret nothing except maybe not making a double batch... okay, you should probably make 24 of these."
"Remember to love yourself first, then the overflow can be shared."
"I just want them to be able to share the pleasure I have when it comes to books."
"For those of you who are the majority of the audience who don't do that, uh, it's fine. That is completely fine. I just can't tell you how grateful I am that you're up for this kind of conversation that you're here."
"Christmas needs to be a religious festival, it's about humanity, kindness, and sharing wealth, time, money, gifts, and resources with others."
"People admire our courage, our authenticity when we share our screw-ups."
"I ended up feeling just to be able to share all of this with you guys."
"Whatever you withhold will oppress you, whatever you give will prosper you."
"If you're gonna come to the house with food, why not bring food for everyone?"
"You have the brilliance of a mind and a heart to share with the world."
"Share your light brightly because it will illuminate the way for others."
"Even if it is just a fluffy YouTube channel, every person has something to share with someone else."
"I'm blessed to be able to share this with you guys."
"When you share your world, it helps everyone navigate the road ahead."
"They truly connected for the first time witnessing this from her as well and opening up about the situation plus how much myi means to him."
"I can't wait to share with you guys what's in my soul."
"There's definitely love here that wants to be shared, there's also all sorts of good energies."
"It's just my list and I would love to see yours."
"Thank you for making good art and sharing it with the world."
"Love you guys so much. Share this show with the world to help change everybody else's life as well."
"Sharing wealth is not a depletion but an expansion, extending prosperity to others."
"I'm basically just sharing my journey as I'm like learning lessons as a writer personally."
"Jihai shares where she has been and asks if she can have some of the eggs too."
"If you have the cure for a disease, what kind of person would you be if you didn't freely share it with other people?"
"Sharing a good word is like planting a seed."
"Share the parts of yourself that make you happy."
"When you share our videos, you're helping to change lives too."
"What point is there to life if you can't share it with others?"
"It's a true honor and gift to be able to share what I'm sharing."
"You've got this big love and all these amazing emotions that you want to share."
"We share everything... There is no more mine and yours. It's ours."
"This is awesome anyway. I wanted to share that story with you all because you know I like you and I thought it was a fun story about my childhood."
"We're all in this together, so share today's message with a friend."
"Happy to get that one in and share it with you guys."
"The laugh tracks is also about being generous not just waiting that things fall in your lab it's about being generous with sharing your talents first."
"Happiness is not decreased by being shared, and spreading happiness and love only makes you more happy and positive and beautiful from the inside out."
"The more we share, the more it increases. Instead of thinking, 'I want more for myself,' it's 'I want more for myself and more for you.' That's the beauty of this religion."
"Freedom has to be shared, or it doesn't exist."
"Sharing the show and the video with your friends just to help spread the word and maybe have an impact on culture."