
Recognition Quotes

There are 64853 quotes

"You are going to get some sort of recognition for a job well done."
"Everyone praised them for shedding light on the lives of the poor through interviews."
"You have been working hard, you have been doing a good job."
"This good recognition where you guys feel on top of the world, you guys feel inspired, you guys feel really good about it."
"The credit belongs to the man or woman who is actually in the arena."
"All of your hard work, all of your efforts will pay off, and you will get recognized."
"This is your pinnacle month of success, reward, acknowledgment for all that you do."
"Abuse is abuse, no matter how it happens, no matter how severe you might think it is or isn't."
"If you continue to behave in empathy and be kind... then she'll notice, people do notice."
"Jupiter going into your 11th house...a lot of you are finally getting the recognition that you deserve, you're finally getting the money that you deserve after years of hard work."
"Paul Graham...put her on the very short list of a couple people...as the most impressive people."
"You're already a very bright light, compassionate, loving person."
"Michael Jordan is widely recognized as the greatest player of all time. If that statement triggers you, then you're not acknowledging reality."
"The word 'greatest' gets thrown around quite a bit, but with this team, you can't possibly overuse it."
"Don't tell anyone she's a Forbes 30 under 30 honoree."
"To be mindful and present with children to the degree you possibly can... to really allow that child to feel heard, seen, and recognized."
"If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, you know."
"Back then, they didn't want me. Now I'm hot, they all on me."
"This life purpose of yours, doing this, will bring you so much success, victory, success, fame, reputation."
"You're going to receive some sort of public recognition for the work that you do."
"I don't want to be famous; I want to be known for the right reasons."
"We got to start giving honor to our real icons because see, I'm all about us being empowered."
"Women's achievements are America's achievements."
"The most frightening behavioral patterns on Earth are those that are disguised, because they're the hardest to recognize."
"Our ancestors built this country and we got nothing for it but extreme oppression."
"The White House that Biden is sleeping in was built by slaves."
"Perseverance is amazing. Someone who's born talented gets an easy advantage, but someone who starts off untalented or unskilled gets more credit and admiration in the end."
"You are one of the most strong and inspirational people I have ever met."
"Bass Reeves was impressed with my efforts and he decided to trust me."
"It was like going to your own eulogy, watching people say all these great things about you."
"Local newspapers and TV stations picked up her story, new bulletins highlighted her act of heroism."
"I'm looking at the toaster strudels, and a guy walks up, 'Are you the free gaming sensation Nobody Epic?'"
"For an appreciation day, shouldn't you appreciate someone who's least appreciated?"
"The empire would be known to everyone as the Nilfgaardian Empire."
"From a militarized doormat to a loving game-changer, Nebula deserves the number one transformation."
"There's a spotlight you're meant to step into."
"People are amazed at what you're doing, and you are turning heads."
"When you're popular, people know you. When you're influential, people believe you."
"I love the way you defend yourself. That type of conviction and certainty needs to be recognized and applauded."
"Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men."
"You got Ethan who is again just continuing to show why he is who he is, why he is him. He's so good."
"What I figured out is if you solve problems and change the order of things for the better, and produce results, people pay attention."
"I love today where that is not the case, and you do need to see people for how they identify themselves to better equip and empower them to achieve their hopes and dreams."
"Men wanted for hazardous journey. Low wages, bitter cold, long hours of complete darkness. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in event of success."
"I recognize this connection from a past life."
"A man's gift maketh room for him and bringeth him before great men."
"We are designed as human beings to love others, to really recognize the beauty in others."
"It's empowering, and the person must feel like, 'I'm okay; they're being seen.' And there's nothing more encouraging than having that sensation or that feeling."
"What you really want is to be looked at; you want to be seen."
"Becomes the most famous person in the spirit sector."
"When you accept yourself the way you are, the world recognizes you."
"Even if you've never watched a single episode, you're almost definitely familiar with at least a few of the iconic moments from the show."
"100 Years of Solitude, definitely deserves to be in the top 50."
"Ulysses by James Joyce, it's a very respectable work to have at number two."
"This mom ended up receiving a lengthy standing ovation for what she's been doing."
"When you're really good at something, you can't be denied because you're good at that specific craft or whatever it is you do."
"This is your chance to be a hero among heroes."
"When Shaq was doing it, you said Shaq was dominant. When Giannis does it, Giannis is dominant. When LeBron does it, he's dominant."
"His legend has spread far and wide; he is known even in Lordran."
"You deserve more recognition, you deserve more appreciation."
"Your good deeds are not going unnoticed. The good stuff that you're doing... it's not going unnoticed. It will come back multiplied, quadrupled."
"You guys, you've always been the most important member of this team. Whether or not you ever realized it."
"Kindness also recognizes the worth of a person."
"Brian never gets the flowers he deserves in this space."
"You're going to be expressing yourself in such a big egoistic way that people will recognize you."
"It's been an honor meeting you. I can see you are indeed a patriot among men."
"The spectacle of a black champion... being heralded, being celebrated, loved, and recognized for those abilities."
"We are proud of you and aware of your achievements."
"You'll receive favor from superiors, decision-maker, higher authorities."
"You will be in contact with highly professional decision-makers; your knowledgeability and skill set will be recognized and appreciated."
"The more authentic and real you are, the more praise you will get."
"They fought for that. Shout out to Jelly Fam."
"The fossil that Forest found was identified as a new species of walrus, and in recognition of Forest's contribution to paleontology, the scientist named this ancient walrus species after him."
"All great artists listen to themselves and it's often not until they're celebrated that they start to become more confident in expressing that uniqueness."
"Finals MVPs holds more weight than actually in-season MVPs."
"The best center in the National Football League. Hey, congratulations."
"Legacy, baby. There's nothing like your community saying man, this gal, changed the entire city."
"You'll progress through your own efforts; you'll be well-respected. Your knowledgeability, skill sets will be well recognized and appreciated."
"If you're able to love a child that's not yours... you deserve to be recognized."
"You'll be recognized, appreciated, victorious; there will be a rise in status, prestige on earth, but you have to work for it."
"If you're a creative artist, you'll achieve a name and fame."
"Black folks have been saving Joe Biden throughout the past year plus, have been saving America for the past 400 years plus."
"You will acquire name, fame, and full of desires; in examination, you'll meet success, enjoy."
"You will be enjoying recognition, appreciation, name, fame, establishment, and may benefit from professional networking."
"There will be a new birth of a new project and new ventures; you'll gain name, fame, and acquire a lot of wealth during this particular period."
"You'll perform a lot of good deeds; you'll be extravagant, can be devoted to peace, but you will be acquiring a name and fame."
"It's always interesting what people know me for. There's a generation that clearly knows me for Gangsta Grillz."
"Drake's pen is one of the greatest we've ever seen in the game."
"At first, they laugh; at first, they make fun, and then they join."
"You're not afraid of dying; you're afraid of dying before the world sees who you really are."
"Achievement and feeling accomplished and proud and having recognition too."
"True glory is given to those who do not seek it."
"If we're going to really uplift guys who did it 'the right way,' I believe Ken Griffey is actually underrated for all his greatness."
"Academy Award winner Wes Anderson. Hell yeah."
"If they don't know your name, they should be able to describe you by love."
"He's won Emmys, Golden Globes, and been nominated for an Academy Award."
"So, it's gonna be a while, but I think that the artistry that goes into these films is gonna get harder and harder to deny."
"If you recognize him to be Lord of your life and King of Kings, it is recognition that brings about Redemption."
"You're getting some kind of recognition with the sun and the six of wands. This is big."
"For not being a country, Somaliland looks an awful lot like a country."
"Clearly, if any place deserves the world’s support, it’s Somaliland."
"This is the path that you're meant to be on. You're supposed to be honored. You're supposed to be recognized."
"You are about to get some recognition for it."
"Some of you have the Midas touch. No matter what doorway you enter, no matter which way you choose, it does not matter because your destiny is to be in the spotlight."
"Your car is an AI, of course, it should recognize you and react accordingly."
"Games like this deserve their success and much more."
"You're about to be shining in your career and you're awakening your true talents, and it's bringing more attention to you than ever."
"I think people need to know how heroic our police officers are, not just responding to a call but taking care of each other."
"Everyone sees your worth and your value because you're working on yourself and your art."
"Perks is filled. That's the distinct honor he gets of being so good in both roles."
"Recognition is not just a courtesy we owe people; it is a vital human need."
"Actually, in the end, if you just keep winning in a style and show people what you're actually doing, eventually, people have to turn and have a look."
"You are the Christ, the son of the living God."
"Work and consistency, that's how you get name recognition."
"The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all."
"They deserve to be compensated for their athletic excellence."
"Connection is that deeper spiritual occurrence, it's like your spirit recognizing its match."
"Being recognized for being with someone deemed attractive by others doesn't define your worth."
"Most scholarships reward academia, athleticism, talent and of course, need, right? We're affirmatively trying to reward work ethic by simply identifying a person who any company would love to hire."
"I think it's cheerful when somebody realizes they have something that's very valuable."
"A great face, a great value, and a great message behind it, I think it deserves S tier."
"I don't care if the whole world can sing your praises and tell you that what you do is great, but until you truly believe that, it's almost like it doesn't hold."
"We can have the presents and the reason why we have the presents was because presents were brought to Jesus because people knew that he was God incarnate."
"When a masterpiece comes along, you got to recognize it."
"Now, you guys are more popular due to the fact that you have overseas countries watching you right now."
"The people who are the ones who require the most help are the people who actually can't even recognize that they have the problem in the first place."
"Some of these main characters need to be stopped, and conversely, some of these main characters need to receive their flowers, need to get their just dues before this year ends."
"True artists are usually misunderstood in their lifetime."
"He's the best in the game, he's the best in the world, he's the best in the modern era."
"Credit where it's due, I think Varan played very well at the weekend."
"Success and recognition are here for you at your job."
"Good work should go appreciated, that's for sure."
"The real heroes are the law enforcement officers."
"The refugee crisis is just that, it's a crisis."
"There's a magic to that creative process. And we, humans, are smart enough to notice the magic."
"Senen was integral to the growth of Niji Sanji English Branch."
"Everything will happen the way that you wanted to and as you have imagined... Money, wealth, power, recognition will now multiply for you in February."
"It means something if your alma mater gives you an honorary degree, particularly if you have developed different ideological views from your mentors."
"Even if you don't get the award that you want, the recognition that you want, you may have a longer run than some of these other people that have that one moment in the spotlight."
"And boy oh boy, did that award turn into a hell of a lot of value for the world and a lot of people."
"The real heroes here are the students who plugged along, rose to the occasion, and showed incredible resilience, spirit, and all of the gifts that God has given them."
"High intelligent basketball. And I guess they felt JJ Redick had a high basketball IQ."
"I know real love when I see it, yep, it's right here."
"I stayed true to myself, and now I'm being blessed and honored with such a prestigious award."
"The burden of greatness is heavier than most people realize."
"The parents around America who stepped up...are heroes."
"There's nothing like someone recognizing your talent and paying you for it and saying, 'I trust you, do what you do.'"
"We only have awards for the best people, folks."
"Past life relationship: You've known each other before."
"What they showed us was very representative of the car they were testing, and that's something I kind of want to give them credit for because it hasn't been done historically."
"A championship this year would elevate Jason Tatum to 'y'all can't say [__] status."
"Sally Rooney is heralded as one of the foremost millennial writers of our time."
"I think I should mix things up at Harvard tomorrow and thank all the people who have never donated to Harvard because those are some truly honorable people."
"You don't realize how important you are to people in general, until you are in these spaces."
"Here's somebody who's really raising the level of public debate."
"How do you win the Nobel Prize in physics? Not by showing your theory is correct, but by overthrowing the theories."
"This is a game you pick up, start to play, and can almost instantly recognize that this is the sort of project that was a labor of love."
"We brought in, per request, a four-time Super Bowl champ, five-time Pro Bowler. He needs no introduction."
"We talked some [__] about the Seahawks, we talk some great things about the Seahawks because they were a legendary goddamn team."
"Justin Timberlake tweeted back at me like nice dance moves, Gro, and I was like I made it in life."
"Players were shocked to recognize the music...it's actually a fan song about Hasbin Hotel."
"Myriam Nicole goes fastest in Lenzerheide! And one of the best race runs I think we’ve ever seen from her!"
"You own the stage; everyone's talking about Chantal. That's what we want."
"These African countries are reasserting their identities, gaining new recognition for their role as cultural powerhouses."
"Seeing you is proof perfect that God truly sees me."
"It's a shame that someone who was so talented had to wait until they passed to see how much everyone loved them."
"Thank you so much. Let's give it up for him over here."
"People who used to doubt you, people who used to see you in a negative light, are starting to change their minds about you."
"You're starting to shine brighter than ever, and people who used to think poorly about you are starting to see your potential."
"Queen Elizabeth decided to award Gates with an honorary title not many people have had the pleasure to receive: the Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire."
"This is going on the list. This is the one that has stood out to me, bar none."
"I'm this close to greatness, to being talked about forever."
"The best CGI is invisible; you recognize only the bad CGI."
"I see what you're doing out there; I see that it's not always easy, sometimes it's a struggle, but you keep pushing, you keep going, and I'm really proud of you."
"President Ronald Reagan would present Roy Benavidez the Medal of Honor, saying, 'If the story of his heroism were a movie script, you would not believe it.'"
"The US Army recognized Doss's extreme bravery and he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his heroic and selfless actions at Okinawa."
"The VC to my mind has a place above all other national awards. It is the highest regarded award for gallantry...the Victoria Cross is something special, and anybody who's got the Victoria Cross must be somebody special. And they're right."
"Early on in her training, Alina's incredible skills were quite apparent."
"Your hard work is paying off, rewards coming in."
"Lara Croft is literally an international icon."
"The word profound is simply insufficient. He is the most quoted author alive today."
"By 40, he revolutionized linguistics and is widely recognized as the most important linguist to have ever lived."
"Professor Chomsky has been a lifelong activist, and incredibly, is perhaps better known for his activism than his groundbreaking contributions to the sciences."
"Success, victory, being well known for what you do, or just getting a lot of people showing you attention."
"Awards cascade upon her like the gentle notes of a ballad."
"To get my name immortalized in the game was epic."
"Recognition is important... it's important to recognize the kids that are showing up and doing well."
"Success is coming in; this is not just any old card of success, this is success, victory, even public recognition, and feeling quite accomplished."
"I think this is a really big problem that we as a society need to address."
"Is he capable? Of course, he's capable. He's one of the best rappers of all time."
"Abusers can range from mothers, fathers, daughters, sisters, pastors, priests, coaches, neighbors. There is not one identifiable face."
"Your name may not be in lights, yet, but someone knows who you are."
"If no one's told you you're fantastic today, let me be the first to tell you that I respect you. I see that you are awakening."
"We at Medcram were awarded the Medical Merit Medal by the Crown Prince of Bahrain for our work in COVID-19 policy."
"What they're not taking into effect are the hearts you've touched, the people you've changed."
"One beacon of someone who signals to them 'you matter'... that's all a human being needs."
"Listen for his voice, lad. That's him talking. You'll know it when you hear it."
"The fact that it's the number one song in the world on iTunes means it is."
"You have to work off this mentality of I have to be undeniably the best person in my role to where it's impossible to ignore."
"When you see someone do something great, tell them about it; tell their bosses about it; tell their family about it."