
Fiction Quotes

There are 4291 quotes

"Devil Fruit users wield profound powers and crazy curses."
"The ability to attach to a fictional character through narratives to change ourselves is like the defining thing about humans."
"If Superman was legit in our world, that's what he would do. Why would he have all these good values if he's an alien?"
"Leave the World Behind could it happen in real life? The three steps to disaster are so real: isolation, synchronized chaos, and Civil War."
"The false self is like a street or like a movie, like a piece of fiction, confronted with harsh reality."
"The aesthetic of reality, or at least authenticity, is powerful in fiction. We often measure value by what feels real, what's called verisimilitude, even if we know it's not."
"That's the most epic transformation of all time in any piece of fiction I have ever experienced."
"Usado recommends that she get out of her wet clothes but she makes him promise not to peek."
"Rose explains that Suzune and Usado are likely together, which means there is nothing to worry about."
"The moon has left its normal orbital path and is now spiraling toward the planet."
"Guts remains one of the most strangely relatable fictional characters ever."
"This wasn't a true story; it's from a piece of short fiction called 'Dark They Were, and Golden Eyed' written by Ray Bradbury in 1949."
"There once was a man, a man born in a forgotten time, created by a force of unknown origin. He would cross the ages, knowing his one purpose: to lead humanity as the greatest empire in the galaxy, the Imperium of Man."
"Aliens in fiction are never just aliens. Just as monsters in fiction are never just monsters."
"Captain Dumbletwit was chewing cheerfully on a crunchy chocolate chip and cherry chunk bar."
"The plot point of a robot wanting to steal a human's identity is something we see over and over again."
"Garvey is a psychopathic, cold-blooded killer; he stopped being human long, long ago."
"A census taker tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti."
"The beauty of Iron Man, you make mistakes and you have to live with them."
"The story takes our heroes, Sonic, from the earth and into outer space."
"Reading that kind of long-form fiction encourages empathy and encourages you to step into other people's shoes and to see the world from three or four or eight different angles."
"If you don't get out in two minutes, then you'll be trapped inside their head forever."
"Is it going to make reading even more immersive because the reason I love reading fiction is because it feels like I actually get transported to wherever I'm reading about?"
"A role-playing game is a game that lets you play a certain role in a fictional world."
"It is... the most beautiful moment I’ve seen in any work of fiction."
"Fictional moral absolutism is a powerful thing."
"The fragility of their heroism draws attention to the fact that the very concept of 'good guy' is an inherent fiction."
"Time travel has always been something fictional, but what if Time Travelers have been among us for a long time without us noticing?"
"They are wrong. This abyss is... the universe of SCP, which began as a seemingly straightforward website."
"SCP-294 is a coffee machine that can dispense anything, including abstract concepts like musical talent or lethal nuclear waste… which is definitely a new one."
"Our fiction is about extraordinary people, or about normal people in extraordinary circumstances."
"We can let our fiction be silly, and fun, and light, and still have it be worth reading and watching."
"Every time we read or watch fiction, we get to experiment with what it would be like to live another life."
"The Devil Wears Prada is just a really well done example of a feminist piece of fiction."
"These sailors have found a fragment of the corpse-city, R’lyeh, where an eldritch god lay dead and dreaming, waiting for this precise moment to return to the waking world."
"The conflict of One Piece is built around the idea that there cannot be an ideal government for the nations of the land until the celestial dragons are defeated and the world government is reformed."
"Using the world Between Worlds, Ahsoka can get to them. This can bridge both time and space."
"Determined to protect his son and his friends, Naruto ultimately decides to allow himself to be captured."
"Welcome to Vault 118, your home away from home underground."
"Anarchy's right, you know. I've planted three bombs where Gotham's corruption is at its strongest."
"We're going to use this fiction to change reality. We're going to end Danganronpa."
"Even if everything is fictional, I believe in my feelings."
"The Guardians have moved into the farm which is oddly wholesome."
"Adam Warlock, the church's original Golden God, would be the only person who could save them."
"The great houses of the Imperium crave many things, but perhaps nothing so much as the precious spice melange, a resource found on only one planet in the known universe, Dune."
"Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction."
"He considers most of his work to be fiction inspired by aspects of his actual life, and he interestingly cites American Psycho as his most autobiographical novel."
"The Berserker Armor is iconic, and I personally think it's one of the best power-ups done in fiction."
"They share a rare kind of fictional love that is every bit as intoxicating as the real thing."
"The fundamental problem with this kind of foreign policy thinking is that, of course, since it is based on fictions, it is going to collapse when it eventually collides with the facts."
"As a storyteller, I've always been fascinated with the idea of recreating this notion of choices and fiction."
"What the freak, scary stuff. If only this was a true story. Ha, ha, ha. Sorry."
"Welcome to immortality, ladies and gentlemen, the world where we can no longer take damage."
"Battling on the palms of a celestial sapien in a nebula outside of the universe, shit's crazy."
"Snake says, 'The more things change, the more they stay the same,' and activates the remote control, ending all technological activity on the entire planet."
"Snake lights a cigarette and blows out the match used to light it, uttering 'Welcome to the human race.'"
"Fiction isn't false...great fiction is true but it never happened. So how can it be true?...There are patterns in things, deep patterns...the greatest of fiction describes the shape of that pattern, and the greater fiction becomes, the more it is religious in nature."
"I mean, fictional characters exist in a liminal space between alive and dead, conjured up by our attention and our imagination."
"Even if something is a lie, even if it's fiction, remember, if it has the power to change the world, then it must contain some kind of truth."
"We stand with one foot in fiction and one foot in reality, then we need to see for ourselves whether this fictional world has changed the outside world and what we can do from this point on."
"Let's find out together, to the other side of this world, to the other side of fiction."
"I know Spiderman is a fictional character, but when I see him die, I feel like a real person has died."
"The Hive have many leaders and gods, as we call them, the most important at this time was Oryx, the Taken King."
"It's comic books. Why would you get pissed? It's literally stories of fiction."
"Permanence in fiction is so important. If a character dies in a story, they need to be dead."
"Reality can be stranger than fiction... I want to show a level of sincerity and authenticity."
"Romance novels are the single largest selling genre of fiction in existence."
"Naruto managed to slaughter a village and brought their bodies one by one to the entrance of the cave where Jashin came from."
"Naruto begins to ask Minato if he can possibly be his father, but Minato interrupts and replies that if he ever had a son, he wishes he grew up to be an angel like Naruto."
"The most incredible thing about Frank Dux is that it's all complete fiction. He made it all up."
"We live in a world of assassins, and the best of them all is Agent 47."
"I'm more enamored with the general setup. I absolutely love this idea of secret clandestine government agencies seeing to supernatural threats."
"Nostromo, the one-time home now blasted collection of rocks of the Primarch and sadistic Batman, Konrad Kurz, had an atmosphere so clogged with pollution that no light reached the surface."
"So today, I wanted a bit too of superhero fiction's most escalated creations against each other to see which one comes out on top."
"Father had perfect control over alchemy, and he is a living philosopher's stone. He is immortal, ungodly strong, fast, smart—the dude could just about do everything."
"Dante transfers her soul from person to person using a Philosopher's Stone to prolong her life for centuries."
"Even fiction can play a role in illuminating human nature by documenting the universal themes, plots, and obsessions in the world's myths and stories."
"Titanic survivors found living on an iceberg. Which is a six-story sick movie."
"Sometimes fiction writers have their character run to the bathroom when they're in danger; it's a room people typically feel safe in, a haven of sorts."
"Fiction has played a huge part in my life... My investment in fictional media has been able to carry me out of a lot of dark places."
"One Piece isn't just one of the greatest shonen manga of all time, it's one of my favorite pieces of fiction of all time."
"Fiction can be more true than truth, which is partly why we're so attracted to it because fiction distills truth and presents it in a much more concentrated form than a mere description of everyday reality."
"Even if all this is a lie, it teaches you to be a better human."
"Fiction does not equal reality, and media does affect reality."
"Fiction does actually affect reality, which this is not my opinion, this is a fact."
"When readers pick up a piece of fiction, they're picking it up because they want to effect a change in their brain."
"Fact is stranger than fiction; the real world is so much scarier than any fictional land."
"The Omni King finds it funny and so novel. He'd never had this happen to him before and he enjoyed it, saying that he wanted to see more fighting in the future."
"So here's this: a big heaping helping of hot takes about the end times in fiction, their histories, and the philosophy underlying them."
"The most successful fiction ever created is not any God. It's money. Money is also a fictional story that exists only in our imagination."
"Fictions, humans invent, are some of the most powerful forces in history and very often they can also be positive forces."
"This is the power of the very Gods themselves. Well played, Vegeta."
"Hello there, Shroud... we are the defenders of the galaxy."
"The retcon expungifier removes things from continuity so it basically treats the Beyonder like he never existed."
"Ben fights Vilgax one more time without the Omnitrix, which inspires Azmuth to fix the Omnitrix and unlock Waybig, Ben’s most powerful transformation yet!"
"Experience a world of mystery, heartbreak, and intrigue."
"Saying something's not a subject for comedy is like saying it's not a subject for fiction."
"Humanity may be guilty of it's logical to believe that if creatures like Pokemon did exist we'd see these organizations naturally evolved to take on those who profit from their exploitation."
"Fiction provides us a way to explore ideas and scenarios that would be hazardous, traumatizing, or both, in real life."
"Book of Murder definitely shines above the previous incarnation."
"Roasted mango began feeding all the killing data until everyone was dead."
"Character arcs are ultimately the whole point of fiction... the journey from one spiritual, emotional, intellectual place to another is the story of humanity."
"Once again, Omashu demonstrates an incredible level of world building in the Avatar universe."
"Terra shell and transforms into terop Pago's terrestrial form."
"Life is not a Marvel movie; there's no big bad guy at the end of the tunnel."
"What it is me telling people the truth about what's going on... poses only a threat to fiction."
"Moon Knight: firmly cemented in the realm of the supernatural."
"He's one of the best fictional characters of all time."
"This version of miles is basically a participant in the contest which is a game that involves various Marvel superheroes and villains all of whom essentially fight to the death."
"Heroes have to deal with these Godzilla size monstrosities. That's okay, that's actually really awesome."
"Set the context: real world vs. fictional world."
"Sometimes we're all better off when the dead stay down."
"Doctor Strange is able to make multiple copies of himself."
"When we kissed, it showed how completely involved they had become with these made-up people's lives."
"Scarlet Witch: one of the most morally complex characters on this list."
"Old George gathers all of the Forever Knights, all of these seemingly episodic villains we've been introduced to."
"It's the story of David Haller, an almost all-powerful, ESP-fueled mutant, who also happens to be a schizophrenic, and it leans hard into the nonsensical, bizarre, and just plain weird."
"She was a great villain... it was surprising at the end."
"Something that probably represents one of the biggest background sources of resistance to nuclear power is just how much media we have showing post-apocalyptic wastelands, though they happen to make for some great fiction."
"The backroom series is perfect... it feels like something that exists in the world."
"SCP-166 can be seen as a baseline example of how the Foundation treats the average humanoid anomaly."
"There's a kind of truth that we don't understand... fiction tells the truth."
"In one reality, SCP-3519 managed to kill off the entire world, due to its severity and ease of infection."
"I can say with confidence, that Robin´s character arc up until the time skip is one of my favorite ones in fiction."
"Following that chainsaw Mass spent an unknown amount of time eating more and more Devils until he one day accidentally messed up the timeline."
"A romantic suspense thriller with fantasy elements." - Pablo Lorraine
"This new character is like a god. It's ridiculous."
"The Jean Grey Scott Summers romance is the tragic Romeo and Juliet romance."
"Global warming is a hoax... takes off mask, reveals that we're all killer whales."
""Standing between them and the researchers they intended to kill was SCP-343, also known to some as God."
"This is my adult fiction favorite shelf I've pretty much read every book on here and consider it one that I really loved."
"Sometimes the truth turns out to be Stranger Than Fiction."
"The vampires from 30 days of night are not your standard vampire... essentially the perfect hunting machines."
"I feel like you should be able to explore ideas in a fictional setting."
"Agatha slowly disrupts and subverts the illusion that Wanda has created."
"It just seems really amazing and so Kira with this alien relic might now be the only thing that helps Earth."
"Fiction with the actual science and then the feel of the you know the graphics and everything kind of makes it a little bit more fun."
"Okay, but yeah, what else about the Soul Soul Fruit?"
"You a vampire?" and just like that, the young prince is back on their feet.
"You see Peter Parker is broken. But before that, you know what isn't broken? Monopoly."
"Evil laughs in fiction have become heavily stigmatized, but Death Note pulls it off successfully."
"The Joker has been the Dark Knight's deadliest arch-nemesis."
"Batman's attitude toward killing the Joker actually has an internal logic and consistency."
"Wakanda's future is uncertain, but it's in good hands."
"Give me a real club scene, give me people doing crazy Aurora drugs in the bathroom, let's watch people get their hands cut off for some bad gambling deal or something."
"Having limited time is exactly what we see in every piece of zombie fiction."
"Our collective understanding of real-world sciences is core to how we map out and rationalize things, even within a fictional verse."
"Forget the movies because superhumans are already Among Us."
"I love Lovecraft, but I also love Star Trek."
"Sometimes we just want to see our heroes get a goddamn break."
"All because the daughter of a mad scientist thought it'd be cool to unleash a disease into the town, little knowing her plans could be altered by a cute shrine maiden and her guardian spirit."
"Zeke begins to gloat about how close he and Aaron are to achieving their dream but is silenced after spotting the charred remains of the Cart Titan."
"The racist backlash against The Black Mermaid is as fictional as the mermaid herself."
"Jos Whedon's writing at his best is some of my favorite in all of fiction."
"For the glory of the Emperor, let us begin purging this sector of heresy."
"If six had saved mono would we even be in the right world the hero of little nightmares is deeply broken she just has more willpower than the normies."
"Boba Fett clawed his way out of the Sarlacc belly."
"Mandalorian, Bo-Katan, and Ahsoka teaming up against Moff Gideon."
"Taika Waititi directing a Star Wars movie, an extension of Mandalorian season two - Ahsoka taking baby Yoda to Endor."
"Living with her dream family, it's kind of like a witch living the regular life, doing odd jobs and getting by that way."
"But mostly he keeps around 'cause she's just really good at killing stuff and consort of the blood God."
"Why do something simple like change your own face and blend into obscurity when you can complicate matters with bizarre grandiose designs for the purposes of world domination? I believe that's called the James Bond way."
"The struggle when creating something fictional to create something real out of that which isn't real."
"These fictional representations are of course based on a real place."
"Remember anything is possible in Dragon Ball."
"A world that's Fallen apart and there are monsters and all this stuff is happening but it is applicable to your life right now here in the world that isn't falling apart."
"No likes if I had to drink for every time a character wouldn't turn on the goddamn lights I'd be [ __ ] dead of alcohol poisoning."
"Even the special Patrol came to help. I think Nicola has super [ __ ] supersonic hearing."
"Star Wars is a complex, well-built universe, but it's nowhere near as tight as Tolkien's Middle Earth."
"Deadlock reanimated into super-powered dominance. Deadlock is a cyborg hero bent on demolition."
"PROOF, that fictional characters are related."
"It’s interesting to see this side of Beast Boy—a side that is relatively pragmatic when compared with the other characters surrounding him."
"Science and fiction are about to meet in the middle."
"I was wondering, how it is different for you as an author, as a writer when you write things where you invent most of the characters and the setting from the ground up?"
"Kaido: Jumping off a sky island 10,000 meters above sea level with only a mild headache as a result."
"It’s all a big game to him, people are his playthings."
"Alfred's leaving and he won't come back, okay? Like, that's... He's leaving forever. Exempt Alfred from this Batman universe."
"Squad goals, Daniel Kaluuya, Tilda Swinton, Aquafina, Dolph Lundgren, racing towards this mythical Oasis in the desert."
"The Langoliers is literally about monsters from the past trapping you there and then eating time and destroying you as a person. So, the movie feels like when you watch it."
"The Avengers: Earth, the world that tamed the Phoenix, that bested the Mad Titan, that altered the mighty Galactus. This is the ultimate contest." - The Challenger
"Getting rid of half of all life in the universe in one fell swoop is a career highlight if you're a supervillain."
"Mabel's descent lands her in a dimension full of lost Mabels, drawn together due to their similar nature."
"You're someone who makes false promises, Juliet. I'm sentencing you to being trapped in a Friday the 13th movie, and you cannot be the survivor. Absolutely not."
"They'll return in exactly 27 years to kill the clown for good."
"Tony had stabbed it in Thanos's skull, killing him."
"My little attempt to fix the multiverse of madness."
"Palpatine's contingency: a masterful plan to ensure his survival and return, even in the face of a failed Empire and apprentice."
"Palpatine's true power lies in his ability to cheat death and return, proving his mastery of the long game through the contingency."
"The platinum chip was originally created by mr house on october 22nd 207 a day before the bombs dropped unfortunately the chip is lost in the nuclear holocaust."
"I got stuck in the interdimensional portal Loop, that is tough."
"The brain really doesn't differentiate between stories that are real or fictional."
"The struggle between new and old money has stuck around as an enduring archetype in fiction."
"Silently world build an aspect of your fiction and then actively world build that same aspect once the consumer craves an answer."
"If you're looking for some just great engaging not super long fiction that will keep you captivated from page one to the final page like it's it's so worth reading."
"I think the mandalorians have been given this plot of land next to the lava flat and they're very much making a home for themselves."
"There's not really any tension there, mostly because the only people who are getting injured or killed are non-characters."
"A multiverse means that suddenly, Steve Rogers stayed oddly silent throughout national tragedies like the Vietnam War."
"If there was anyone in this gigantic world of human fiction who could be called a perfect character Killua would almost certainly be fighting for that crown."
"But also at the same time my favorite part was seeing like the complex relationship between Daisy and Billy who are the two main characters."
"I could not go to sleep knowing that Penguin and his penguin army were out there."