
Difference Quotes

There are 2297 quotes

"The gap between creativity and intelligence is vast."
"Each person matters, each person makes a difference. You may be one in seven billion, but now it's our opportunity, each and every one of us here, to go out there and be that one."
"I dig that, like I'm trying to make a difference in the world."
"The smallest details can make the biggest difference."
"When you get it, reach back, pull someone else up. Each one, teach one. Don't just aspire to make a living; aspire to make a difference."
"Finding common ground in our differences can lead to real change."
"If you want to become successful, be willing to think a little bit different and then do something a little bit different."
"The distance between mediocrity and excellence can be ever so small."
"There was justice served right, it's just totally different."
"With small gestures, we really can make a big difference in the world."
"Having potential is not the same as actually doing something with it."
"The biggest difference between those who are successful and those who aren't is self-worth."
"The only difference between people who are successful and those who are not is really just one word: execution."
"The difference is there's communication and there's connection."
"Being vegan is the empowerment to know that we can make a difference every day."
"Men and women are not equal in the sameness, but they're equally important."
"Elon Musk is a genius and he decided he wanted to have something that was going to be radically different."
"Time is different there; an hour there could be a mere second in his own world."
"He's not human, he's different. He's different."
"The difference between you and the person living their dreams is simply the amount of action."
"Like if you if you had to explain it to a person who didn't really not understand what you're saying how much different are you talking about."
"There's miles of difference between theory and experience."
"I think apologies and being sorry are two very different things."
"It's different, man. It's definitely different."
"Interests and personalities are kind of two different things."
"To make a difference means to contribute or to succeed or to improve."
"Be the light, keep living out being the difference and I think that they're gonna get that conviction after a while."
"It's a very small thing, but there is an honest difference."
"Politics is real dedication, like you have to really dedicate yourself to make a difference."
"What it means to grow up to be a woman is a different thing to grow up to a man."
"The glory is in the difference. It's coming through the difference."
"Standing for something actually can really make a difference."
"You can make a serious difference if you make an effort to stand up and do what's right."
"I should have known it was different - you were remembering too much."
"Sometimes that's all that you need to do to make a difference just force yourself to laughs."
"Little details like that make the difference."
"Tricks and creativity make a big difference."
"The battle may have been won then, but now the war, very different case."
"Alien means different. They might be really smart, they might be really good at all sorts of different things, but they're not gonna be like us."
"We don't want to be blind to our differences and to our history."
"I can literally taste the difference between grass-fed and grain-finished and grass-fed and grass-finished. It's a very stark difference to me."
"You won't miss convincing me of your innocence, however. Acting in life are two quite different things."
"You have no idea what a difference you're making."
"It's not better, it's not worse, it's just different."
"Are the people of this reality just fundamentally different or are they the product of some sort of domino effect?"
"That's what it's about, different, right? It's the future."
"You recognize that there is that complete difference in the reality."
"I'm out here trying to make a difference right now. I'm doing my thing."
"You can't change your skin. That's the main difference."
"That's the difference right now with this Tesla story."
"There's a difference between toleration and acceptance."
"It's definitely different. It's way different than like, growing up with only two brothers."
"The only way we can make any difference is if we recognize and acknowledge what unites us."
"Thank God we don't do it that way around here."
"There was an immense difference between having the opportunity to do something and actually doing that thing."
"It's about impact, about making a difference in the lives of others and in the world around us."
"I know the world's on fire, but today is different."
"Each act of love is creating a huge difference on the world."
"This is a dream that could really make a difference."
"It's like a contribution that's going to make a difference."
"It's fascinating, totally different world, isn't it?"
"The perception of reality is different from the mainstream version."
"There is a difference between being in the presence of a man and watching from a distance."
"The conclusion here is there is definitely a perceptible difference between these three."
"Our self-confidence is the only thing that makes a difference."
"One piece that makes a statement makes a huge difference."
"A little kindness, acceptance, and tolerance can make a huge difference."
"What in reality is a relatively small distance is a huge Gulf between two vastly different ecological regions."
"I don't think things will ever be equal as there are some people out there that like to put down others just for being different."
"It does make a difference when you do these little things; I feel like I just am a different person when I'm on top of all of this."
"AI will think differently than humans do."
"A lot of tape and a little patience make all the difference."
"The things that a human and a spirit see are entirely different."
"You're doing important work and I'm sure you make a difference in people's lives every day."
"It's really a small quality of life thing, but it makes a world of difference for me."
"In the end, have we mattered, have we made a difference, have we made this world better than we found it?"
"It's just something different, man."
"That's an adjustment that is truly different."
"You know, I guess one person can make a difference."
"What's the difference between an artist and a pizza? A pizza can feed a family."
"Your voice makes such a huge difference."
"We're in America! Oh my God, it's so different, it's exactly the same."
"Snape and Lily are both tragic characters but in very different ways."
"More than anything, your voice makes such a huge difference."
"You are so different from all of the women that I grew up with, and I love who I am around you."
"I feel like it just makes a big difference."
"Something is different, something has changed."
"There was an idea that we could do something different than what was being done in Hollywood."
"No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else."
"Life is worth living. There is something deep within each and every one of us that allows us to know that life is worth living and that we can make a difference in this world."
"A single person who can do the right thing at the right time can make a difference."
"It's illogical for anybody to try to copy anybody else because everybody's different."
"USBC isn't like a miracle, but it has made a big difference."
"Pretty different, huh? Night and day."
"You can really see the difference in that foundation, can't you?"
"One man can make that big of a difference."
"I'm really quite liking it, this is so different, it looks so nice."
"I know there's a quantum difference between the Ranger and the Everest."
"Difference is such a valuable tool, an enormous asset."
"You are different, you are changed."
"You're moving from fear; he's moving from confidence. That's the only difference."
"Jesus modeled how to be in relationship with difference."
"There's a difference between cleaning and maintaining."
"They want to do things differently and show you their passion."
"Make a difference with your difference."
"Real public engagement would make a huge difference."
"What makes kinetic recovery ropes different than a chain or strap is elasticity."
"Wow, look at that, what a difference!"
"Anything you want, you can have. So claim it. Work hard to get it. When you get it, reach back, pull someone else up. Each one, teach one. Don't just aspire to make a living, aspire to make a difference."
"...every little bit makes a huge difference with these things."
"They were beginning to make a difference."
"But could this be more different if it tried?"
"This movie feels so different, but I'm already really liking it."
"Your person will chase you, and that'll be quite different from what you're used to."
"Oh, it's so different in such a good way. Holy cow, I am obsessed!"
"Love and help can make a big difference."
"Important to do little things in a tiny percentage. It does make a difference."
"Just having all these different things in there can really make a difference."
"This actually makes a difference. It actually works."
"I genuinely feel a difference in my endorphins and in my mood."
"The biggest differences here are in the appearance of the ride."
"If somebody is asking what is the difference, you have to clearly explain."
"Life of talented players is very different from the life of an ordinary person."
"Forgive and love, that makes them different."
"Different doesn't have to mean bad."
"Most guys, you know, they feel the difference and they feel that they're, well, you're actually exercise stronger."
"I'm the biggest animal lover in the world... but we are different."
"That's a totally different element, that thing being square."
"It's just not my way, but I totally get it."
"You were born with unique special gifts that are just yours. You were born to make a difference."
"It's unique, it's different, I like it."
"There is ultimately no difference between talking about what an individual person needs to do and then how do you ask better questions."
"There's a big difference between learning how to code and actually becoming a professional software engineer."
"Imagine how much of a difference this could make."
"You're different. No arguing that."
"The meat you can actually taste, that's the biggest difference of them all."
"It feels really nice. And this is the key difference right here."
"Anything that's a bit different, it seems to be popular."
"Sometimes all it takes is an inch, you just need one more inch could be the difference."
"...you're not going to notice any difference."
"To be honest, I can't tell that big of a difference."
"what it isn't is anything different."
"That's three differences, yeah, but that's still good."
"I found my soulmate for sure, but I not only found my soulmate, I found somebody that is different than me."
"The only difference between you and who you want to be are your actions."
"Upgrading and getting the appliances that I really dreamed for made all the difference."
"Entertaining 300 square feet is going to be different than 1800 square feet."
"The difference between you and any admired man is knowledge."
"It's changed from a different color."
"Who doesn't like to be reminded that you make a difference, you know? So cute."
"Success makes all the difference between success and failure."
"No, this is not making much of a difference, is it?"
"Believe in yourself even a smidge, it's all the difference."
"The evolution of professional wrestling as a whole would have been very very different."
"Is the work accumulating enough to make a difference? That's the only thing that matters."
"Information is the difference that makes a difference."
"Challenging the idea that a communication difference is always a communication deficit."
"He was obviously different, bullies would point out Michael's weak eyesight, hearing loss, and speech impediment."
"Oh yeah, it's just different isn't it?"
"So, to me, these are like the biggest difference in color that we've had so far."
"It's just different. It changes everything."
"There's a deep difference between our approaches: your Spade gets turned at the level of geometry and mine does at the level of dynamics."
"A moment can be the difference between dog piles and falling short of your dreams."
"It's a completely different story."
"And I think politics does make a difference after all for those of you who are cynical about it."
"Humanity has always feared that which is different, always. To tell the world, you're right to fear us. We are the future, we are the ones who will inherit this earth."
"You can be in a company of people who are just there to enjoy themselves, and I've been to other places, and I've never had that kind of reception or acceptance of people like I have in Martha's Vineyard. It's totally different, totally different."
"It's obvious there were times when the younger Sheldon realized he was different in a lot of ways from everyone else around him, even his family."
"Sometimes the smallest things make the biggest differences."
"It's this energy of conquering the fear of the unknown, of the difference."
"They don't balance at all, they're totally different."
"We aren't exactly settlers, stranger, not by a long shot."
"You know the way that you make animated movies is really different than live action movies."
"If you've never ridden a horse before, there's a big difference between cruising in a car or a quad and having a bloody live animal underneath you."
"God Is Like Us in some ways God thinks and feels and acts, but in other ways he is very different."
"Does this make a difference at the end of the day?"
"Now to look at the smoothie this is so different some of the other things we've looked at they're kind of similar they look just about the same maybe a little bit of difference but this is so different."
"They're very different than what you were expecting."
"I'm actually quite happy with it because it looks pretty much the same but it's actually really, really different in terms of utility."
"I haven't yet to really need to clean my primer pockets or seen a difference in cleaning them versus not cleaning them."
"The difference between ignoring and answering now can make all the difference in the world. It can make the difference between success and failure."
"There's an old saying that when you play a joke on somebody and only the person who puts the joke on is laughing, then it's not a joke."
"Having their partner's support can make all the difference."
"You want someone who inspires you to think differently."
"This is what made all the difference in the world for me."
"What a difference it makes when a man's got a twin and that brother shows up."
"It makes such a difference in a good way."
"Acts of kindness, no matter how small or grand, possess the power to create a profound and lasting difference in the lives of those they touch."
"You spend a lifetime adapting to Earth's ecology but you never adapted to ours."
"It could be how you look, it could be a crazy hairstyle, like the 69s of the world that came back with crunk music with this crazy hairstyle. What is it that's different from everybody else?"
"Taverns are very different than bars. I don't know if you guys are aware of that. Are they?"
"Something remains the same long enough for a difference to be registered."
"...treat yourself. You so deserve it, I promise you it will make the world of difference in how you feel."
"It's amazing. I mean those stories have to make you feel great. It really does. And it makes you, it really does. I can't say enough. So you're making a difference in people's life."
"It's all the little things that make the difference."
"Dramatic difference in your images."
"It's amazing how these little details in cooking just that can make a world of difference."
"We're in a very very different world to the one that we were."
"Good quality pasta makes a huge difference."
"Women bring a different type of intelligence."