
Revolutionary Quotes

There are 168 quotes

"The most revolutionary thing that a woman could be, in this world or any, is relaxed."
"Reconstructed 200 million proteins, basically every protein of every living thing that's ever been sequenced. This is completely revolutionary."
"Diana's approach to royalty was refreshing, relatable, and revolutionary."
"People can bypass central systems like banks and governments, some would call it revolutionary."
"Toy Story is a revolutionary movie on not one, but several counts."
"To me, a loving, positive union, a loving, positive relationship, that's a revolutionary act."
"You can jail a revolutionary but you can't jail the revolution."
"You may jail a revolutionary, but you can't jail the revolution."
"Revolutionary sisterhood is not revolutionary because of who we have on the outside; it's revolutionary because of the sister we decided to be first to ourselves."
"It's not easy to come and do what we've done, you know I've been using one word a lot lately which is revolutionary."
"The Matte Shakers were absolutely beautiful and a revolutionary product."
"The YSL Tintin balms were a miraculous and glorious launch from YSL."
"The cause of Liberty in a revolutionary spirit."
"They are saying revolution nothing less so why would you not take their word for it when every step of the way they've done exactly what they wanted to do?"
"You only tend to get the revolutionary changes at the time of absolute collapse."
"Telling the truth is a revolutionary act. It really is, and if Liberty is to mean anything at all, it's telling people that which they don't want to hear."
"Bitcoin is the most revolutionary solution to one of the biggest problems humanity faces."
"Uranus is the rebel as well as the revolutionary."
"Gorbachev was among the most accidental revolutionaries in history."
"That's the sort of attitude that ends up with revolutions."
"Speaking the truth in a time of universal deceit is a revolutionary act." - James O'Brien
"This election has a revolutionary aspect to it, an expression of the rejection of a patriarchal society."
"Persona 5's Joker: a revolutionary addition."
"Separating money from state... that's what makes it a revolution."
"Said Brown Girls Burlesque performer Chicava Honeychild, 'For black women sexualized or other, to intellectually take to the stage and own yourself, that is very revolutionary.'"
"Bitcoin and cryptocurrency was the new internet. It was bigger than the internet."
"Blockchain could revolutionize the financial world."
"We need to create a movement, and that movement is not the Al Sharpton's, it's people like me, it's people like you."
"We need a movement to protect its true leaders, its revolutionary leaders like myself and you and others."
"Revolutionary sports icons... probably Muhammad Ali and Jim Brown."
"Love him or hate him, he's one of the most revolutionary and entertaining players of his generation."
"Revolutionary ideas and values are not always easy to live up to."
"If you want like revolutionary action in this system, it has to be targeted along class lines. It has to be the use of the state apparatus as modes of seizure."
"The genomic revolution is going to transform healthcare completely."
"Resident Evil 4 changed the game for not only the series but the industry as a whole."
"We will establish the new American Republic on its ashes."
"The limitation of riots is that they cannot win... riots are not revolutionary but reactionary because they invite defeat." - Martin Luther King Jr.
"This is a revolutionary in the dream and then listen to the sound all come on to that."
"Games like Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy VII, games that were very revolutionary, also did not shy away from political messages."
"Join my revolution. If you're like me, you're fighting for the future."
"This is revolutionary energy that comes across as chaos, and we're meant to move it forward."
"These people are insurrectionists, they'll call themselves revolutionaries."
"The book of Acts... Radical, revolutionary, mighty."
"I think the most revolutionary thing he's done is he's a politician that simply makes good on what he promises during the campaign."
"It was an unexpected revolution of the heart and mind."
"Nothing less than Revolution will provide a solution."
"They believe they need to break the system that was, break the system that exists and replace it with something entirely different."
"This is something that is absolutely revolutionary."
"Change the world, change the universe, change the freaking way wrestling is done."
"This song proves why this musical was able to turn the world upside down."
"Your life is a divine movement, a revolution, a divine plan."
"His style of play would have had no place in any coach's mind 10 years ago, and now he is the mold that young big men build their game around."
"divers made a revolutionary Discovery while exploring an extensive network of underwater caves in Mexico"
"Vegapunk, as it turns out, is not loyal to the World Government; he has ties with the Revolutionary Army and is even seen being a good friend with Dragon."
"The animal stomach contents are revolutionary; they contain proof that some mammal ancestors actually fed on young dinosaurs."
"The most revolutionary development in the restaurant industry in the past 50 years."
"Iconic from a visual standpoint and revolutionary from a technical one."
"Discover the Revolutionary scarper, a groundbreaking way to embrace the world of ebiking with style and cutting-edge Technology."
"The iconic structure was revolutionary for its time with its modern amenities blended with its rustic design and gigantic proportions"
"A revolutionary title showing that you can bring together several brands for a video game crossover without it feeling lazy or rushed together."
"This type of technology is an absolute GameChanger."
"I mean what can you say about these guys that hasn't been said a million times already? Absolutely revolutionary."
"This heliocentric idea was revolutionary at the time."
"The iPod was truly revolutionary."
"This one would revolutionize the world as we know it. 9.8 out of 10."
"Only the most revolutionary use themselves as a canvas."
"Inception is a revolutionary, one-of-a-kind type movie."
"This is one of the most revolutionary bike products I've seen in a long time."
"Ice Cube was the spirit of NWA, that's why it had a revolutionary element."
"Jackson was the King of Pop for a reason - driven, eccentric, and revolutionary."
"This is going to be absolutely revolutionary and it's already out and ready for you guys to use."
"You're a revolutionary, you didn't even know it."
"I think it actually is revolutionary."
"You see those five trees of avocado? Right. That was my revolutionary act."
"Korean skincare is revolutionary and I know that they are so far ahead of us in so many ways"
"...when this game came out it was revolutionary."
"Jurassic Park was revolutionary for a lot of reasons, they revolutionized how CGI would work."
"This is something kind of revolutionary."
"...for the time this entire process was revolutionary."
"There's no revolutionary movement without revolutionary Theory."
"The measure of how revolutionary a new scientific instrument is is how often when you look at data for the first time that's not been looked at with this instrument it reveals something that's not known."
"Persona Cosmetics has been coming out with revolutionary products."
"Promote a revolutionary idea: freedom."
"Revolutionary novel and a classic of the Harlem Renaissance."
"Dreadnought was such a revolutionary warship that the Dreadnought era of battleships is forever immortalized in history."
"This shirt is revolutionary in the shirtwear field."
"This is a crazy time for us. It's revolutionary. You guys will, this is really history."
"It's revolutionary. And no, this has never ever been seen before ever in any bow, even the old bows. Okay."
"Every article that I read, every video that I read said the same thing: this is going to be like the revolutionary ingredient in cosmetics in the future."
"It's mammoth. It's more than I thought. It's gonna revolutionize how you think, how you move, how you function."
"And it has not only been interesting, it has been, I think revolutionary for many of us who have had a chance to work with George."
"...so I would argue that you can look at this attack and say yeah, it was flawed but it was also revolutionary."
"It was nothing short of revolutionary for gay men."
"Capitalism is the most revolutionary order of things the world has ever seen."
"There's nothing more revolutionary than the sacrificial work of Jesus Christ made real, putting to death the old man and putting on the new man, and then being dwelt by the Spirit of God."
"This open design is revolutionary."
"The song is so iconic yo, you can play it today, 10 years from now, 20 years from now, 20 years ago okay revolutionary you get what I'm saying."
"Jacob is gonna reveal some things here that are revolutionary."
"Revolutionary policy for Gramsci did not come from above but from below," he insisted. "It was organic and the failure in his eyes of revolutionary elites is that they were often prone to be just as dictatorial and as disconnected as capitalist elites."
"No matter what you think about the Russian Revolution of 1917, there can be no dispute that it was one of the greatest events in human history, an event which radically changed the course of world history."
"Jesus was revolutionary in his empowerment of women."
"Tupac, I just would want to pick his brain man. Dude was just, you know what I'm saying, revolutionary. His story out there is probably one of the most interesting out of any hip-hop artist ever."
"That's an astonishing and I would go so far as to say a revolutionary attitude for a man of not only his time but frankly of virtually any time up to our lifetime."
"For its time, it was revolutionary."
"Scattered through history are a few true visionaries, people who rose above their culture and their time, whose revolutionary thinking and willingness to act changed the course of human history."
"The coming of the books must have seemed as if it was going to turn the world upside down in the way it spread and democratized knowledge."
"This is one of the most revolutionary works in the history of architecture."
"That's the type of thing that to me is revolutionary, it's game-changing."
"A revolutionary artist who forever altered the course of musical history."
"I like to think I'm a revolutionary, to bring change."
"A revolutionary air filtration system to filter out harmful fumes."
"Quantum mechanics is even more revolutionary, it completely changed what we think the purpose of physics is."
"Vampire always was and always will be revolutionary."
"It's literally a paradigm shifting teaching... it's something that will totally revolutionize your thinking about the Bible, the world history."
"Y'all don't understand, this man is a revolutionary."
"Common Sense was a pamphlet that encouraged and rallied support for the American Revolution."
"He will go down in history as one who did something that was revolutionary."
"You're like a revolutionary energy."
"The Fatimid Caliphate was a regime at once imperial and revolutionary."
"It was home to an incredible people with a revolutionary idea that they could rule themselves."
"Education must be revolutionary; it must change your mind, it must change your thinking, we must think differently."
"This is a revolutionary posture in world affairs, and it is more precious than money."
"The practice of mindfulness is totally revolutionary because you're willing to look at the actuality of things starting from scratch and starting from first principles."
"It's groundbreaking, it's revolutionary, it's great."
"He was sort of a revolutionary trying to look out for the lower strata of population."
"On the one hand, Napoleon is considered a true-hearted and patriotic revolutionary with a tantalizingly tactical brain, exceptional leadership qualities, a mastery of combat skills, and a natural affinity for military strategy that was quite literally beyond compare."
"This war represents the German Revolution, a greater political event than the French Revolution of the last century."
"The Hero 7 Black is a revolutionary camera, it took two worlds and combined them together so well."
"They're tapping into something that was revolutionary and helped make revolutionary music."
"Avant-garde art was once seen as a revolutionary activity, socially effective, public, disruptive."
"He introduced a new, and at the time, crazy theory, placing the Sun, or Sol, in the center of the solar system."
"Revolutionaries are different, you know. They think differently; they don't conform to norms the same way."
"She shook hands with an AIDS patient after which at the time was revolutionary."
"Jesus was a likely nonviolent revolutionary with a particular interpretation of Judaism."
"Above all, Marcus Garvey was a revolutionary optimist."
"So the concept of Free Will here is a revolutionary one."
"Sometimes just making yourself at home is revolutionary."
"Marsha P. Johnson was incredible. She was a trailblazer. She was a revolutionary."
"The two most revolutionary words you can say are 'I'm staying.'"
"A blockchain that is one ledger where everybody writes to one ledger is revolutionary."
"Empathy is radical and revolutionary... it can create a revolution of human relationships."
"We're living in Revolutionary times."
"The Buddha was very revolutionary, very courageous."
"Jesus was a radical revolutionary with hair on his chest and dirt under his fingernails."
"Liberty, equality, fraternity, or death."
"It is well aware that authentic action demands a permanent process that only reaches its maximal point when the dominated class through praxis also becomes prophetic, utopian, and full of hope, in other words, revolutionary."
"It shouldn't be, but it is revolutionary what you've chosen to do with that character."
"...the very act of buying a home in this neighborhood and staking out claim to a space that has said that you're not welcome there is fucking revolutionary and it is obviously a form of resistance."
"Christianity as a sort of a revolutionary movement."
"...the same kind of revolutionary spirit and the experimental nature that characterizes most of the major writers of the Romantic period could be found in the writings of these lesser-known women as well."
"I'm revolutionary because I'm fighting for my freedom, I'm fighting for my liberation."
"We have these outlets for revolutionary thought in contemporary entertainment... it's mostly in sci-fi."
"It's so dreamy and revolutionary and innovative."
"He's a Visionary, he's a revolutionary, he's Seth freaking Rollins, he's a fighting champion."