
Enlightenment Quotes

There are 13749 quotes

"To be shaken out of the ruts of ordinary perception, to be shown for a few timeless hours the outer and inner world not as they appear... but as they are apprehended directly and unconditionally by mind at large."
"The great ones are the ones who let go completely and they all said the same thing when they came back: 'I am the universe, I am everything.'"
"We are all better off with democracy, rationalism, secularism, science, and the Enlightenment."
"The world's a far better knowing things. We're always better off knowing things."
"The wound is the place where the light enters."
"Relationships are far more about enlightenment than they are about entertainment."
"What we're talking about here is transforming your entire perceptual system. Literally, the doors of your perception will be cleansed, and what you will be left with is the infinite."
"When all the desires of the mind are given up, then your enlightenment is steady."
"Consciousness grows. So beautiful. And the net result of that growth of consciousness is enlightenment."
"When you enter a state of Dhyana, you're in a no-mind state. This is bliss or temporary enlightenment."
"Jizō’s role as the Buddha Amitabha’s attendant and intercessor in the world, postponing his own buddhahood to help others achieve enlightenment."
"Lead us from the unreal to the real, lead us from darkness unto light, lead us from death to immortality. Om peace, peace, peace."
"The nature of realization in Kashmir Shaivism is recognition. Enlightenment is like recognition."
"The entire objective of human life is to raise one's awareness higher and higher until you get to the ultimate stages of enlightened awareness."
"Media has been used to numb people... if we can use it to excite, elevate, enlighten people... that will change the world."
"Who lead us from the unreal to the real, lead us from darkness unto light, lead us from death to immortality. Om peace, peace, peace."
"Pinker argues that the world has been drastically improved thanks to the enlightenment and more recently, neoliberal capitalism."
"The enlightenment was an extremely important time period when a great number of key scientific, philosophical, and political revolutions happened across Europe."
"The essence of embracing stillness is where a lot of the magic happens, where a lot of the realizations and enlightenments come from."
"You can experience enlightenment and you can discover the real existential nature of who and what you are and what life and what reality is through mindfulness."
"Realization or enlightenment... it's not discovering something new, it's actually remembering something old."
"The process of enlightenment is this stepwise process to become aware that you are actually divine and eternal."
"Buddha got enlightened under the tree because he saw the whole ecosystem...everything is one activity, entangled."
"The primary purpose of meditation is self-realization, enlightenment."
"When the waves of the mind are calmed down and the mind is clear, what is beyond the mind shines forth."
"Meditation is the stepping stone to enlightenment."
"Oh, lead us from the unreal to the real, lead us from darkness unto light, lead us from death to immortality. Om peace, peace, peace."
"Maya has two aspects: vidya maya and avidya maya... Vidya maya takes you to enlightenment, frees you from samsara."
"Learn to work the machine (maya), it will set you free."
"Tell yourself again and again 'I am that,' till it tingles with every drop of your blood... it becomes very vivid."
"If you can see yourself as not the body and rest in pure awareness, you will be enlightened, right now."
"Lead us from the unreal to the real, from darkness unto light, from death to immortality. Om peace, peace, peace."
"God realization, enlightenment, is open to everybody; it is, in fact, the goal of life."
"All life is suffering... but the other part of his teaching is, 'I show you suffering and the end of suffering.'"
"You, shining, everything else shines by your light; everything here is revealed."
"Samsara, the problem, the burden which we are trying to solve life after life, when enlightenment dawns, we realize it was never there."
"Leaders from the unreal to the real, leaders from darkness unto light, leaders from death to immortality. Om peace, peace, peace."
"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
"I teach that there is suffering and there is a reason for suffering, a cause, and there is an end to suffering, and there is a way out of suffering. The four noble truths."
"Literally laughed myself into Enlightenment."
"Awakening is realizing that you are larger than the entire universe."
"By its light, everything is lit up. What is that? It is you, the I am."
"What is more important, enlightenment or the fact that you are Brahman? That you are Purnam is the more important thing, and enlightenment will come of itself."
"Enlightenment is the truth of no self, meaning that there is no such thing as the entity that you personally think and believe that you are."
"To become enlightened, you need to become reality itself, right now in the present moment."
"The biggest trap here is that people try to conceptualize enlightenment."
"Once you break out of the matrix, you never want to go back in."
"Yet understood and respected, it's a symphony of liberation and enlightenment."
"I think when we all realize that others' bodies are not ours to police or talk about, then maybe we can actually be an enlightened culture."
"Everyone can be their own sun, but you're just someone who in this lifetime is naturally going to be very awakened at a young stage."
"Advaita Vedanta is direct; it is concerned solely with self-realization and enlightenment."
"Enlightenment, happiness, peace of mind is here in this moment. If we experience this moment not only now but in the next moment and the next moment and the next moment, then we have stability of enlightenment, of happiness, of peace of mind."
"Happiness or enlightenment is not something 'out there' in some other place. When you practice in that way, you start to realize that it's actually moment to moment."
"Let your eye be single so your body can fill with light."
"Science is a candle in the dark, and it is up to us to carry that torch no matter how dark the darkness may be."
"It's like this light is turning on in your heart, and there's a new understanding of where you belong and where you're supposed to go."
"They are the bullets of self-deception, the bullets that will pierce the heart of enlightenment if you let them."
"Enlightenment is living the truth of life, and the scientifically proven truth of life today is unity."
"For with you is the fountain of life; in your light do we see light."
"We shall know the truth, and the truth shall set us free."
"Thanks to the telescope and the microscope, religion no longer offers an explanation for anything important."
"If the light is in you, the light which is engraved in these tablets will respond."
"Strive ever upward, turn your soul toward the light."
"Light comes only to him who strives; hard is the pathway that leads to the wisdom, hard is the pathway that leads to the light."
"The path to enlightenment hinges on our attitude to things."
"From the unreal to the real, from darkness unto light, from death to immortality, Om peace, peace, peace."
"It's time to wake up; it's time to see the truth."
"Folks, those eight minutes and 46 seconds opened the eyes of millions of Americans and millions of people all over the world. Perhaps we can step into a different way of being."
"There is a path of light already paved before you."
"Enlightenment comes from the knowing you have the ability to change the situation."
"You gain knowledge through suffering. And on the other end of suffering is a world that very few have ever seen. It's a beautiful world because that's where you find yourself."
"Thank you for choosing education, for choosing enlightenment, for choosing empowerment over everything else in the world."
"Satisfied beyond all my wants, if I was to ever come close to enlightenment, it was definitely in this moment."
"Direct knowledge is something that we are all interested in, in Vedanta enlightenment or direct knowledge."
"The merger of Judeo-Christian values and reason brings about the Enlightenment."
"Enlightenment is actually a light, very positive realization because what you realize with enlightenment is that yes, there is no point and there is no meaning to life, but this is actually a very positive and great thing."
"With enlightenment...you're going to be able to feel and experience emotions more richly because now you're in the present moment."
"Voltaire wrote a famous poem in response to the earthquake that included the memorable lines 'As the dying voices call out, will you dare respond to this appalling spectacle of smoking ashes with, "This is the necessary effect of the eternal laws Freely chosen by God?"'"
"The Enlightenment or Age of Light refers to the belief that the musty old ideas needed to be exposed to rational investigation to see if they were still valuable."
"The bright light of reason needed to shine on tradition."
"Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-incurred lack of understanding."
"The enlightenment requires nothing but freedom, and the most innocent of all that may be called freedom: freedom to make public use of one's reason in all matters."
"Science, medicine, political freedom, the market economy...all of them were told are the result of a sort of miracle that took place 250 years ago. That miracle is called the Enlightenment."
"The point of the Enlightenment isn't that they came up with all of these ideas on their own...the point is that there was a sudden uptick in their popularity and philosophers came up to...reaffirm them through theory."
"The secret to enlightenment is the eradication of fear."
"This treasure is our natural state of felt oneness with being, our true nature beyond name and form."
"The Enlightenment is a revolution; it's not some everyday workmanlike change to the intellectual world."
"Anyone standing in the modern world, of course, knows about something called the Enlightenment or the age of reason."
"The Enlightenment had a dramatic impact on everything from culture to politics to the church, and eventually to technology."
"I am the awakened Buddha, meaning thereby that the rest of us are either sleeping or dreaming or sleepwalking. There is something, a higher life, into which we awaken."
"By their blessing, may we attain to enlightenment in this life itself and cross over the ocean of sorrow."
"Enlightenment and love come from the experience of realizing our true nature, beyond suffering and toward fulfillment."
"The spiritual journey is not a physical one but a journey from ignorance to knowledge, from not knowing our true self to enlightenment."
"Change is not tantamount to suffering; it is our unenlightened state in which we grasp by changing objects, thinking that they are going to be unchanging sources of joy for us."
"Once you start, whether you get enlightenment or not, day to day the benefits that flow, the peace and the joy and the sense of security and strength, it slowly becomes the most valuable thing in your life."
"All Buddhas of the three times are Buddhas who were initially ordinary sentient beings who, through their journey, became fully enlightened."
"The Buddha taught that suffering must be understood or recognized but there is no suffering to be understood and recognized once you have attained the result."
"You are ready for major awakening and ascension."
"It's time for us as a collective human race to rise into the light, into greater consciousness expansion."
"All praise is due to Him, Allahu Akbar. Also, we send blessings and salutations upon all the messengers who were sent by Him to remove us from darkness to light."
"What is the essence of enlightenment? It's always forever here; it's who you are. And in fact, that is the only essential question: 'Who are you really, right now?'"
"I felt very enlightened like I had learned some secret universal truth. I also felt a certain sense of inner peace."
"Knowledge is the base of any activity that we do... knowledge is not memorization. Allah didn't start the Quran with 'memorize', [He said] 'read'."
"We have the Sun, so this is all about new beginnings, enlightenment, realizations, healing. This is one of the happier cards in the tarot."
"What matters at the end of our lives is our own enlightenment, our own spiritual progress."
"The important thing is to take the teaching and practice and become enlightened oneself."
"See the light within yourself and everywhere else."
"Truth bursts forth in radiant light, showing all the path of right."
"Pinker's 'The Blank Slate' is a book everyone should read. I say that without any asterisks. It's an amazing accomplishment."
"After nirvikalpa samadhi, spiritual life begins."
"Moksha not only after death but here and now while living in this body, you are completely liberated."
"You are very well established in your light, but all that has been hidden from you, all that you didn't understand, now becoming illuminated."
"A lot of spiritual growth has taken place for you."
"Happiness is only possible with enlightenment."
"Spiritual growth is not your spirit growing; spiritual growth is when the rest of you catches up to who you really are."
"All of these other things were illusions; they were shadows cast by light."
"The antidote to the spiritual crisis... is to open the horizon again, to turn the lights back on... to understand themselves in relation to these higher order realities."
"Opening up to a deeper philosophy and understanding, you're embarking on a journey of profound insight and enlightenment."
"Enlightenment is all about learning that you are enough."
"The old self is gone, the new self emerges... when the darkness lifts, you have clarity like you've never had before."
"A soul is placed in the dark so that it can see... a soul is stripped, emptied so that it can be filled."
"If we do it right, AI could give everyone a clearer picture, a new enlightenment, so we can dump the divisive lies and enjoy being human."
"The path of the just is as a shining light that shines more and more until the perfect day."
"You are a light who is supposed to expand and offer clarity and guidance for others."
"The enlightened one does not sorrow, does not grieve."
"The Enlightenment, which was based around using rationality to improve society as opposed to tradition and religion, is very clearly modern."
"The greatest pleasure in life lies on the other end of enlightenment."
"Reality from this one insight... becomes seen. I see the sort of infinite nature of existence and that's so beautiful to me."
"An enlightened person doesn't really want to go sell enlightenment."
"The body moved and became powerful and it was enlightened at once. The rest of the powers became jealous."
"The only way out is to change the causality...we need a cultural Enlightenment."
"You are a beacon of light to the awakening and your light creates the space for evolution."
"For the majority of us, suffering was the doorway to enlightenment."
"Awareness is the red pill in the matrix y'all. If you take that, and you swallow that damn thing, you're about to see a lot about this universe that is gonna piss you the hell off!"
"The more you know, the more educated you become, the more enlightened you are. Not only do you learn about these things like stocks and housing, you learn about other ways to make money."
"They want to bring some magic into each and every one of our lives and help us awaken to the light."
"Awakening helps you remember who and what you are."
"Awakening to who and what you are in a very powerful way."
"Knowledge is freedom, knowledge is sovereignty, knowledge will set us all free from this matrix."
"Raising of consciousness truly is a salvation."
"You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
"He recognizes that he was the one causing the moon to reflect light, and that he actually embodies the sun within him."
"Our eyes are yet to open. Fear the old blood."
"It's a roller coaster. It's been the craziest, weirdest, most enlightening, horrible but also good time of my life."
"The ultimate goal is not to gain some powers or accomplishments but to realize self-knowledge."
"Knowledge or understanding deepens into enlightenment because it is about yourself."
"The understanding which you get after hearing, reflecting, and meditating deepens into enlightenment."
"He who seeks, let him not cease seeking until he finds; and when he finds, he will be troubled; and when he is troubled, he will be amazed, and he will reign over the all."
"Innovation is the alchemy of the mind, where curiosity meets creativity, birthing ideas that illuminate the world."
"The Sun, the light of the Sun, is symbolic of the light of the soul itself."
"This great awakening represents a collective shift in human consciousness, uniting humanity under a shared banner of knowledge, understanding, and enlightenment."
"By opening yourself up to that inner darkness, cheesy as it sounds, you let in the light."
"That which is to give light must endure burning."
"Moksha, which is Sanskrit for enlightenment, is translated as both Bliss and freedom because you are happy with pleasure or pain, acceptance or rejection."
"Humanity will never be free until the knowledge of the occult is no longer occult but is brought out into the light of day."
"Your interest lies in demystifying the mystical so that people have all the tools within their reach to make measurable changes in their lives."
"There is but one path to enlightenment: a true master is mobile."
"What does it mean to be awake? What are the characteristics of the state of spiritual wakefulness or enlightenment?"
"Spiritually awakened people see the world in a very childlike way, struck by the wonder, beauty, and intricacy of phenomena that other people take for granted."
"The end result of full Awakening is freedom from personal suffering, clarity of mind, boundless joy, inner peace, and the ability to live an incredibly fulfilling life."
"I promise that it'll all come together in a beautiful way which will blow your mind."
"When you recite the Quran, and Allah accepts your recitation of the Quran, you'll get Noor. And when you have Noor, then you can see what otherwise cannot be seen."
"I teach people what I have experienced. Enlightenment could be just the capacity to be in the present moment without assumptions, without imposing interpretations."
"In the day you eat thereof, then your eyes will be opened, and you will be as gods, knowing good and evil."
"The rise of science was a triumph over mythology, over magic and superstition."
"Remember, my beautiful beings of light, one can never release too much or too often."
"Enlightenment is an accident, but spiritual practice makes one accident-prone."
"Meditation is where these Satori States or Samadhi states occur."
"If you could make season eight of Game of Thrones an enjoyable experience, that's what enlightenment is. It's living your life and being able to enjoy season eight of Game of Thrones. That's enlightenment, modern-day definition of enlightenment."
"You are God. The question is, when will you realize?"
"The truth will set you free, the truth will make you free."
"The truth isn't a process of collective discovery but an orthodoxy already known to an enlightened few whose job is to inform everyone else."
"You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."
"Becoming nobody is so powerful because out of the nothing comes everything."
"When you're enlightened, you realize there is no hierarchy; there's just consciousness."
"If the truth were prevalent, the truth would set us all free."
"They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever."
"Instead of this just debilitating debacle worldwide, it actually could have been the opportunity for another enlightenment."
"For in them is the spring of understanding, the fountain of wisdom, and the river of knowledge."
"I danced with darkness and learned its moves; now I stand in the light and can no longer be seduced."
"Learning how economics truly works is like taking a bite of the forbidden fruit; you can't go back to when you naively believed you could solve the world's problems."
"As the light gains purchase, spirits are lifted, and purpose is made clear."
"Awakening simply meant Yonsung had become enlightened about his existence and accepted himself as a constellation."
"Heavenly Father, we ask you to send the spirit of Enlightenment to us, to see your truth."
"You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
"Faith is not a leap in the dark; it's a leap out of the dark into the light of God's Word."
"You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
"For it is impossible to bring back to repentance those who were once enlightened, who have experienced the good things of heaven and shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the power of the age to come, and who then turn away from God."
"The Sun. Wow, so this is happiness, joy, seeing the light."
"This is a year of illumination and light for you."
"Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water."
"When God reveals something, He removes the veil."
"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
"You will know the truth and the truth will liberate you... When you know the truth, that's where freedom is."
"The first enlightenment is to realize fully that you are part everything in existence. The second enlightenment is to realize fully that everything is a part of you."
"It can open your eyes to an understanding of reality that you just simply couldn't have reached before."
"Knowledge is always needed. We always need that light, you know, that comes from information and clarity."
"The path of the just is as a shining light, shining ever brighter, more and more."
"The best work I can do for my own salvation is to share truth with others and to work toward bringing people out of darkness into the light."
"Mathematics provides this powerful illumination into the dark qualities of the universe and allows us to make progress on questions that don't seem to have any relevance to survival."