
Astrology Quotes

There are 11504 quotes

"Any hard work is going to be rewarded, especially with Jupiter in Capricorn."
"It's your karmic duty and your righteous action with Jupiter accessing your sixth house to really be of service to other people, to help the underprivileged, to help the needy."
"Any time that we have Sun Trine Jupiter, it is a really positive and expansive time for everyone, and it brings blessings to everyone."
"Sun Trine Jupiter... brings about blessings and miracles to all of the zodiac signs."
"Venus in astrology... gives us our sensory interpretation and understanding of the beautiful wonderful aspects of life."
"Venus is also about how we relate to an environment, how we relate with people, how we sort of create energetic connections."
"Venus is a planet you can work with so easily and give yourself and your life much more happiness just by working around Venus."
"Venus in Capricorn is definitely the energy of old money, family money."
"If Jupiter is in the eleventh or twelfth from Venus, then it is easy to marry or to have a relationship."
"Astrology doesn't dictate your life, you dictate your life."
"Jupiter is going in direct so everyone's going to be experiencing blessings."
"Pluto Jupiter... is known as the millionaire conjunction. Many rich people like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates have this conjunction."
"Over the next two years, you're going to have options because Aquarius is going to have Pluto in your seventh house, leading to major changes in your relationships."
"Saturn is going retrograde for most of the year, adding a lot of reflection and reassessment."
"When planets move backwards, we really look inside ourselves, take a step back on our lives, and just analyze and see, 'Is this person really serving us? Is this place really the place for me?'"
"Make sure you watch your astrology prediction; those are very informative and very good for guiding you through the course of the month."
"It's very starry, there's a lot of astrology, astronomy kind of stuff baked into it, which I think is really compelling."
"Pluto reveals; it is an exposure in 2023 of all that has been hidden."
"Well-placed Jupiter...exalted...you will get the positive manifestation of a Jupiter influenced person."
"Where Venus goes, we feel things are easy and more pleasant there."
"The conclusion of the month: the result of Jupiter in Lagna is very unique. You'll have the support, and you'll have the favors. Your business activities will be very active, very productive."
"I think this Eclipse will give rather than take."
"When I had the South Node eclipse in my second house years ago, that's when I let go of everything I had built over 16 years."
"When planets are moving direct, things go according to plans and expectations."
"Venus becomes visible as an evening star... relationships between humans will start becoming more agreeable, more cooperating."
"The first part of the month is quite awesome for Sagittarius, as the Sun, Venus, and Mercury are in your fifth house, sending only positive rays."
"It's very rare occurrence for Venus to be born in your fifth house. That's a house of joy."
"You are the Masters of your own universe; astrology does not dictate your life, it is merely a cheat sheet showing you what you can expect."
"When there is Saturn in Jupiter in your first house, you have more free will than any other year of your life to decide the course of your life."
"It's a year of reward for Scorpio as well as... being healed from all the trauma that you've been through."
"The essence of new energy is all around you. With surrender being attached to number 91, Scorpio, go with the flow."
"Whether one believes in astrology or not, it is true that it was created."
"Understanding your rising sign and its ruler can offer profound insights into your identity, path in life, and your soul's evolution."
"I understand that many people want to feel connected to a higher power and that astrology can feel really good and refreshing and inclusive to people who have left a certain religion or are typically excluded from certain religions."
"Astrology still offers emotional comfort and encourages self-reflection and examination."
"Moon in Gemini...if this moon is not having fun, it will lash out and make everyone know it."
"Moon in Libra...has a really great ability to enjoy life."
"Moon in Pisces people have a really incredible connection to life and their own life force."
"Leo is a sign of life, rules the heart, joy of life, and being present in the moment like children are."
"You can help channel the energies of Mars, and Mars will actually help this new moon and help you by making out the plan for the future."
"Significant transformations are ahead as Pluto enters Aquarius, signaling a time of profound change and rebirth."
"Not everyone gets affected by all the eclipses... It will affect a certain area of your life, but for some, it might just be an emotional experience."
"Eclipses can turn your life around, change it 180 degrees."
"Eclipses are when the fates of humans and the world are being aligned, like the rails of a train changing direction."
"The full moon total lunar eclipse is very powerful because the moon is closest to the earth, making it look much bigger than normal."
"Eclipses with the North Node can give you something, a culmination or conclusion of a cycle, indicating the end of a series of changes."
"The eclipse is a grand finale, showing the results of big shifts and changes over the last two years."
"This conflict has to happen for you, Virgo, because this conflict could lead you to making the changes necessary in your life to start finally pursuing your destiny, your legacy, the reason why you are here."
"Yes, this change that's coming is for your greater good because it's taking you away from conflict, heartbreak, and it's bringing you towards success and your destiny."
"You are going to find your blessings and anything to do with fifth house matters... being creative, healing your inner child, being a child again."
"Saturn in your eighth can push you to overcome your fears, face obstacles, and overcome any sort of doubt in your subconscious mind."
"It's gonna be a beautiful month for you despite the mercury retrograde."
"Black Moon Lilith...definitely indicates a certain amount of attractiveness in your birth chart, ruling sex appeal, a sense of provocativeness, and being mesmerizing."
"Neptune rules the sense of mystery, this sense of allure, and its placement in your birth chart can make someone very appealing or mesmerizing."
"The moon...ties back to youthfulness. Youthfulness does play into beauty and physical attractiveness. The presence of the moon gives someone a very youthful appearance."
"With the full moon in Aquarius...we are releasing maybe old ways of thinking."
"Aquarians are hungry for knowledge. This is the one sign that I have found they're hungry for knowledge."
"The ability to apply [astrological principles] correctly requires both structured thinking and intuition to work in unison, something that requires the blessing of spiritual sadhana."
"It tells me so much like I have bettered myself so much as a person because of knowing my negative Taurus traits and trying to go away from them."
"Your moon sign is connected to your emotions and how you are like deep down on a deep level."
"I personally don't really believe in it, but I think it's a fun form of therapy."
"If you think about it, it's like fantasy. Someone at some point looked at the stars and was like, 'It'll be really fun, a classification system that equally divides the world population into 12 groups.'"
"There have been studies on this before, and they've actually quantified the number of serial killers based on birth and found that mutable signs are most common in serial killers."
"This solar eclipse is going to bring a lot of change for you in a positive direction. Things become easier for you."
"This is the game-changer: the Saturn Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius."
"Numerology and astrology are the cheat codes."
"Astrology is generally defined as the belief that astronomical phenomena have the power to influence daily events in our lives and our personality traits."
"It's amazing to think how you can understand people through astrology."
"Astrology can be a great tool for helping you work on your flaws."
"It really can be a great tool for you to help try to figure out what's compatible for you in relationships."
"Astrology offers a symbolic and metaphorical system of imagining within a frame of order."
"If astrology ever makes you feel fearful or worried, it is not coming from source."
"Astrology provides a microscopic view into the subtle variations of each individual's life, offering a unique and profound understanding of their personal journey."
"Astrology is a great way to prepare you for what is to come."
"Astrology is a collection of things that we thought of before we knew anything, in a time when we thought the earth was the center of the universe."
"It’s fun. People like it. They like the idea of it, and how it makes them feel."
"Astrology is what I call the divine science."
"Jupiter is a planet of good luck, expansion, and opportunity, so some of those shock changes and challenges will actually bring opportunity and good luck."
"The days and hours of Jupiter are proper for obtaining honors, acquiring riches, contracting friendships, preserving health."
"The days and hours of Venus are good for forming friendships, for kindness and love."
"Venus is about betrothals. It's about pledges. It's about the agreements that you make."
"Pluto is empowering and taking small things and making them bigger."
"Saturn makes you known as the person of the people."
"Venus retrograde in your sixth house may prompt you to reevaluate and improve your health habits."
"A new moon can signify new beginnings, bringing new energy and opportunities."
"Retrograde periods can be powerful times for internal reflection and discovering deep truths within oneself."
"During Mercury retrograde, revisit old projects or ideas to potentially correct mistakes and improve systems."
"Mercury retrograde is known to be bad cause communication mishaps, cause travel delays, and all of that stuff, but Mercury retrograde is actually good because it causes us to really reflect internally about what resonates in our life and what doesn't."
"Expect to take your power back, Aries. Expect to be like that bold person that you normally are."
"If you know your zodiac sign, you can go to the timestamps I provide down below, click that timestamp next to your zodiac sign to see what's coming for you."
"Astrology is not just about predicting future events but understanding the deeper narrative of our lives through the positions of celestial bodies."
"Aries, what I'm seeing for you is this could manifest as a raise, as a promotion, this could manifest as you getting recognition for a job well done."
"Astrology does not dictate your life; you dictate your life."
"The eleventh house is the house of gains, it's the house of hopes, wishes; it's naturally known as a very lucky house in astrology."
"Jupiter entering Pisces brings a lot of good luck and good fortune."
"Those born under the balsamic moon are very spiritually gifted."
"Whenever the North Node Rahu goes in Taurus, it's money, so there can be an explosion of new opportunities for money."
"The Ascendant is the first self-impression. It is the determining factor of the birth chart."
"Understanding the Ascendant is crucial for understanding the first impression we give and how we initiate in life."
"The true test for Virgo rising is to finish what they start."
"Libra rising is very attractive and one of the...hottest, most attractive rising signs."
"I respect Pisces rising because you never use your past or your turmoil as an excuse not to thrive in life."
"Venus is the planet of ease and love, and I'm hoping for more love in the hearts of people."
"If you lead your life with full discipline, then Saturn will definitely reward you with status, prestige, honor, and comfort."
"Rahu can make its native super intelligent, supernatural in powers."
"Ketu gives the person a thrust of knowledge, enlightenment through spiritual knowledge."
"Mercury becoming visible is auspicious for launching business projects, marketing, advertising, communication, and collaborations for work."
"Mercury in Aquarius is known to be very much about the truth, the facts, the scientific, sticking to the scientific facts."
"Triple manifesting power... you can manifest a new job, for example, triple manifesting power or some manifestation good results in your career."
"Aries, you are hot because if you have a goal, you keep going after that goal even if everyone else doesn't believe in you."
"Leo's are attractive because you make everyone have fun even when they don't want to."
"Sagittarius are attractive because we're extremely open-minded and non-judgmental."
"Astrologically, this month is going to be the very most eventful."
"Eclipse energy is the darkening of the light and therefore when you have this Eclipse energy, what you're going to find is that something comes out of the dark and is revealed."
"This year we've seen so much, what else could be here is the month you've been waiting for where the purging, where the happening, where the truth comes out."
"What Venus will do, things that are not alive, it will give you great things there, meaning fashion, beauty, arts, creativity. These things will naturally help you."
"It's a great eclipse to let go of fear and to find confidence again."
"Astrology reveals our psychology, spirituality, evolution, and tells the story about karma and past lives."
"Saturn's been working you over Leo and you're done with that and this is your reward."
"With full moons, emotions tend to come to a head, especially when the full moon is in a water sign like Pisces."
"The Taurus that I know are some of the hardest-working people I've ever met."
"Virgos notice everything. They analyze it so intensely that they can literally figure a situation out."
"Libras...you can have some real talks with them about anything."
"Scorpios...they know how to put their pride aside and take control of a situation."
"Sagittarius...they're very loving people but a lot of people tend to think that they're heartless and cold."
"Capricorns...they're not cheap; they're just hard workers and they know how to work for their money."
"The stars, the planets are bringing this to you because you deserve it, Cancer. Congratulations."
"Jupiter is a planet of expansion, growth, philosophy, spirituality, higher awakening, and higher awareness."
"To keep the love alive with a Gemini, keep it light-hearted and fun...make sure that when there is conflict, you're open, honest, and willing to communicate with no judgment."
"With Leo, make sure the drama of you expressing your feelings is there...passion, expression, surprises, adventures, romance, that's what they require."
"The moon in Cancer is the mother, she's the moon goddess, she's the Empress in the Tarot, she's the High Priestess in the Tarot as well."
"Astrology is the pattern, it's the sheet of music, but the co-creation of what actually happens is down to our individual and collective frequencies."
"You are making the right decisions for your life, Aries, and the universe is supporting the directions that you're moving in."
"The planet of manifestation is in a sign ruled by Venus, which is marvelous."
"Eighth house... it's really the house that transforms us, it's a transformative house especially the eighth house."
"Lunar Scorpios have exceptional radar that allows them to size up a situation or a person quickly and expertly."
"Astrology is a map to the energies of the world."
"Taurus is an earth sign, so it is what we call a down-to-earth sign, but Taurus people are not greedy or anything; they are more after the good things of life."
"The fact that Neptune is in Pisces is interesting for any person born under the sign of Taurus because Neptune represents inspiration, intuition, Sixth Sense, sensitivity."
"2020 is probably going to be a great year for you because of all those configurations converging on your side."
"A cluster is always an addition of energies, and each planet, each element has its own power and is adding up to the power of the planet next to it."
"The new moon should be considered as a new start. So, if you want to begin something important, you should choose the moment when the sun and the moon are aligned because that is determining a new cycle, a new beginning."
"Pluto represents what actually we have to sacrifice or that we have to abandon, let go, therefore, Pluto is an interesting influence because that regeneration process helps us move forward."
"Being a cancer, she's very loving, yes, and she's very sensitive...she always thinks she can clean things up, fix things."
"Jupiter represents success, evolution, progress, optimism, enthusiasm, and so on."
"This period until the new moon is going to be a very promising period, a very positive one."
"The opposition with Jupiter is going to trigger the energy of Jupiter which represents optimism, enthusiasm, progress, success, evolution, positive."
"When it's a new moon, it's a great time for new beginnings; if it's a full moon, it's a great time for letting go."
"Whether or not you believe in astrology, I hope that you found this video fun."
"Don't give up on your dreams or your aspirations, Sagittarius. Where there's a will, there's a way."
"Jupiter represents evolution, expansion, and progress. Success is represented by Jupiter, whereas Saturn represents work, the effort that you put into what you want to achieve in life."
"Jupiter has a tremendous energy field, and the same applies to Saturn. So both planets, giant planets, are going to be in good relationship with your side or your ascendant."
"Navamsha can show the mental aspect and spiritual journey of a person."
"The importance of Navamsha is that it can indicate the inner stability, family life, and mental health of a person."
"A person's material and spiritual aspects are deeply connected in the Navamsha chart."
"This New Moon is New Beginnings but very unpredictable, shocking, sudden downloads."
"Aquarius is the sign of awakening, revelations, and discoveries... fast downloads, you wake up and think differently about something."
"It is important to establish trust in any relationship, and with an Aries, a Taurus, or a Capricorn, you can at least be sure that they will tell you what it takes in order for them to trust you."
"Eclipses are like really powerful pivot points in our lives, beginnings and endings, jumps throughout for our evolution."
"Jupiter, in traditional astrology, is known as the great benefic, usually bringing a lot of positivity."
"The buck moon... signifies the peak of the year, a very powerful potential for manifestation, abundance, building, and strength."
"Pisces is known as the most spiritual of all the zodiac signs."
"Venus enhances your charisma, your charm, your personal vibration making you more attractive to other people but also to the good things of life in general."
"Jupiter actually harmonizes with Saturn and it conjuncts the North Node which is a perfect alignment to tap into good luck, good fortune, and prosperity."
"Pluto is heading into the sign of Aquarius...it's a really exciting time for Humanity as this great force of Titanic transformation and evolutionary impulse is happening for us all collectively and individually."
"Venus stationed retrograde squared Neptune... about the temporary illusion that we could all socialize widely again."
"They come at a time when their major alignments in their natal chart are in alignment on the day of their session, and that's when a portal opens to higher consciousness."
"As a result of analyzing close to 2000 astrological charts from a galactic perspective, she feels called to share her research data confirming epic cosmic orchestration and influence of celestial bodies on our lives."
"This full moon in Capricorn shows what doesn't work anymore. It doesn't allow us to have these false ideas of comfort; it really cuts through the BS."
"This full moon in Capricorn wants a major resolution point or a major structural rebalancing on what we actually can restructure, what we actually have the power to reaffirm."
"I am waiting for my ex to come back and fix our relationship. He's a Taurus; I'm an Aquarius. Will they come back? Six of Wands, yes."
"With Uranus in Taurus, this is about you building a new life using your creative self-expression."
"The lovers kicking it off and the recent past strong connection could be Gemini on your chart, but let's keep going."
"Strong connection, heavy air sign energy. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius does not have to be."
"You are good enough. Full moon in Virgo. A time to give rather than to take."
"The end of a tough cycle approaches. Full moon in Capricorn. A lot of diligent energy there, step by step."
"This is a daring rebirth. New moons are all about new beginnings."
"Thanks to Jupiter, the planet of luck, astrology says Tauruses are in a tremendously expansive and joyous phase of life."
"The year to party and celebrate is here, Cancer."
"This will finally feel like a solid year, Pisces."
"Jupiter in Libra creates very positive marriages, very positive business partnerships."
"It's a fixed dualistic sign... it is a wild card Aquarius is always a wild card energy."
"Aquarius is the sign of astrology, Jupiter is also a sign of studies... astrology is very beneficial for Jupiter and Aquarius."
"Failure will not be taken for an option, and there's a hunger in Gemini's for success."
"You're gonna be shining pretty bright this year."
"Embrace your shadow side. This year is going to be so hard for water signs."
"Jupiter transiting your moksha houses... seek bad pleasures, more sex, more passionate love."
"With Jupiter and Saturn together... they can bring promotions, they can bring property."
"Mars in Pisces people are working with some amount of like God energy."
"Mars in Taurus: potential for great artists, painters, musicians, with practical edge and artistic ability."
"Mars in Taurus: once they find something they love, practice brings mastery and teaching potential."
"Mars in Gemini: similar to Mars in Sagittarius, focused with a well-honed mind, connecting body and mind."
"Mars in Leo: Penultimate masculine energy that knows what it wants and how to go after it."
"Mars in Virgo: Major emphasis on daily routine, cleanliness, diet, and aesthetics of surroundings."
"Once they heal and transform something that was very broken inside...Mars in Scorpio...the mastery of individual healing capacity."
"Welcome, welcome, welcome Mars in Sagittarius...heart of a traveler with Mars in Sagittarius."
"As a Mars and Aquarius, I want you to kind of think about how much you might have now already had a change on people around you."
"As Venus moves into Pisces, you're dropping into the seat of your soul."
"Take your goals off the back burner and go for them, Saturn is supporting you."
"Remember Saturn is the bouncer of karma, and what is owed to you will come to you."