
Moment Quotes

There are 3393 quotes

"The experience itself is indescribable because it is a needle on the record...you can only experience what the needle is experiencing in that moment."
"Make every moment an exciting, fun experience."
"What an amazing moment, what an incredible human being."
"Let's savor every moment, every second of today's occasion."
"As we talk about the month of Ramadan and that which follows, it is important for us to really make the most of the moment that we are in."
"I don't see a reason to pull those out at the moment."
"Every single thing that he draws feels like a moment stopped in time."
"I have never been more in love than in this moment with my hair."
"These moments are not stories. This is happening. I am here and I'm looking at her and she is so beautiful. I swear we are infinite."
"The amazing and confusing thing about it is that the possibility of change exists in all moments."
"Enjoy the sunset, take a bite from that scone."
"They helped open my eyes to the infinite amount of beauty that each and every moment can possess."
"What a time to be alive though, the sun is setting over the mountaintop right now."
"It's a remarkable moment... We are living in a moment of acute change."
"I think we're in a moment of deep and large change."
"Lightning in a bottle is about capturing that moment of inspiration and using it to help you do things."
"It's an amazing moment. It's a complete realignment."
"This is an extremely meaningful moment for me."
"Listening to a lot of the conversation and thinking about the multiverse... It actually makes you appreciate how incredible and special this exact moment is."
"This is my moment, this is where I get a birdie."
"This could be a significant moment of awakening."
"You have to really just live in every moment and try to enjoy everything in your life."
"Make the artwork to make that one crystallized perfect moment that you can share with the audience."
"It's very important to take that journey and be able to say what you think in the moment"
"This is a moment that really is making history."
"The significance of this moment cannot be overstated."
"You're a legend. An icon. And you are the moment."
"He might want to enjoy it a little bit more be out there for a minute enjoy the surroundings he didn't get that he had five seconds that's over he's like this 14z I love it."
"This was the moment we were all waiting for."
"This is a moment for us to embrace the possible."
"It's not only was it a moment, it is something that I believe will transcend generations."
"And use this moment as a 'never again' moment."
"The point is what do you do with it? Do you allow yourself to give into that moment and become overwhelmed by it?"
"Dr. Bannon took a deep breath and scanned the card. The door slowly opened."
"There's gonna be a real moment of reckoning."
"Last play of the game, let's see if we can get a clutch moment here."
"I'm definitely happy that we are able to have this moment right here right now."
"This moment we're having right now, it's like we will never experience this exact moment again."
"Seize the moment because that's the difference between a moment and a movement. It's a sacrifice, and when we make the sacrifices, God honors the sacrifice."
"The moment is never gone, the $50 million is not worth that [__] ring."
"I saw Sierra and Hudson kiss outside in the snow."
"Every moment is a unique moment of creation."
"It's knowing that every moment is actually precious."
"This week is going to be an important moment in time, an important moment in history."
"You cannot afford to not know what this moment is about."
"This is our moment, this is our prophetic moment, we have to rise to it."
"Help us to consciously in the moment choose to forgive."
"We are free. That's the feeling we have at this moment."
"Just right now, be easy on yourself and appreciate these moments."
"Shut the [ __ ] up and get down, we're gonna make this a moment."
"In that moment, it was a complete and deep transformation."
"Every single moment is a different universe."
"I don't know if I'm gonna love you tomorrow or the next day, but I know that in this moment I love you."
"This is their turning point. This is a turning point."
"She's an icon. She's the legend. She is the moment."
"Just give it as you lay it all out right here."
"This definitely feels like an inflection point."
"The moment contains love... seek that love in every moment."
"That was a defining moment, changed my whole course of life."
"We are in the moment of pure creation for this planet."
"This island isn't just a place. It's a defining moment in time."
"It was like actually such a heartwarming moment."
"Congratulations to Sonics, bro. He's holding up a time-out poster."
"It's a very prosaic romantic moment of like finding God."
"I love you, now, at this moment, I love you."
"Ethan Abate scores the goal that gets all three points what a moment for the young kid right there."
"What a moment in Canadian history here at Parliament Hill."
"It was at that moment that my life changed forever."
"In the heat of battle, a single moment may fill an eternity."
"That's not an epic Kratos moment. The cycle ends here; you must be better than this."
"Look at that, look at her little Easter bunny moment."
"When you do get those slim moments of victory, god damn do they taste all the sweeter."
"I got really excited, I had a moment, we all did together."
"That moment in the center, it hits the mark."
"Here it is, for some of you, this is your moment of salvation."
"This is incredible, man. This is incredible."
"There's one particular moment right where not kidding I genuinely teared up."
"I mean, I really wanted to win this game, and I thought it was a good moment to kind of create a mess."
"She said yes, she said yes! Oh, wait, your eyes were open then, you gotta run it back, eyes closed!"
"This is the moment of your personal awakening."
"He's just someone who really understands the moment and lives up to it every time."
"This is a major, major moment... we're gonna have to disconnect from where our emotions are being stuck on."
"Maybe now is your moment, the fans need you."
"The most precious moment: the result of incalculable actions and reactions."
"You're just in the moment, you know, you're in the emotional moment here."
"Being born anew in a new moment, in a new moment."
"Feeling that calmness in that moment is addictive as hell."
"Here's the external thing and the internal thing...if not this moment, when?"
"Enjoy the moment, you know, like and also understand when other people need to enjoy their moment."
"Goodbye, Luigi. Oh my goodness, he was on the edge!"
"Shout out to anybody who made it to this moment right now."
"Your wound... it's bleeding. I've been waiting for this very moment."
"Let's just take a moment to just be excited."
"I am writing about the microsecond that separates life from death, the very moment when we cross over."
"It's a lovely and honestly brilliant moment."
"You could turn your life around in a moment."
"It's the act of you striving to become more in one moment than you were in the last moment."
"Miracles don't take massive faith. Miracles take a moment of faith."
"We're stepping into a moment of time where God intervenes."
"I'm just grateful and thankful for the opportunity to have this beer now."
"The sense of relief at that moment was so powerful it overwhelmed me."
"Here's to Helen, buddy. To Helen," I smiled and drained my glass.
"It isn't ideal but they'll have to cope with it and it is a moment in time."
"Curry with a deep three, and Steph dribbled it off his foot."
"How do you create something for that moment that is special, surprising, and unexpected?"
"Honor the players for this unique moment of a direct Sequel."
"Appreciating every second of it like it's the only chance we get is beyond merely livable."
"Stay still, buddy. Smile for the camera. Thank you."
"This is a moment that shall never be repeated."
"You make time." Saul realizes how much deep he's in as he arrives back witnessing the colony of ants smashing down his ice cream cone.
"I actually can't believe this is happening right now."
"This is a moment for everybody to think, to act, and to mobilize."
"Karmic debt is being reconciled at this moment."
"There's nothing I want more in the world than to be with you right here right now."
"I won't keep you standing and balancing things in that moment."
"You just being right now in this moment and just being present is literally what is going to make this miracle happen."
"I'm just having a moment where I'm very grateful."
"This is our time. This is our moment. We are the revolution, damn it!"
"This is going to be about a mind-blowing moment in time."
"They're enjoying this moment with you, savoring just that they're looking at you."
"Just be quiet for a moment and appreciate how big of a deal that is."
"Maybe your superhero moment is right around the corner."
"I'll never forget that moment when I saw it swaying back and forth."
"Your self-care practices and rituals are of paramount importance at this moment in time."
"Every single moment of your life is pregnant with possibility."
"There's something beautiful happening here."
"Yes, Harvey! Yes! What a moment that is for Liverpool Football Club and what a moment that is for Harvey Elliot."
"This moment is my moment; it's going to end whenever I decide it's going to end."
"It has to do with recognizing the specialness and the sacredness of the moment."
"For that one brief moment, there was a glimpse of hope."
"I live my life a quarter mile at a time."
"He asks her if she is happy, they share this moment."
"Everybody has their superhero moment and it's a beautiful thing."
"This was a monumental moment in the history of the region."
"I just feel like I'd fallen in love in that moment."
"You've had a breakthrough moment. It's okay to lean into this and enjoy it."
"Let's not talk for a minute, let's just enjoy the moment."
"Just for this one moment, we're together, and the fans are together, and it's just more, you know what I mean."
"There's gonna be this beautiful breakthrough and almost like this golden moment."
"Time could stand still, a moment lasts forever in the Bliss of the heart's will."
"Fix your attention on Jesus, expect miracles, this is your moment."
"I loved him for the man that he was in that moment when we were together."
"It's the real moment, I just felt blessed."
"To see her have this instant connection was just priceless."
"I'm here now and that's all that really matters."
"There is only one moment for you to be alive, and that is the present moment."
"Maybe I'm too easily impressed, but damn, this is a great movie moment."
"You got to love the irony of this moment."
"It's beautiful, stunning, you know she's an icon, she's a legend, she is the moment."
"There was a tree and it was the branch... The Roots were all my different choices that had led me to this moment."
"This moment is about decency and democracy."
"It was just like a goosebumps moment, if I may say so."
"Haven't you considered the possibility that you are in exactly the right place at the right moment for what it is you need to learn and get on with it?"
"Every moment there's infinite potential."
"What are you thankful for? If it had to be right now, I would definitely say I'm thankful for you."
"It's just that little moment of self-care."
"It's one moment from this trip that will forever stay with me."
"We shall all be changed, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet."
"It's purely a moment when the light hits, when the camera moves, when something moves magically."
"In a single moment, everything can change."
"This is such a moment, have to show you the view."
"I have been waiting for this moment for all my life."
"It was such a surreal moment and a moment that I will treasure forever."
"This is your testimony, don't waste the moment."
"I think charisma is about presence... if you're present in the moment, you must have a reason for being present in the moment."
"I absolutely love this moment right here."
"That was an epic moment no one will ever forget."
"This moment for me is everything, I have my son, I have you, I have that."
"This is one of the most legendary moments in our life."
"Oh my God, we're having a moment. It needed a little sparkle. It made me realize that the sparkle was in her eyes."
"Enjoy the moment, man. I know I have a pinch-me moment on stage."
"He stands proud in front of the crowd and shuts his eyes to take in the moment completely."
"Well, I think we have our new signature moment of the Season, my oh my."
"It kind of feels like a fairy tale moment."
"Midnight. I couldn't believe it; I yelled victoriously."
"This is your moment to shine, Sagittarius."
"It was the culture, the hip-hop culture and skate culture coming together in a moment where it was fresh."
"In this moment, I swear... we are infinite."
"Everyone needs to appreciate this moment."
"We are in a moment of change and we have to embrace that."
"You might be scared of the moment, but you've got to embrace it and grasp it."
"Love, darling, it's not love, darling, you in the moment."
"You'll never get this chance again."
"Everything fades. Nothing in life lasts forever, okay? That's all we have to enjoy the moment we are in."
"Our hearts still raced with the echoes of that heart-pounding moment."
"There was just this moment and I'll never forget it of complete silence and everyone just had their own thoughts for a moment."
"It's really, really hard to know, is it the culture, is it the individual, or is it just the moment?"
"It's a heartbreaking and beautiful and intimate moment."
"and Crusty Demons of Dirt was a true lightning in a bottle moment"
"Nothing else matters but this moment."
"It was the first time someone had actually extended love to me."
"What a beautiful moment, that was so badass."
"Rare beauty is iconic, and it is the moment, and their quality is very good."
"You are in this breakthrough moment right now."
"Let this be the moment that fulfills you"
"I believe that we are at the present moment at the cusp of the curve of Life."
"Honestly, in this moment, I'm okay."
"This is your fork in the road, your moment, just drink it in."
"But as always his previous timing returned for a brief second."
"Their eyes locked in a moment of intensity."