
Substance Use Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"It's the relationship you have with it [drugs] and whether that is productive or not."
"A Sprite bottle with purple liquid in it... it's either drank straight out of the bottle or sometimes they mix it with Sprite and call it purple drink."
"If you spent a year figuring out how to make MDMA and how to dispose of the waste effectively, there's no way that you would abuse it by the time you were done."
"People may have robo-tripped once and then never do it again."
"The interesting thing that I find about your work is that although you're obviously engaged in the substances that you take...you've never seen you cross the line into someone who's just kind of recreationally being very blase around the drugs."
"Escaping every hour in a pill, tinctures and potions; they could only face reality. But how can one face reality when they know it not?"
"The crucial thing is what you bring to these experiences. There really isn't a soft mechanical relationship between taking a substance and having a certain experience."
"If the drug test found diet soda, weed, and coffee, and that was like a fireable offense, society's cooked."
"Why do people do drugs? Why do people drink? To escape reality."
"Cannabis pales into insignificance when compared to tobacco and alcohol."
"Alcohol is the most widely used recreational drug and one of the few that is legal in most countries."
"Psychedelics in general are making people better people."
"There's a misconception that cannabis is a gateway drug. And they're finding now that it's actually an exit drug."
"People get [ __ ] upset when I start pointing out their use of caffeine."
"Crack won't even work anymore, I need tranq."
"There's claims from both sides about wide-scale use of alcohol and drugs in order to try and get these guys to overcome their fears and go forward, even though their chance of survival is very, very low."
"Johnny takes substances, he's the monster? She ain't the freaking monster."
"It's hard to be young and cool and hip in Los Angeles with money and time and [__] loads of exotic drugs at your disposal."
"Before you rush to hate this video or mistakenly believe that this is going to help in making them ban kratom, you really do need to hear me out."
"This is what it's like to smoke ecstasy flavor." - Chico Bean
"Substance use can be therapeutic; it breaks your normal pattern."
"I started using when my oldest son was shot and killed 13 years ago."
"Intoxicating vices that allow them to escape their dreary melancholic worlds."
"Son, if I ever hear that you're smoking marijuana, it'll just kill me." - Woody Harrelson
"Every stream like a fiend I wanna try the chronic."
"Some people are gonna be hurting 'cause they can't get their [ __ ] spliff on, that's gonna be something 'cause some people need that to unwind after games."
"MDMA is a very powerful substance that demands we respect it."
"Anybody who's transparent about their use, you know kudos to them."
"Not only is she sure that Roman's heart was responsible for his death, she's now convinced that drugs probably had nothing to do with it."
"Substances are not a treatment, they're a short-term band-aid for underlying problems."
"At what point are you responsible enough to operate heavy machinery or take a substance that's psychotropic?"
"Dimethyltryptamine can be a tool that's incredibly useful and important but it shouldn't be exalted as a Divine Miracle nor treated like a toy."
"I think weed works for some people but if you're like me it can just be another tool in your belt of ways to self-sabotage."
"But what I really wanted to be was 21 and high."
"The vast majority of people who use these substances are not addicted. Maybe 10 to 20 percent are, but 80 to 90 percent are not."
"That dude that always smokes pot gives me amazing feedback."
"I'm just so focused right now, but when I finally slow up and have that time where I could just relax a moment, I'm gonna get high as a [__]."
"Insulin, one of the most dangerous things a bodybuilder could ever use."
"If I'm using a substance to numb my emotional state, my brain's ability to control and regulate my emotional state becomes less necessary."
"Fans all up in the session saying hi, max, they smoking weed on the daily, yo the stress to society, you know it's got me going crazy."
"Stick to one chemical at a time, so you clearly know what effect what is having."
"I'd rather that you be binging on smoke leaf than hurt."
"I did cocaine for 30 years, melatonin? That I could eat 20 times." - Joey Diaz
"Natural or not is not black and white. It's a spectrum."
"Life does improve when you put that [expletive] down and walk away from it."
"There are no known chemical dependencies or addiction to cannabis."
"Medical resources are available to help them either discontinue use or modify their use pattern in a more constructive way."
"This is a psychedelic that you can switch off."
"When I went to go do it, I didn't know, and this is the god's honest truth on me, I didn't know what the [__] I was getting."
"We're trying to pretend like every 21-year-old goes through some adversity and uses weed or alcohol to get through it."
"One of my rules was don't get high, don't get drunk because the one thing you got going is your common sense and your sharpness."
"I smoked meth for seven whole years I still have all my original teeth because I am blessed and lucky man god bless it."
"I don't consider that a drug because again I use it for spiritual practices I do not abuse it same with weed I don't consider those drugs anything of nature not a drug to me."
"Weed gives you a mechanical focus, you know? That's why a lot of people smoke before they work out or they smoke before they clean the house."
"I want a world where people can uh be joyous together though if sometimes that involves the use of substances I don't see why it's always such a Dreadful thing."
"Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine. But no -- do I, am I an addict? No. Have I tried it? Probably in one of my drunken stupors."
"Weed culture is far healthier than the drink culture in this country at least."
"I actually remember thinking I will never for the rest of my life be able to stop taking Kratom."
"It's like no you don't rub it in, you inhale it. It's like putting ice in your veins with a syringe, you know."
"No pills, no powder. If you want to smoke weed, great. I'd rather you smoke weed than drink alcohol."
"If you don't have a problem with the substance, it shouldn't be a problem not to use it, especially if someone that loves you is concerned about it."
"You should never use an unknown substance, but if you choose to, we encourage you to start slow, start low, and never use alone."
"Meth in my life, truthfully, it's like a multivitamin."
"The data show that if you are the kind of parents that is consistently messaging total abstinence until 21, then your child is less likely to have substance use disorder during their lifetime."
"Cocaine, but ecstasy was the one that did it."
"It's like, I feel like, I don't know, the whole science behind it, but there's no way, like scientifically, that you're producing like the right hormones and like you have like the right just like clear-headed like space, like you just can't."
"But you know what I mean, by, you know, like, if you're drinking every freaking day, you're getting high every day, like, it doesn't even matter if you're smoking weed and drinking every day, like, you are not showing good behavior."
"dude I spend a lot of my marriage going to like little kids birthdays for people I didn't know just stoned out of my [ __ ] mind."
"I take mushrooms. I don't take microdose. I take a big fistful. I'm California sober. I take edibles. Weed sometimes. I just haven't had a drink in 34 years."
"Like bro ayahuasca exists why is man only drinking alcohol like what."
"I got two accommodations from the captain from the work I did while I was on cocaine."
"This is all from an invisible amount of a substance in a rinsed out baggie."
"Weed or die... Tick Tock or die... I mean, I used to be Vine or die... but six-second videos, that's too short."
"My levels are so low for someone who took ostarine."
"I care for all the Sweetwood and give everybody H."
"What are we gonna do? We're going to do some crank and some Plastics."
"Man, I might be high, I'd be drunk, I might be lit, but at the end of the day, you're still going to get good content, and you're going to get a good amount of views."
"...when you deliver a joke that you wrote and you created that's why so many times uh we turn to other substances because we're trying to find that same feeling you know that throwing a grenade and you going wow I knew it was funny I didn't know it was that funny."
"My whole thing was like, I like to have a drink and then smoke a joint. If I smoke a joint and then have the drink, it's somehow something about the chemical mix-up in my brain."
"In all this discussion all we're doing is we're saying look their substances out there some people find them useful some people don't find them useful everybody is different."
"I don't need drugs for some freak [__] I'm just high all the time."
"We've had this demonization of substance use in this country for so many years, and the thing is, human beings haven't changed."
"If you want to call marijuana a gateway drug, it's because you can close the gate."
"Typically, people will describe starting using a substance for one of two reasons: either to have fun or to solve a problem."
"Moral of the story is don't get complacent when it comes to these substances. Your body changes all the time and what feels okay for you one day may not be okay later. Peace and love, y'all."
"The sin really is inebriation, an excessive inebriation. I don't think God's up there looking at you for smoking a joint to deal with your anxiety and deciding that you're going to hell."
"It's very important for us to pay attention to our mental health, but back then, get you a blunt, roll up, man."
"My jacket pocket full of weed, everything that I should ever need."
"One drag of spice, and the panic is so big."
"Don't go to work high if you want to keep your job."
"I mean I'm seriously they're about the same age yeah they probably did a similar amount of coke one of them still standing."
"Coco did a quarter ounce of mushrooms, he smoked nearly an ounce of my weed, drank beers all day long, and then went down and did The Comedy Store and copped."
"It's like that but with [ __ ] with like kind of Argus [ __ ] all that stuff but like cocaine maybe that with cocaine that really is the key."
"Cocaine is God's way of saying you're making too damn much money."
"Everybody's pitching something, everybody's on all the time. But like not in a fun, cool way. That's everyone's on coke."
"He never suffered from any sort of mental health issues, he didn't drink, said he didn't take drugs."
"How does a person live with the knowledge that all of the kings that have ever existed have never felt such Bliss as I have with this little white powder?"
"But if you're high every day, then obviously you're high when you're true, do you understand?"
"Take the three grams, man, you're crazy, take your three grams over the four ounces."
"if you do whippets and you get a brain freeze and you're wearing sandals bro, I mean you could end up time-traveling right there."
"Can a Christian live before God in a way that pleases the Lord and be involved in smoking or eating?"
"The caffeine would make me anxious, alcohol would bring me back down, and I was kind of going through this motion sickness throughout the day of toggling between alcohol, anxiety, coffee, and all kinds of stuff."
"People don't decide they want to poop in public for no real reason. There's probably some substance use or mental health issues going on."
"I genuinely don't know if this is laden undiagnosed mental illness or if he's on some kind of substance and having a mental break from the world's worst midlife crisis."
"If I get stoned or if I have a couple drinks during the week, or anything like it, it's kind of like I don't want my next day to be [ __ ] up."
"He was also said to be high on LSD, speed and marijuana while filming, but then again who wasn't?"
"Danny, you can never get Garrett to the party unless you brought some cocaine and some hookers."
"John, when he and I were both into the cocaine thing, never really talked to me unless he needed cocaine."
"We see a really beautiful relationship between the perception of harm and the rate of use."
"Cocaine's a hell of a drug it is so I'm gonna try it one day."
"Hey, they're gonna smoke that popper."
"You know, when you're able to turn things around and use things like that as, like, a positive thing and help people, you know what I mean, it's much better than saying, 'Oh, I don't want to feel this way. I'm going to go get high,' you know what I mean, and running from it."
"Substance use and misuse is common, partly due to impulsivity and distress."
"Maybe we could smoke and, you know, see what happens after."
"You're not really getting that high most of the time when you're smoking."
"You get the real high, like hallucinating ass, just watching YouTube videos."
"Are you on that stuff? No, no, you swear to God? No, I can't."
"I can smoke 10 Blunts and drive for sure but I can't take 10 shots and drive."
"I'm still drinking. Don't worry, everyone. But, you know, I'm trying to find other ways to just take the edge off, you know? And since I can't do it in a healthy way like my therapist suggests, then I just do it with substances."
"What's the prevalence of substance use among adults with ADHD? We know that they are at increased risk."
"Use people-first language when talking about substance use and addiction."
"I liked drinking, I liked the way it made me feel."
"The peace can't come from a drink, the peace can't come from a blunt, the peace can't come from a lie."
"Alcohol is not my drug of choice; it's my drug of no choice."
"Why is everybody have to be high, you know? Why is everybody numbing themselves?"
"Don't let cannabis ruin your lungs, American youth."
"A recent Australian study found that stimulant use is associated with excessive drinking while cannabis use is not."
"If someone continues to use, it should be a sign to the providers that something isn't right."
"The question is not why are you using drugs, the question is what is going on inside of you that this is the best way your body's figured out how to cope."
"Substance use disorder is a diagnosis that's made by a checklist of 11 items."
"The best way to treat any substance use disorder is comprehensively."
"Know who the hell you are before you decide to go on any substance."
"It's not about the weed, it's about what's going on underneath it."
"I would rather be around potheads than people that are blackout drunks."
"Weed smokers are way more accepting of people who don't smoke than alcohol people are of people who don't drink."