
Resources Quotes

There are 4654 quotes

"Serotonin is a reward molecule that is released in response to the subjective experience that we have enough resources."
"It's not about what's going on in the outside, the ultimate resource we have on the planet is human potential."
"The most infinite resource on planet Earth is human potential."
"If you're really serious about it, go ahead and check out the blueprint. It's free."
"Money is fuel. You can have a beautiful car, no fuel, [it] doesn't go."
"There's already value in what you have. You don't need to build it up from zero."
"The abundance mindset will say there's more than enough to go around."
"Clay is an interesting resource. You can craft the stuff into bricks, which are definitely divisive. A lot of people hate them, some people love them."
"Its extraction will help give room for scientific data for lunar resource evaluation and exploration."
"Russia's inherent strength rooted in its vast supplies of oil and natural gas has powered a financial and political resilience that threatens to outlast Western opposition."
"Siberia is a goldmine of oil and gas, with the value of those commodities in the West Siberian Basin alone combining to around $16 trillion."
"We want to make sure that all small businesses have access to resources to help them continue operating."
"The most important resource while driving isn't your eyes, it's not your ears, and it's not your hands; the most important resource is your attention."
"Seeds are going to be worth their weight in gold."
"When you feel inspired, the universe will immediately start lining you up with the people and resources you need."
"This beautiful alien world, ripe for the taking, ripe for the resource making, as it were."
"You're missing out if you don't take advantage of all the resources."
"The entire Landsat archive is free and open to the public."
"You have all the tools, the wisdom, the knowledge, the passion. What you're ready for is yours."
"You have all the tools that you need at your disposal."
"We are not limited by physical resources; we're actually limited by our ability to generate solutions."
"I'm learning from people in the community... great books to read, different programs that are coming out or wonderful quotes."
"We're calling people to a great adventure here, saying we have enough resources to deflect a small fraction of them and do an unbelievable amount of good."
"Everything we've ever held a value on Earth, metals, minerals, energy, real estate are near-infinite quantities in space."
"The conscious use of this great power attracts to you multiplied resources, intensifies your wisdom, and enables you to make use of advantages which you formerly failed to recognize."
"That's a waste of people, a waste of potential, and a waste of resources."
"We need more resources to make sure that people are not only getting the care they need but also getting the tests they need so that they are not infecting other people."
"If you ever feel like you're going through something serious and you need somebody to talk to, there are free resources available."
"With a dam under occupation, Elijah could do little else besides set up operation with his secondary objective, a power station known as Helios One."
"There is enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed."
"If you're trying to learn CSS, these types of things are lifesavers."
"It's a good time to look for resources for your business."
"What's the most valuable resource? It's your time."
"My advice to people who have a loved one with autism is to check out the resources that are available to you because they do help in the same way that they have helped me."
"Nature is synthesizing vitamin c out of air and water...they make all these nutrients for you for free."
"The foundation of economics is solving the central economic problem: humans have unlimited desires but limited resources in which to fulfill those desires."
"You have all the resources that you need, both within you and around you."
"The relationship between resources and population is well-known, and an abundance of resources is even considered to fill people with constructive and motivational energy."
"We want to give people the tools and resources they need to support their mental health."
"We got to come together, pile all our resources up, and become a team. They can't [__] with us."
"I have unlimited resources at my fingertips, and I will use them. I am using them. And I do mean unlimited."
"People have all the resources they need; they are just untapped."
"The Gospel is free; we're not charging for the Gospel, but the means to deliver the Gospel on a mass scale, that's what costs resources."
"Think about time, time is like one of your most valuable resources not only in life but definitely in League of Legends."
"Your graveyard essentially becomes an extra hand."
"You can milk the rare mooshroom with a bowl for unlimited mushroom stew."
"Optimism and togetherness are a resource as much as anything else."
"Remember to get more educated about the climate crisis; we've got a bunch of resources."
"The entirety of Level 95 appears to be mostly devoid of any valuable resources, although sometimes, and seemingly out of nowhere, one can find a wooden box of almond water bottles."
"The reality of how to change the world is it takes time, success, and money."
"The problem is not the master's tools; the problem is that historically people haven't been given access to the master's house."
"We literally have everything that we need to survive, to heal ourselves. It's right at our fingertips."
"We will discover natural resources that we didn't know existed."
"The moon is geographically desirable; it's close, it's a couple of light seconds away, 240,000 miles away, and it's rich in silicon for solar cells and oxygen for fuel and nickel and iron for construction, and there's water on the poles of the moon for producing fuel."
"Nobody can be forced to make a choice that is counter to their interests, in order to get access to some resource they need, thus trapping them in a perpetual cycle of inequality."
"This kingdom had villagers, trees, and farms. That was a huge lifeline to this army of players that were starting to approach hunger."
"Your natural talent cannot qualify you for a divine task. Divine assignments require divine resources."
"At least we have our vehicle to sleep in. There's a lot of homeless people that don't even have that."
"We now have the techniques and the resources to get rid of poverty."
"The moon could become the perfect Fuel Depot for humans before they head out to further planets such as Mars."
"We're going to use these resources to better education for everyone."
"Economics is the science of scarcity. Scarcity is the idea that we have unlimited wants and limited resources."
"Most people think economics is about money; it's not. It's about limited resources."
"They have everything they need to build a brand-new rebellion."
"We have to understand that this is the war of resources."
"YouTube is an amazing resource for studying and I think it's quite an underutilized resource."
"We thank You, Father, that we have resources we didn't even know about, but we do pray, Father, through Your Holy Spirit and through Your word, you will illuminate what we need to understand about these resources you've made available to us."
"Energized textbooks have a particular QR code through which we can access multiple types of resources."
"We have more than 10,000 dictionary words available on Diksha in Indian Sign Language."
"If you give the people in charge the tools they want, and they fail, there's no excuse. But if you don't give them what they want, then there is an excuse."
"State and local governments alone simply do not have the capacity or resources to do what is necessary."
"War is a way of shattering to pieces or pouring into the stratosphere or sinking in the depths of the sea materials which might otherwise be used to make the masses too comfortable and hence, in the long run, too intelligent."
"There is no need for fear. We have plenty of resources available to help our communities get through this."
"We can solve any problem if we use all the resources that are available to us. If we live properly, we have no idea what we could turn what we're in into."
"There's enough for everybody's need, but not for everybody's greed."
"We want to make sure that all the incredible, courageous men and women who are serving in healthcare around America have the support they need."
"Child protection is a complex issue that requires appropriate funding, resources, and time to form meaningful relationships."
"The nation has surprisingly strong economic characteristics: a great export market, a thriving manufacturing industry, natural resources, a young and productive workforce, and even geography are on its side."
"How could you make roti if you have no flour? And how could you make prasad if you don't have ghee?"
"We are going against the most dangerous person alive who is under six inches tall. He has nearly unlimited resources."
"The will to fight is there. It's not a matter of motivation, it's a matter of whether they have the equipment and resources they need to execute."
"I think that people should help each other out if they have the resources to do so."
"When I saw the growing need [and] lack of resources, I said, 'This might be it.'"
"Ultimately, if you take a look at how many planets the Empire has beneath its control and you look at how many military assets it has, it's always been obvious that this was not a problem that could be solved by military means alone."
"The first link down there is to a Black Lives Matter kind of directory of a bunch of different petitions, donation outlets, actions you can take, it's a great place to start."
"We had no resources... and now we have datasets, socialization of issues globally, and you can ask the internet. There's a million resources."
"If everyone has access to the book, this will just be better."
"Epic Games has provided a bunch of free environments, a bunch of free projects that we can use and move our game into."
"Dave is a fantastic resource and he's super open and willing to help people."
"You should have kids if you have the resources and you're a leader."
"I recently added a few new ore veins to the mod pack which you can get with the excavator you can see some of them here and some of them give you uranium like this one vein that I found called pitch blend."
"What really hurts people is if you don't have the energy and the resources, you can overwork."
"To produce animal foods you need vast resources. We are potentially impacting our own ability to survive on this planet."
"There's less and less of it around same thing with copper we need way more copper um to build out the electric infrastructure that everybody is planning."
"Forces, especially forces in combat, consume a lavish amount of materiel every day."
"It's really a truly massive investment in bricks and plastic."
"Creativity grew by leaps and bounds because all of a sudden I had everything I needed in my hands."
"President-elect Biden and I will make sure you have the resources and support you need to save lives and help get our economy back on track."
"Our health care system has the resources to support the equipment and supplies that they need."
"Fancy new kit and extensive funding doesn't hurt, and China has both in spades."
"The best place to get classifieds and exotics are by far the global events."
"Forces was not given the proper resources to actually be good."
"Semiconductors are the oil of the 21st century."
"Energy is everything. You wanna deal with absolute poverty or even relative poverty for that matter, energy is everything."
"Prayer is a god-given key that allows us to unlock the resources of heaven."
"Fire is your number one asset in any survival situation."
"It's interesting to explore but of course biomes also add so many new resources."
"Yeah, they drank all the water. Every animal was so thirsty after they also, uh, stole water."
"Diamonds are going to be a precious resource from now on."
"You can always negotiate salaries, and there are websites like levels.fyi they give you an idea on how much salary every company is offering."
"The safest and strongest communities don't have more police officers, they have better access to resources."
"We just urge everyone...to reach out to the many resources that are there and to know that you're not alone, that we're with you and we'll get through this and we'll get through this together."
"When a fight is over who has access to power, who deserves the necessities of life, and who gets shut out from these things, people will fight and die for their beliefs."
"It's like a big slice of cake... sliced right out of the planet."
"Just see what comes up. You never know what resources they may have that could really help benefit you."
"Russia and China between them actually owned something of the order of 54,000 tons of gold."
"Our war fighters deserve the tools they need and the trust they've earned to fight and to win."
"Ukraine has proven capable of outperforming its material resources."
"I suggest that we do that. We found a scrap component. Nice!"
"Nature is our pharmacy for our children, it is our supermarket to feed our families."
"Superior numbers and resources don't win wars... effectively utilize those numbers and resources."
"The ultimate resource, the base of it all, is not any human construct, it's the individual."
"There will be unprecedented resources that will be sent and available."
"These guidebooks were everything back in the day."
"At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how much food and water you have in your pantry if you lack the tools you need to ensure your survival."
"An incredible lifeline for accessing resources remotely."
"Humanism is an attitude and outlook but it is a wonderfully resourced one."
"I can't wait to show you how easy it is to bring these designs together using incredible resources from Envato Elements."
"We will unleash every authority, resource, and tool to safeguard our people."
"Lead by example, fight for resources, break patterns, and rise above."
"I mean, water is going to be the most important commodity in the future."
"Equality suggests... it's about giving people the resources and the support they need."
"It's about giving people the resources and support that they need so that everybody can be on equal footing and then compete on equal footing."
"We thank God for anointing this ministry with resources to raise up Christ-like leaders like yourself who will make an impact within your sphere of influence for the betterment of humanity."
"With a massive increase in testing, PPE, medical supplies, and equipment available, America is ready."
"You probably do have the resources to make everything happen and you can manifest whatever you want especially towards the end of the month."
"Yo, wait a second... we just found diamonds no way hold up."
"If you enjoyed today's lesson but you'd like some more information, no problem, you can click on the link up here or in the description to learn more about the 30-day Listening Challenge pack four, which is open starting today."
"The free world has to gather all its resources."
"Literally they did about as much searching as you could possibly do with the resources that they had. I mean, they really, really searched far and wide for Lacey."
"It is important to continue your API security learning strategy and to take advantage of all the learning resources out there."
"When you got vibranium, you can free people right now."
"Platforms generally always end up at the same place you start out saying you're a free speech absolutist and then a foreign government says that you're going to be booted out of the entire country unless you take down speech."
"There's enough gold in the world without mining more gold."
"It's difficult to do well. It takes time, it takes money."
"Support anything and everything... at your disposal... do it now."
"Google open source photographs can help the 3D modelers figure things out when official sources are lacking."
"Hatches will poop coal, super useful for power."
"It's got their full projections, breakouts, sleepers, busts, over a hundred player profile videos. It's even got a mobile app."
"We must support the recruitment of good men and women into law enforcement and give them the resources they need to do these jobs."
"Political institutions and foresight are much more important for economic prosperity than geography and natural resources."
"Fresh axe, kind of one of those things where you have to use resources to make an axe to gather resources so there's a bit of a cycle going on."
"China tops the list for having the most natural resources estimated to be worth 23 trillion dollars."
"The best thing to farm overall again as a new player you need a lot of equipment a lot of awakening materials and a fair bit of food as well."
"Before you give up on anything, look to your peer group, look to books, look anywhere."
"The fact that we can make this video, that we have the energy to make this video, it's coming from like a place of privilege that we have the resources to make this video, it's coming from a place of privilege."
"Gas is definitely part of the solution for your base load requirement."
"China apart from being the largest economic state in the world will be the most resourced economic state."
"The only question you have to ask is with whatever ability you have with whatever money you have with whatever time you have: are you being faithful to Jesus in those things?"
"If I want to become a better social engineer, do you have any resources that you'd recommend?"
"At a certain point, our resources will run out. That's the big problem."
"Why do people have to live outside? We have the resources, we have the means."
"Star Wars is the only franchise that has the resources to turn things around."
"We have a whole new source of protein and fat."
"I'm here to put you guys on and share all the different resources and tips."
"This new moon is bringing in this like massive theme of money income finances resources."
"If you kill a player demon you get a ton of resources."
"It's the resource that makes your world go round."
"I firmly believe in oil and gas... You can't print a cow yet."
"Women are the greatest underappreciated and untapped resource in this country."
"You have one of the most valuable resources in the world on your side, and that's time."
"Our commitment...is to provide as much resources as much information as much education and as much engagement as part of this beautiful pro-democracy community."
"If economies were instead to focus on pursuing economic growth through producing goods and services of higher quality, then hard resource limits wouldn't be an issue."
"It's like Fox News, they have a wealth of resources and they can't even get it right."
"Always take those, let's get, I think we need some microprocessors, so let's get five of those, all the oxygen, all the ferrite dust, all the sodium."
"We'll keep protecting the vulnerable, making sure our incredible doctors and nurses have all the supplies and resources they need."
"If you're not good at After Effects, use Fiverr. It's not expensive."
"There would be a lack of military, political, and economic resources, but what is more important is that the very model isn't workable because..."
"We had to focus on what we did know and what we did know is we had the resources, we had the training, and we had the Personnel."
"Battles won and lost determined possession of territory, of resources, and of the strength to go on fighting."
"Internet access, because it's one of the reasons I don't get bored. I have ample opportunity to find something interesting on the internet."
"They hold all the cards. Unfortunately, they have all the videos, they've got all the money, they've got millions and millions of dollars, you know. Limitless funds, limitless personnel, and now they can just hide evidence."
"Physical gold, physical silver is used in every single sector of the global economy."
"So, what's the neighborhood need? Well, we need um... communication and resources. Communication and resources. Communication with who? Yourselves or with everyone? With each other. We need a better understanding of each other." - Mitchell Aimss
"You do have power and you do have options. There are organizations ready and willing to help support you."
"Water is going to be one of the most important things we talk about in today's video."
"We're kind of in an energy crisis, and so we need more energy."
"Cobalt is an integral part of our modern society, and until we find other better sources of it... we need to find the most sustainable and humane way of sourcing."
"Start where you are, start with the job that you have, start with the skills that you have."
"Someone here wants to have a new beginning but they lack the resources to do it."
"There are tons of other grants and resources for Black small business owners."
"It's all about where you invest your resources."
"Food is the most valuable thing, it's more valuable than gold and silver." - LDS Prepper
"The most resourceful resource from Nigeria is not the crude oil, it's the human."
"Sometimes you can even use what you have as a starting point for your story."
"One of the best resources I can refer you to for starting a freelance business is at study web development dot com slash freelancing."
"Excellent work, you'll note that you are now in possession of moonstone."
"The wealthiest spot on this planet is not the diamond mines of South Africa, it's not the oil fields of Iran or Iraq, it's not the uranium mines of the Soviet Union."
"It was essential that I make a void or miner today because then I would be getting unlimited resources and I could begin a technological empire."