
Sensitivity Quotes

There are 3243 quotes

"Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths, Enwrought with golden and silver light...I would spread the cloths under your feet: But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."
"Being really sensitive has its downfalls when you don't know how to hone it and use it, but when you do, it's just more information and knowledge is power."
"You've been very sensitive to any perceived criticism but have found your way through that and recognized the need for that radical self-reflection and honesty."
"I'm not going to be up here celebrating like, 'Oh, there's a black cop committed suicide.' That's not the purpose or the point of this particular broadcast."
"You're very sensitive, and you're one of these really talented sensitive people who generate so much in this world. You also have trouble saying no. You see need everywhere, and you want to meet all those needs."
"The most sensitive you are, the more spontaneous, the more creative, the more joyful you're going to be when the circumstances are right."
"Pets, particularly dogs, are often thought to possess heightened sensitivity towards supernatural phenomena."
"Someone's downfall is not funny to me. I don't want to hear about a lost relationship, a lost baby, or someone going to jail."
"It has a really, really sensitive seismometer on it that's able to literally detect a butterfly landing on it. That's how sensitive this is."
"Emotional intelligence tells the mind it's not just about who's right and who's wrong; sometimes your child may be wrong, but they need your sensitivity, they need your empathy, they need your care."
"Make sure that when you communicate, you are speaking in a way that is representative and sensitive to the energy that's receiving it."
"We're living in a real sensitive time. Instead of looking at things as a threat, look at things as an opportunity to learn."
"The idea that because men are being raised by women that they're weaker is completely false. Our generation is not more sensitive; we're more aware."
"I do not recommend you wearing amethyst since you are so psychic to energy."
"The more sensitive you are, the more creative you're going to be, but the more sensitive you are the more you're going to suffer as well."
"If you literally dropped a pen in here, you could hear it."
"Don't hate yourself for feeling that way; it's what makes you you. You're sensitive for a reason, and it's a beautiful thing."
"Being sensitive means you feel energy on a deeper level than most of the people around you."
"Can we please stop comparing things to Jews in Nazi Germany unless they're actually things that are comparable."
"Losing is a sensitive topic, but it's part of the learning process."
"Being a man is a lot different now. To me, being a man is knowing when to be soft, knowing that you don't always have to run the charge, you can actually listen."
"This movement in this direction is progress because it is increasing sensitivity to the difference between having good reasons and bad reasons for what you believe."
"There are many people for whom religion is such a sort of sacred thing, obviously, that any criticism of religion, however mild, comes across as hate speech."
"Men are very sensitive to us. They're extremely vulnerable in the dating arena."
"It's so important to support the sensitivities in our children. Because they're going to save the world."
"In a discussion, truth should be more important than people's sensitivities."
"I'd way rather be told I'm overly sensitive and help bring awareness than defend the indefensible."
"I'm a very sensitive person. Deep down to my core, I'm very empathetic and sensitive."
"If the Negro is to be eliminated, he must be eliminated slowly so as not to hurt any living individual Negroes."
"Fibromyalgia...is defined as a chronic, widespread pain condition that often involves a heightened sensitivity to pain."
"The rich players actually started to become ruder toward the other person -- less and less sensitive to the plight of those poor, poor players, and more and more demonstrative of their material success."
"Please be more open, be more sensitive with what you participate in, and be more conscious in who you follow."
"Words hurt, any kindergartener called stupid on the playground could tell you that." - A reminder of the power of words.
"I'm a sensitive dude. I wear my heart on my sleeve."
"The JWST is programmed to be about 100 times more sensitive than Hubble."
"Fighters are the most sensitive people on earth, and to a degree, I understand that."
"You might think that an innocuous, 'Did you lose weight? You look great,' is a nice thoughtful thing to say, but you don't know."
"This one is so deep. It's really heartbreaking. It's a really touching case."
"Don't feel bad if you're sensitive to negative feedback because apparently, after one particular bad review, Hans Christian Andersen was found sobbing while lying face down in the dirt."
"It hurts us if somebody mocks a prophet of God that we love and we respect."
"When you're sensitive to the electricity of life, you realize death is not really described by death."
"It's almost impossible that you can avoid offending the Chinese government these days. Anything could be sensitive, anything could be problematic."
"Fertility is a very sensitive topic for a lot of people... it's also important to understand that we really have to be careful about where our curiosity slips into ableism."
"This whole idea that people's feelings can't be hurt anymore is just absurd."
"Trauma is not tea, trauma is not entertainment."
"The beauty of modern analytical chemistry is that you can find many things that you couldn't have found 20 or 30 years ago because they're extremely sensitive."
"I appreciate that you don't mean it from a bad place, and I'm not gonna say anything to the company... But I'm just saying to you, in future, just don't say things like that because it is very, very offensive to us."
"It's not being a snowflake to want people to be nice."
"There's nothing more masculine than being a superhero and flying around and beating people up, but there's nothing more sensitive than having emotional conversations and a kindred spirit friendship with someone that you care about and love."
"You can't just make a joke out of everything."
"Social media has just become so sensitive and very judgmental about everything."
"Pisceans are the most sensitive souls, extremely sensitive, sensible, understanding, extremely intuitive, and so spiritual."
"Everyone is so offended these days about everything."
"Hey, by the way, just as a tip for Christians, if somebody comes up to you talking to you about slavery, don't go for verses about coveting."
"Being sensitive is very important. Sensitive to energy, like I said."
"The intent is that the butt of the joke is that people with Neo pronouns are worth making fun of, people who need these context clues and indicators are worth making fun of."
"Some people wake up in the morning looking to be offended. Let me find what can offend me."
"Bullmastiffs are well-known for being sensitive, well-behaved dogs."
"If you operate with a scalpel, there's no topic you can't touch."
"Be careful of what you may say to others. Although you may mean them no harm, not everyone can take a joke."
"We need to see our traits as just different from others not superior just because we're HSP doesn't make us like wonderfully aware or conscientious people 24 7."
"Humans we don't have hooves or Trotters we have really sensitive feeling feet."
"It's rough out there right now for sensitive people."
"The only thing that makes sense for a sensitive to do right now is to learn how to thrive."
"No woman wants to hear that she's put on weight, especially by her partner, somebody she finds physically attractive."
"Your scenery determines your sensitivity to God's voice."
"One Polynesian writer said that, 'Our brown skin is not a costume.'"
"The most powerful forces are unseen, but you can feel it, you can test it, and you can develop your sensitivity."
"It's a really really really really really touchy topic for a lot of people."
"You're not robots, and even one comment or one thing happening at home can have a really debilitating impact on us."
"Hope this video hasn't come across as insensitive it's a touchy subject and I did my best to sort of say what I think and I hope I haven't let you down in if I if I've made any mistakes yeah as you always do pull us up on them in the comments."
"You're the problem not me. You're too sensitive. You're too touchy. You're too hair-triggered, whatever their words are."
"I don't want to qualify that like I wasn't like forcibly raped but to be forcibly exposed to someone is triggering and trauma like traumatizing."
"It's not just the Tweet, the constant victimization, the sensitivity to jokes where I feel like you of all people should be embracing the people dunking on you."
"There are grave sites that are unmarked, that doesn't mean people deliberately discarded bodies with no care or concern for those bodies."
"When you become very sensitive, the Holy Spirit can use multiple channels to strengthen your conviction."
"Attunement to energy: Highly vibrational individuals are sensitive to energy."
"Making jokes about traumatic experiences like that to me is just not funny."
"Men are just soft. I had no idea they're sensitive or soft."
"Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit is like that. When there is a touch, there's a reaction."
"There's nothing wrong with holding people to task and saying you need to talk maturely and explain yourself and talk rationally when talking about these sensitive topics."
"But when it comes to our own personal needs and wants, it also doesn't mean that you deny those, it means that you find the magic within those and that you don't let the sensitivities of whatever those are overtake you."
"One of my main missions right now is to support those of us who are really sensitive in how to navigate this world."
"If she had said, 'You're being a black man right now,' it would have been so different."
"Eric is the kindest, most gentle, and sensitive soul that I have ever met."
"Your deep sensitivity and emotions bring blessings."
"Language can be inflammatory, unintentionally, and so I don't pray in this... in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Ghost."
"Our liberty... must always be accompanied by a charitable sensitivity to those who have scruples that are different from ours."
"It's not a bad sign, it's something going on in the society and you're feeling it, or seeing it, or sensing it, or reading it, or you should be."
"I will give a trigger warning for rape and abuse in this book so be aware of that before going into it but if you're okay with reading it then I highly highly recommend picking this one up."
"You can make edgy jokes without using slurs and still retain comedic value."
"It's hard... I don't think it's possible to make a joke like this in the private setting that doesn't... kind of like racist."
"Tongues is fine-tuning and sensitizing your spirit man to the voice of God."
"Making fun of people with medical conditions that make them lose their hair is incredibly bad taste."
"These families deserved way more respect, care, sensitivity, urgency, reporting."
"These types of allegations, these types of criminal cases can be very triggering for some."
"You seem very sweet and very soft, the type of person that I probably would offend at times."
"Learning to find joy in the things that you used to love is one of the most difficult parts of sustaining sobriety."
"A highly sensitive person could emote more empathy."
"Comedy survives sensitivity because it challenges power structures."
"The easily offended people need to just...get over it."
"Some of the top comments... 'Bundy and KSI are adults that make adult-themed jokes. Don't be sensitive when an adult makes a joke that is considered dark humor.'"
"It was very refreshing to see a person not give a [__] about how sensitive everyone was feeling and just stick to their script and their ideals."
"It's not just a joke, it's not something you should be joking about period at all ever."
"Being emotional about it is the right response."
"I'm sensitive, I feel things. That's powerful, that's know yourself."
"How beautiful is silence in very sensitive issues."
"James Bond books edited to remove racist references."
"There's a new sensitivity that men should gain."
"Your mental health is somewhat fragile... certain things in your situation... can really influence it."
"Facts cannot be hate facts and frankly if you are in a mental state where merely defining the obvious finding medical truths triggers you then frankly you do have mental problems."
"Feeling nano scale bumps on an almost completely smooth surface."
"The most important part about being sensitive is you have to be empathetic."
"Racism and racial insensitivity are not the same thing, and racists will be racially insensitive, but not everyone who is racially insensitive is a racist."
"A joke is indeed a joke as long as it's not mindless and pointless hatred."
"This person is very sensitive, if you're not romantically into them, let them down easy because I feel like you might have closed the gate on them but you know it's still nice to hear from them."
"The braid is the be-all-end-all, really. Feeling every tiny little knock, every time you touch a little bit of weed or anything like that, you can just feel it."
"Children are more sensitive, predisposed to seeing things. Kids just simply have a more open mind."
"I frequently make fun of my own cars... But when I say something negative about somebody else's car, it's like you insulted their child."
"Please nobody get upset especially about like the last seven movies or so that I mentioned a lot of them do contain violence and disturbing things and I'm not trying to disturb you guys obviously."
"It's a very sensitive topic, people are very passionate."
"The thyroid is like the canary in the coal mine, sensitive to environmental toxins like mercury."
"The problem with suicide jokes is that you always get left hanging."
"Personally, I don't necessarily agree with using the language of killing babies because that's like the darkest day in some of these ladies' lives."
"Jokes can go too far even if you weren't intending them to be hurtful." - Unknown
"Everybody has their boiling point where a joke is no longer funny for them because it pushes the limit."
"Humans are certainly very sensitive to fairness."
"She could smell a bottle of bourbon clear across the mud flat."
"Maybe it would be, but I feel like my stomach's getting more sensitive."
"Rintaro Okabe: beneath the veneer of a wacko in a lab coat is a sensitive soul."
"Euthanizing animals isn't nearly as easy for us as it is for you. I just call him Dr. Death. Cut that out, it's not his name."
"Pressure sensitivity, which is absolutely vital if you're doing any kind of digital artwork."
"I think it's maybe just me getting older but like, I cry pretty easy."
"Cardi B is most sensitive rapper there is right now when it comes to blogs she's calling out every blog every day."
"We are in a sensitive point in world collective energy right now."
"We just want to make sure we ensure the privacy for the family and loved ones that were involved in this situation."
"I think it's weird when you're like it bothers you that people have accents."
"We are all very sensitive to any indication that somebody considers us to be of lesser value."
"I'm very careful about what I say on the subject not because I want to skirt around the fact that humans can't literally change sex but because I think it's really important not to dehumanize the individuals involved who often genuinely struggle."
"When you pray, you become very sensitive to what God tells us."
"You need to shut up because you're hurting the feelings of the stupid people."
"I think people who tend to... are more open and more sensitive to conversations surrounding mental health and I do think that is a good thing in so many ways."
"The reason you're getting easily offended is that your ego has a certain worldview."
"To say that all sensitive skin is the cause of bad skincare ingredients is a little bit dangerous to say."
"They're working off the behavior of people out there making people weak making people soft making people sensitive."
"If you can't take a joke, then you can't claim to have a sense of humor until you can't be funny."
"When you share the deepest parts of your soul, criticism hurts even more."
"God wants you to hear His voice. Be sensitive to what He's calling us to do."
"Just saying anti-zionism is never anti-Semitism is incorrect and dangerous misinformation."
"Open your heart, speak and act with kindness and love, and honor your heightened sensitivity. Capricorn is directing you towards making healthy changes in your lifestyle, your career path and choices, your home, and your relationships."
"You have to be very sensitive to discover what the line of least resistance is."
"Seeing the headlines out there, this case has been extremely triggering."
"Horned serpent horn cores are exceptionally powerful and sensitive to Parseltongue."
"Everyone is so offended and triggered nowadays, and that's not okay."
"First of all, there's misunderstandings. They're usually extra sensitive about a particular subject."
"Here's the thing with being offended. Listen, if you're easily offended, do yourself a favor, it's not healthy. It means your is tight."
"They're very sensitive and thoughtful of other people."
"Cool for society to tell us that your skin color has any correlation with your work."
"Now is not the time to talk about, you know, the Gabby Potato case. Now's the time to let this family mourn."
"The touchiest, most oversensitive easily upset must not set the standards for the rest of us."
"The vaccine will be safe and it will be effective. It will defeat the virus and end the pandemic."
"Recognize the importance of nurturing your sensitivities and gifts."
"Your sensitivity is increasing but you are in balance."
"We have a revolution on our hands, baby. We have oppression."
"Raping is not funny to people in California."
"It might be a heavy one possibly a triggering one for some people."
"You've been faced with questions today on a very very raw subject."
"People who really been abused when they're younger, you wouldn't go into me and make a joke about it, you know? It pissed me off."
"Two things can be true at the same time: Maddie Healy can have his heart in the right place but... also do things that are really insensitive and rip through the hearts of our most marginalized communities."
"We become much more sensitive to the things that happen around us."
"I am actually very into my emotions and I can be a softie. I do care to a certain extent guys, I don't fully not care, some words do hurt me."
"You are extra sensitive to energies and emotions right now."
"I'm too sensitive, yeah, but like I just can't hate [__]."
"You have a mix of confidence, boldness, and fearlessness, but also a sweet, nurturing, and sensitive side that people find intriguing."
"I honor and protect my sensitivity in those relationships."
"It may seem frivolous to you, but it's little things like this that continue to perpetuate fat phobia further."
"People who see themselves as victims then are seemingly hypersensitive to perceived victimization."
"As with all full moons, it is very normal to feel heightened emotion; these can look like triggers, they can also look like feeling emotionally or intuitively sensitive to the world around us."
"You see, your light body can pick up on frequencies and vibrations way more sensitively than your physical body."
"Days like this come unannounced... be sensitive for these kind of days."
"We can be strong and sensitive at the same time and everything in between."
"It would be like yelling into a newborn's ear at full volume their entire life you're likely to damage their hearing like right out of the gate."
"Women who were sensitive and apprehensive would have had the most children."
"He can tell all that just by feeling and listening to it."
"No one finds [expletive] rape funny. There's never a case of someone giving evidence going it was dark, he was wearing a ski mask and he was giggling, you know what?"
"Avoid fragrance in your skincare products, that can definitely worsen stinging sensations, redness, irritation in the skin."
"With niacinamide, it works with most skin types, most skin conditions, and because it's at a higher pH level, it doesn't cause much of the sensitivities like things like retinol or vitamin C."
"You were born to be rebellious, to see things differently, to care, be very sensitive."
"How do you say that you being at the border is worse than slavery? And that's why I kind of took it disrespectful. So, I did get some pushback, and I was told it was disrespectful."
"You see the two sides of them, like this really deep soulful individual who is sentimental and feels things and is amazing with emotional depth."
"The goal and also the problem: hypersensitivity."
"Racism is a far more serious issue than harmless jokes or stereotypes."
"You're potentially dealing with subjects that might be sensitive to people at your table."
"A true man can be sensitive and open at the same time, strong and secure."
"Listen to your intuition. The deer reminds you of your strong knowledge and sensitivity."
"Most people I know are afraid to talk about trans issues because they're going to say the wrong thing."
"You deserve more, a very sensitive soul with a big heart."
"Rape is one of those things where I'm just like it's sensitive for me to even like deal with as a thought and so it upsets me that it happens."
"Please, no one confuse that with the n-word."
"My brain has been entirely rewired and even if Milo is down the hall... if he makes a peep I can hear it."