
Childhood Development Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"A three-year-old is not half a six-year-old; a six-year-old is not half a twelve-year-old. They're three; give them a break. They're six."
"Education is our main hope. We need to be teaching our children about real and fake foods with the same zeal that we teach them how to walk, read, and write."
"If we manage to get seven-year-olds absorbing content that is empowering, that is creating new evidence in their mind."
"So, my mission is not to fix broken adults. It's to build stronger children."
"The first self-esteem is built in the first seven or eight years of life."
"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men."
"In a healthy environment, what you have happening is that as they both grow together, the child's mind begins to regulate and in a way harness the emotions."
"Letting these kids' lives unfold the way they're naturally going to unfold."
"Preventing childhood trauma and changing the ways that we educate children and adults could... make a sea change and maybe set us on a course towards even a greater likelihood of survival as a species."
"It's important to know that where we send our children plays a big role in determining what type of a child that child will be."
"The first six years of your life, your brain function is lower frequency, it's called theta, which is like a hypnagogic trance, a hypnosis. So the first six years of your life, you're like a television camera recording everything around you."
"Kids need to be able to explore freely... It's those seeds of curiosity that are the foundation of what it is to become a scientist."
"The difference between middle class and poverty in the inner cities was the number of words they hear by the age of five and the ratio of positive to negative."
"I think it's really good... there's something really cool about a little kid getting into gardening."
"Parental influence is much greater than a lot of people give it credit for."
"A rich childhood makes a capable adult. Every few years, you choose which traits and passions a child will develop. The better raised a child is, with smarter education and more attention, the more choices you'll have..."
"The vast majority of these children will grow out of these feelings if only we allow them to... Instead, we intervene with these medical drugs and procedures."
"Since beginning my work in areas like addiction, for example, I have seen time and time again that the roots of poor mental health in adulthood are almost always present in unresolved childhood challenges."
"Children must get educational foundations in school, especially those lacking advantages at home."
"Maintenance mode: you have to go because you've invested too much for the kid to stop at 12 and not enjoy the life benefit of Jiu-Jitsu."
"We want to nip it in the bud early... so we can have responsible adults growing up who can be an asset to society."
"If you don't intervene with children, the vast majority of them grow out of it."
"Taking challenges away from kids does not help them necessarily."
"Understanding the developmental origins of OCD can help prevent or minimize the chances of vulnerable children developing the disorder."
"Teach kids to be fighters, teach kids to grow up, teach kids to be stronger."
"If the government really wants to invest in early years as they said they will do, they must invest in nurture groups."
"It's those little things that a man does in his life that have a huge effect, a positive effect, on that young child or on that person."
"These kids were little kids when I came on the show and we watched them grow up to be excellent adults."
"Enforcing beliefs on a child in my mind is a betrayal of their own process of discovery, autonomy, their ability to think critically."
"Bluey uses playtime as a form of therapy to process emotions in a safe space."
"That's what we want the land to be for them... we want them to go up and just be creative and build forts and tree houses and get muddy and learn about bugs."
"It's important for kids to go outside and play."
"Early education before school is really important."
"He'll grow up good and strong and we'll be there to prepare him for a world that can be warm and wonderful but also very strange and cold."
"Children are born imitators and they're going to imitate our example."
"If you get children when they're very young and you start forming them, they start creating intellectual habits which determine how they judge things."
"Boys are not born angry, they're born blank canvases and then they learn anger."
"You have to be the best version of yourself for your family to feed off that. Kids are little sponges."
"Kids are wired for generosity, but we've been educated for greed."
"It's okay to not get something now. Kids should be given more time to process things."
"Creativity is very foundational for children and allows us to have more creatives."
"Kids are anti-fragile. If you protect your kids that nobody ever teases them nobody ever insults them they have no conflicts you're crippling their emotional development."
"Please permit your children to go out and play. Physical activities are crucial."
"Every child who winds up doing well has had at least one stable and committed relationship with a supportive adult."
"The more you throw stuff at kids before they're fully cognitive to know what's going on, that's indoctrination."
"Kids can be racist too. Kids have a limited ability to understand complex problems which is why we simplify things for them."
"You're helping people grow, you're helping people become who they are, and that makes me immediately think about children."
"You're setting them up for success, you're setting them up to be able to take advantage of that sense of order that they innately are born with."
"Not only is it fun for your child, but you're giving them life skills from a very early age."
"You've literally held our hands and helped us parent Drew from day one, so thank you so much."
"Teaching children that everyone is different and that's okay."
"We are not raising a child, we are raising the adult that they will end up being."
"The first seven years are when our minds are in a more malleable state."
"We really want kids to slow down and be more thoughtful."
"My early readiness in learning to read, which must have been very early as I don't remember when I could not read."
"Teaching our kids how to connect with these things is so important."
"There's no great way of doing this... allowing your children to face risks means running the risk that something bad will happen."
"Children need to have that idea that it can get better."
"People crave freedom and that's as true of children as it is of people at any age."
"People’s formative years consist of ages 0 to 8, and during this time, emotional, social, and physical development occur."
"Your children need church more than ever before in the history of the world."
"Daddy is a hero, he helps me grow up strong."
"Imagine if we could raise a generation of autistic children who never had to hide who they are."
"Simplifying our lives, homes, and schedules is integral to setting our kids up for success."
"Making kids go be creative or encouraging them to get out and into the world in whatever way, I think that stuff is really helpful."
"Kids might be dumb, but they will grow. Sometimes you just have to step back and let them get frustrated with themselves. It makes them want to grow faster, and you can be there to make sure they grow right."
"I think it's a dangerous message to tell kids you should try to be happy at all times."
"The most important thing to do with children is to let them run with that curiosity."
"Human beings of all ages, but especially kids, have a huge need for autonomy, the ability to make the choice, the ability to say, 'I want to do this, not that.'" - Angela Duckworth
"If you raise a kid with love and kindness and affection most of the time, you've got a good shot that they're growing up to be decent, caring, loving human beings."
"Kids need guidance. They don't need you to tell them that every single thing that they feel or think is accurate because it's not."
"I think the kids should... be encouraged to develop their imaginations."
"Babies learn through their senses, trying to explore and get your baby to use all of those is the best thing for them."
"These kids are literally helping each other grow."
"That little kid that was on that picture has grown up to be an absolute baller of a footballer."
"Findings revealed that 87 percent of the children experienced gender dysphoria either after being influenced by a friend or after binge watching transition content or both."
"I think this has been a massive step up for Aesthetics."
"It's like a kid, they have to build their immune systems."
"I do think transitioning can help adults... but... kids... they're more likely to grow up to be gay."
"Kids can grow into their understanding of it, and I think that's actually something really special."
"But often, kids that don't have that find it very difficult to be in uncertainty, because so much of their life is uncertain."
"I care so much about raising children in healthy ways."
"Caleb is about to be 10, and this week, yes, Jesus, was the first week that he didn't have to wear pull-ups or diapers."
"Let the kids start to grow and more importantly, let's support."
"The most important years of human intellectual and emotional development are zero through four."
"The work she's doing in trying to improve the lot of the first five years of children's lives is really important."
"Initiative versus guilt, which happens from three to five years of age, is the stage where a child begins exploring their world more."
"For kids, it should be more focused on the skill, developing skill, cardio, just mat time rather than having them cut weight."
"It's amazing how much I've noticed my three-year-olds picking up on different ideas and concepts and things that we've been learning."
"Far more free play, independence, and responsibility in the real world. Going back to a more free-range childhood."
"The atmosphere does provide for very artistic and creative developments for young children that live in this house."
"Reading, reading, reading. Books expose children to new vocabulary and help strengthen their imagination, listening skills, and attention span."
"Children who have time outside are much more focused inside."
"Children who grow up in very chaotic environments with no routines or rhythms to their day tend to have a much harder time handling their emotions and processing things."
"Now kids have endless coping mechanisms with none of the networks we were biologically built to have."
"Sports in the development of the early ages of a kid is fundamental."
"Childhood development is working with you, not against you."
"You don't want kids who are painfully shy and can't say hello."
"If you want kids to know who they are at 15, you'd better create a habitat that lets them experience who they might be at 8."
"We have these periods early in life when we're hyperplastic... and then that window of plasticity closes, and we become less plastic and less able to learn."
"It gives kids independence, stimulates the child's mind, it teaches kids road rules and laws, it's exercise."
"These are important years in his development and the things he learns now will shape the person he becomes later."
"How children think about themselves is often determined by the labels you put on them."
"If a child lives with encouragement, they learn to be confident."
"If a child lives with acceptance, they learn to love."
"It's almost like having the birth of agency, the birth of how someone who is small begins to understand that they matter as well."
"Children are able to grow up into healthy social beings when they have access to lots of healthy age mates."
"I think it's equally important for a kid her age to have a range of interests and experiences."
"You get to watch them grow up, which is just mind-blowing and awesome."
"Soon children were expected to stop playing in the mud, to greet people properly, to listen attentively to elders, and to eat quietly."
"Science in the early childhood classroom is more about helping young children think and try to make sense of the world around them."
"During my 20-plus years in the pre-K classroom, I've taught hundreds of preschoolers how to write their name."
"If we can grab children's attention now and get them excited about nature, then hopefully that'll stay with them into adulthood."
"The author wants children to grow up to become mindful world citizens."
"We can change kids' behavior by changing what happens around the behavior."
"Children who are raised in a house with dogs have a much stronger immune system than children who don't."
"Our kids take what we say and how we act and form internal working models of how the world works."
"Any child can learn any one of those languages, provided they start early enough."
"Children need to be taught; you're there to be able to help them and encourage them for them to continue."
"It's really fun to watch them as they grow and see how they participate in all the activities as they get a little older."
"The influence of early attachment on childhood and adult relationships is significant."
"When children can grow up in homes filled with love and security, where children's developing energies can be channeled to learning and serving rather than seeking the love they did not receive at home."
"Some kids develop insecure attachment in part due to their experiences in daycare and preschool."
"Sophelia recalled her past when the Demon King admired her and how some people always came to thank the Demon King for helping their children develop quickly."
"We all know that young children thrive on routine and predictability."
"Play is a child's work and that is the best way that they are going to learn the things that they need to learn before they get to school."
"I think a lot of times the biggest challenge is actually the parents."
"Agnes is starting to recognize numbers now and letters."
"Babies from six months up to 18 months have this flavor window where they're more willing to try new foods."
"If you handle the emotional stuff properly at a young age... they will eventually get to the intellectual part."
"WIC pays for itself; enormous dividends having lower malnutrition among young children helps them to get a head start."
"Early attachment is often with the primary caregiver and it's designed to help children get their needs met."
"Children's brains are malleable and plastic, even adult brains."
"We're trying to think about how do we infuse nature into kids' lives."
"If these activities become the predominant method to calm and distract young children, will they be able to develop their own internal mechanisms of self-regulation?"
"Speaking matters, and it starts in childhood."
"Kids have to fail. Like, the participation trophies have to leave."
"We have to find ways to help kids that are stuck learn to move on so that they can listen and learn."
"It's about helping a child be as independent as they can be."
"When the children are growing, is the first steps to learn the language."
"Don't be fooled into thinking that you can only teach these to your child once they turn five."
"Bilingual children are better at giving definitions than monolinguals and that advantage begins at around third grade."
"As those kids grow up, the need for food and fresh vegetables grows."
"Pretending to be a vet or a doctor is a great way for children to model empathy and compassion."
"We never teach children how to listen."
"Never underestimate the power of play because even though they're playing, they're learning so much."
"Brain imaging studies are beginning to shed some light on why children with BCD struggle to learn motor skills."
"The behavior of children is influenced by the parents' habits."
"Encouraging reading... makes a massive impact on how much you read as an adult as well and it makes you intellectually curious."
"Can you imagine how that will change if we can have a whole lot of children grow up with this simple, easy technique of humming?"
"To see kids grow from a newbie to a pro, and especially the pure joy and fun that kids bring to the table, something most adults have lost along the way."
"Learning to look kids in the eyes, learning to hug them, learning to caress them, creates permanent memories in the circuit, which are tied to emotions that build well-being and not uneasiness."
"The goal of emotion regulation is to help children use their emotions wisely so they can achieve their own goals and dreams."
"And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit."
"It's trying to find something for kids to focus on from an early age."
"Don't give up, these children are determined and many will learn to walk."
"Just as society continues to evolve, opinions regarding childhood development have also changed over time."
"Introducing autonomy naturally to children will better prepare them for life as adults."
"Most kids, particularly from age 11 onwards, thrive on challenge."
"You're so clever, you want to come here? You're getting such a strong big girl."
"Children who grow up barefoot can jump further than kids who grew up wearing shoes."
"This is game changing for young kids in terms of their success."
"Learning to read is one of the most important accomplishments of a young child's life."
"I'm so glad that you've been growing into such a sensible young boy."
"The most important period we need to be concentrating on is children from mid-childhood through to their mid-20s."
"Kids need to be in the presence of adults working."
"...where do our standards for intimacy come from...these differences arise in childhood in infancy when we develop our models of what attachment what intimacy is all about."
"It's important for kids to get through; it's just like it's okay for kids to get bored because they get more creative."
"If you provide a supportive environment to children in their early years and invest in their futures, the results will be life-transforming."
"It's our job to offer healthy reparative experiences to support children in learning new ways of feeling and being."
"Instead of promoting the idea that people are either winners or losers, teachers could show children that they gain more from working together."
"Babies just do things at their own pace."
"This is a learning experience to my two-year-old to realize she can't always get what she wants."
"Toddlers and young children need calcium to aid in the formation of their developing teeth and bones."
"Self-control at five is a better predictor of SAT score than IQ is."