
Dreams Quotes

There are 28569 quotes

"I've got a dream too, but it's about singing and dancing and making people happy. That's the kind of dream that gets better the more people you share it with."
"Maybe we're here to encourage each other to share our dreams and to become the best version of ourselves we can possibly be."
"Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths, Enwrought with golden and silver light...I would spread the cloths under your feet: But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."
"Don't downgrade your dreams to fit your current reality; upgrade your mindset, your motivation, and your methodology to meet your destiny."
"Don't shrink your dreams to meet your current reality, expand your mind, your motivation, and your methods to be able to fulfill your destiny, your dreams."
"You take a certain path in your life... maybe that'll change your perspective on things, maybe that'll change what your dreams actually really are down the road."
"If you ask me who my dream was at 17, I probably would have told you something stupid. And I'm glad I didn't chase that because I didn't know myself well enough to know what my dream should be."
"This is going to really help us start to make those dreams a reality."
"Do not downgrade your dreams to meet this current situation. Upgrade your mindset, your motivation, and your methods to meet your dreams, your destiny."
"Vision without action is a dream that never can come to pass."
"You have the power to make your dreams come true."
"Action is everything. Action is the bridge between your dreams and reality."
"Have confidence to dream boldly because you're capable of achieving whatever it is you set out to do."
"Most people give up their dreams and they give up all of the things that they think they want for themselves because they're afraid to step out and do things in front of people who are never going to try."
"If you are ready to start creating the life of your dreams, let us begin."
"Your dreams won't make you happy unless you're intentional about them."
"Your passions, your dreams, your goals are valuable because they matter to you."
"The world needs to see more humans out there chasing after their dreams, being their authentic selves."
"Don't be afraid to dream bigger. Go after the dreams that you've always wanted."
"A new adventure awaits, embrace it and live your dreams passionately."
"You must understand that it is possible to completely exhaust your supply of dreams, thereby entering a state in which you will not be able to wake up."
"There was just this profound kind of emptiness on the other side of that, of, 'Oh, what do I dream now? What do I hope for in my future?'"
"It's been my boyhood dream but they never come true normally. This is the exception."
"It's never too late to chase your dreams no matter what age you are."
"Keep on talking to me, you keep on telling me your dreams."
"The universe is not throwing hardship on you to mock you; it's preparing you for big desires and dreams."
"The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams."
"Dreams are the most important thing; first things first, the only reason to do all this work is 'cause there really is something you want in your life you don't have right now."
"If this is something that you want to do and you feel like it'll make you happy, go for it. If this is a dream of yours, then go for it. Start a YouTube channel, make a TikTok, go on Instagram Live and stream. Just do you, have fun with it, and it'll all work out."
"If you have a dream that has accompanied you your whole life, go ahead and try it."
"It will have a material impact on your ability to achieve your dreams, make you more confident, and happier."
"Don't downgrade your dreams to meet this current situation. Upgrade your mindset, your motivation, and the methods you're using."
"This is like a dream come true. I mean, it's a real dream come true."
"Your dreams deserve 30 seconds, don't you think?"
"Pursue this as a career, and it will come true."
"The dreams that your heart has, your heart knows how to take you there."
"I have access to everything I need to make my dreams succeed."
"All people dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their mind, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible."
"Your dreams deserve to have 10 lousy minutes in the morning before you let the world in."
"I hate getting out of bed... But you can still do things that you don't like doing and you may never like... because your dreams deserve it."
"In the game of cards, as you know, if you don't like your hand, you can fold. So I see my cards, I don't like it, so I decide to fold. I feel like a lot of people that are watching right now, they have folded their dreams before they really unfolded."
"Determination is the power within to keep you from giving up on your dream."
"Everything I longed for and dreamed about is packed in the Usagiyama Shopping District. In this way, everyone can live together."
"Believe in yourself, believe in your dreams, believe in what you're trying to create."
"Your dream is soon to become reality. Trust your heart and continue to follow its guidance."
"What's beautiful about 2020 is you are going to be inspired to follow your dreams, you're gonna find something that does inspire and motivate you, and you are going to chase them fearlessly."
"It's okay to dream big, it's okay to be a bit delusional, and it's okay to go all in on an absolute Hail Mary dream."
"You're crossing this bridge of manifesting your dreams."
"Your dreams might be really important in the month of June."
"It's only a dream, and everything will be okay."
"This person is really thinking about you, to the point where they're dreaming about you."
"Tonight, these two warriors collide in the ring, one man looking to achieve his dreams and continue his path to becoming a world champion, the other man looking to take him down and create a name and legacy for himself in the ultimate test of wills."
"The waking the dream state gives us a clue to how consciousness can be everything."
"Mastering your mind is the key to creating the kind of life you've dreamed of having."
"His dream is something he had received from his parents; they are the roots and he can only receive nutrients from them."
"Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams, because the world needs that very special gift that only you have."
"Dare to dream big, and be open to the universe’s plan for you."
"Dreams hit a little different when you actually do something you've dreamed about since being a kid."
"You and me, we're like the main characters in an 80s movie. An underdog with big dreams trying to become the best at like karate or bartending."
"First, when there's nothing but a slow glowing dream that your fear seems to hide deep inside your mind."
"You know, Chloe, you're like Jennifer Beals in Flashdance, a blue-collar heroine with dreams of stardom."
"You're being given the energy, we're being given the motivation to take action upon the dreams that we want to create."
"Claim your abundance; you are so worthy of what you dream about."
"Your dream, the dream that you have, there might be struggles, obstacles, and different lessons that you learn along the way, but it is strengthening you."
"Lucid dreaming is defined as realizing within the dream that you are dreaming."
"Everything in your life right now was impossible or a dream or things that you did not imagine were possible for you, but they still happened."
"I want to... have my dad construct my dream home."
"Take action, grab your life by the balls, and live the life that you have always dreamed of."
"In their dreams, they feel more safe to express and explore their emotions."
"Dreams make good stories, but everything important happens when we're awake."
"One of your key talents is gonna be someone who actually lives their dream, someone who does their passion for a living."
"Artemis missions should show every child that if they can dream it, they can be it."
"You guys are not only hard workers but you have what it takes to achieve your dreams."
"You are literally on the path of your dreams right now."
"Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious." - Sigmund Freud
"Dreams serve as the expression of suppressed wishes." - Freud's perspective
"Dreams can be like a virtual reality simulator that helps prepare us for real life dangers."
"August Kekulé figured out the chemical structure of benzene in a dream."
"This is a dream. It's given me a lot of hope."
"Wrestling gave me my dreams, dreams of stuff that I dreamed about when I was a little girl, I could be a star one day."
"Leap towards your dreams, what you actually want."
"Have patience sometimes dreams grow slowly. Don't worry, the hard work you've invested will bring about a bountiful harvest."
"Use your wishes wisely to manifest your heart's desire and take practical steps towards making your dreams come true."
"Now it's time for you to come into your own individuality and create your own dreams."
"Literally all of your wildest dreams that you feel are impossible are about to come true for you."
"There is a dream that you feel is too big, is too impossible, it's too out of your reach, but it's something that you want more than anything."
"Hopefully, this helps you out in making the camp of your dreams."
"Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart."
"You're taking action towards your wildest dreams and you're not letting fear stop you."
"Your dreams are going to be coming true soon, especially when it comes to a romantic partner. This person is going to bring you nothing but peace."
"You are not meant to work these regular jobs. Stop trying to make it work and make your dreams work."
"It's the pursuit of that dream and the engagement towards that dream that is the juice itself."
"I'll dream each night of some version of you that I might not have but did not lose."
"Let's manifest all of the dreams, guys, all of the dreams."
"To hear 'outright win' is a dream, so we tried, and we did it."
"As soon as you let go of the fear of not having stability and you follow your dreams, I see so much material success coming your way."
"Dreams offer insight into our subconscious, help us process emotions, and organize our memories."
"Don't be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it."
"Your dreams are going to manifest a lot quicker."
"This is what people dream of growing up, these Japanese players, and everyone wouldn't have dreamed of having celebrations like this."
"Listen, promise me that you'll never give up on your dreams."
"The spark that ignites all their hopes and dreams is only through hopes and dreams that we may create a better world."
"You can allow yourself to dream, you can allow yourself to...have an impact over the world...It's all about your capability, your creativity and your hard work."
"If you lose sleep doing what you love, you'll eventually live the dream that you only would have dreamt."
"I think you should follow your dreams...to the extent that you can."
"You can't have a dream come true unless you have a dream."
"Thank you guys so much for that. You guys literally made my dream come true."
"I can and will have more than I ever dreamed possible."
"All your dreams can come true if you have the power to create your reality however you want it to be."
"Never let anybody crush your dreams. I believe in your dream."
"A dream without a deadline is just an empty wish."
"Most people have never put in the work for their dreams. They wanted it on credit."
"Nobody's dreams happen without fight. Fight with all you got."
"Believe in yourself, believe in your dreams, believe in the magic inside you."
"You don't wear a cape; you wear a race suit. But to be in Formula 1 is really what these drivers dream of."
"That sounds amazing. Our dream is to become pro footballers. No chance we say no."
"But I think you gotta have a dream. The School of Greatness, really."
"You laugh at my dreams, Adam. I'm sorry you laughed at my dreams straight to my face."
"Live your life as if all your dreams have come true and then you challenge your reality to catch up."
"It's less work to just go after your dream than to constantly run away from it."
"Dare to dream and realize that you are worthy of that dream."
"Don't quit on your passion. Don't give up on your dreams."
"It's a very appealing big meal, and at some point, after just trying to get it over the over the wall, at some point the mouse just gives up because it's just never gonna happen. And he just goes away. Except that, because even mice can dream, at some point he decides, okay, I'm just gonna come out for one more try, and he tries one more time, and this time, valiantly, gets it over."
"Manifestation will be a very good month for you to manifest your dreams."
"You have a very ambitious energy, very strong-willed again, and very loyal to the dreams and things that you want to achieve."
"Consistency is the bridge between dream and reality."
"The magic is calling, calling calling us, to the place where all of our dreams come true, the most magical place on earth."
"That's when you become the master of your dream."
"I'm resilient. I'm never gonna give up on my dream so I'm willing to put in the work every day to reach that goal."
"Your imagination...it's where so many dreams and goals have been achieved."
"Don't ignore your dreams, don't work too much, say what you think, cultivate friendships, and to be happy."
"I dream of a place where all dreams end, a place where love, truth, and light were born, a place known as the now, the eternal present moment, God's only home."
"Dreams are where the mind translates the divine."
"Once again, I dream of a globe beneath the filthy skin of the world. The light through the black wood, the pale door, the old man."
"If you don't set your expectations correctly, your biggest dream can turn into your worst nightmare."
"Kids love athletes because they follow their dreams."
"I speak into existence that you will live out every dream."
"Don't give up on your dream. Don't let reality become your truth."
"Nothing stands between you and the fulfillment of your dreams but facts, and facts are the creations of imagining."
"Just like in a dream, when you're dreaming, you know what's happening in the dream isn't real, but your mind isn't focused on the fact that it isn't real; it's focused on the experience, and so it feels real in that moment."
"Believe in the impossible, have faith in your dreams."
"Every new experience then creates another new opportunity for us to dream even a greater experience for ourselves."
"There's always been the dance in artificial intelligence between the dreams, the mathematical foundations, and when the dreams meet the engineering, the practice, the reality."
"If you're right, can you really conceive a scene, a scene which if true would imply the fulfillment of your dream? Just imagine it."
"Stick with it. Don't let anyone deter you from chasing a dream."
"Lots of little steps make big dreams come true."
"I have a dream of becoming a baker when I retire."
"Her dream of living inside a tent finally got true, all thanks to the kind people she met."
"A dream is a wish your heart makes when you're fast asleep."
"Playing in the football cage was freedom for me; it was an escape. It allowed me to start dreaming of a world that I never thought I'd be able to see or imagine."
"Don't let people's fears push up on your dreams."
"It's Disney World where your dreams can come true."
"Everything is going to be okay; your dreams will come true."
"I think you gotta have a dream. The school of greatness, please welcome... There's something unique about you."
"Your dreams are woven into your DNA. They are preset. There is a life that is meant for you."
"I watched the last day of Fest quietly in my home today, and now I'll go to sleep peacefully knowing we really found a place where dreams come true."
"In all of your getting, get a dream in your life, get it from God, and you become unstoppable."
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
"It is never too late to go after your dreams. Have hope."
"A dream keeps me going in tough times. If you don't have a dream, you're gonna flame out, burn out, give up when things don't work out immediately."
"God can do anything, far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request or dream in your wildest dreams!"
"I want you to see the power that you have within you. I want you to be open and receptive to that truth, that infinite potential. I want you to see that dream that you've been working on, and I want you to see it come to fruition."
"Spirit is saying it's time to take those beautiful dreams that you have in your head and in your mind and make them a reality."
"Dreams every day and you see they think so deep and big."
"We all have the power of manifestation; we can all make all of our dreams a reality."
"You're never too young to go after your dreams."
"You should never sacrifice your own dreams and your own hopes and your own aspirations."
"The price you will pay for not making your dream come true is far greater than the one you will pay to make it come true."
"That is actually the dream; if it's important to you, you're going to find a way."
"I've always loved the idea of humans striving out towards the stars."
"Women have the capacity and the potential to give birth to dreams."
"Have faith in your dreams. A new start is coming."
"You get what your heart desires by being true to the work you put in. Work diligently on your dreams and watch the universe reward and deliver."
"Once you wake up, it's hard to remember the dream."
"Knowing when to let go of a dream is as important as knowing when to go after one."
"Dreams without goals are just dreams and they ultimately fuel disappointment."
"Without dreams and visions, people perish. You've got to have something to go for that inspires the heart and the soul."
"Dreams, we all have them, and they have been an area of focus for scientists, medical professionals, gurus, and religious practitioners for thousands of years."
"Some people think dreams are just the brain's way of processing different images, sounds, interactions, encounters, emotions, and experiences from the day."
"Dreams are more significant than just a filtration system of our life experiences."
"Your dreams tie into your purpose; your dreams are one of your great gifts."
"This means the world to me; it's insane that I'm even able to do this, to begin with. This is actually a dream come true."
"It's up to you to choose how to incorporate your dream experiences into your waking life."
"We woke up from the dream, but I still think we remember how it felt."
"Put aside your weaknesses, have the strength, have the guts and the courage to chase your dreams."
"Dreams without goals are just dreams and ultimately fuel disappointment."
"You can have a very fulfilling life if you just follow your pursuits and your dreams."
"Dream it. If enough of us dream a bare thousand, we can dream a world where no cat suffers, where no kittens die cold and alone, where all cats are queens and kings of creation."
"The dream I had for myself couldn't compare to the dream that life had for me."
"Daydreaming is good, you know. Daydream, support, and follow your dreams."
"You need to push, like to continue to believe in your dream, and never back down."
"We can be Kangel, the biggest dream in the world if we work together, right?"
"It's even worse if you don't follow your dreams."
"It's like passions and dreams, they go out the window like I'm trying to survive in this."
"When it comes to your dreams, you have two choices: pursue them or be haunted by them."
"Hearts desires: the angels are supporting, guiding, and protecting you as your dreams become a reality."
"You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words."
"Airplanes are not tools for war, airplanes are beautiful dreams."
"Dreams are dots on the map of your life that pull you in a direction you're meant to go, but you might never end up there because you're meant to end up somewhere else."
"You know why we're always talking dreams? Because we have big ones."