
Livelihood Quotes

There are 886 quotes

"Through sharing our adventures in these videos, we've managed to turn our passion into our livelihood."
"The border will be secure when people on both sides of it can make a living where they are and can live in dignity and safety."
"I make my living off of finding things that are hiding in plain sight."
"They think they're stealing bikes; they're stealing people's livelihoods."
"Having a stable salary is so important because it's giving you the opportunity to build your savings and provide for your own livelihood."
"The only way I can make bread is to do positive and make money doing something else."
"Content can become something you make a living from and then something that you create as a habit, as a routine, and it can become your full-time job."
"It strikes me as just like a profoundly anti-American thing to do, to try to ruin somebody's livelihood because you disagree with them politically."
"You can't make an honest living if you're not living an honest life."
"Earning a living as an artist is one of the best things you can do if you love art."
"We want safety, and we want economic where people can go and make a great living."
"We're fighting for the livelihoods of American workers."
"The majority of farmers simply cannot make a living from their work... they're trapped in a system that's killing them."
"It's a lot more than just bricks and mortar, it's people's dreams, it's people's lives, it's people's livelihoods, it's home."
"Epitome of what a professional racing driver should be."
"It is possible that's the other side of it right, it is absolutely possible it happens every day that people create media that people love and that are able to find their way into doing it for a living."
"How am I supposed to put food on the table without being a landlord?"
"You have to find contemporary ways of balancing your day-to-day regular livelihood issues with the larger issue."
"He doesn't want to go back working three, four jobs, not be able to put food on the table at the end of the day. It's about being able to take care of your family, pay your bills."
"It's not a joke. Your livelihood is on the line."
"During shutdowns there will be economic consequences on the country at large but more importantly individuals who live on daily subsistence who give their labor for their daily bread could be affected the most."
"People want to get back to work, they've got to make a living, they have to take care of their family."
"However you can get work, however you're earning your living is respectable."
"It's possible to make a living so you end up being more alive, feeling more alive."
"Remember taking a man's livelihood is akin to killing him."
"I really need to stream... because I need to survive."
"Businesses couldn't survive if their revenue stopped, workers couldn't pay their rent if they didn't get their salary, that's not right."
"Music means a lot because it's how I feed my son."
"Every Floridian has a right to earn a living."
"If I lose this restaurant, I'll lose my life, because my restaurant is my life."
"Making a living is actually pretty altruistic."
"A change in people's way of life that threatens countless livelihoods to preserve life itself."
"We live in a parliamentary democracy... This is about people's livelihoods."
"What's at stake are the livelihoods of around 125 million people."
"Everyone has a right to make a living... especially when you work hard for it."
"People want to go to work they want to make a living they want to be able to put food on the table."
"Your art is you, that's how you make your bread, that's how you express your emotions, that's why you're here, you're an artist, your art is you."
"It's a major priority to enable monetization by content creators people need to make a living and prosper from their work."
"This is the time to support business and seriously, if you did, 'cause you know they ain't getting it, and this is how they make they living y'all."
"If art is all you can do, show them how you can make a living doing it."
"It's fully possible to make a full-time living. We do it. I know many people who do."
"There's so many underlines of things you can do to still be involved with music and actually pay your bills."
"Keep going, keep living your dream. What you love to do, there's a way to make a living out of it."
"High value men are exceptional in at least one field... If you max out any of your stats, you don't even have to be one of the highest earners to qualify as a high value man."
"The livelihood of the American people depends on it because it absolutely does."
"The ban on adult content made it much harder for independent sex workers to make a living."
"This is my only real outlet to the outside world other than close friends and family acquaintances then I figured this, this is probably the best option to just make a video and it's kind of how I make a living."
"People got to make a living, you know? And there's like a lot of money in corporate gigs. Comedians do them too."
"The reality is this is my full-time job this is how I feed my family and myself and pay my bills and all that kind of stuff and I I can't afford to just work for free at this point"
"We shouldn't destroy someone's livelihood and take away their ability to feed their kids because they don't get vaccinated."
"If you can do anything else, do it. If you can't, then you're an artist and you have to find a way to make a living."
"A lot of people in that moment were so scared of having their livelihood taken away from them that they were just saying anything on Twitter."
"Some people just simply trying to make a living, period."
"It's been really nice and we are super lucky to be able to do this for a living."
"For Omega, this is more than his job, it is his livelihood."
"Shout out to those out there on the grind, putting your shoulders to the wheel, causing a sweat upon a man's brow so shall he eat bread."
"You gotta eat with YouTube. I mean, if you don't eat with YouTube, what are you doing?"
"We believed in lifting people up, protecting people's rights, and making sure you had the ability to earn a living."
"For the metaverse to fully work, it has to implement an actual economy in which you can make money, in which you can essentially make a living."
"The fact that you guys are willing to support me and allow me to do what I do for a living means the world to me."
"A guy is trying to make a living. He has to first make sure that his wife is happy."
"Making a living is a miracle, it's an act of God, but we're not supposed to rely on miracles."
"I just wish they would find a different way to make a living."
"40 million people's livelihoods are really hinging on the opinions of a few potentially Supreme Court Justices."
"Populations of people who depend on free diving for their livelihood have developed larger spleens."
"I think if you really are extremely passionate about something... it's absolutely possible to make a living and you should absolutely stick with it."
"Americans are very worried about putting bread on the table."
"Listen, if I can be successful in this sport here, even though it's not really what I enjoy doing that much, then at least I can prove to myself I can earn a living, I can pay for the family."
"If you're someone that uses photography to make a living, there's tons of options within that realm itself to help you and your business."
"If you really are serious about your music and you purchase your own catalog and you feel that it's worth something, you could live off it forever."
"I want you guys to be safe, I want you guys to be healthy, I want everybody to go back to work and make your money, support your families."
"It took about four years to make like a living where I didn't have to have like a side job."
"A billion people on this planet make a living from planting, harvesting, packing, shipping, or selling rice."
"You know, there's so many of us in the field right now that are living because of theater."
"Plenty of people make a living as full-time professional artists."
"These street vendors are simply trying to make an honest living."
"I don't make the majority of my income from selling my art directly, but you don't have to sell your art directly to make a living from creating art every day."
"A living wage is the minimum income necessary for a worker to meet all of their basic needs on 40 hours worth of work."
"Your livelihood depends on the closeness you have to your audience."
"From the lowly but important bolt to more complicated machine parts, the lathe stands behind the machines which help bring us a livelihood."
"That will completely change that person's life; that will allow them to continue being a farmer or it'll allow them to continue selling meat or building construction things or whatever they're doing."
"If you're making a living do it do your feed your family Fe your family use your power for good."
"This is the bread and butter of what I do and how I make money."
"The men and women fishing on the high seas that make our seafood enjoyment possible, that sustain their local economies when there's literally no other commerce available, they are brave, there's no doubt about it."
"I don't like this idea that you can't have sponsorships because that's how you have to kind of make a living."
"I think metal should be mainstream. I want it to be mainstream so we can make a living. Get the [ __ ] out of here with that 'it has to stay underground' nonsense."
"Selling your artwork to make a living for 99% of artists is the slowest and most difficult way to make a living."
"I can't believe I'm able to make a living by doing what we do every day."
"I make my living on repeat business."
"Without your financial support, I would not be able to do this for a living. Thank you to every single one of you for supporting me."
"Farming has always been and will continue to be an irreplaceable job that supports our lives."
"But ain't nothing wrong with getting a 9 to 5, bro. You feel me? Get yours. That's what, like, it is. You feel me? If you ain't getting your paper, then you ain't living."
"It is an extreme privilege to not be political to not have your livelihood put on the ballot for strangers to decide about."
"Thankfully, the insult was actually related to the thing that he is known for doing and makes a living doing."
"Imagine this: you're working your regular shift at a local Chinese food takeaway, just doing what you must to make a living. Minimum wage, minimum effort."
"Views and subs don't matter if you can't make a living and pay your bills."
"Nobody wants the product to not do well, but if it don't do well, my kids are still gonna eat."
"Well, hey, look, I've fished all my life, yeah, that's a hard way to make a living."
"Coal mining jobs have provided good wages and opened up economic opportunities for generations of Kentucky families."
"Brian's music is his passion and his livelihood to the core."
"The quarters were cramped, but the job paid well, so divers were willing to sacrifice their comfort and risk their safety to support their families back home."
"It's all God's plan and I'm just blessed to fish for a living."
"Right Livelihood is livelihood that first doesn't cause harm."
"Isn't it funny that we call it our livelihood which is just a nicer way of saying our ability to not starve to death in the street?"
"Cash flow from the market is king. Earning a living day to day is king."
"Money is the end name of my mercenary existence."
"It's amazing for me to think about... what an impact salmon have on the livelihoods of so many people."
"It's better to live than to make a living."
"If something's gonna affect you emotionally, it has to be directed either at your livelihood or your family."
"It is an incredible blessing to be able to make a living out of the things that you make with your hands."
"We've got our work cut out with that, but I need to carry on working as well and making a bit of a living to pay the bills."
"A job doesn't define you; it's just what you do for crust."
"Most people here rely on farming for a steady income."
"Trading for a living is possible."
"Even artists have to eat, you know."
"That sighting guy is walking home today with a check to feed his family because of YouTube."
"Freedom: everyone should be free to pursue their own livelihood."
"This is their living, this is how they feed their kids."
"I've been very fortunate. First, I had no ambition. I didn't want to be a star. I just wanted to do something, work, and make a living."
"It's our livelihood, it's our well-being, it's our retirement."
"You don't need that life to make a living. You could make a good living and lots."
"Your life is in danger at this moment, maybe not your literal life but your livelihood is in danger and possibly your life."
"And actors also have to take risks in life because they don't always know when they're gonna be able to pay the mortgage."
"If you want to be an actor, do something you can at least make a living at."
"To make a living is not to make a killing. It's to have enough."
"People spend time and effort in the fields not only for their livelihood but also for their love, dedication, and commitment to providing safe and quality food."
"I love teaching artists how to make a living at it because I've made a wonderful living at this."
"We're not doing this for money, though perhaps not, but we still require it to live."
"No need to introduce ourselves, we're both making a living after all."
"I've decided to earn my own living and not be a liability to my mother."
"Everyone has to make a living... sometimes you have to just think about who you're sending this criticism out to."
"God knows that you need money to live. You can't live off prayer, you know? You can't live off fasting, you need money."
"Agriculture is more than just a hobby for Sabine. It's a means of earning some money on the side."
"And the other group will say to follow the money because passion isn't going to pay the bills."
"The next 60 seconds of my life determine how I'm going to pay the bills for the next few years. Anything could happen."
"Everybody has a right to live, learn, love, and earn a living wage."
"I might be a lot of things, many of those things are true. But the difference between me and you is that I stake my livelihood off honest work."
"You don't need to go to university to contribute to your livelihood."
"What is to me a means of livelihood is to him the merest hobby of a dilettante."
"Family and it's enjoyable to have my family be a part of our livelihood, and it's not just my livelihood, it's our livelihood, so it's second to none on a place to have your family."
"Your hands can make a living for you."
"Third, I rely on people that see value in my work, people like you that watch videos to the very end, to keep the lights on around here. Literally. This is how I feed my family."
"How long will it take for macroeconomic stability to be reflected in people's lives?"
"I got a family to feed, a way to make a living is basically what it was."
"You're making a living doing what you love."
"If you're the sole person responsible for lives, putting roofs overhead and food in your mouth, that's a grind right there."
"It's like making a living off living."
"What does my opinion matter anyway? I mean, if they're not going to fire, I'm not... It's not like I'm attacking your livelihood, which I'm convinced she doesn't know what livelihood means because that's exactly what you're doing."
"400 families depend on it. That's crazy when you think about that next level stuff."
"I suppose you have to make a living somehow."
"I've made my whole life selling your shirts."
"Being a musician is not just about to play beautiful music but also to make a living and to somehow to get by."
"Are we jerks for protecting ourselves? Are we jerks for not taking the chance of having our livelihoods completely screwed up?"
"I can't believe that I'm doing this for a living."
"It's not a game, it's a livelihood."
"And people actually start to think about the tradesperson and protecting our livelihoods by making these Vans harder to break into and making the insurance fit for purpose if your van gets broken into the insurance company actually do help you out and don't leave you stranded."
"You can make a living having this much fun."
"It's a really good wage, like you can live off of that and be very comfortable."
"California's beautiful but golly it's uh it's getting tough out there just to make a living as a Rancher much less as a Rodeo Cowboy."
"It is imperative that our religious liberty establishment recognize how church posturing is being used to deprive people of the right of livelihood."
"If you can make a living off of battle rapping, well, then it makes sense for you to battle rap."
"They built a whole livelihood out of selling trinkets."
"Their jobs, which though not highly paid, were hitherto regarded as the safest available, they were suddenly deprived of their livelihood."
"Life does go on and I needed to find a way to earn a living."
"Football is an escape for some, a livelihood for others, and a way of life for everyone."
"They're people just like you and me, they're out there trying to earn a crust."
"Farming is very, very important in our lives."
"A lot of people rely on TikTok for their livelihood and if there is no the investiture, there's going to be a lot of pain."
"Nobody's getting rich doing this stuff. The people who are making a living flying drones, they're not driving Lamborghinis on the weekends."
"This is supposed to be a fun, exciting hobby. That's how I treat it. This is my livelihood and I love it, but I still don't take it that seriously."
"Only as a portraitist could an English artist make a good living."
"They need people clinging to Christianity to maintain their own livelihood and faith."
"There's nothing embarrassing about tomorrow working somewhere and earning a living."
"You can take this lump of Steel and you can put it in the fire and you can make something freaking beautiful and awesome out of it and like that can be your thing and you like you could put your soul into something and make a living out of it."
"You know in a town like this, a city like this, tourism is our lifeblood."
"It's not that people don't want to go to work, people want to be able to make enough money to live and strive."
"Small farmers need to do this sort of thinking if they're going to be figuring out how to run their farm and make a living at the same time."
"Sheep farming is not only an essential agricultural industry but also a significant contributor to Economic Development."
"Provided you can add enough value to enough people, you will always earn a living."
"We are not right able not able right now to make money on the road so this show provides a way for them to still provide for their household pay bills and that type of thing and it would not be possible without you guys so like I'm really trying this is what I'm shooting for."
"Work provides us the ability to eat better food, live in better homes, buy better products, and provide better lives for ourselves and loved ones."
"I don't make my living through fashion; I make my living through good consultation."
"I make a livable wage from my art. We out here."
"Allow yourself to open up your mind that there's gonna be the job that you do to make a living and then there is gonna be this gift."
"Hunting is my passion in coyote calls or my livelihood."
"Protect the business for every man in the locker room protect the business because that's how you put food on the table for your wife Peggy and your daughter Jessica."
"Your livelihood is always at stake."
"I saw my friends doing it for fun. I came out of prison, I see my friends doing it for trying to make a living out of fighting. I thought, yeah, why not? Might as well give it a go, man."
"Business means everything to me. It's my livelihood. It's my future."
"You can't make a living playing music. Why do you think they call it playing?"
"I was just trying to make a living like you want."
"I'm still trying to compete and make a living out of this."
"I still feel very fortunate that I can still make a comfortable enough living doing what I love to do."
"Part of my living is expressing myself."
"Our only income is what comes from social media."
"We want to inspire people to follow their passion, find what they love, and try to make it a living."
"You have to do what you love to do, and if you can make a living from it, that's a bonus."
"You can actually make a living off of being an identity."
"Don't be too edgy where a brand won't give you an integration because then you probably won't be able to do it as a living."