
Lifestyle Choices Quotes

There are 993 quotes

"My boy David's findings remind us that while genetics play a role in aging, lifestyle choices have a significant impact."
"What relationship do you actually want to have with technology and social media? What would be the best relationship lifestyle that you could have?"
"Just the notion that our lifestyle choices can rewrite your brain's destiny was really very discomforting for very much for people who wanted to believe in the mono therapy, give me a pill mentality."
"It's not fair to other people to have to care for you in your later years when you become demented and sick because you abused your body with food."
"The most empowering discoveries over the last however many years is just how big of an impact our decisions, our actions, can have on our health span."
"I'd rather cry in the back of a BMW than smile on top of a bicycle."
"The point of this country is if you want to eat garbage, balloon up to 600 pounds, and die of a heart attack at 43, you can. You are free to do so. To me, that's beautiful."
"Michael Jordan should not be selling tickets; he should be just doing whatever he wants and occasionally rocking up and shooting hoops."
"If we have the ability to choose a less harmful way of living, it becomes a moral obligation to do so."
"People neglect their health to make money, to then spend that money on health."
"It's far too easy to live crunchy and then, without even realizing it, fall into a cycle or loop that's all too cult-like."
"80% of your health in old age is up to you, how you live your life."
"Different people want different things; not everyone wants to have kids."
"Embrace the suck. Pick your hard. It's all hard because if you're overweight, it's hard. If you're pre-diabetic, it's hard. If you can't move your body, it's hard. Or you can lift heavy [expletive], and it can be hard."
"Life offers a lot more than just children these days."
"Financial independence is not about deprivation -- it's about choices."
"There's so much in our lives that we can't control. What you eat, deciding to get up every day and move your body, you can control that."
"What's the point of having the money when you go to the beach with your woman and you can't even walk, have a nice romantic walk on the beach, because you're out of breath or because you're diabetic and you already lost one leg?"
"I would rather be free and be on that Corolla life than all day, man, then be working and need all the paychecks and all the money to support all the debt so I can drive, I don't know, the BMW or drive that Mercedes, man. I would rather just be free."
"Minimalism means getting rid of all the stuff that you don't need. So I did exactly that. I removed everything I didn't need from my life, including you and your mom."
"Being a minimalist means you have to cut out things from your life, but if that thing is something that makes you happy, you don't have to cut it out."
"We want stability and rootedness but also mobility, dynamic capitalism, and the liberty to adopt the lifestyle we choose."
"So many young people don't get married and don't have children because they don't want to sacrifice their freedom and independence, but do you realize how much you're sacrificing if you don't?"
"Why should we be contributing to pain, suffering, and death when it is completely unnecessary?"
"Let's be the best examples that we can. Let's work out, let's eat healthy, let's do all the things."
"The goal in Ayurveda is to understand what your constitution is and then to make wise lifestyle choices that keep you in balance with that constitution."
"The idea of going tiny's gained traction... We don't need a big space."
"There's a fair amount of clients out there who want to go tiny because they don't want to worry about the maintenance; they just want to live, enjoy life."
"If money wasn't an issue, you could only pick five places to have a permanent residence. Where would you choose?"
"When you have the truth around your finances, you're able to decide how much you want to allocate to that luxury lifestyle."
"Most people don't really care about health, look at the number of people who smoke or eat fast food knowing that it's unhealthy."
"My financial security is more important than living in that posh neighborhood."
"It's a reckless life, drugs, and women. That's what my problems are."
"I find that just getting away from screens is a really powerful thing to do, especially in the mornings and the evenings."
"What good is a million dollars if you're laid in a hospital bed, you're overweight, you can't exercise, you can't move, and you're not healthy and happy?"
"Curate your environment. Choose where you will live, what city, what neighborhood, how you will live."
"When it comes to longevity, there is no short-term fix in a pill or anything else."
"Simplify your life. Why do we love simplicity so much? Because we find it very hard to do. Why do we complicate things?"
"It's not so much about the money; it's about that freedom. I'd rather have the freedom versus the money."
"Would you prefer sweating and blistering hot heat working or would you want to be outside when it's snowing with the campfire on with a hot chocolate? That sounds nice."
"Prevention is the ultimate principle of wisdom."
"You should live as far below your means as possible because the pressure everywhere is to live as far over your means as you possibly can."
"I just don't think I need to justify or apologize for what I'm doing."
"Get really honest about how you actually enjoy spending your time."
"You're not meant to be addicted to weed, you're meant to be addicted to Jesus."
"I know pro players who literally all they do is play their games, barely check their phone, show up for matches, and that's it. They are so detached from YouTube and Reddit, and it's almost hard to believe."
"The same price it would cost you to buy designer shoes, you can literally go on a really good trip."
"If you want the mental health emotional health physical health that those people have you got to do the stuff they do."
"If I'm gonna have spiked hard seltzer, why not have the one with vitamin C and antioxidants?"
"It's okay to embrace the realities of life in the harder areas, but let's not think about holding up this behavior in our circles. Let's make it cool to Embrace Life, travel, learn new things."
"40 is when you start living, when you can decide to go get your Harley."
"I was thinking yesterday I was like, what do people who are already fit choose for their New Year's resolution? I don't even know because that's been my resolution for an eternity."
"It's like playing dress-up as a way of life."
"The reality is that being fat is not as good for you as not being fat."
"Our genes load the gun while our choices pull the trigger."
"A lot of people are waking up to this stuff, saying, 'I want experiences in life, not stuff.'"
"Even just taking a cold shower each day can have benefits, but they're magnified when combined with breathing techniques."
"Would you give up getting your nails done for years to have a family?"
"A life of effeminacy, indolence, and obscurity? Or a life of industry, temperance, and honor?"
"The changing environment is changing our decisions relative to our circumstances about where we live."
"I'm imperfect, I'm full of contradictions, and my Pellegrino's a hell of a lot better than a bottle of Absolut Vodka every night."
"There's a clarity to that. It's not, you don't want to live like that. I'm not saying do it right but it gives you a focus."
"Just don't be a mindless consumer and resist lifestyle inflation. Live below your means, therefore I am comfortable."
"Trashy living versus classic living—which version of yourself do you want to be?"
"They're not interested in nuclear power but they want to stop you from eating meat and using plastic straws."
"We felt like shocking truths, absolutely shocking, which are hidden need to be stated so that people can make a rational, educated, informed decision about their Lifestyles."
"People are intentionally pursuing a life that destroys their mental health."
"No matter how pretty the dress is if I know that this person is basically killing themselves on a daily by not eating by doing drugs so they don't eat in order to fit into the dress that dress is automatically horrible."
"I'd quit my job and live in a tent if I could be happy with no money."
"I'd rather have a part-time job where I could barely pay my bills if it gave me time to write than have a full-time job where I have more stuff but I can't write because the thing that is the most valuable in life is time."
"People will choose Practical living over political ideology when it comes to paying the bills."
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man how to use Blind and they will get into a career and buy organic fish from Whole Foods."
"Live your life however you want to as long as you're not harming others."
"You have to live your life the way you want to live your life."
"Well, what do they mean? Well, just take that quote: 'you are not a body that happens to have a soul; you are a soul that happens to have a body.' Well, is that the teachings of Genesis 1, 2, 3?"
"You don't have to live it certain kind of way, you can live it one of the best way."
"I'm more so on the lifestyle now, like it's so pointless for me to just have sex at the moment, like it's extremely pointless."
"It's pretty cool just to know that it's actually possible, accessible, affordable to live life on the water 24/7 and be comfortable while you do it."
"If you want to be brunch and dog mom your whole life, live that. Hell yeah."
"Choosing to live an open, polyamorous, or non-monogamous life is, I guess, a difference. It is a different story."
"46 reduced chance of heart disease is not much use if you get run over by a bus on your way to work, is it?"
"I think it's totally fine for people to live their lives in the way that they would like to."
"Intentionality just means that you know we're not going to go from Friday night to Sunday night and spend everything we made in the previous five days."
"Diet and exercise could eliminate over half the prescriptions."
"Bud Light Lime, you know what this tastes like? It's just like sandals, Kenny Chesney, and making poor decisions when your wife's out of town."
"Exercising is not a hobby, it's a lifestyle."
"If she's happy and she's living her best life, [expletive] rock it. Like, that's where, like, the energy is, and if she wants to be unhealthy, which by the way, like, it's unhealthy, [expletive], go for it, live your best life, do it."
"Everybody's on their own path, and I don't want to judge someone for wanting to be free and easy. I just want you to understand that there's a cost to that."
"It's okay to have different lifestyle choices, and I think that's the thing that a lot of times get lost in translation."
"That's no reason not to have a dog. That's like saying you shouldn't have friends or family, and I shouldn't have had the kids in the first place."
"Living in a minimalism lifestyle is not about just throwing away what you have but it's about living a more simplified life."
"Some people stay really tight in what they're gonna explore, some go bananas. I like that."
"The longer you live like you're poor when you don't have to, the richer you'll become."
"There's something about...asceticism...surprise...it actually yields more pleasure."
"I like to live my life a certain way in hopes that I get good things to happen to me."
"Stay in the domain that doesn't have some adverse effect on your day-to-day life."
"I think it's very important to always maintain your privacy."
"I do not want to make people choose between air conditioning, coffee, and bacon and eggs. That's just an unfair thing that I have to make people choose for, so I don't want to do it."
"Life is life, and if I can't afford to spend my time doing this, then I'm gonna still do it."
"Ethical sluttiness... it just makes sense, you know?"
"Our options are limited. Spending too much time on conspiracy theories won't change much. Instead, read the Quran, say your prayers, make dhikr, invite people to Islam, and put your trust in Allah."
"Eating veggie lasagna and running lots harder, lots easier than bypass surgery and death. I mean that's just me, they call me crazy but those are my thoughts."
"We don't need a space in our home that is dedicated to things that we wish we would be doing."
"Live boldly. Stop getting high, stop doing anything that blurs your vision or makes time go faster. You're gonna die before you know it."
"Don't be so... I don't know... Have options, right? Have options in terms of places you can live, ways you can earn money, things you can do."
"It's not the way to go, you guys. You're exactly living like no one else so later you can live and give like no one else."
"Everything you put in your body impacts the way that you perform, what you think, the way you behave."
"Don't feed yourself crap. Don't smoke, don't drink, don't do anything that's bad for you."
"He's just you might be good now but I left I left the house because I was like I can't hear the same song over and over I left took a shower took a [ __ ] and shaved came back I was like change the [ __ ] tune bro."
"A lot of people they forced the youtubing on you with buying but your daily life and the things that you do with real estate and building warehouses and real entrepreneurship man is what I miss."
"Farming should be an option, not a requirement."
"One way to boost your NAD is through exercise, fasting, sauna, or taking NMN."
"Concert versus gym, what would you choose? Concert. You can go to the gym any time, you can't go to a cool concert any time."
"What are you celebrating? You're just wasting money."
"Having it all is pretty overrated...you might be happier and more fulfilled if you only had a judiciously selected sum."
"Why would it be one or the other? It's like saying you can exercise or you can stop smoking. How about both?"
"You can micromanage your body or live your damn life, but you can't do both. I said what I said."
"Sit this year out if you're too old for games."
"Make the choice to be consistent each day with both diet and exercise and you will get the results."
"Being rich is so much better than looking rich."
"You've got to play the long game, set up the fundamentals, don't hit the snooze bar, eat clean, exercise, be in abundance mode."
"They rather drive for 8 hours than drive for 15 minutes and go to church and hear the word of God."
"Husband material men do not have time to be flossing on social media."
"I think life would be better low key because then there's no excuse."
"Any goal is a valid goal if it's what matters to you. So if you just want to have a chill life, frame that as a goal."
"You can do it like that, boom! It's even easier than say not driving a car for a lot of people."
"You're either heads down in your studio not giving a [ __ ] about the world, or you're out there interacting with people."
"Living as the lion is better than living as the sheep."
"You're that guy. I'm not. You're gonna be in Puerto Rico saving all that money and he's gonna be like, 'Hey, remember that video?'"
"It's better than living a life of misery trying to keep up an image."
"You know, you had your staples that you always went to."
"You don't have to live like that. Like, they don't have to be your whole lifestyle."
"When they eat that way they feel amazing, they can live their life. Yeah, they feel normal and happy."
"You don't have to do this forever, but some people do."
"Life is too short to worry about what other people are eating or wearing or whatever."
"Eco Lifestyle, please thank you my darling like I think Eco Lifestyle would appeal me more than Cats and Dogs or Get Famous."
"Loneliness vs. aloneness: rational lifestyle choices."
"So be gay. Do crime. And have a good time while you do it."
"Everything for the last three years has been totally voluntary, there's no getting around it, you can't use a job for an excuse."
"Let's all move to Colorado guys... I mean I can't do Colorado full time."
"You do not have to have poor health as you age."
"We pick and choose our stress. We can either choose to make life stressful or choose to have no stress at all."
"It really seems like the only way out is to stop trading your health for convenience."
"If you want to go drink 40s under a bridge, go drink 40s under a bridge."
"You can't be talking about super healthy eating and be eating junk."
"I would rather be a happy homeless person than a sad rich person every day of the week."
"Why would anyone do drugs when they could just mow a lawn?"
"There's no way I'm gonna normally wake up at six or seven every morning. I can't rewire that, but maybe I get up at 8:00 AM every morning."
"If you go with nature and what's natural for us, people would be happier."
"God made you for His glory. God didn't make you to drink, gamble, smoke, or trade in spouses like a used car lot."
"We make a program about how men of a certain age have to look after their health and do some exercise but at the same time we defend our god-given right to get totally plastered."
"I think it's something that I never really want to lose ever really."
"Each large muscle of a bodybuilder represents a language he didn't learn, a poem he didn't read, a fun fact he never memorized."
"HelloFresh has 40 weekly recipes to choose from to match any occasion, lifestyle, or craving. We're talking pre-portioned Chef crafted meals all delivered directly to your door so that you can do more of this and less of this."
"You gotta stop living this Instagram flex life... What you gotta do right now is live below your means and pay yourself first."
"We would rather trade this house... and be able to travel and spend our money helping people."
"Do not worry, dress as you please, love who you please."
"It's a light switch. It's either on or off—you're either going all the way and committing to carnivore, or you can't be saying, 'I'm going to have carnivore and have a little bit of carbohydrates here and there.'"
"Minimalism is the thing that gets us past the things to make room for life's most important things, which aren't things at all."
"I'm not breastfeeding a girl with acrylic tips and little kitten heels. You can put on kitten heels and get your nails done, you don't need to suck for my boob."
"He probably always wanted to be a gangster when he was little."
"Live the life you want to live; don't be getting mad at us living the way everyone else is living."
"Live your life the way you choose in a loving handcrafted open world."
"You want to feel like a woman who's 50 or you want to feel like a woman who's 30?"
"It's better to live in a small room happy than to dine in a banquet with Discord."
"I wanted us to be able to travel I wanted us to be able to go to the park on a Wednesday morning if we wanted to and I wanted one of us to be able to stay home with our kids."
"Adulting is about going to the gym three times a week and ordering water first."
"Babe, people are going to talk about you no matter what you do, so you might as well do what brings you joy and live your best life."
"Of all the healthy choices you can make in your life, the one that brings you back the most rewards is a brisk walking program."
"How smart you are to choose good health, how smart you are to choose to be positive and alive and energetic and happy."
"Shoes suck, they do. You know what, when I lived in Australia, I would never wear shoes."
"That's the dream, dude. Why am I focused on losing weight when I could pound some pints and throw some darts?"
"One night of tequila shots isn’t going to cause your liver to explode, but having a shot of whiskey with every meal and for a snack would do some serious damage."
"You get to do what you want, where you want, how you want, when you want."
"Keeping a healthy lifestyle is not a priority for a lot of people, especially because they have very busy routines."
"It's got to be something you can maintain... going forward, not some little window."
"Consider things that you really like and your family really likes."
"I feel like there's this misconception between making a good salary or earnings or whatever means that you have to buy more stuff, and I just don't think that's true."
"It's just nice to see that you do have choices... variety's the spice of life."
"Maybe some people want a different type of life."
"Why would you give your health up to gain money?"
"Women now want to finish their education, have fun, and then settle down."
"The most important lifestyle decision you make every day is what goes into your mouth, what's on the end of your fork." - Dr. David Harper
"It's easier to watch Netflix than to get on your workout gear and hit the gym."
"They have better priorities, that's what's really going on."
"There's some pain involved in living like no one else so that later you can live and give like no one else."
"Just let her play basketball, let her live in the background."
"If food is why I don't eat boring, what type of life is that? A longer one."
"There is no excuse for you trading years off of your life because you love food so much."
"You think about what are my priorities... what do I need out of a vehicle home... get the things that will make you happy."
"It's a beautiful freedom to be able to do that, you know."
"People being cognizant of that and making informed choices about their life is certainly a good antidote."
"Life is short, that's not the way I like to live."
"This doesn't have to be, you know, you don't three Martha Stewart's and living in the kitchen all day long to be healthy."
"Success is living the way you want to live, driving what you want, going out when you want."
"She's sitting there like, 'I haven't showered in two weeks' and thought it was cool."
"If I want to live like nobody else, I got to live like nobody else."
"You don't need society's approval. If I want to sleep from four a.m to noon I can."
"I'm just a man, guys, I'm just a vegan, I'm trying not to upset my vegans."
"Say goodbye to the constraints of monogamy and have your Sims live a life of freedom."