
Dairy Quotes

There are 207 quotes

"When it comes to Dairy and your gut, you're about to find what's up."
"Dairy is a troublesome food, not just because of what we found with respect to its ability to increase cancer."
"Organic whole milk, grass-fed. That's what you want."
"I'm here for the cottage cheese renaissance."
"I would say there's loads of myths the probably biggest myth that frustrates me is that Dairy is high in saturated fat and therefore increases your risk of heart disease and it doesn't."
"Havarti: the world's ultimate snacking cheese."
"Dairy has compounds specially placed to support brain health."
"Seventeen dollars gotta get my refill of these Stoney Field organic whole milk yogurts."
"We have milk that is substantially thicker, it is substantially warmer, that's what we asked for and that's what we got."
"100% grass-fed New Zealand butter: European style, 100 grass-fed, no water."
"The best cheese is the cheese you've got or the cheese that you like."
"It's made better with milk, but it's also good without milk."
"The process, much like their milk, was a lot smoother."
"I'm actually with McNasty on this, I prefer nut milk over regular milk."
"We've grown knowing dairy is productive because we've seen school fees being paid with dairy, seen food come home because of dairy."
"For what in your life do you feel most grateful? Honestly, the ability to consume dairy."
"...and especially... look at some of the food sensitivities dairy in particular and then focus on starch and sugar right like that already."
"Ultimately, I really do feel we would be better off without dairy."
"Everything starts off with the star of today's show; dry whole milk."
"Nutrition is very important for maximum milk production."
"I was very, very, very not dairy-free at dinner last night."
"Reduce your dairy intake. This was really the one thing that started to get my whole body and skin back on track."
"We as humans do not need milk once we are weaned off of our mothers."
"Dairy is higher on my list than sugar."
"Light skinny dairy in any type is not as good as just normal straightway full cream."
"Raw milk is the least bad kind of dairy that a human being can drink."
"It's going to be legend wait for it and I hope you're not lactose intolerant cuz the second half of that word is Dairy Dairy."
"Whole milk, especially well-sourced whole milk like raw milk from healthy cows, is exceptionally healthy for you so long as you can tolerate."
"The more the cows produce a lot of milk, most of the time when they're recently carved down, they're really bullish."
"Soy milk is the oldest alternative to animal milks."
"Dr. Mary Wilks says that it is indisputable that cow's milk is the worst possible choice for the planet."
"Dairy fat is very beneficial for humans."
"Ultimately, Dairy is beneficial for bones if you can tolerate the proteins in it."
"There's even research like this to suggest that A1 beta-casein could be connected with overall mortality or ischemic heart disease and other illnesses."
"Our bodies are not really designed to function optimally with dairy."
"From a bone health perspective, it's really not just the calcium in isolation that makes dairy interesting; it's rich in phosphorus, zinc, vitamin D, and dietary protein content, all important for bone health."
"I don't think that there's really any good evidence to support that dairy is inflammatory unless we're talking about someone with a cow's milk protein allergy, in which case they shouldn't be consuming dairy anyway, right?"
"The evidence for dairy calcium and then specific food sources of like cheese, milk, and total dairy as even a food group is all in relation to colorectal cancer associated with a lower risk."
"Overall, the evidence suggests a lower risk of dairy consumption and breast cancer, particularly in premenopausal women, potentially mediated by estrogen receptor positive status."
"If you're choosing to remove dairy, you do need to think about what you're replacing it with, emphasizing calcium, vitamin D, and fermented foods."
"Anecdotal evidence suggests a certain type of person, often adolescent males, might benefit from reducing or eliminating excessive dairy intake, particularly in the form of whey protein powders."
"If you need to have that in your coffee so that you can stay on Carnivore, I think that's fine. But as you keep going on Carnivore, if you find that you're not losing weight, I would recommend cutting the dairy first and see if that helps the scale move."
"Powdered milk is an excellent substitute for fresh milk."
"Dairy is bad, bro. Try not eating cheese for like a couple weeks and then eat some with cheese and watch your stomach go crazy."
"It's non-homogenized, it has a really high fat content."
"The star of the show from America's Dairyland in Wisconsin is butter butter and butter."
"Milk and total dairy consumption were associated with a reduction in colorectal cancer risk, one of our deadliest cancers."
"It's still cow's milk, but it has an enzyme that breaks the lactose apart, and they find they still feel sick."
"Fresh whole cow's milk is the best hydrating fluid you can possibly have."
"It's just too much sugar especially with like traditional Dairy the dairy and the sugar is just like it really upsets my stomach."
"I remember when they took the dairy products out of the house it was very traumatic for me but I was you know I was still you know two three years old so um it wasn't a huge deal."
"Organic high-quality dairy is where it's at."
"Dairy comes from cows who are pregnant and then the hormonally driven so it could be high levels of bovine estrogen or other things and that's why I think there's an association more with hormonally driven cancer."
"What ends up happening is those who do consume Dairy do consume dairy in very high amounts so I think also reducing it to a smaller amount if you're planning to consume Dairy is another way to think about it."
"June was a key time on farms for cheese production."
"If I could have their milk, that's a big deal for me."
"Goat milk, when your goats are in good health and eating the right things, honestly, and this is coming from a guy who's had many different cow breeds, this is my favorite glass of milk."
"Milk is very calming to the system."
"Higher dairy intake during weight loss results in greater fat loss and lean mass gain, especially when combined with exercise."
"Remember, life without dairy is not sustainable. Definitely don't say the V word in this building."
"It's always nice revisiting cow's milk, but nothing hits like a good nut."
"Fresh milk is a phenomenon of our time."
"This is where the Flora Danica converts some of the lactose in the milk into lactic acid."
"Milk should have a pasteurized label and be within the expiration date."
"Treat yourself to the frosty cold smooth fresh taste of milk, the fresher refresher."
"The dairy here might very well be the best in the world."
"If you have the adaptation to drink milk then dairy per se is not bad for you."
"...keeps your cows in good condition and the milk keeps a steady flow all year round."
"Yogurt and berries is another snack that I love."
"The Maltese make some distinctive cheeses from cow's milk called Gbejniet."
"If they're having cereal with dairy milk, we'll switch to a plant-based milk."
"I like cows, you know. I like the whole deal. I like the milk, I like hearing them moo, I like petting them on the head."
"The interesting thing about milk at Fred Meyer is it doesn't matter which one you get, whole, skim, two percent, it's all the same price, $3.99."
"Cheese, please. I love mac and cheese."
"Produce and anything that's perishable like dairy is generally significantly more expensive here."
"It is a little sour, but the buttermilk is giving it a little sourness."
"Milo nuggets and a glass of milk, oh kind of good, I like that."
"The body has evolved to be able to handle certain things like milk because it was abundant and it was a source of animal protein or animal dairy that we were next to all the time."
"Some people think milk is gross; it's not gross."
"The Dairy Council of America says it's the best beverage you can drink."
"The faster the milk gets cooled, the better it is for the quality of the milk."
"Jersey cows have really lovely rich milks that make superb butter."
"It's delicious. There is no hint whatsoever of the powdered milk."
"This is called chattering and this helps form the texture of the cheese and allows more whey to be expelled."
"It's always a pleasure to see the dairy products go out and someone else's hands, and it's pure satisfaction to see the smiles on their faces when they take that first little ice cream."
"Almost all dairy farms are family owned and operated."
"Celebrate her with your favorite dairy product; it'll do your body good."
"Her secret is how she efficiently converts sunlight, water, and feed into milk protein and cream."
"A refreshing glass of milk, a cold bowl of ice cream, a delicious block of cheese, all made possible thanks to dedicated farmers and the world's perfect cow, the U.S. registered Holstein."
"U.S. registered Holsteins make great tasting products like high-quality cheese possible."
"For most people, milk is pretty good for you, being perhaps the most convenient and complete nutrient package on the market."
"We produce cheese, butter, and we give you the best quality at the best price."
"I don't like liars, and I don't like skim milk which is water lying about being milk."
"There's nothing as satisfying as a perfect stream of milk coming out of the perfectly cut milk bag."
"Now I have the maple fudge and all this milk."
"New Zealand's biggest company by far is a dairy cooperative with 14 billion USD total revenue in 2021, Fonterra Group is the country's juggernaut."
"The Greek yogurt's so creamy, you can't get better yogurt enough."
"The purpose of the picture you are about to see is to promote a better understanding of the vast problems and continuous work necessary in bringing you each day fresh, pure, and energizing milk products."
"People working together to feed the world with nutritious milk and dairy products."
"The dairy industry is one of the most diverse and interesting sectors in all of agriculture, thanks in part to the Holstein cow."
"Milk and milk products such as ice cream, America's foremost in favorite delicacy, eaten and enjoyed by kids, everybody, everywhere."
"This raw milk will most likely be for my husband and myself, and I'm also going to learn how to make yogurt out of the raw milk."
"It's a literal middle of the road, no weird taste, nothing funky, just a perfect milkshake."
"They're the queen of the whole dairy industry, and it shows."
"Those great milk genes are highly heritable."
"Creme fraiche is kind of a mixture between fresh whipping cream and sour cream, it is absolutely scrumptious."
"We have oh six yogurts six plain yogurts yes Al marai is a popular Dairy brand here."
"Dairy farmers and their products have historically had a great reputation with consumers."
"This one here, which is crème fraîche, is quite simply the most beautiful dairy ingredient to come into our kitchens since I've been cooking."
"Modern cooks are so lucky in the kitchen because I want to introduce you to another really brilliant ingredient for cooking, and that is none other than Greek yogurt."
"One of the greatest classic dairy desserts of all times must surely be crème caramel."
"Awesome, awesome goat milk, chock full of butterfat which is perfect for making all this all-natural goat milk soap."
"Once humans domesticated cows nearly 10,000 years ago, cow's milk started being consumed by humans."
"The milk was absolutely delicious."
"It's sweet but not too sweet, and it's using one of my new favorite ingredients, evaporated milk."
"So the whole story about what milk to buy in Canada... Because it's vast, there are so many different types of milks when you come to Canada."
"It's like the freshest milk that you can imagine because you've seen the cow reared from calf to getting milk."
"Coffee is always vegan until you add milk to it."
"Dewlay is derived from the French 'du lait', meaning 'of the milk'."
"It was her love for her goats and their milk that led her to turn her hobby into a business."
"Mama would either say hand me the sweet milk or hand me the buttermilk."
"It's smooth and creamy, creamy because it's made with milk, not water."
"Greek yogurt is a great source, especially per calorie, of vitamin B12, vitamin B2, phosphorus, and selenium."
"In terms of nutrition, Dairy is entirely unique with the combination of essential nutrients it provides."
"Most cow's milk sold in the United States is fortified with vitamin D."
"The populations who consume dairy products were less likely to die of heart disease, stroke, various cancers, and diabetes."
"The single most valuable component in the food supply is milk."
"Jersey Island is the origin of the Jersey cow, a breed known for its quantity, quality, and cost-effectiveness in milk production."
"Chocolate milk comes from chocolate cows."
"Skim milk is water pretending to be milk."
"Things are about to get dairy interesting."
"I see it as a supply and demand thing. There's always gonna be some demand for milk."
"I prefer whole fat milk and whole fat yogurt."
"Lactic acid fermentation by some fungi and bacteria is used to make cheese and yogurt."
"There's increasing evidence that dairy in vulnerable individuals can trigger autoimmune issues the likes of rheumatoid arthritis."
"Over here we have some cheeses: we have some Gouda cheese, Danish cheese, Cheddar cheese."
"Skim or fat-free milk... it's gonna have all of the same nutrients as the whole milk except for without the added fat."
"We are introducing dairy to the boys as of now, so yogurt is something that's fairly new to them."
"It's like a protein water balloon and self-defense, so milk in a bag is great."
"In the future, it is expected that Chinese consumers' demand for beef and cow's milk will increase."
"Green milk's the best milk, semi-skimmed, you've got the best of both worlds."
"We need dairy for that protein, calcium, and vitamins."
"Our milk comes from a farm, and it goes off really quickly if you leave it out on the side."
"We should really take a moment and really thank cows for a second."
"Dairy, I always recommend consuming in moderation."
"Having one dairy goat would give you probably about a half a gallonish a day of milk."
"Anytime you're doing anything with cream or dairy products, especially like a cheese with a high fat content, you got to add nutmeg."
"Food: two words, potatoes and dairy, specifically sheep dairy. Slovaks love these two things."
"We raise jerseys which give you the buttercream, they give you a heavier fat."
"We have raw dairy milk, so you're getting all the benefits of that."
"Top three cheeses: Oaxaca, Mozzarella, Provolone."
"I'm into being from Wisconsin and how much I love cows and Dairy."
"It's from that and the one before it, yeah, and Daddy's milk."
"Humans lose the ability to breakdown dairy and digest dairy around the age of three when they wean from breastfeeding."
"This is a refreshing blend of sweet and tangy made with cultured milk."
"My milk will never expire. It's never going to be February 30th."
"Milk is health. The dairy name on a bottle or carton is your guarantee of taste satisfaction and quality."
"Five ounces of milk make every three-quarter ounce Kraft single taste better."
"Milk is made up of mostly water but it also contains vitamins, minerals, proteins, and sugars."
"Fresh milk early in the morning from the cow, wonderful."
"Milk and dairy intake was associated with a neutral or reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease."
"It's really creamy. I just love the froth on top."
"It's a lot of milk, wow, it's like so frothy."
"Yogurt is so fun; this is so fun."
"Milk is gonna make these nice and fluffy and creamy and absolutely amazing."
"I love milk. I know people are crazy about it. Some people can't even drink milk. It's so weird to me because it's just so creamy and good."
"Goat's milk is actually healthier for you than cow's milk. It's lower in fat, higher in protein, and does not have lactose."
"I love cows, especially their milk."
"The milk is actually not only high in calcium, it's very high in protein, and it's got a very, very rich fat content."
"The warm and sweet scent of new milk came up from the streams hissing into the rising foam."
"We finally get to start drinking some of our own milk and making ice cream and cheeses."
"This is one of my favorite things, it's so creamy, it's my favorite thing to eat in Russia."
"You get the finest and creamiest milk foam with milk with three and a half percent fat."
"It's that Kerrygold, I'm telling you."
"I'd like to salute my fabulous dairy farmers here in America and in Canada. Thank you very much."
"You're not lactose intolerant; you're just not a baby cow."
"So the next time you tuck into a tasty yogurt, you'll know that it started out as milk that came from a cow."
"New York State makes more Greek yogurt than Greece. Why? Because we produce milk, and Greek yogurt uses a lot of milk."
"Daisy's purpose pretty simple: she's our daily milk cow that we milk every day and get all kinds of great cow's milk out of it."
"We released an entire new class just on working with wild fermented milk."
"There really is nothing like raw Jersey milk."
"I pray one day we've got the space for a dairy like a milk cow; we eat so much dairy here, and that would be amazing."
"Kefir is like a liquid yogurt almost, it's filled with wonderful probiotics."
"I always have yogurt on hand, it's just a great breakfast option."
"Jersey milk cows produce a lot of cream."
"I'm hoping that tonight will be the first time that I have an opportunity to make butter from Hope's cream."
"Since the beginning of time, people have been drinking dairy."