
Contribution Quotes

There are 10321 quotes

"You're talking like a human. Rats. All we do is take dad. I'm tired of taking. I want to make things. I want to add something to this world."
"It's not about contribution to science; it's about contribution to humanity."
"If you're growing and you're becoming the best possible human being you can be, that is often the path to contribution."
"Our job is to empower people. Everybody can get out of poverty because everybody can contribute."
"I work my mind and body every day. Every day, I'm going to learn something that will help me contribute."
"For me to feel good about myself... is how do I contribute? And the way I contribute is to use my gifts, focus in areas that for which my capabilities can make the biggest contribution."
"It's possible to really make the most meaningful contribution that you can possibly make to the world."
"How can I grow? What can I give? What can I celebrate? These are heartsets and mindsets for you to discover that the answer is you."
"The journey to greatness often begins the moment that challenge and contribution become more important than comfort and ease."
"The world needs the best from each and every one of us every single day."
"Becoming a powerful creative genius... not only can you handle your finances but you get the thrill and satisfaction of offering something valuable to the world."
"I gotta make a living amends. I gotta find another way to be of service to the world."
"If you instead of thinking about what can I get, you started thinking about what can I give, how can we grow the company, how can I create opportunities for my people, most of your problems will fix themselves."
"People like Einstein make our lives meaningful, and people like [Carrie Mullis] make our lives possible and good."
"To live a meaningful life is to see what transcends us as humans and hopefully contribute to that."
"80,000 hours is a huge time resource that you can put towards making a difference in a career that is not only fulfilling to you but also does some good in this world as well."
"Life's calling us to grow because when we grow we have something to give."
"There's not one person on this planet that's more important than the other; we all have the exact same contribution to make because we are one."
"Your own individual journey is your greatest contribution to your beloved human family."
"No matter what happened to the rest of this day, we won this game, and I contributed very good."
"I wanna live a nice balanced life where I'm having fun, working on things that I enjoy, doing things that contribute a bit to the world."
"The value in each human is the gift they were born to deliver to humanity."
"Leadership is not just something that's reserved for CEOs or some corporate bigwigs; in fact, the greatest joys in life come from leadership because the greatest joys in life can only come when you're contributing to the world."
"Every challenge is a gift for me to grow, and that I have so much to give to the world and everyone."
"They didn't tell Hedy... No one told her. She had no idea that her technology helped save the world from nuclear disaster."
"The arts of sorcery would never have come this far without his contributions."
"I have grown in wisdom, I've learned, I have shifted and changed, and I have so much to offer."
"Brian never gets the flowers he deserves in this space."
"You have so much to offer; you already do, but it is such a fraction of what you're here to do for people."
"Bob Huggins has done a lot of incredible things for the state of West Virginia."
"You've been blessed with so much uniqueness, and you go to work every day and people want you to contribute."
"Do the good you can do rather than regret the good that you can't."
"You are contributing to society... It's very fulfilling when you're contributing."
"Each and every one of you has something to contribute to the world."
"If I can help in some small way, then I really should."
"Black folks have been saving Joe Biden throughout the past year plus, have been saving America for the past 400 years plus."
"I think the water slide is his favorite part of the house... Well, let's go, it was my idea so uh I think I made this house a lot better."
"There are three things that if you answer... it sets you on the path to end goals: What experiences do I want in my life? How do I want to grow? How do I want to contribute to the world?"
"There are two great spiritual needs... growth and contribution."
"What if I could live another 50 or 60 or 80 years of vibrant life? What could I contribute? What could I add in terms of value to the world?"
"I feel like I'm just starting my life now. I finally feel like I'm figuring this stuff out of how to live well and be well and be happy and to be of value and to add back into the world."
"Pick up something heavy, write something that's a benefit to you in the rest of the world, and stumble forward mightily with it."
"Sacrifice by definition implies that you're giving something up... but it's not a con."
"Every time you tune out your inner wisdom, you are robbing the world of the gift that you have to give."
"Your greatest contribution to humanity is your own self-realization as you uplift yourself, you have to lift everyone else around you."
"You have something to offer... people have within them this capacity to set the world straight."
"Write down your ideas; your genius. The world needs you."
"If our forebears did what all they did was with what little they had, what more can we do with all that we have been given?"
"Senen was integral to the growth of Niji Sanji English Branch."
"Greatness is contributing your little bit to the world."
"Men, especially, they thrive and need that purpose, the feeling that they are contributing to something greater."
"How can you contribute to NLU in this era of these gargantuan models?"
"Fear of AGI should not prevent people of any worldview from making a contribution to the positive aspects of narrow AI to the benefit of all."
"Fundamental happiness, true happiness, real meaning, and happiness and fulfillment is a feeling of contributing to something or someone."
"Here's somebody who's really raising the level of public debate."
"But ultimately, its contributions to our planetary understanding are irrefutable."
"Remember, we all play a part in the change we want to see."
"You have to be so grounded and so in tune with yourself and your soul of what you want to add to this world."
"Immigrants are not takers; they are makers. They make this country great."
"I personally just wanted to maximize a certain score, which was, for how many person-years after I'm no longer here anymore, did what I do mattered?"
"Each person has something to offer in the world that's unique."
"Without a team, you don't do anything. There's never one person that is responsible for a thing; it's always everyone."
"Each person has something to bring into the world that only they could bring into it."
"Professor Chomsky has been a lifelong activist, and incredibly, is perhaps better known for his activism than his groundbreaking contributions to the sciences."
"Life is calling to you to give something, not to get something."
"Constant never-ending learning will make life not only interesting but the meaningfulness will come because you'll have something to give."
"You are making the world more of what it could be; that's a high calling, it's a noble calling."
"You're doing a disservice to the people that need your work, your friends, your family, humanity if you have a gift that you can share and you're afraid."
"I do, in spite of all of this, legitimately believe that shuwon head is overall an asset to the left."
"I am strong, I am mighty, and I am worthy. I can't do everything, but I can do something."
"If God put something in you and you never put it in the world, you are robbing everybody not of you, but of God."
"Your purpose in life is to become the individual you admire and give that person to the world."
"Leadership...We want to feel like we're purposefully contributing and leading something."
"Greatness begins the moment that our deep desires for comfort and ease are overpowered by our desires to connect and contribute."
"It's important to learn how to make yourself strong because when you make yourself strong, you can offer more."
"Ultimately, the true satisfaction is in finding out who you are, what you're doing here, and beginning to give birth to some kind of proactive force."
"You did contribute to this world; you did help the world keep moving."
"You have something very valuable, very precious that would benefit the world, whether it's a skill, whether it's a hobby, whether it's sharing your personal experiences from the past."
"If we unlock this person, if we bring out their uniqueness, what they'll bring is something that we didn't have."
"At some level, aren't we all capable of bringing something to the world that actually builds it up? Don't we all have some ability to create or to build or to heal or to communicate or to adventure to discover to analyze? These are all productive, amazing activities."
"Welcome creators, thank you all once again for dedicating your time and effort towards improving the universe."
"Either you're an asset or you're a liability."
"It's the lesson of contribution which makes life so meaningful."
"Creating love from pain is like offering a contribution to the world."
"It's about finding a way to contribute to other people and make their lives better."
"All of us at some point in our lives... might feel a bit ostracized from society in some way, and yet you can play an important role to help the rest of society to thrive and survive."
"The lord can use us as instruments in his hands in our part of the vineyard that we're living in today as well."
"You've been a valuable member of the team and your contributions won't be forgotten."
"Everything I've ever done that's ever really made a contribution, I have felt alone in doing it and afraid."
"Did I leave something behind that was of value? Did I contribute to society as a member?"
"The art of fulfillment is about appreciation and contribution. You can only feel so much by yourself."
"The more you're entrusted with or the more capable you are, the more able you are to contribute, and the more you ought to."
"The only contribution really that I can offer that's significant is on the storytelling front."
"Great selling is 'you, you, you.' A great job interviewer is focused on helping the interviewer, helping the company, contributing, solving problems."
"In order for a relationship to work, both parties have to provide on everything: financially, emotionally, mentally. There has to be a balance."
"I give my time, the most important thing we got, and I pour into children in a way that I know they'll understand."
"It's not about how I want to be remembered; it's about what I'm going to leave behind that will be useful."
"We're a part of a pretty rich history, and you guys are part of that, and you're going to make history."
"All our rewards in life are in exact proportion to our contributions to the world."
"Feeling that we and what we do contributes to something bigger and beyond ourselves is indeed an important ingredient in happiness."
"The legacy, the way I view legacy, is what is the gift that you're passing along."
"Life is calling not to give me something, life is calling for me to deliver things, for me to bring something to life."
"If we look at originality as this pure form of creation where the only contribution is that it was done first, we will lose so much creativity in this world."
"Elon is saying, 'listen, your job here at this company is not based on what your politics are. It's based on what your contribution is.'"
"What you should try to achieve is being a person of value that creates messaging or does something that actually lives in this world and stands alone as valuable."
"You're never going to win a game like that if you're carrying passengers; everybody has to play at least seven out of ten."
"His association with the club, his country, and his significant contributions outside football show that wherever he trod, he made a difference."
"Contribution is a human need. We all need to give."
"He gave everything to this ummah, and the people consumed from him in 23 years what cannot be given to mankind over a course of hundreds of thousands of years."
"Every single one of us is born with a unique set of gifts and talents that only we can give the world."
"A great relationship provides, first and foremost, both people making a contribution so that that contribution enriches the lives of both."
"Everybody has unique gifts and talents in ways that they can contribute positively to the world, and I think you owe it to yourself and the world to pursue those talents."
"The world is going to be a better place because you are in it."
"Growth and contribution are what make life meaningful."
"And that feeling, that feeling of contribution, that feeling of changing the world for the better, was something I can't put into words."
"Meritocracy doesn't exist but it should, so I will try and contribute any little way that I can."
"Every little bit helps. The more the better, obviously, but again, something is better than nothing."
"America's founders were excellent men... You don't judge people based on the worst things that they did... you judge people on the exceptional things that they did that made a huge difference in the world."
"The people who do things and contribute are the people who get off their rear end and have a bit of a warrior spirit."
"I'm trying my hardest for me. I joined this partnership; both people contribute different things to life to make it better together than it would be separate."
"Begin to put that work out to the world, for it is very much needed."
"The main contribution you make is that of advice, service, and ever-present support."
"It's important to me everyone feels they can contribute in some way, even if it's just asking a simple question."
"Work on things that you find interesting, fulfilling, and that contributes some good to the rest of society."
"We should be ashamed to die until we've made some major contribution to humankind."
"In conclusion, let me just say that Arthur Posnansky brought many important aspects of Tiwanaku to light."
"It's not about where you come from; it's about what you contribute to society that matters."
"I believe this has been a massive and important piece of YouTube history, and I've just been honored to be a part of it in what little way that I can."
"This has been some of the most gratifying work that I've ever done in my life."
"Matt Pat has always been a leader in taking advantage of the platform and actually giving back."
"We out here doing advertisements for the people, man. You're doing a lot for the culture."
"Don't settle for service. The world needs your genius, your passion."
"Those who contribute the most to an association of this character, namely an association that aims at the good, should have a greater share in political rule and in the honors of the polis."
"Creating something great and being part of creating something great is the answer to this."
"There's no greater thing... just to play a small part in that." - Father Mike Schmitz
"Let's actually get to what's fair. Let's ask this: How many people have benefited from your existence?"
"Productivity is the most important thing in our life because we are constantly striving to make the world a better place."
"If you're just sitting around asking other people for handouts, what can they do for me, you need to start figuring out what you can build, what you can offer other people."
"Without their contributions, we would not have been able to bring closure to the Zickel family after these three long years."
"Don't forget to make your corner of the internet just a little bit more awesome."
"If you do the right few things superbly well, you're far more likely to be acknowledged for what you've done and to make a significant contribution."
"Do what you love, contribute to others, but most importantly live life abundantly."
"What do I do to make this a better nation and to make this a better world?"
"Black people played a significant role in building this country."
"That we have an obligation to give as much, if not more than we take, and never shudder in the face of darkness, for hope is the fuel that courage requires."
"I want people to feel inspired by the notion that none of that matters, and what matters is not how long you took filtering that photo. What matters is how long you spent working on the thing that you're good at, in your talent, and what you're going to give to the world."
"Success is about contribution, not competition."
"Everyone should have that opportunity... everyone sees things with new eyes and has a gift and can share that gift with the world."
"You have something valuable to bring into the world."
"You have brought intellectualism into the public sphere in the best possible way."
"Your talent is bigger than just you; your talent is a part of a community that needs to hear and experience you and your fullest."
"She made a remarkable contribution, was a great leader in many ways, and people around the world respected her and admired her enormously."
"The scribes make the Brotherhood what it truly is."
"Sir David has contributed so much when it comes to raising awareness about the natural world."
"If you can't take care of yourself first, you have nothing to give the world."
"It shouldn't be that hard to say, look if you want to come to Australia, you want to become part of Australia, you've got something to give to this country, and you will give to this country and you want to be part of it, fantastic."
"Being part of a community means you're necessarily taking from and giving to it."
"I believe that we were put on this earth to unleash our potentials as human beings so that we can give back more than we receive."
"Through his contributions to Marvel, Spider-Man in particular, he had created a significant contribution to American literature."
"We're reminded that Stephen Hawking is not only a brilliant scientist but he himself has committed so much of his life and effort to bringing the universe down to earth."
"The reason that I'm on here and I teach things for free is because I want to give back whatever I can."
"I don't want to be a part of the problem, only; I like to be a part of the solution, but I like to do it privately, if that makes sense because I understand how hard it is."
"If you, you know, that sense of 'I am contributing to the world in some ways really important to people's sense of being a self.'"
"The most valuable currency is having something to offer."
"It was a story that we wanted to help tell, in an effort to open people's eyes."
"How can the skills you've gathered contribute to the greater good?"
"A lot of opportunities here in Africa... I just felt I had to contribute my quota to the development of Africa."
"All you can do is be the best you. That's the only real contribution you can give the world."
"Human beings have deep spiritual needs. When we're not contributing to something that we understand is greater than ourselves, we do start to fall apart."
"That legacy is nowhere near as important as the people who go on and create more awesomeness, and you know that came from you."
"The world is just one big farm, and we all have a role to help the crop grow."
"Migrants to this country bring more and contribute more in tax than they take out."
"You gotta find what gives you juice because the more fulfilled I am, the more I can give."
"When you make it big, when you make it really big, when you make up top one-tenth of one percent big, pitch in two cents."
"Anybody who works as a doctor will feel like they're contributing to the community."
"Why are people doing this? Why are they doing this work for free? Challenge and mastery along with making a contribution."
"Just do what you can, however little you may deem it to be, it helps."
"It's not what you take from the table in life, it's what you bring to it."
"We all contribute to a larger Consciousness."
"But I'm realizing that I want to be a part of the solution and not just contribute to the noise."
"One day these stands will be filled because I brought something to the table. It's not just your talent, it's that drive, that determination."
"In everything you do, make sure that you're contributing to the world around you in a way that will improve the lives of others."
"If you can't contribute to the fight in any reasonable way, then you're going to get replaced."
"Congratulations to humanity for your work which is going to give benefit to people who are suffering right now."
"Are you going to contribute to that problem or be part of the solution?"
"Can I contribute, maybe today, the greatest hope lies with Ocean Infinity?"
"Why not have some fun in this game can we have just a little bit of fun of a community contributor now but how's that for a contribution."
"Good genetics and program integrity lead to social contribution."
"It's not about what we're given, but what we give back."
"Life is meaningful when we have something to give."
"I'll just keep making my mark and doing what I can where I'm at, and I'm going to trust that the ripple effect of that's going to be huge."
"I kind of already did. What have you done for the world so far?"
"They put it out there intentionally through doubts, fears, and guilts because if you buy into it, you're contributing your energy to make it happen."
"Women make every home work. They make every civilization."
"Her contributions to charitable causes added depth to her public persona."
"Black folk were the founding group in this country, contrary to what you hear. They were the engines that drove the economic development of this nation."
"True joy and happiness comes from contributing back to life."
"Big Bang is a wonderful collaborative effort, and as time went on, there were so many voices that contributed so much."
"If you've got air in your lungs, you have something to give."
"The progress of the world will call for the best that all of us have to give."