
Friendships Quotes

There are 826 quotes

"There's going to be an increase in your friendships, there's going to be an increase in your courage to overcome obstacles."
"I'm grateful for my friends. I'm grateful that I knew Bob. I'm grateful for all the people that are really like my core circle group of friends."
"Be the kind of person who's open with that. By doing this and by being authentic, you might lose some fake friends... who cares? They were never compatible with you anyway."
"I've met a lot of gooses in my day, and you're by far the silliest."
"My loneliness wasn't from lack of friendships; my loneliness was because I didn't feel seen."
"I don't judge nobody. I have gay friends; I have trans friends."
"We forget the truth, the vulnerability is the basis of friendships and indeed relationships."
"Social media isn't just a solid way to waste time; it's a way to make new online-only friends or build communities."
"What sort of friendships do you want in your life?"
"Your biggest blessing here is really amazing friendships and really amazing relationships in your life."
"When people come to the ACA, they usually are just passing through... but what they leave with is friendships that they keep for a lifetime."
"Everyone seems to be talking about a birthday party that Lacy wasn't invited to. Should we ask her friend or let it go? Just let it go."
"We have just been pitched for so long that the most important relationship that you will ever have in your entire life is your romantic relationship and who cares if you maintain your friendships because there will always be another friend you can make but there won't always be another guy."
"Friendships take just as much, if not more, work than your romantic relationships."
"When things hit the fan, and you and your friend are arguing... we have no idea how to actually communicate effectively and work through problems in our friendships because we don't see them as relationships."
"We're balancing so much, and I think what's happening is, because our society just doesn't really put the same amount of emphasis on friendships as it does romantic relationships, we think that we don't need to work hard at our friendships."
"If you don't have a lot of friends, don't feel like you're weird... We have just been pitched this idea that we're gonna have a whole bunch of friends, and it's gonna be perfect, or we're gonna have one very best friend who's gonna be there for us through everything."
"The idea that our friends will constantly and always be available to us as if they don't have their own individual lives is not realistic and it's a problem."
"My friendships... have been more influential to me than some of my romantic relationships."
"The most important thing to remember when it comes to friendships is just that they might not look exactly the way that you think they're going to look based off of the expectations that you hold."
"Okay, why is making friends as an adult so damn hard?"
"Stop being friends with people who don't lift you up."
"Respect, you can't compromise that, especially not with friends."
"The peak age for friends is age 29. After that, our friendships steeply decline."
"To move a casual friend into the real deep friendship category, it takes 90 hours."
"You are going to find people who like you for who you are, not because you fit into some box."
"You are expanding, you are literally growing your wings in terms of friendships, who you are, what you're learning, what you want to do."
"Befriending or dating someone who speaks English can significantly boost your language learning."
"Understanding that it's not the quantity of friends, it's the quality of a few relationships that actually matter."
"A large number of young Japanese people today aren't dating and a large number don't have any friends."
"I always believe that the more diverse your friendship group is, the more diverse your worldview."
"I miss having respect for my friends because now that everyone's always just doing Instagram lives all day, I've lost respect for most of my friends."
"Friendships definitely deserve the amount of attention we give to our romantic partners."
"Have some friends that you see in real life, not just behind a computer screen."
"Happiness comes from having meaning and purpose in your life and actually having friends and valuable friendships."
"Authentic friendships are so rare for pretty and rich people."
"Cherish the value of friendships and the support they provide, as they play a crucial role in overcoming fears and achieving your goals."
"Women's friendships often involve more emotional sharing and self-disclosure compared to men's friendships."
"Men's friendships often involve less emotional intimacy compared to women's friendships."
"Despite men desiring similar emotional intimacy from their friendships, they are less likely to actually achieve this intimacy due to fears of appearing feminine or gay."
"Men's friendships may provide less emotional and practical support compared to women's friendships."
"A study called 'Gender Differences in Social Focus Among Friends' found that women take conflicts more personally while men may be more likely to overlook them."
"Men may have fewer friends as they grow older due to reliance on their partners for emotional support."
"Friends to lovers...if they've grown up together, best friends, and then they grow older and now suddenly things have changed and they end up together romantically."
"I'm most grateful for... Mickey, my family, and friends."
"Friendships are just the absolute one of the most absolute important things to us."
"The Harvard Medical School study has shown that women who have close female friendships are less likely to develop impairments as they age, and they are likely to be living much more vital, exciting, joyful lives."
"Sometimes you're going to outgrow your old friendships."
"Friendships...are one of my favorite things in the world to read in books."
"Friendships can literally create one tweet and they'd make you a thousand pounds overnight."
"Friendship breakups are awkward as well because, even if you don't break up, you just grow distant."
"You're gonna find out who your true friends are."
"If you make friends with stupid people, you will be ruined."
"That’s the beauty of Facebook, right? Friends usually run in similar packs."
"A grown woman knows the value of her female friendships and puts an effort to maintain them."
"Friends are the most important thing of all, which is why to him parties are so important."
"Your friends in life are your horcruxes... you break yourselves into parts, and whenever we meet people, we give them a part of ourselves."
"Changing minds is more likely through friendly relationships than through antagonism."
"When you're in your 30s, your friends are just people you know. They're not even people you like, really."
"One of the most harmful things that our social media-driven culture has done to us emotionally is give us the false impression that all of the people that we might see when scrolling on a day-to-day basis are really our friends."
"Don't define your friendships by who you have when you open your phone, define your friendships by who makes the time for you in real life and vice versa."
"Enjoy each and every second... You'll meet a lot of friends and probably end up with a girl that you like, go on a lot of trips and enjoy your adventure."
"Staying connected with people and see people grow, that's one of the cool things."
"Show me your friends and I will show you your future."
"What if playing with your friends is the point?"
"I've always approached life and friendships... stay open to the possibility of people."
"Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer, but nowadays it's hard to differentiate the two because so-called friends will smile in your face and stab you in the back."
"It was my old childhood friend, Artie. If I had made a list of people I was sure that I would never see again, Artie would be top of that list."
"I wouldn't have what I have without the friends I have, the family, just like the, you know, I'm really grateful."
"Women tend to have way more emotionally fulfilling friendships than men do."
"Gojo calls his youth the best years of his life because he wasn't so disconnected, because he alone wasn't the strongest, because he had his best friend to share life with."
"Children bully each other in a playground, they bully each other online; they also form meaningful, lasting friendships, both in the real world and digitally."
"Who you're friends with determines so much of your life."
"I've developed a community, fan base, and tons of friends."
"Inherited families can be really good friend groups that are like families."
"Surround yourself with people that appreciate you."
"Their gains and their friendship are very, very important to these guys."
"When it's organic and real you don't fight friendship."
"To take care more about your friends, family."
"What's next are the friends we made along the way."
"I've met lifelong friends because of Destiny."
"Join up with them, make friends, and have those friends that are online every time you log in."
"It's a great way to meet friends... almost a social outlet for you."
"Adolescents who have a small group of close friends fare better emotionally than those who are part of a larger social circle."
"Friends come, friends go. The important lesson to learn is that things in life change, and you've just got to roll with it."
"Natsuki makes the best cupcakes, that works out perfectly."
"Make plans with your girlfriends. Don't you dare play... go out with your girlfriends, talk about it with them. It helps so much."
"It's okay to be presented with new information about your friends and to see your friends in a different light and to change your opinion of them based on that it is okay to learn new information and change your opinion as a result of this."
"She's had a rough time... She's alone but she makes some friends with the Avengers..."
"You get to meet new people and sometimes those friendships can turn lifelong friendships."
"It's all about the friends we made along the way."
"Shared suffering binds good friendships together."
"Be careful who you call your friends. I'd rather have four quarters than a hundred pennies." - Al Capone
"Never loan money to a friend unless there's a contract."
"Polar bears can form friendships where they eat, travel, and play together."
"Having friends of the opposite sex in a relationship can be complicated."
"It's not the treasure at the end of a long adventure that matters, it's the friends we made along the way."
"Even my friends that kind of took me for granted think better of me."
"Get you a group of friends who don't want you to go broke."
"Have good friends that actually care about you uh that you can talk to that are actually accountable to you and share what they are studying."
"You may develop a relationship and some rivalries and some chemistry with the other people in the lobbies and dare I say you might make some friends that's all I made all my online friends back in the day man."
"Two amazing channels coming together, two groups of friends that started an amazing journey together."
"I love having friends who are very different from me who are really passionate about something else."
"Understanding what other people are saying is the key to having great friendships and communications in English."
"I just love their friendship Destiny and Candy."
"The story ends with Moroha, Satsuki, Shizuno, Elina, and Maya running towards him to give a warm hug."
"From day one, I could tell when I pitched this idea, what if there's two friends, yes there was the, oh I had a troublemaker friend or oh I was a troublemaker."
"You and your friend are now each other's boss battle just like how Obi-Wan and Anakin were friends."
"That's the real treasure, the friend that I made along the way."
"Listen to your intuition, it could lead you to unexpected opportunities or genuine friendships."
"They've touched our hearts, made us smile, and become dear friends to whom we will always remain hopelessly devoted."
"I've had so many friends check on me and that's also kind of another reason I'm just making this."
"New Leaf: More than just a game, it was a social experience. I made some of the best friends of my life while playing it."
"I'd rather have good friends around me than fake friends."
"This man is a friend of mine, and his family's been a friend for a long time."
"This isn't even about monopoly anymore. It's about the lines we draw in the sand with our friends."
"This is the key right here: just because your opinions are stupid doesn't mean we can't be friends."
"Maybe the real cyberpunk was the friends we made along the way."
"Expect old friends to be popping up, past acquaintances, people that maybe you went to school with."
"I try to look at the big picture of things... and be around the people that I called my friends."
"I am thankful for friends that became family."
"The best friendships come from those ups and downs, those fights are necessary."
"It's not about the journey; it's about the friends you make along the way."
"Money is cool 'cause it buys things, but it's not everything. Friends all the way, 100%."
"And while at times it can be too silly or people can have baffling friendships on the whole it was fun and a time of growth."
"When a best friend of 14 years who knew this guy before social media is coming out and saying, 'You know what boys, even I can't be friends with him,' I think that is very, very telling about somebody's character."
"Unexpected friendships could come into your life."
"Whether we're in a one-star restaurant or five-star restaurant, if we get to hang out with our friends, we are super lucky."
"Life goes on because there are new friends waiting for you further down the road."
"Anyone who would make you feel badly about wanting to save money isn't really a friend. If the decision is what is right for you financially, then it's right, period."
"A party with your friends is probably the best kind of party."
"Spending time with your friends in real life is awesome."
"Let friends be wrong. It's okay. I had friends who had different beliefs. I had friends, I had a close friend of mine who was a Republican. We had friends who had different beliefs that didn't affect our friendship."
"Deepen friendships and invest in healthy female relationships."
"The real college was the friends we made along the way."
"Worry about making friends, you'll meet people."
"It's not easy going outdoors and having real experiences with friends, but it's often so rewarding even when it goes sideways."
"That's your family, you don't have to cut them off, you can get new friends."
"I'm not anti-man, I have so many good male friends and I love men."
"I legit can't be friends with a Trump supporter."
"Trying to make friends is gonna make your college life more colorful."
"The problem with life is that you don't get to choose your family, which is why it's so great that you can, to a certain degree, choose your friends."
"We should not have guilt by association and we should not be willing to be friends with people who hold diametrically opposed views to our souls."
"I've made more lasting friendships in WoW than anything else."
"You never lose real friends, opportunities, or real relationships for standing up for yourself."
"We have inside jokes, you know? So it's like so easy to hang out with."
"Find all the friends, but keep doing what you're doing."
"Toto and Yuji have one of the absolute best platonic male friendships in all of anime."
"I made basically all my friends through my dorm."
"It's important that we always have non-Christian friends, but if your closest and best friends are not believers, that's a huge red flag."
"Finding cool people to hang out with is clearly important."
"You share things with each other that you would never share with anybody else."
"You can have friends who are of the opposite gender who don't actually want to be intimate with you."
"You might hear from friendships from the past you've not heard from for a while and reconnect."
"The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray."
"Precious time with friends wasted by a compulsive need to get extensive footage of the encounter."
"Adonis lived a life of luxury in his Milan villa, occasionally meeting with his life-long friend Charles Luciano... Six months later, on November 26, he died of natural causes at the age of 69."
"Getting together with some friends who will actually give a shit if you don't show up to something-- totally free."
"My friendships are so valuable to me and I take such pride in those relationships."
"It's the best holiday because I get to hang out with the best people."
"If you want good friends, you have to be a good friend."
"Friendships are like sculptures, it helps to start with a good block of stone."
"This is the importance of bros to catch you when you're falling down, and they will be there for you unless there's a hot girl."
"You are allowed to be friends with people whose opinions you completely disagree with."
"He was the closest any human being could be to a Wookiee: big heart, gentle nature [...] and I learned to always let him win."
"Maybe it's not about the results, it's about the friends you make along the way."
"Paula Porton will be remembered as joyful, bubbly, and a friend for life."
"Surround yourself with positivity and good friends, but don't overlook accountability."
"It's definitely possible to have more than one best friend. I can agree on that, Santa."
"Just playing zombies back in the day with my best friend... it's just a blast to just think back of those times."
"Zombies was way more than a game... It really became the common ground that myself and many others made lifelong friends on."
"My favorite thing in the past ten years of zombies is absolutely without a doubt the community, the events, and the friendships that have come out of this game mode."
"New beginnings in friendships, new goals, new dreams."
"Just like that, we made some cool friends and Red Dead Online."
"This is a great time to connect with your friends, especially those who feel like family, loyal, compassionate, and supportive."
"We want to be friends with as many people as we can."
"The friendships formed in theater last a lifetime."
"Here's to friends I wish I was with, the enemies I am with now."
"Having close friends makes me feel stronger."
"It's amazing how many friendships have been created from this game. It's just weird, man."
"Some friendships coming into full fruition, more emotionally attaching moments."
"You attract good friends, good associations, and you actually are a very good leader."
"Getting together with friends and sharing that experience not online behind a screen but shoulder to shoulder."
"My company was actually my friendships, it was actually purpose, it was actually meaning."
"Community, I think FPV has one of the best communities... If you know someone at FPV, you're automatically friends with them."
"College, I think is where you kind of surround yourself with people that are actually cool and friends, your forever friends."
"The real villain was the friends we made along the way."
"I used to value a certain type of friendship, but now I value evolving connections in different ways."
"Godzilla doesn't always play well with others, but there's one kaiju that's been a friend to him more often than most: Anguirus."
"You're not wanting to accept anything less than you deserve, even in friendships."
"Get involved and find your clique... 'Find your passion and stick with it, make lifelong friends.'"
"I have a feeling we share a lot of the same friends."
"I've been losing friends and finding peace. Honestly, that sounds like a fair trade to me."
"I have learned more from my enemies than my friends."
"Teens don't seem to be that interested in sex and romance in their television... they want to see more friendships."
"You never really know your friends until the chips are down."
"The complexity of our friendship networks make it so, yes, most people's friends are on average more popular than them."
"Make lifelong friends and have iconic teen moments."
"Be careful who you trust, man. You know, like I say, show me your friends and I'll show you who you are."
"I never thought I'd have so many friendships and so much love and so much happiness and so much support emotionally and understanding and fulfillment."