
Grounding Quotes

There are 1886 quotes

"Getting your hands in the dirt, you know? Literally grounding."
"Doing everything you can to stay true to yourself because then... you're anchored to something that makes sense."
"Grounding yourself in yourself... The reason you're stressed is because you're so worried about what's happening out in the external world. You have to ground yourself back into your own values, your own principles."
"Take a break, get grounded if you need it. Don't be ashamed to do it."
"The answer to the multiversal sickness...is just focus on the one thing that grounds you."
"Everything else will fall into place once we are grounded with who we are."
"There's nothing that grounds you like family."
"Moments of gratitude, that's basically how I stay grounded."
"When you follow the prescription of Salah, of Dhikr, of Quran, it brings us back to that remembrance of what really matters."
"Ground yourself in any way that you possibly can."
"Getting present to the moment makes you very grounded."
"Power has a tendency to re-form negatively elements of your personality. You can lose your grounding wire."
"The best grounding I can see is God, because naturalism doesn't do it."
"Getting your body into water can help you integrate and ground."
"One thing it definitely does is it grounds us. We feel connected to Nature. Going barefoot can actually help you gain a greater appreciation for the natural world."
"About reconnecting to the earth and your natural state of being for greater health, better sleep, reduced inflammation, and less stress."
"When you ground the body, if you have any pain or inflammation in your body, then the pain goes away."
"When you as a person stand barefoot on the earth, you're one and the same with the earth, electrically speaking."
"When you're grounded, your body is full of free electrons, full of this earth energy, so now you can't have inflammation."
"It was a sense of self-identity in this new place, it gave me kind of a grounding of who I was."
"Family is what keeps you grounded... they don't care what you do as a job, at the end of the day."
"Grounding literally means we're intentionally taking something and connecting it to Earth... In the United States, we say grounding, other places in the world they call it earthing."
"It's very, very helpful to every day, a few times a day, come back to solid ground. Otherwise, you get lost."
"What is solid ground? You were born and you're going to die. That's pretty solid."
"It's very easy to get lost. What is solid ground? You were born, and you're going to die. That's pretty solid."
"Welcome to Yoga with Adriene, I am Adriene and it's Earth Day today so we made a little grounding yoga practice for you."
"Essentially the ultimate grounding practice for me and the ultimate Earth day practice which is today, is just about finding balance just remembering and reminding myself that it is all about balance, baby."
"Grounding down today with strong intentions to connect to the Earth, to connect to the big picture."
"Grounding is to 'come back down to earth.' It's going to bring you back from being in your head and back down into the physical realm and into the moment."
"Feel the length of your spine, every time you bring in new air, feel the grounding of the sit bones down into the floor."
"I think having that connection is what roots us as human beings."
"Physical-based practices are more helpful. So shaking, dancing, putting my feet and my hands on the wet grass and just letting my electrons go into the earth, like for me, those work better."
"When you spend so much time looking at the sky you forget that the ground is the thing that's supporting you."
"You have to understand, and be rooted in your own faith first."
"There's time to really come back to the present moment and stay grounded."
"Ground yourself, find a sanctuary in nature, connect with the elements."
"You may not have a life that is earthed or grounded in the traditional sense."
"Getting grounded and getting centered is going to be very significant for you."
"Meditation teaches us to just let the balloons all rise and stay grounded in the now."
"Unlocking your abundance because you're becoming more grounded."
"It'll be a very grounding, stabilizing relationship."
"Stay grounded, avoid extremes, and people will be truthful."
"Just stay grounded in your reality and you're gonna be fine."
"Last Action Hero becomes surprisingly grounded in the end."
"God is gonna ground you and establish you in his perspectives."
"Feel how the entire weight of the body is supported by the ground beneath."
"Gratitude would be helpful for you because it can ground you in your present."
"As much as you're being asked to tune inwards, you need to be able to ground all of this truth into reality."
"Embracing nature on a regular basis helps bring your mind back down to earth."
"You have to be grounded in what you're doing in order for it to work."
"What better anchorage can you have for being principled than being principled on principles that were actually real in the first place?"
"Let breath be your teacher, let breath be your lifeline, let it root you into your physical body and deeper, deeper into the earth connection. Just breathe."
"Being grounded will bring that warmth back inside of you."
"There's just something more grounding about that kind of thing."
"It was very overwhelming at the same time I think my experience and maturity helped me kind of remain very grounded."
"You're focusing on getting grounded, on your overall security, on being self-sufficient."
"What grounds you and makes you strong are your roots - your values, your humility, your groundedness."
"Ground yourself with some physical movements."
"Root chakra healing because that is where we feel safe and grounded."
"These characters are actually kind of fun and the reason why I believe is because they're grounded by Samuel Jackson."
"You've got to meditate in order to bring your frequency into a place where you are grounded."
"A spiritual anchor is something that keeps us grounded and connected to what matters most."
"All you need is one safe anchor to keep you grounded when the rest of your life spins out of control."
"The thing about it is the Marvel Cinematic Universe, for all of its great fantasticalness, it had a grounding in reality through these characters."
"Feet represent our connection with Mother Earth and base energies."
"I personally like the idea of needing to be grounded to Earth bend, it kind of comes with a name."
"There's always room for laughter, even in the midst of healing."
"Taking walks in nature reconnects you to the earth and brings peace."
"They're just going to offer so much more grounding and so much more clarity."
"You're high above us, all alone in the sky, and you understand everything except how to land. Now, I'm just an idiot, but I'm on the ground. I can bring you home."
"The taurus energy right now is about grounding you in your own experience."
"People don't realize how important this is. You wake up not right to the phone. You wake up, get your thoughts, get ready for the day, go outside, ground, and then start actually."
"Purpose is what makes you significant, it's what keeps you grounded."
"There's been a lot of ups and downs, but training's been one of those things I've been like consistent... it's been keeping me kind of grounded through... all those things." - Justin Medeiros
"You cannot be stuck in trying to be perfect but there are things that many of you can do right now if you change up your focus to make sure that you are more grounded to allow this to build."
"Ground yourself, feel secure, and Shine Your Light."
"Faith keeps us grounded, so just having faith in something, whether it's the universe or a spirit, God, yourself, it doesn't matter, just find something productive to believe in."
"It's a song that I think represents the things or the people or the moments that bring us back to earth, that plant our feet firmly on the ground and remind us that we're alive."
"Staying grounded... was the biggest thing I learned."
"Feel deeply rooted in your purpose on the planet."
"Create a rescue pack to have with them... to help them feel grounded."
"Let's get grounded and rooted, allowing our energy to shift where needed."
"Grounding is going to be key. You came to this planet to do work both for yourself and the planet."
"You never get to any firm grounding or any kind of first principle way to move the debate forward."
"Stay humble and keep your feet on the ground no matter what."
"Some of you will move away from this one person to avoid a disaster and move towards someone else who's much more grounded."
"Having good girlfriends around you is so, so important and keeps you grounded."
"Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground."
"How are you gonna ground yourself? I think if you do that, you have all the power of the tree frog, the ability to make things stick, the ability to jump, make something move, a leap of faith."
"Come home, ground yourself, start planting seeds, start growing things in your physical 3D life."
"Experiences of the world become grounded in our biological embodiment."
"Find your center. It's gonna be very calming and grounding for you."
"Seek wisdom and get the answers that you seek from grounding energy."
"This card is a request to you to literally ground yourself."
"You've got this, your feet are firmly planted on the ground."
"I'm grounded, allowing me to be present at all times. Smoky quartz brings peace and release."
"So for the remaining part of 2023, I feel the clear answer for you is a level up in your money and your abundance, your wealth. You're definitely becoming more prosperous, but just remember to stay grounded even when this comes your way."
"Something abundant is happening in the remaining part of the year, but just remember to be grateful, to see your things, and don't raise your head in the clouds. Just remain level grounded, and I feel everything will go well for you."
"Happiness in simple pleasures: coming back to center, family, friends."
"We are looking for Perfection after all. Let's get started, okay?"
"It's grounding, it makes you recognize and realize the things in your life that are real in this moment."
"This is the point when you get to aim true and ground yourself."
"It's so important to ground yourself and not be fluctuated by fear."
"My family just grounds me every chance they get."
"Destined, grounded, and nourishing love is on its way."
"It felt like a more grounded, strangely self-contained kind of story."
"We need to learn how to feel free, grounded in reality."
"Ground yourself, it's time to come back down to reality, balance the spiritual and material for a fulfilling earthly life."
"Put your feet on the ground, let the mat know that you're awake, and then you can go back to bed exactly."
"Being a dad is like the only thing that keeps me grounded."
"You've got to ground this, I mean you take aluminum screen that you could buy online or Home Depot."
"Friends are grounded in something, friendships are grounded in virtue."
"Sometimes it can be as simple as just taking your socks off and standing on the grass on the ground."
"Allow your wish-filled roots to burrow deep down into the soil until they reach a crystalline cavern. Allow your roots to anchor into the floor of this crystalline cavern as you do so you will feel your connection to mother earth Gaia."
"They see you as that queen of pentacles, grounded."
"Just slow it down and ground yourself, okay?"
"You need to put your foot down, stay grounded, stay true to yourself."
"Take this time to reflect, heal, and ground yourself."
"The Quran helps us ground ourselves once again in divine revelation."
"Never forget to stay grounded, that's so important, because I feel grounded is the best energy to be in and it's the energy that attracts the most blessings."
"Earthing, or grounding, is being barefoot. It's supercharged and healing."
"I'm grounded, you know, I'm still functioning in a clear capacity."
"You just have to take it slow and get grounded in what's right for you."
"It's time to be more grounded and work out what really matters to you."
"Let your head and your mind reach the stars, yet keep your feet grounded on the earth."
"I think it was really necessary to get back to being grounded."
"A person should have his roots deep in a great moving current, a moving stream of conscious direction which will keep him on course."
"Always remember where you came from because if not, you're gonna have to spend a lot of time digging back up to the surface."
"Your partner is who grounds you, your partner is what home is."
"Crying is good to make you in your body. It's very grounding to cry. It's very grounding."
"You guys are really the salt of the earth, you guys are what make this whole channel possible."
"Base yourselves in reality folks, base yourselves in reality."
"Our identities ultimately must be in Jesus Christ."
"If you have a little piece of land and you're working at even a garden it's it's so grounding."
"We are in Taurus season, and Taurus is all about life, sensual pleasures, slowing down, grounding, earthing, and finding comfort in the mundane."
"With this Empress energy you'll take a break and really you know this may be time for you to really get grounded get back to earth get back to nature or that your natural habitat is what I feel like that at trip."
"Earthing: connecting with the earth for better sleep and health."
"Access higher wisdom and knowledge... bring it back down to planet Earth."
"There's just something about you which is very authentic, very grounding."
"Listen in, be gentle, be nurturing, grounding down, feeling the earth rise up through your body."
"Put your foot down, get grounded, and send your intentions out—really mean it."
"Find your connection to the source. That's the most important thing you can plug into."
"They feel like you anchor them to their truth again, they want forward movement."
"Stay focused, stay grounded, and have faith."
"You're guided out of tumultuous waters into a calmer setting... grounding your emotions."
"Your energetic vibration is elevating, so it is important that you stay grounded as you maneuver through life situations."
"Chill and be grounded and be sweet to yourself."
"Keep it real, keep your feet firmly on the ground."
"Any black stone or super dark stone is really good for grounding."
"Thank you for being here... trying to Anchor yourself in this reality as opposed to those old systems that are crumbling."
"Sitting at the Yogi's feet, we were just the same as anybody else. It was a grounding experience, bringing us back down to reality."
"We carry charge, we move around a lot. Grounding resets your charge."
"Grounding systems consist of various components including electrodes and soil."
"Grounding yourself in something you feel grateful for will boost your happiness."
"You really should be using a properly grounded ESD workstation."
"Recognizing that using emotional detachment allows us to stay grounded and rooted in reality."
"Get out into the sun, basically. This is what's going to ground you."
"Grounding is the most important health discovery, literally. Once you start doing it, your life will change."
"You're going to be amazed within the next three to five years; virtually everyone that you know is going to have some type of a grounding product."
"Ground yourself in what you can prove to be true."
"Their relationship was the most non-superficial and grounding experience."
"Trust your intuition; you are grounded and no longer confused."
"You are a gift, destined for fortune and stability. Embrace the emotional journey and plant roots where you feel drawn."
"A morning practice is placing the roots into the earth."
"Connect with yourself, make sure you're grounded."
"You're worth it. You're capable of doing anything you want. You're very practical, you're very giving, you're very grounded."
"Queens keep their feet level on the ground, no matter how high they go."
"Place is a big part of it... I feel like it grounds me."
"You're now able to ground yourself, protect yourself, and shine the healing light."
"You're gonna be on this higher plane and then they'll bring you right back down."
"Grounding yourself out is actually quite helpful, can be potentially quite helpful."
"Grounding, my guy, I mean, that was a lifesaver, it really was a lifesaver."
"If you're not grounded in the Word, you can't just expect the blessing."
"If everything is feeling unstable, that's the time to find more grounding, to find more of a center. Not run around with your head cut off like a chicken."
"Keep your feet firmly on the ground and put in hard work."
"Spiritual sadhana can help us remain grounded amidst chaos."
"You can't answer my question with a question you do know that grounding is neutral right you do realize that the ground of the earth is negative right."
"Getting in touch with nature again... that's where we will find ourselves."
"Create art to stay grounded and help process feelings."
"You feel very rooted into the earth... finally ready to take that risk."
"It's very important to stay grounded okay whether it's grounded in the present grounded in reality cleanse your energy and try to keep things as still as possible when this energy shows up because it can be a little overwhelming"
"Let yourself completely let go, let go to the mat, to the earth underneath the mat."
"You are here, grounding yourself in the now."
"Feeling at home and feeling truly grounded in the physical world is shifting for you, where you're feeling truly at home and connected to the beautiful Mother Earth."
"You have to find the beautiful things in life, you have to stay grounded, stay with mother nature."
"The goal with my walk is to get grounded and connected to God every day."
"Let yourself be a child of the earth, find your grounding."
"Try to do what you love to do, make sure you rip those shoes and socks off and stick your feet in the ground whenever you can."
"Just ground yourself out, it really helps."
"Your feet are the only part of you that's consistently connected to the earth."
"Your influence definitely helped them ground."
"Feel yourself supported and held by your mat and the ground underneath you."
"You bring their soul back home, grounding them and changing their life trajectory."
"The root chakra is coming through, so I feel like this person will give you a lot of stability."
"I am grounded, I am whole, I connect with the medicine of the earth to clear and charge my energy."
"Fred constantly refers to real-world events, grounding his ridiculous adventures around historically important moments."
"Connection with the element of Earth is required to bring substance in your spell work. Spend time outside barefooted and getting your hands dirty. Take up gardening, hug or sit beneath a favorite tree."
"In the embrace of nature, we find solace and inspiration, grounding us in the present moment and reminding us of our interconnectedness with all living beings."
"My kids are the only thing that keep me grounded; they make me feel young again."
"Sink your roots deep, connect them to the heart of Earth."