
Care Quotes

There are 23559 quotes

"Whatever care you need, we will make sure you get it."
"Hospices are a specialized type of care that focuses on providing support and comfort to individuals who are in advanced stages of a life-limiting illness or are nearing the end of their lives."
"These guys actually care. That's what Islam is about."
"What a noble pursuit it is to improve yourself so that you can take on the responsibility of caring for your loved ones."
"We're present with each other. We know each other's story. We know what's going on in each other's lives. We're here for you if something sucks and you need a shoulder to cry on or somebody to help you with your work. Like, we care about each other. It's important. We take care of each other like family."
"Care for yourself, care for your partner, care for life, care for the planet, and it cures."
"Leadership is not about being in charge, it's about taking care of those in your charge."
"The real job of a leader is not about being in charge, it's about taking care of those in our charge."
"You guys would be very nurturing relationship where you both want to take care of each other, you love each other."
"Being surrounded by animals... learning to care for somebody else's needs."
"If you really care about people, you tell them the truth."
"Your loved ones are always our first consideration, always."
"There's something real special about cooking together or heck even on your own, knowing that care has gone into what you're consuming."
"When you buy a cookie, you're buying something that's so human. If you have ever had a cookie, or a cake, or a pie, you've probably had it from someone that cares about you."
"Life is very short. All accomplishments are ephemeral. What matters is what you do for the people you care about."
"Philosophy can help us, as Socrates put it, 'To take care of our souls.'"
"The framed photo is the ultimate trophy of how well you take care of your villagers."
"Take care of yourself, kid. 'Cause someone really cares about you."
"He cares about his newfound friends to the point that he would not discard any of that or his humanity."
"Oh dear, what's going on with Kendall? You know I'm here to listen and support you."
"There is no rule book, no right or wrong; you just have to make it up and do the very best you can to care for your family."
"Nothing better than a yummy home-cooked meal made with tender love and care, lovingly packed in a brown paper sack."
"Leadership is not just about being in charge. It's about taking care of those in your charge."
"My definition of success... is providing and taking care of the people that I love."
"True leadership is not about being in charge but about taking care of those in your charge."
"Call a friend, let them know that you love them and you care about them."
"People who actually care about you will make the effort to make you feel loved, wanted, and valued. People who don't will display flaky and inconsistent behavior and take you for granted."
"Taking care of our community is, I think, just as fundamental."
"Creating a dependence cycle or teaching someone how to fish... What's the real sort of care?"
"The only person that I really care about in this situation is her. I hope that the last couple of days that she has are some of her best."
"Show more love than anybody to the one person that you have custody over, that your job in your life is to take care of."
"If you're fortunate enough to find true love, take care of it so you don't lose it."
"If I'm tending to people around me, what am I tending with if I don't keep my own tank full?"
"Sometimes all you have to do is just check on someone and let them know you're thinking of them."
"Some people define success by the ability to reliably take care of themselves and those they care about."
"This dynamic between Moraine and Nynaeve...Nynaeve cares so much about her friends."
"I want to live in a society where people care about each other and put self-sacrifice in their value system."
"Good parenting is about more than simply keeping your kids alive."
"You take your loved one to the airport, and you say all these euphemisms for 'don't die,' like 'text me when you're there,' 'safe trip.'"
"Nurses have to look after people, whoever they are."
"We all need to check in regularly on older parents, neighbors, friends, or relatives who live alone or in care homes, in whatever way is possible, so they know how much they're loved and valued."
"The most important thing is the family. Keep your family healthy, good, and take care of your family."
"Nothing makes you care more about building a better society than having children."
"Rain petted her head, saying he's just glad she was safe and that she should be more careful next time."
"Don't worry about the meeting; you'd better go to see a doctor. I wish you will be well soon."
"Even though you are busy, you still remember to take care about me."
"Trust the process, and know that you will be taken care of."
"My life is a treasure, and I must treasure it, because there are people who count on me."
"Their quietness or absence doesn't necessarily mean they don't care and they're not missing you."
"I don't think a lot of people understand how much I care about the left space succeeding broadly."
"President Biden believes we have a sacred obligation to care for our veterans and their families."
"You can't control but you can care and you can act."
"Your code needs to look like you cared; that's really what code readability means."
"We do the best we can. We do the right thing. We show each other we care."
"That child's heart still needs mended and we can shower her with love."
"I actually like showing that I really give a [__] about you."
"One of the best things you can do for another human being is let them take care of you."
"You should make sure that your partner is as happy and as healthy as they can be."
"I really give a [expletive] about the people that I represent."
"Love is not self-seeking. Love is all about trusting God to take care of you, while you take care of other people."
"The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; He cares for those who trust in Him."
"I get gratification from supporting you or taking care of you."
"This is a really human industry, and we're really bad sometimes at showing that, showing developers what they're worth and showing the players at home that we care about them."
"My heart always warms up a little bit whenever I see you guys... saying like, 'How are you? Are you okay?'... You guys care, that's so sweet."
"Naruto could be considered to have the blessing of love, an ability to show care and affection when he never received any."
"We have to support each other; we have to take care of each other because nobody else is going to."
"People need to know that they are loved and that they are cared for."
"Love means that you care for something unquestionably."
"People love that you're protective over the things you care about."
"It's almost like a gift... you're giving them the gift of getting what they deserve, the care that they deserve but also avoiding that conflict that can happen so many times in families when... they're not able to advocate for themselves any longer."
"Peppa loves keeping everyone safe, and everyone loves feeling safe."
"True health care has to make you feel empowered, it has to make you feel that you're being cared for, that your power is not being stripped away from you."
"You can always care for people, you can’t always cure them."
"Emotional, mental health is a real thing. It's something that needs to be nurtured, focused on, and exercised."
"Casting all your cares on Him, for He cares for you."
"If God clothes the lilies of the field, which today is and tomorrow is cast into the oven, how much more will He clothe you?"
"Pray about it. The Bible says to make our requests known to God because He cares for us."
"Cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you."
"Don't be afraid to ask people how they're doing, and if somebody says they're really depressed, don't be afraid to ask them directly about that."
"I love you so much, man. Take care of yourself."
"Farnese begins to grow phenomenally as a character, once starting off as a sadist hypocrite, now serving as an older sister role and caretaker for Casca."
"A high-quality bespoke shirt, if it's laundered properly and taken care of, can last a long time."
"Don't think I don't care about you because I really do."
"Rest peacefully in the knowledge that God thinks about you; His thoughts toward you are more than can be numbered."
"You're very precious to them, and they will do what it takes to guard you and protect you."
"It's one of the few times in my life I feel like another person is taking care of me in a way that's totally selfless."
"There's nothing that meaningful as being able to do what you want for the people that you love and care about."
"I'll give you the best of care if you'll only get to know and trust me. Call me, and I'll answer; I'll be at your side in bad times; I'll rescue you and then throw you a party."
"Take care of yourselves and take care of each other."
"It's better for siblings to be closer in age because then they are more likely to take care of each other."
"Together we will care for our fellow citizens, and we will win this war."
"God wants you to be blessed... He wants you to be taken care of."
"I care for all people, but I really care for your soul."
"He's my most well taken care of idiot in existence; he's got two berries, two coins, and a berry bush."
"Pay attention to what your family is telling you...they're telling you this because they care about you, they love you, and they want to see you succeed."
"Make sure you do research. Sometimes things take a lot more care than you realize."
"When you like a flower, you simply pluck it, but when you love a flower, you water it every day."
"Come in, it's freezing outside; come in and get warm."
"It's amazing to grow with the people who care about you."
"Kangaskhan: The females place and raise their baby in a pouch on their belly."
"If you care about something, you're going to get nervous."
"Our code is simply: first of all, we do the best we can; we try our best. Number two, we do the right thing. And number three, we show each other that we care."
"Every single responsibility is to look out for people, His greatest treasure."
"The amazing thing is, leadership is very easy: if you're working for me and you get hurt, I'm taking care of you."
"I really just wanted to protect him in every way that I could."
"Succulents want to suffer, and if you treat them well, they will not thank you for it."
"We know that you're tired, so we made this for you—a plane ticket."
"Nancy said she was happy, at least knowing that her son was surrounded, in the end, by people who cared for him, were happy to see him, missed him when he was gone."
"Everyone in the world has someone who cares for them, regardless of how good or bad they are, or how high or low their status in life is."
"I've never cared so deeply for someone before."
"The best medicine for the garden is the gardener."
"Gohan decides to raise the mysterious young boy who fell from the sky, declaring, 'I'll name you Goku. Although I'm a bit too old to be your father, I know you can call me Grandpa.'"
"I'd rather believe that I'm loved, I'd rather believe that somebody cares about me, I'd rather believe that somebody has my best interest at heart."
"It's like I said, there are people that I want to protect."
"I'm worried about you, and it's my job to be worried about you."
"We want our kittens to grow up in a secure environment where they feel like they have everything that they need, they feel loved, they feel cared for, they feel like they are not going to go hungry."
"I was a stranger and you invited me in; I was sick, and you looked after me."
"We really want to just make sure they go into a wonderful home when they get adopted."
"We were so worried. Thank goodness you're safe. And you found a stray."
"There's nothing more attractive than... seeing him play with our kids and truly be willing to take care of them."
"I got a saying, my friend: Who shoot fellas as need shooting, save fellas as need saving, and feed 'em as need feeding."
"Take care of your bodies... if you neglect something, it's going to slowly deteriorate."
"Being thankful and taking care of your stuff is a really good human trait."
"I'm really hoping that they can take care of each other if they are breaking up, that they do it in as amicable way as possible."
"A promise that you will never be abandoned, never be alone, and always be cared for."
"I worked so hard to be a good home for my earthlings."
"We can't keep just walking by these people that are dealing with severe mental health issues. We need to give them wraparound services and care."
"Really important to also do mental health checks on your friends and your loved ones."
"Always make the places you call home...it's your responsibility to take care of it, to make it what you want it to be."
"I will make it every morning, night, day, doesn't matter. I'll always make it for you."
"We're taking care of our mothers and fathers and we're taking care of the kids too."
"I guess I have like a hero complex because I want to take care of everything and protect you all."
"We want to protect these kids. I do believe that there are many kids who are suffering from gender dysphoria who do need appropriate gender care."
"You obviously care about this kid. We can't take him away from a loving parent."
"My name is Hannah Shaw, but I go by Kitten Lady. I have an advocacy project that is focused on taking care of and advocating for the most tiny and vulnerable felines: orphaned kittens, neonatal kittens."
"I realized this kid needs me... I have to be around."
"This year, we're going to take good care of her; we're going to do a full rebuild of this car."
"This person will always care about you. They will always want the best for you."
"Children and invalids are to be given first priority."
"Words can be empty, but actions...if you love someone, take care of that person."
"It was so nice to be cared for again, even if it wasn't quite the same."
"Men are not meant to fight with women; they want to love you, they want to serve you, they want to take care of you."
"It perfectly captures the tone and feeling of two people who care about each other just having a failure of communication."
"The God that I know is a God that cares for me and has created the possibility of a real relationship with me."
"If you care about something, you can still criticize it; it's like being human."
"We want to make sure that we're making our kittens as comfortable as we possibly can."
"You're the only option they have for food, so know that you're a compassionate person, and you're going to want to get up."
"Leos know how to take care of you. In the relationship, it's all about you."
"The love and care that's gone into RoboCop Rogue City is its most endearing quality."
"Domestic abuse is particularly horrible not just because what's done to you is traumatic but also that it's done to you by the very people that are meant to love and care for you."
"If you were in a smaller community, where if you were with a group of people that actually cared about each other, not only would you want to not have them fight, but you'd want to try to resolve the issue and find out what's going on."
"He promises if you cast your cares upon Him, He will love you, He will minister to you because He cares for you."
"You shouldn't have to remind someone to care about you."
"We're doing all the right steps to fully take care of this... focusing on your health."
"A truly fulfilling relationship, you don't keep score like this. You put everything you have into your relationship because you genuinely care for the other person on both sides."
"Delta Rescue... has dedicated its mission to providing lifelong care to rescued animals."
"I'm operating under the assumption that you care about your health and the health of people around you."
"If someone really cares about you, you shouldn't have to bother them or feel like you're bothering them to pay attention to you or show you love."
"Caring about someone means being hurt if they were ever to leave. There's just no way around it."
"Princess treatment is about being taken care of by your man, being made a priority."
"What do you love most about me? I love that you are super caring, funny, and a great mother."
"I care for you more than you will ever know."
"I'm in love with you. If you let me, I'll take care of you."
"I love animals, treated him with respect and care."
"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."
"America's politicians and military commanders tell young men and women all over the country that if you sacrifice, if you obey our orders without question, you'll be taken care of. But the reality is they're treated as nothing more than disposable equipment."
"Your drawing is like a baby; you gotta take care and feed the whole thing."
"The greatest legend who walked the lands between gently cradles him and puts his son to a well-deserved rest."
"Friendship is about a relationship where that person loves you enough to tell you the unpleasant truths about yourself you don't want to hear because they care."
"This [coconut oil] is an essential for your hair, your body...it's just amazing hydrator."
"We need to get back to community policing where the police officers who are in the streets actually live in those streets... It's about caring for each other."
"At the end of the day, love you and care about you... and that's hard to find."
"Feeling like a kid again and having them take care of you is so special."
"I'm here to make sure that you're safe and to make sure that you do nothing to harm yourself."
"Look after your dragons, and they will look after you."
"Cast all your cares upon Me. I will sustain you. I'm the burden-bearer."
"Everyone is affected differently by dementia. We're all different and we just treat people like people."
"I truly do believe that we can care and we can care better. There is a difference between care and neglect and abuse, and we better know what that is when it comes to dementia."
"It's about a vulnerable population... It's about my mother, it's about your mother, it's about your loved one."
"My wife and daughter made some chocolate chip cookies, and my wife packed me a whole snack kit for this trip."
"He prays for you... shows a very deep desire for you, a deep interest in your well-being."
"Intentions are coming from a place of actually caring about the situation."
"If you love something, you cherish it. The minute you sit it down, somebody's going to pick it up."
"Stay safe, take care, and I will see you all soon."
"God's starting over. That's how much he cares about us."
"This film was made by people who care, and it's apparent."
"You're so loved and so cared for. Take your time, there's no need to rush over forgiving yourself or there's no need to brush things under the rock."
"Research and provide proper care; pets deserve our best."
"Responsibility and authority are linked. I'm responsible for her because I'm her man and I take the best care of her."
"Start that thing, start your business, whenever you do, just show you care."
"It's not about being in charge; it's about taking care of those in your charge."
"It's literally like a flower. You start to put the water, the nutrients, the soil, everything, the sunlight, and eventually, it blooms."
"She cares about her family more than anything else, and is willing to hide her own feelings of hurt and her own desires of wanting to shine bright because she doesn’t want to burden her family with them."
"He truly did care for the people that he loved."
"God takes special interest in the poor, widows, orphans, and foreigners."
"This person feels really protective over you."
"Work won't set women free and neither will being ruled by men, it's Freedom equality and reciprocal care that will."
"The only thing that matters is how much they care. And you'll know based on how they treat you, how they talk to you, how they talk to their staff..."
"Your partner is going to desire to take care of you, they want to provide for you."
"He was gently warming it for some time with his hands, trying not to hurt the small wings of the stressed sparrow."