
Myth Debunking Quotes

There are 169 quotes

"Everyone is creative. One of the first myths that I want to dispel is this idea that there's this segregation between people who are creative and who aren't creative."
"The biggest lie any creator will ever tell you is that everything was planned from the start. Nothing ever is."
"Anabolics don't shred fat off. If you eat too much, you're gonna stay fat. You can't get shredded without actually putting in the work."
"We weren't taught a lie that somehow our capabilities, our potential, our memory for instance, or learning abilities, or intelligence is somehow fixed like our shoe size, and it's absolutely not true."
"Balance is a myth... it's about what you're truly focused on at the moment."
"Ostriches don't stick their heads in the sand when threatened."
"It takes money to make money," debunked with the realization that it's about seizing opportunities, not having capital.
"I think we have to get over this idea that expensive skincare is better and more affordable skincare isn't."
"The notion that they are taking more than they give is also a falsehood."
"The overwhelming body of evidence is against any notion the Zero was a foreign copy."
"There's probably no greater antagonist than that of the chaos gods. But what if I was to tell you that everything we think we know about them is wrong?"
"It's important to debunk myths that Autism is scary or that these are broken families, so it's so important to have these images out there."
"So I took a science-based approach to debunking some of the most prominent myths in our society."
"This Youtube channel is my atonement for having participated in the further spread of what I refer to as the Standard American History Myth."
"Just because you don't know a scientific explanation doesn't mean it's explained by magic."
"Haters are what make you succeed, huh? Nah, haters won't make you succeed. No, it's not true love as well as hate, it's all love."
"Heaven, hell, nobody lived three days inside a fish."
"We're huge fans of debunking myths in skincare."
"This isn't a hoax, this isn't a man in a suit."
"Believe all women... ovaries are not magical truth-telling orbs that prevent us from lying."
"Excellence does not need to be abusive it's a myth and it's a harmful myth at that"
"If you dig straight down, you will not die. That is myth busted."
"This is a myth, can you just fly out of here?"
"Prepare to have your mind blown because there are some myths that are talked about throughout this video that I had no clue about. They're absolutely shocking."
"The truth is more magical in the best and most exciting sense of the word than any myth or made up mystery or miracle. Science has its own magic, the magic of reality."
"There's just no evidence of soy having any feminizing effect on people."
"Realize no one's really self-made. It's the people who they were benefiting that propped them up."
"There's no evidence of trans women assaulting cis women in bathrooms."
"Cancel culture doesn't exist, it's a distraction play."
"So please don't think this is an overnight success story. There is no such thing as an overnight success."
"There's no such thing as a self-made millionaire."
"Angels have real power, these are not weak, chubby, twinkie-eating angels sitting on a cloud."
"It's important to have no makeup day to let your skin breathe, skin doesn't breathe basically."
"It's very clear that Smith won this myth, this one, congratulation."
"The world of science... is far more fascinating than any mythological world of gods and goblins that we can invent."
"The saturation myth is what will keep your competition level. There's always a solution."
"I think that it's time for us to once and for all put this notion that there's conservative bias on Twitter to rest."
"Contrary to popular belief, Walt Disney's head was not frozen cryogenically and placed under Pirates of the Caribbean."
"The biggest mistake people think make is thinking that just by wishing for it, it might come or that it's serendipity, that it's just kind of good luck. And that's not true. You've got to do the work."
"This is what we're trying to do tonight... strip away the myth to let people get a glimpse of what is really going on."
"This is more than just debunking a silly myth."
"Marilyn Manson did not remove his ribs to suck himself off."
"Cook's travels reassured those who had previously believed that anyone crossing the equator would melt or go up in flames."
"The Winchester Mystery House is not haunted, nor was it built by a widow made insane by grief or obsessed by ghosts."
"Blood type is irrelevant when it comes to your food choices."
"There is no master race, that is a scientific truth."
"And hopefully we’ve destroyed the myth that digital audio cannot produce smooth waveforms."
"The whole concept of the self-made man or woman is a myth."
"The idea that Nibiru cycles around the solar system every 3,600 years is a total fabrication."
"She had fought for an independent life as a career princess and exposed the fairy tale as fiction."
"Altars are actually a great thing... they're nothing like the Hollywood movie myths."
"If there's any big myth about tanks, it's probably that they're these invulnerable fortresses."
"Vaccines are not made from aborted fetal cells. Unfortunately, that is a myth."
"The belief that the Shining's continuity errors are a secret Morse code from Kubrick indicative of the Hidden real story is simply not true."
"Black people need to unlearn the myth of white supremacy."
"Ecto Ekto: A bot with a mission beyond warfare - debunking myths and laying spirits to rest."
"Hopefully, it keeps you entertained and gets the thoughts flowing and maybe also debunks some of the myths out there."
"Multitasking is a myth, the mind cannot actually do two things at one time."
"That myth is gone forever... he took his father's real estate Empire and flushed it down the toilet of fraud."
"Spot reduction is not possible. If a trainer tells you otherwise, you need to walk away."
"Thank you so much for tuning in, we'll see you next week with another myth. Hopefully it's not your favorite idea ever because I'm going to crush it."
"Effortlessness is a myth. Never be ashamed of trying."
"It's a myth that it takes money to make money."
"We only use 10% of our brain" thing? That's a MYTH."
"It's actually not true, ammo hasn't been steadily on the rise for the past 15 years."
"Shaler's investigation hadn't found Joan but he had busted one of France's most intriguing myths."
"Critical thinking dismisses fictional claims."
"Actually, they're giant balls of gas millions of miles away, and they'd be like, 'Burn this man!'"
"Sex before competition? No detriment to performance, but maybe a boost for short sharp efforts." - GCN Show
"Video games rot the brain? No way, they help with critical thinking skills and other things."
"There is no sacred timeline, just like the Timekeepers, it's completely made up."
"The Lost Cause myth and Confederate nostalgia need to be relegated to the dustbin of history."
"Real spiritual warfare is a battle for truth, it's not swashbuckling demons and binding Satan."
"Bruce Lee's story demolishes the myth of effortless genius."
"We need to kind of try and kill some of these myths really, yeah, yeah."
"Football is not about money, narrative has not been true for years."
"I hope I opened your eyes to the eclipse and what it might actually be, giving more details around its origin."
"If you're single right now, stop buying into the myth that there is something wrong with you because there's not at all."
"The cliche thing to do now would be just to trot out some rubbish about how, 'Ah, the Challenger black ghost is just always trying to kill you.' But you know what, having driven it for a few days, I don't think that's true."
"Debunk some of the myths that have arisen from the ashes of the insanity as everyone has panics about these bugs."
"It's true that nobody knows enough about Stonehenge to really understand its full history but what we do know is that it was clearly man-made so that should debunk many of the lies right there."
"Alexandria's Genesis is the name of a mutation... too good to be true, yes yes it is."
"So the myth is more like going hard all the time is a myth but going hard some of the time is a really good idea."
"Video games won't rot your brain, and in some cases, it can actually be beneficial to play them."
"There's nothing to fear but fear itself because goblins don't exist."
"The Brick House beats markova at NWA 75. I'm destroying the myth that is my cover."
"The science doesn't support those ideas, shall we see how NASA did? Let's begin where they begin debunking hypotheses."
"So, one, for instance, this is how you get into model minority myths. You have certain ethnicities who are not disadvantaged in the same way as other ethnicities being used as a kind of, well, look, we're so diverse."
"The idea that we only use ten percent of our brains just isn't true."
"Genetic analysis has dispelled a myth about the very source from whence this DNA comes."
"It's not just pay lip service myths from the movie are actively debunked."
"It's like looking for some mythical creature right, this collusion creature."
"Making great art isn't about chaos or waking up at 3:00 a.m."
"The Shadow Realm doesn't actually exist in the Japanese anime or the original manga."
"Here's the bottom line: 9600 BC Atlantis not supported by ancient authors."
"9600 BC Atlantis – not supported by ancient authors, not supported by chronology, not supported by the historical record, and definitely not supported by anthropology."
"There is no curse... they do make for great spooky stories but at the end of the day they really aren't true..."
"Is everything or much of what we've been told in fact a bit of a lie about the Titans, Old Gods, creation of the cosmos?"
"Money just buys happiness, and it absolutely is not the truth."
"Most millionaires are new millionaires. These are not people that inherited wealth. That's one of the biggest myths."
"Swimming right after eating something isn't dangerous at all. Your blood doesn't get diverted enough for it to cause any serious problems."
"If you're using your heater versus your AC you're going to be conserving more energy."
"There's no such thing as sea monsters."
"True or false: if a female ferret goes into heat and does not have sex, she will die."
"Holland America's demographic is much more diverse than the old myth, attracting a range of ages and families."
"Redback spider kills centipede, another YouTube myth put to rest."
"My favorite animal fact right now is that goldfish actually do have memory longer than three seconds because if anything forgot everything after three seconds it would die."
"It is a common myth that narcissists are unable to experience remorse or regret. That is psychopaths."
"Contrary to popular belief, baseball did not lose its virginity in 1919."
"I think it's a myth that the idea that you have to be crazy to be creative probably does more harm than good."
"Eating brains will make you smart and eating testicles will make you... well, whatever. You know, it just ain't true."
"You can't teach an old dog new tricks." This is a very common myth and it's simply not true.
"The stories about Colonel taking advantage of Elvis were not true."
"Don't think you're too old to express yourself because that's completely factually incorrect."
"These are the facts that have dispelled the fearsome myths about accidents involving nuclear weapons."
"It meant that there was more than one pathway in getting this power; it wasn't a legendary par after all."
"That's no unicorn, it's a narwhal!"
"It's a complete myth that an incredible piece of rolling stock has to cost an absolute fortune."
"There has never been a single recorded instance of a child being killed by a stranger's tampered with Halloween candy."
"There's no evidence to believe that Bonnie Parker ever shot anybody."
"One thing we won't be doing is perpetuating myths around Jewish people that are running rampant on the internet, not me, not in this economy."
"The truth about myths is, no matter how fun they are, not one has ever stopped erosion."
"This is just one of the ways that physics, specifically thermodynamics and meteorology, disprove the fable of the global flood."
"There are those who want the monsters in history to be represented as a species unto themselves; this is a delusion."
"When it comes to history, the truth is more fascinating than the mythology."
"The myth of the lone genius... instead, what happens in most cases is a scene of people collaborating and working together."
"Running actually has been proven scientifically not to be bad for your knees."
"So those are the facts, and from now on, everything else is fantasy or fabrication."
"This is a place for separating facts from the fiction, the science from the superstitions."
"We just helped to reprove a few facts, one that you didn't have to make up all the sleep that you would miss; you only had to sleep a short time, and you could make it all up in that amount of time."
"Trust me when I tell you that they're not some undead heartthrob with a tortured soul or any of that nonsense. Vampires are predators notorious for taking great pleasure in torturing their victims before draining them," Oliver shook a fry at me.
"The idea of the lone genius inventor is mostly a myth."
"Immigration is not tied to crime; actually, immigrants commit less crime."
"You know that old statistic that the average person eats three spiders in their sleep each year? That was an intentionally made up statistic."
"A big reverb myth is that room size and decay time are the exact same thing, and that is absolutely not true."
"The idea that someone can excel in all things creative or analytical just because they have a more dominant side is total nonsense."
"We don't use just 10% of our brains; we use all 100%."
"There's no trade-off between speed and quality. The famous iron triangle is simply wrong."
"Survival of the fittest is a myth in the society where we have all our basic needs met; it becomes survival of those willing to cooperate."
"The truth of the Holy Grail is the likelihood that it never actually existed."
"We're going to debunk some of that stuff using just some common sense because some of it was just crazy."
"Talent is a myth when it comes to learning skills."
"This idea that we can just sit back and just only care about the music and have everything else take care of itself, that's never existed."
"Showing people shaving is bad for their skin and then debunking that myth through using their product."
"If you wear a hat that's well fitted and not overly tight, it's not gonna make you lose your hair."
"If you work in art, you'll be a starving artist, that's not true."
"There's no such thing as a lucky punch."
"It's mythology because it totally misses the mark."
"Rain didn't follow the plow; that was a myth."
"The Bermuda Triangle isn't any more likely to cause a mysterious disappearance than anywhere else."
"Lightning never strikes twice in the same place? In fact, it does, and frequently."
"Left-handed people do not actually live on average seven years shorter than right-handed people."
"It is time to strip away preconditioned attitudes and centuries-old myths."
"Vaccines don't cause autism. Educate yourself."
"It was long thought that hyena cubs killed one another, but it's been completely debunked; it's a myth."
"People from Columbus's time did not think the earth was flat; that was a myth."
"Raiders of the Lost Ark disproves this long-held theory."
"There's kind of been this unfortunate mythology that AI and deep learning is a black box, and it really isn't."
"The most dangerous myth is that leaders are born—that's nonsense. In fact, the opposite is true: leaders are made rather than born."
"There's zero evidence that the vaccines that were in question particularly measles and MMR have anything at all to do with the development of autism."
"Now you all know the true story behind the whole myth."